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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S4 |OT| Ghost Riders in the Skye - Tuesdays 10/9c


I think the whole Hope thing is going to become important really fast when there is an option to legitimately bring her back.
I'm not expecting anyone to come back tbh. It just seems...off. To resurrect copies of the dead like that.

And I mean can you imagine the conversation between Mack and his ex-wife? "Hey, so I managed to procure a living copy of our daughter from a magically created simulation, but she's lived (most) of her life believing her mother to be dead. Wanna catch up over lunch?"
I'm not expecting anyone to come back tbh. It just seems...off. To resurrect copies of the dead like that.

And I mean can you imagine the conversation between Mack and his ex-wife? "Hey, so I managed to procure a living copy of our daughter from a magically created simulation, but she's lived (most) of her life believing her mother to be dead. Wanna catch up over lunch?"

I think it would be a bad idea as well but the stage is set for that scenario to at least be out in the open. It's how Mack and everyone else will react that should be interesting.


I think it would be a bad idea as well but the stage is set for that scenario to at least be out in the open. It's how Mack and everyone else will react that should be interesting.
True. It doesn't necessarily need to happen for the drama surrounding it to be interesting.

And I've actually changed my mind. Fitz's dad should escape into the real world.


If they follow through with overwriting Fitz with his Framework self into the real world I could see the writers use that opportunity to bring Fitz's real world drunkard of a father into the picture as another counterpoint to the shortcomings of the Framework vs reality. Especially if they want to bring back David O'Hara beyond the Framework.
That machine AIDA is building to become a real person...it seems like a very obvious setup to bring others from the Framework into the real world like say, GoodGuyWard.
...which is why I'm thinking they're gonna subvert expectations and it's not gonna happen.
Then again maybe they anticipate viewers anticipating the subversion and they'll play it straight instead!
Goddammit, showrunners have become too savvy of their own tropes and audience expectations these days, I never know what to think!

I actually felt sad for FrameWard when he asked whether his Skye would come back once Daisy leaves.

Anyway, makes you wonder just how real the people inside the simulation are. Are they just a really good simulation or are they actually sentient/sapient? Would turning off the Framework at this point be the same as destroying an entire parallel universe?

God, I need at least one more season of this. D:
So I'm wondering if Aida is successful with creating and transferring her consciousness to a human body, couldn't the same be done for the people who are dead, but exist in the fake world? I'd definitely like to see Tripp back as a regular.
I'm amazed this show has actually convinced me to bring back Ward. I was so against that when this arc started but now I want to see legitimately good guy FrameWard in action.


Okay, so this season has really taken a dive in this third act. The only thing I care about is who comes out of the Framework alive, and who dies. But everything else is boring and uninteresting. Quake is literally just herself now even down to her Inhuman powers, and everyone are waking up to who they truly are, Shield agents. There's almost no difference between the real world and the framework, other than we are getting more boring Hydra shit and them building a machine and Fitz being the big bad evil. Thankfully the season is coming to an ending, so we won't have to suffer much through this Hydra framework stuff. It really feels uninspired.


So what's stopping AIDA from pulling Coulson's plug now? She told Russian Robo-Superior that Daisy & Simmons were a threat to the Framework, so they need to be terminated, but not Coulson & May?


Purple Drazi
I'm still thinking this show gets a renewal but for 8-13 episodes. I'll take that over cancellation any day, obviously, but this three-arc structure has me salivating at the potential for more.


Okay, so this season has really taken a dive in this third act. The only thing I care about is who comes out of the Framework alive, and who dies. But everything else is boring and uninteresting. Quake is literally just herself now even down to her Inhuman powers, and everyone are waking up to who they truly are, Shield agents. There's almost no difference between the real world and the framework, other than we are getting more boring Hydra shit and them building a machine and Fitz being the big bad evil. Thankfully the season is coming to an ending, so we won't have to suffer much through this Hydra framework stuff. It really feels uninspired.

I don't think anybody is "suffering through it" but you.


So what's stopping AIDA from pulling Coulson's plug now? She told Russian Robo-Superior that Daisy & Simmons were a threat to the Framework, so they need to be terminated, but not Coulson & May?
Pulling the plug? Are you talking about killing them or just removing them from the Framework?

SuperiorSuperior and AIDA are still unable to harm humans, so they wouldn't be able to kill Coulson, or any of the others.

If you're talking about removing them from the Framework...there's really no benefit to it. Nothing the team has done so far has really jeopardized Aida's plan. She has manipulated Fitz into building the machine that will allow her to create matter from nothing, with the ultimate goal being to give herself a living body.

She could unplug them all from the Framework and put them in cells in the real world, but that just opens the door to the possibility that they escape and destroy the machine. She's much better off leaving them in the virtual world for now, because she still has the upper hand there. She likely doesn't believe they can escape it, and once she becomes human she'll be free from her programming and be able to kill them.


Okay, so this season has really taken a dive in this third act. The only thing I care about is who comes out of the Framework alive, and who dies. But everything else is boring and uninteresting. Quake is literally just herself now even down to her Inhuman powers, and everyone are waking up to who they truly are, Shield agents. There's almost no difference between the real world and the framework, other than we are getting more boring Hydra shit and them building a machine and Fitz being the big bad evil. Thankfully the season is coming to an ending, so we won't have to suffer much through this Hydra framework stuff. It really feels uninspired.
Who is we


Purple Drazi
Phew, the show adjusted up to a 0.7 from a 0.6 in the ratings. That 0.6 would have been dire. The 0.7 is... a somewhat bigger improvement than it maybe sounds, but these ratings are still rough tides.

I haven't been so tense about a prospective renewal in some time, lol.


Pretty cool tribute to Bill Paxton that also serves as an easter egg for what happened with his character in the Framework.


I assume that means he was still HYDRA in the Framework.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
being ward and trip back, one final season that sends everyone off nicely

maybe evil fitz is the antagonist. have him and simmons end tragically


I'm getting caught up and on the second episode of the framework arc. Has it been stated what's happened to the Avengers.

I imagine they never form. Cap would still be in the ice. Thor could be dead depending on how things playout with Coulson not being Shield. Tony Stark would likely either be dead or a shithead like he tends to be :p

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I imagine they never form. Cap would still be in the ice. Thor could be dead depending on how things playout with Coulson not being Shield. Tony Stark would likely either be dead or a shithead like he tends to be :p

Without Coulsons death to rally The Avengers, they die in the 2012 alien invasion.
I'm actually really afraid they're going to make Evil Fitz the antagonist of something in the future. I hated in Lost when
John Locke came back to life, but then it turned out not really. It was just an evil guy who looked just like him and used his body but was actually evil and Locke died a season ago. Really sucked as a fan of the character
and I'd hate it if they did the same with Fitz. Fitz is my fav.

The Kree

Without Coulsons death to rally The Avengers, they die in the 2012 alien invasion.

No they don't. The Avengers didn't place Coulson above the rest of humanity. Enough people were already dead and going to die for them to come together to save the world anyway.

We need to stop overstating Coulson's relevance.


Without Coulsons death to rally The Avengers, they die in the 2012 alien invasion.

Hydra Takes over America Circa 2008 in the Framework. So everything Pre Avengers is changed. When Thor is banished to Earth there is no semi-friendly shield to catch him. He could have been gunned down by Hydra. Same year Tony Stark is kidnapped etc. so that could have happened differently or Stark could have been an enemy of the state etc.


I mean, at bare minimum, you have Black Widow and Hawkeye purged in the HYDRA takeover. Cap is either left in the Arctic or liquidated. No way in hell Banner is coming back to a fascist police state, so he's off in the middle of nowhere trying to stay off the radar.

That leaves Thor and Iron Man. I figure Tony Stark is dead of Palladium poisoning without SHIELD intervention in Iron Man 2 - if he wasn't just rubbed out by Iron Monger or taken out by HYDRA. Thor is completely unpredictable, since we have no idea what would happen if Mjolnir were to land in a HYDRA-controlled southwest.

So yeah, no Avengers. Not even an Avenger Initiative, since that was Nick Fury's pet project and he definitely would have been purged.

Maybe no Chitauri invasion at all, depending on how the events of Thor lineup, and depending on how large the scale of the Framework simulation is - does it include the entire universe or just Earth? Doubt they'll ever really get into it, but it's fun to think about.


Man I've never been more pissed about the lack of MCU actors than during this arc. If Hawkeye was this badass resistance fighter during this arc, missing an arm? That would've worked so well.

Even if the other Avengers were taken out (or never were to begin with), I'd think Clint would still be an agent.


I love seeing all these old characters back in the framework. But as awesome as it is, and hell they've found a way to redeem Ward for cripesakes, this just screams swan song to me. Best season in what might be the last season.


What an episode.

I'm going to condense four seasons worth of audience reaction to Ward's character on this show:

Boring character who no one would miss. Seriously, get rid of this guy. Wait, it turns out the first character we met on the show is actually secretly evil and now he's a fan favorite that everyone loves.

Clearly, season 2 will give him a redemption arc. Yep, definitely going down that path since he just left his girlfriend with S.H.I.E.L.D. so she isn't around someone evil like him. Oh, nope, that was a trick so he could torture Bobbi and become even more evil.

Season 3, let's go! Maybe we can finally get a redem--nope, he just murdered Coulson's girl and there's no coming back from that. Maybe h--nope, they just killed him off.

Okay, wait, now he's Hive. Here we go. Ward's memories overtake the Hive personality and he makes amends for the things he di--nope, they literally just blew him up with a fucking nuke.

OKAY. HERE WE GO. LMDS. This is how it works. LMD Ward.

Wow, they never did the LMD Ward thing, that's crazy. And that arc is coming to an end so I really don't have any other ideas as to how they'll bring him ba--VIRTUAL WARD JESUS CHRIST.

But obviously they can't bring Ward back for good because he isn't real. But wait, what if they dump virtual Ward into a Ward LMD? I mean, they'd have to MAKE an LMD so that seems like a stretch.



It's kind of amazing that AoS might actually be the first piece of media in the MCU to introduce the classic comic book trope of alternate universes and having characters crossover.
I hope they use the printer to bring back Radcliffe.

Since otherwise, he doesn't have a body to go back to.

I thought it was kind of weird that Daisy didn't bother to rescue him when she broke out with May. He was right next door!

I know their CG budget probably wouldn't allow it, but it would have been cool to see Daisy bring down the Tres.

Another fantastic episode, but please lord please, don't let Tripp enter the real world. We don't need the worst character in TV ever to grace our screens on a weekly basis.


Another fantastic episode, but please lord please, don't let Tripp enter the real world. We don't need the worst character in TV ever to grace our screens on a weekly basis.

I mean, he's on another show so I don't think that's happening. But he's definitely a fan favorite character so I'm not sure you'll have the popular opinion on that one. Haha.

They never really had the time to dive deep into his character but he was fun. And considering what they've done with everyone else on this crazy show, I'm sure they can do something interesting with him too.

(Did I mention how much I love this whole cast?

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