In the comics, Simmons. I kind of want Simmonsbecame a Deathloklolwith rockets in her arms
God, I hope they retcon that. Stupid ass way to deal with that thread.
In the comics, Simmons. I kind of want Simmonsbecame a Deathloklolwith rockets in her arms
All the FitzMack stuff feels like yesterday.I remember when folks were saying that they had no chemistry and shouldn't be together. Now, that relationship is one of the best things about the show. It certainly provides us with the best acting performances by a long shot. Plus you throw Ophelia (she's Ophelia to me now dammit! she's alive) in to monkey wrench their relationship and it's top notch.
I remember when folks were saying that they had no chemistry and shouldn't be together. Now, that relationship is one of the best things about the show. It certainly provides us with the best acting performances by a long shot. Plus you throw Ophelia (she's Ophelia to me now dammit! she's alive) in to monkey wrench their relationship and it's top notch.
Did a Gotham fan seriously get the Agents thread locked by making a parody thread out of anger for the love Agents was getting?
My goodness.
Did a Gotham fan seriously get the Agents thread locked by making a parody thread out of anger for the love Agents was getting?
My goodness.
I kinda got it at first because it was pretty one-sided with Fitz loving her in a romantic way first. Then the show continue to build upon in Season 3 and onwards. One of the best parts concerning their relationship was when Simmons slept with that guy on the blue planet, and Fitz surprisingly wasn't a cliche ass about it. He wasn't 100% happy about it of course, but he silently kept it to himself for the most part and did his best to bring the guy back to Earth.
Did a Gotham fan seriously get the Agents thread locked by making a parody thread out of anger for the love Agents was getting?
My goodness.
Is that why it's closed?
Damn, guess AoS really does bother ppl like that. Admittedly the AoS title was pretty provocative, making a parody thread over it is amusing lolalthough accurate
I dropped the series at the end of season 3. Should I pick it up again? Now that a fifth season has been confirmed it may be worth it if the current season is good.
I remember when folks were saying that they had no chemistry and shouldn't be together. Now, that relationship is one of the best things about the show. It certainly provides us with the best acting performances by a long shot. Plus you throw Ophelia (she's Ophelia to me now dammit! she's alive) in to monkey wrench their relationship and it's top notch.
S4 is the best superhero show on any platform. It's legit crazy good.
For some reason a number of people have this vehement hatred of AoS and an obsession about telling everyone else about their hatred constantly.
Gaf seems particularly afflicted with these types of people. Also the hate watchers. I used to love watching shows along with the thread butI rarely do these days just because those people color my enjoyment.
S4 is the best superhero show on any platform. It's legit crazy good.
Oh wow, that good? That's great news!
It's better this year, and of course it's subjective but...that's very much hyperbole.
There's a lot of good superhero TV out there now and while AoS S4 is at least competitive with the others (unlike the prior three seasons), I still wouldn't say it's the best out there definitively, and certainly not better than very strong past seasons like Flash season 1 or Arrow Season 2.
I will say, I wish AoS had been this good for the prior 3 seasons. So it's pretty impressive how much they improved it. But still, let's not get crazy.
Well like you said, it's subjective lol
I'mma always AoS S4 is better than everything else, just as there will be those that disagree. As long as no one becomes a total asshole over which shows are best, it's not a big deal tbh
It's better this year, and of course it's subjective but...that's very much hyperbole.
There's a lot of good superhero TV out there now and while AoS S4 is at least competitive with the others (unlike the prior three seasons), I still wouldn't say it's the best out there definitively, and certainly not better than very strong past seasons like Flash season 1 or Arrow Season 2.
I will say, I wish AoS had been this good for the prior 3 seasons. So it's pretty impressive how much they improved it. But still, let's not get crazy.
Arrow season 2 has a lot of dumb shit in it
Flash Season 1 has filler but it's lit
SHIELD has consistently been phenomenal this year. No bad episodes and consistently improved.
lol people actually said that? They are the most obvious pair that should or at least would end up together.
Yeah, this was close to Vampire Diaries S1/2-level.One thing SHIELD Has on just about every drama, is pacing. Shit is constantly moving forward. The framework shit would have been a whole season for most shows. But SHIELD is like "Nah, we got other shit to do"
Of course. I just think it's easier to trust opinions when people are more moderate in their view rather than those who instantly jump to "the best ever" or "the worst ever" kind of descriptors. Would I recommend S4 of this show? Yes. But for someone interested it's a bit misleading to say "It's the best ever". Even if that's genuinely what you believe, it's best not to set expectations that high. Especially considering this show's staunch fans that insisted S2 was so much better than S1. And that S3 was getting better than S2 (early on, before admitting it was ultimately weaker). So for some people who may have left the show a long time ago, it's a bit of a boy who cried wolf syndrome.
With how much TV there is these days I should have abandoned AoS a long time ago with how bad and then middling it was. A lot of people did. But I stuck around for some reason, and I am very pleased with having done so because of this great season. But not everyone is going to be like that.
Everyone's got an opinion. And that's mine. I liked Flash S1 and Arrow S2. The complexity of the story and of the relationships in AoS S4 seals it for me. Legion has only had 8 episodes, but I have really high hopes for it.
Honestly it should have been, I think only spending like 4 eps on it works, but isn't necessarily the best they could have done with it. They built an interesting world there that was honestly the most interesting part of the season. And they had the freedom to do whatever they wanted without worrying about some sort of other continuity they don't want to clash with. Even if it was like half a season instead of an entire one, I think a lot more could have been done with that plot-line. Especially with the mental (And physical in the case of Mace dying) repercussions.One thing SHIELD Has on just about every drama, is pacing. Shit is constantly moving forward. The framework shit would have been a whole season for most shows. But SHIELD is like "Nah, we got other shit to do"
I didn't see anyone do this? Who was it?Did a Gotham fan seriously get the Agents thread locked by making a parody thread out of anger for the love Agents was getting?
My goodness.
Did a Gotham fan seriously get the Agents thread locked by making a parody thread out of anger for the love Agents was getting?
My goodness.
He got shot by Nadir, dumped in the ocean. Powers evolved to show he ain't dead probablyGoing back to before the Framework arc, there was the inhuman brother of Senator Nadeer. He got killed and they dumped him in a lake/Sea. There was a final scene where his body changed again or something? Can someone refresh what happened and is he poised to show up again?
Lol wut
He got shot by Nadir, dumped in the ocean. Powers evolved to show he ain't dead probably
He ain't been back since. Ophelia's healing probably comes from him.
I remember when folks were saying that they had no chemistry and shouldn't be together. Now, that relationship is one of the best things about the show. It certainly provides us with the best acting performances by a long shot. Plus you throw Ophelia (she's Ophelia to me now dammit! she's alive) in to monkey wrench their relationship and it's top notch.
I didn't see anyone do this? Who was it?
I didn't see anyone do this? Who was it?
He copied the original Agents thread and changed some words around to fit Gotham, including my season-by-season summary that the OP of the Agents thread added in after I posted it. Haha.
Oh, and he's banned now apparently.
The hell happened to Poison Ivy
Comic book aging magic.
He copied the original Agents thread and changed some words around to fit Gotham, including my season-by-season summary that the OP of the Agents thread added in after I posted it. Haha.
Oh, and he's banned now apparently.
Lmao what in the fuck ahahaha. Why the hell. I'm a huge Gotham and AoS fan but why would anyone copy a thread for fuck sake. That's salt if I have seen any.
One thing SHIELD Has on just about every drama, is pacing. Shit is constantly moving forward. The framework shit would have been a whole season for most shows. But SHIELD is like "Nah, we got other shit to do"
He copied the original Agents thread and changed some words around to fit Gotham, including my season-by-season summary that the OP of the Agents thread added in after I posted it. Haha.
Oh, and he's banned now apparently.
He got shot by Nadir, dumped in the ocean. Powers evolved to show he ain't dead probably
He ain't been back since. Ophelia's healing probably comes from him.
This. So much this.
The pacing is so good that they had the brilliant idea of having 3 full story arcs in a season and it works even better than before. Not only that, it somehow has all managed to tie together; robots, magic, digital alternate realities, superheros, and spy shit.
The pacing feels like such a breath of fresh air, like the writers actually respect my time investment in the show, which shouldn't feel like such a rare thing when there are so many TV shows out competing for my free time.
Yeah, and considering he had the most knowledge about her mental state, as well as her abilities..When Fitz told Aida he only had room in his heart for Jemma...that eyelash bat she gave and then "What?"
You done fucked up, Fitz. You know she's emotionally unstable and overwhelmed from her first experience with these feelings and you go ahead and tell her you love another woman? While you're locked in a room with her?
Damn it strafer, no!Aida is the worst. Please get rid of her.
I thought you were my friend.Aida is the worst. Please get rid of her.
Comic book aging magic.Some dude had powers to age people by touch, most of his victims dying of old age in seconds. He managed to graze Ivy after she was caught snooping on them, but instead of getting a good grip, the bridge over the river she was standing on broke and she fell in. Next episode, she was like that.
She got groped by some Indian Hill mutant who quickly ages his victims. But she broke away and aged just enough to make viewers question their morals of looking at a 14 year old in a 20 something year old's body.