Jason Frost
When the haters hear about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is renewed for a fifth season.
When the haters hear about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is renewed for a fifth season.
AIDA LMD #1The actress that plays Aida deserves an emmy, she literally is playing two different characters
Madame Hydra
The actress that plays Aida deserves an emmy, she literally is playing two different characters
It took tatiana masaly(spelling) 4 seasons of playing like 5 different characters to get an emmyThe actress that plays Aida deserves an emmy, she literally is playing two different characters
When the haters hear about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is renewed for a fifth season.
The actress that plays Aida deserves an emmy, she literally is playing two different characters
So we're giving out emmys to anyone who overacts now?
- Daisy/Skye's commitment to fight training has been incredible. Having actors who can believeably do action scenes is suprisingly rare in this genre. Yet AoS has two actors in Daisy and May who can pull of Cinema quality fight scenes on a TV budget.
Got into AoS again because of your thread. Thanks.i cant believe that dumbass got my fuckin thread locked
This right here has me hyped for S4 because im really liking the last couple episodes of S3. On finale now and cant wait to dive into 4.Season 3
The first half continues the pace from season 2. The second half does, admittedly, struggle a bit. But it's still a good show and certainly doesn't go back to the early days of the series.
This right here has me hyped for S4 because im really liking the last couple episodes of S3. On finale now and cant wait to dive into 4.
Got into AoS again because of your thread. Thanks.
This right here has me hyped for S4 because im really liking the last couple episodes of S3. On finale now and cant wait to dive into 4.
Got into AoS again because of your thread. Thanks.
This right here has me hyped for S4 because im really liking the last couple episodes of S3. On finale now and cant wait to dive into 4.
Got into AoS again because of your thread. Thanks.
This right here has me hyped for S4 because im really liking the last couple episodes of S3. On finale now and cant wait to dive into 4.
Also im pretty sure this is the first time theres been blood like that.
When the haters hear about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is renewed for a fifth season.
I've been watching S1 from the beginning for the first time since it originally aired and I like the early episodes so much more than I did the first time. Knowing that it won't be "Avengers on TV" like I thought it would be before the show started really helps. Plus already liking the characters makes me a lot more invested than I was the first time. I never thought I'd watch the first half of S1 again but I'm really glad I did.
Aida in the latest episode was incredible. Legit terrifying. And basically to pull off all that emotional range in 40 minutes, kudos to the writers.
The whole show needs to end with the crew flying away in Lola up in the skies. Such a comic book moment.
Lola needs to come back.
They are leaving way too much to solve for the last episode...
I want to see Justin Hammer show up in Season 5.
R.I.P. Powers Boothe
The second big bad from AoS to pass away in the past couple months. Such a great actor.
RIP to both BP and PB
they died in the framework, opposites of who they were in real life
but they'll both be remembered for how great they really were.
Someone should add text to that gif above. So many uses and E3 is around the corner.
Oh, it's already happening on the gaming side.
Oh, it's already happening on the gaming side.
RIPR.I.P. Powers Boothe
The second big bad from AoS to pass away in the past couple months. Such a great actor.
It begins.Oh, it's already happening on the gaming side.
R.I.P. Powers Boothe
The second big bad from AoS to pass away in the past couple months. Such a great actor.
Oh, it's already happening on the gaming side.
- Daisy really needs some power creep. She's practically an Airbender/The Avatar. Where are the sonic powered jumps, or making the Air go so fast it catches fire ect.
Just got done with season 3. Wow. You guys werent kidding when you said it got better. I'm going to have to rewatch The Winter Soilder arc to see what i liked better.
Since this is the Season 4 thread Im going to post some unmarked season 3 spoilers.
1. Lets talk about that ending. First in space. They finally turned Lincon into Dr Steve Rodgers. Doing a virtual copy paste on The First Avenger was a great touch. Although a few extra easter eggs would have been nice, like Lincon and Daisy organising a date.
Then there was the time jump and Daisy got a sonic jump and a Neo inspired ending. Given what i have heard about season 4. That seems like some fun foreshadowing.
2. More Daisy hype/praise. She has come so far since her days as Sky the hacker chick. From her early days as a complete Mary Sue to now where she is a character that writers have to nerf because she is too effective. At this point she is clearly Avengers tier and would be among the most capable on that team.
3. Fitz Bond is so much fun, as is that new scottish mad scientist.
4. The stunt team on this show is so great, but at least 50% has to go to the casting department for actually casting athletic actors. It helps so much. That Lincon vs Ward fight was pretty good for having 2 actors fight each other. It felt like a made for tv version of Keanu Reeves fighting Paul Walker.