some character development? Did I watch the wrong anime
that Saazbaum scene wasn't actually bad, finally a villain with some characterization and reasons, even if they're not really that surprsing or original.
Marito, again not really surprsing that he had such a trauma after we saw him cry, whine and be useless for 8 episodes or so, really this scene should have been done before instead of being forced into this episode.
the Rayet ending felt just stupid, to be honest. I mean, if you're in that state, you don't go around during all the previous episodes doing nothing and then you snap like that while taking a shower. she saw the purple mech in the simulation! She totally didn't remember his dad being murdered 3 days ago, yeah. I mean, if they wanted to build that scene they had to do so in the previous episodes, that way the ending wouldn't probably have been this dumb and random.
*apparently Inaho's sister can tell if Inaho is happy, thirsty or whatever. fraud confirmed