Sorry I'm not dropping this show, it may be freaking awful but as we're 9/12 for this season I'm going to finish it
Pretty sure you mean 9/24, so there's quite a bit to go.
The series went out of it's way to establish the captain believes the report that Marito gave right before the crew is attacked by the flying arm robot, and that she still hates him because he "murdered her brother" despite the fact he was burning alive.
Rayet entire character was "I hate martians" cause they killed her parents... the same ones that planned to assassinate the princess in the first place which was the spark for this whole war... when she and her parents originally planned to kill the princess so that they could be accepted as true martians and taken home... and when they were obviously betrayed she decides she hates Martians which is fair... except the princess acts nothing like the martians she hates... heck if she hadn't tried to kill her in the first place none of this would have happened.
She then CONVENIENTLY gets placed into a super hard simulation against the same mech that killed her parents which causes her to freak out and attempt/kill the martian that had she and her family not tried to kill in the first place none of this would have happened. Heck helping the good guys and the princess stop the war and kill the ones who planed the assassination and betrayed her is a far more logical conclusion then snapping like she did.
So no she does not get a pass for trying to kill the princess, there are like 10 different ways her character arc could have been better then this.
As I said, she blames Marito for her brother's death because deep down she wants to believe he could have been saved instead. She may not have all the information, even so, there's bound to be some denial in there. This is a perfectly normal reaction for a human being to have about losing a loved one.
Rayet is a teenaged girl who no doubt has been raised to support martians and hate terrans by her parents/father. So when she can finally leave the place she's taught to hate after fulfilling the wishes of the people she was taught to support, her father is killed by martians which gives her an inner conflict. Yes, Asseylum was nice and not like the evil martians, but she's a bit jealous that Asseylum outed herself as a martian (the princess who was the catalyst for Rayet's father's death no less) and isn't being hated. She's jealous that Asseylum is strong enough to carry on as a martian without fear of being an outcast, as Rayet probably was while she grew up. Not to mention, she's only a teenaged girl and she has conflicted emotions towards martians altogether. So it doesn't really come as a surprise that she harbors ill wishes towards Asseylum and that she did what she did. She may even believe that it is her duty to finish what her father died for (killing the princess) and maybe somehow this will make her more complete. Again, this is all perfectly in line with how you'd expect her to react.
Her VR training may have been somewhat coincidental, but that was the first Martian Kataphrakt they fought and so it makes sense that they'd have more data on that one in terms of being able to simulate it. So when Rayet is acing the normal missions, one way to toughen them up is to add in a Martian Kataphrakt that's tougher than your average mech. And they just went with either the first one or the one they had the most progress towards simulating (of course, the doctor whipped up a scenario for Marito pretty quick, so no telling what kind of sim technology they have access to).
Every week we came up with a list of issues, just read this thread, every next week they come and address almost all things. I'm actually surprised by the consistency of this happening. It's rather unusual lol.
I noticed this too, it seems that whenever an issue arises the show actually addresses it within an episode or two. Especially when they mentioned Inaho's emotionless expressions, I chuckled.