The only two characters that are worth a damn are Slaine and Saazbaum. The rest are just a bunch of insufferable idiots.
I imagine somewhere between ep 10 and 11 there was an off-screen meeting in which all the adults just went "Fuck it, let's give command to the kid. If we are to die, let at least die in the most stupid way possible". Ah and he did not disappoint with his "Let's drop a lot of shit and hope to overwhelm their defences, even though we don't really know how they work". Tactical genius indeed.
About to crash this space ship... with Aldnoah/Zero survivors.
Specially shitaho, betting on him getting the martian kat, fuck whoever thought this was a good idea.
Well, I mean he's the only one who has gone toe to toe with Martians, and won. Plus, he's stoic as shit yo. I'd follow that dude to my death.
*throws up*worry not #TeamSlaine, Slaine gonna get his Kat next episode. But there is a catch...
It will be one of those shitty Terrran Kats. He's just going to see Eddel and go after her, ending up helping Rayet and her. They gonna ship the two in second half. Oh, and the characters are mirror of each other, Martian stuck on Earth, Terran stuck with Martians. I hope you like it #teamslaine. ahahahahahaha
Nah he will keep using Sky carrierworry not #TeamSlaine, Slaine gonna get his Kat next episode. But there is a catch...
It will be one of those shitty Terrran Kats. He's just going to see Eddel and go after her, ending up helping Rayet and her. They gonna ship the two in second half. Oh, and the characters are mirror of each other, Martian stuck on Earth, Terran stuck with Martians. I hope you like it #teamslaine. ahahahahahaha
Specially shitaho, betting on him getting the martian kat, fuck whoever thought this was a good idea.
I loled.
I loled.
I loled.
Nah he will keep using Sky carrier
These 3 teaming up has the potential to be hilarious and awesome. Form like their own rogue squad. Slaine Team 6.
Preview for episode 12 is just a single shot of the landing castle in the snow and the usual narration, so it reveals nothing, but in case you want to watch it:
Who's ready for the climax?
the episode is called Childhood's End. That's the title of Arthur C. Clarke's novel.. um I wonder.. lol
the episode is called Childhood's End. That's the title of Arthur C. Clarke's novel.. um I wonder.. lol
And in this case the Japanese half of the title is たとえ天が堕ちるとも, which I'm pretty sure is just a translation of "though the heavens fall". So that's an extra few points for using part of their series tagline.Pretty much every episode title is a homage to some book, either in Japanese or in English. Gotta love pretentious writers.![]()
Pretty much every episode title is a homage to some book, either in Japanese or in English. Gotta love pretentious writers.![]()
Fuck yea team slaineSuck it all ya salty losers! Weeks after weeks of shitting on my boy Slaine. HE OWNED YOU ALL! #dealwithit #suckitup #lickmyboots