Inko will die.
She's the Hare to Aldnoah Zero's Guilty Crown.
She's the Hare to Aldnoah Zero's Guilty Crown.
Inko will die.
She's the Hare to Aldnoah Zero's Guilty Crown.
I don't get people who like anyone in this show.
I'm a huge fan of overpowered MCs, but Inaho just does awesome things and beats totally overpowered enemies without seemingly pulling miracles out of his ass. I mean, in the context of the shows, pretty much every Martian knight he has killed has felt completely fair. He's doing with a training bot, he doesn't even need a totally overpowered Aldnoah driven mecha. Not only that, he's doing it looking like a boss every single time. His personality might be flat, but it's okay, at least he's not Slaine. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
I'm a huge fan of overpowered MCs, but Inaho just does awesome things and beats totally overpowered enemies without seemingly pulling miracles out of his ass. I mean, in the context of the shows, pretty much every Martian knight he has killed has felt completely fair. He's doing with a training bot, he doesn't even need a totally overpowered Aldnoah driven mecha. Not only that, he's doing it looking like a boss every single time. His personality might be flat, but it's okay, at least he's not Slaine. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Does it though? With the exception of the very first enemy due to circumstances that allowed him to properly setup the counterplan I don't think any of his other confrontations with enemy knights have really felt legit. I can accept that the dude is genuinely a really intelligent guy but his combat prowess despite having 0 formal battle experience never made much sense to me. He's not just smarter than the entirety of Earth's forces, he's also uncontestedly their best pilot.
The show is trying to push it as Inaho being smart and using clever tactics, but all I'm seeing is that everyone he fights is incompetent.
well some of them ARE. High ranking nobles in overpowered mechs not really expecting any kind of resistance from the low tech peasants.
But I mean you'd think after the first few went down they'd learn.
Great ep but I don't get Slaine's motivations
He got 2 princesses now, 1 in his room as decoration, and another one keep wanting his attention. I don't know about you, but I am willing to enslave mankind with aliens for just one princess. Can't really blame Slaine for this.
Someone really needs to explain to me the appeal of Inaho as a character because I am actually baffled he has such a huge fanbase.
Fuck Slaine, and Inko is always best girl
Great ep but I don't get Slaine's motivations
Teenage Batman with a personality of a brick.
And Slaine is turning into Mr. Freeze.
Aldnoah Zero is basically Batman Forever now.
you know, in shows of this irk... why does North America always go down first?
think they got stomped early on in Geass too.
you know, in shows of this irk... why does North America always go down first?
think they got stomped early on in Geass too.
think they got stomped early on in Geass too.
you know, in shows of this irk... why does North America always go down first?
think they got stomped early on in Geass too.
1. It's never going to be Japan.
2. They need a convincing "Well if you can beat THAT.....well...yeah..." moment.
3. They're not really supposed to say anythign aggressive about China.
He got 2 princesses now, 1 in his room as decoration, and another one keep wanting his attention. I don't know about you, but I am willing to enslave mankind with aliens for just one princess. Can't really blame Slaine for this.
Finally caught up....what did I just watch? Fucking Slaine is a creep.
I'm still enjoying the show better than Reconquista G though. Now that one is a non-sensical mess.
Slaine is the rat we all knew he was. Can't wait until gets blown up and just comes back in Aldnoah Zero The Movie.
Slaine's Counterassault.
I genuinely feel sorry for those Earth kataphrakt pilots.
Slaine's Counterfail. It's funny though. Not only does he fail to kill Inaho, Slaine just makes Inaho stronger.
They should've made Inaho a cheerful character for Season 1, and the injury he sustained in the finale made him a cold and expressionless character in season 2.
I might be able to sympathize with his character if it were the case.
or the opposite. He should go full yandere.
They're the much needed blood for the Inahogod.
They should've made Inaho a cheerful character for Season 1, and the injury he sustained in the finale made him a cold and expressionless character in season 2.
I might be able to sympathize with his character if it were the case.
Bro, did you even watch the episode? Slaine killed Inaho, Aldnoah brought him back.
Bro, did you even watch the episode? Slaine killed Inaho, Aldnoah brought him back.
Glad I only missed the first-ish week of the new season.
First episode was less eventful than I expected. Inaho remains the only competent soldier on the Terran side. How they even managed to survive without him for 19 months is a mystery. Slaine doing an apparent 180 is curious, I'm assuming he bended the knee to Saazbaum in order to save Asseylum's life which was in immediate danger at the time, something along those lines, whatever it is, I don't think he is truly backing Saazbaum. I'm still firmly #TeamSlaine on that belief.
The new princess has potential to be interesting, as does the other new Martian attendant. It looks like Slaine will have the more interesting storyline once again by virtue of Martians being more interesting in general as opposed to the Terrans, who only appear to be of importance but really just serve as background decoration and instruments to illustrate how "awesome" Inaho his.