This is true for almost all mechs but this is the first one I looked at and said to myself "How does it stand"
Also are people able to see a full size picture and not a thumbnail? I think I'm getting a browser glitch because whenever I link a picture it's fine until I refresh, then it shrinks.
This is true for almost all mechs but this is the first one I looked at and said to myself "How does it stand"
Also are people able to see a full size picture and not a thumbnail? I think I'm getting a browser glitch because whenever I link a picture it's fine until I refresh, then it shrinks.
But yeah, I might be in the minority but I really, really like the mech designs in this show. the human mechs are very boxish, like tanks with legs, indicating that they don't have the time or the resources to make really refined mechs with things like rounded arms and stuff. The martian mechs are all ridiculous and takes more inspiration from more recent absurd mecha anime like Valvrave and indicates that the martians have a social structure that lends itself to relying on the Knights and their few specialized and super strong units.
Fuck yeah, best character is still alive
..On a side note though, is that the actual Eddelrittuo, or just the new princesses maid who happens to be named Eddelrittuo (Or maybe Eddelrittuo is just the marian word for Princesses Servant). Because last I remember, she was still on Earth with Rayet..unless the Martian Troops kidnapped her while escaping the bunker.
..On a side note though, is that the actual Eddelrittuo, or just the new princesses maid who happens to be named Eddelrittuo (Or maybe Eddelrittuo is just the marian word for Princesses Servant). Because last I remember, she was still on Earth with Rayet..unless the Martian Troops kidnapped her while escaping the bunker.
Just marathoned through the whole series just to see what this show was all about and WOW. Words cannot express how this show is making me feel right now. I don't know if these tears are from me laughing or crying right now at this incredible mess of a show.
Haters gonna hate. Loved this episode. Smile on my face when upgraded Inaho appeared. #teamcyborginaho
Slaine is still terrible. And he is the worst shot of 2014. #teamfuckslaine
Whether it's logical or not, glad the Princess and Inaho are still alive. But lolwut Saaz is alive? I guess you need more then a whole clip to kill a character in this series. Really liked the twist with the impersonator princess.
Animation is great and soundtrack is still God-tier.
You have enough tech to put cybernetic implants into a shot-out skull and can't do plastic surgery to remove surface scare then you fail as medical advancement :-/
..On a side note though, is that the actual Eddelrittuo, or just the new princesses maid who happens to be named Eddelrittuo (Or maybe Eddelrittuo is just the marian word for Princesses Servant). Because last I remember, she was still on Earth with Rayet..unless the Martian Troops kidnapped her while escaping the bunker.
Such a glorious return! Slaine is his usual shit self with an added taste of creepy and Inaho strikes back with style. This couldn't have gone any better.
there can be no #teamslaine, no one would side with a creep.
Martians couldn't bring her back but lowly Terrans could rebuild far worse 'injured' Inaho better than before. Whatever side Slaine is automatically will suck, he just sucks out all the qualities to another dimension! That's how bad he sucks.
Pretty standard reintroduction to the series, but enjoyable nonetheless. Slaine is now a knight, they're using an impostor to rally the troops, Inaho is a cyborg, everyone else is still a scrub, and no one in this show can kill anyone with a headshot! Pretty much status quo. The effects when Inaho was charging the enemy mech were pretty cool, and I think it's hilarious how they actually did a non-CG mech again only to have it just stand around and not move at all. I guess that's why it wasn't CG!
The next episode is going to be much more interesting in terms of showing the direction of the rest of this series I think. Especially since most of that hinges on what the actual plan of the Earth forces are.
Hopefully the next episode starts with Inaho accidentally falling out of the airlock and dying. Then we never have to mention him again. #TeamSlaineForLife
real talk though Inaho's bullshit vs overpowered mars mechs is the whole reason I watched this. But I gotta ask, how the FUCK did Terrans survive 19 months without him? They only know how to stand still, shoot, and die.
My boy Inaho is back and ready to murder! He gonna save the princess from the castle. This is classic Mario vs Bowser and Slain is more worthless than Bowser!
Also damn that was sick killing the Knight like that. They depend on their abilities so much that none of them have weapons except the abilities their Aldnoah has lol.
Does cool stuff in fights, actually creating tactics instead of tapping ancient genes/power of love. Plus he's cold as fuck behavious is nice contrast to usual whiny mecha protags.
#teamslaine for life. Only redeeming part of that episode yesterday was Slaine being Slaine. Inaho is a shit. I guess the episode was fine but it wasn't what I wanted. IT WASN'T WHAT I WANTED.
The first season was stupid, but I could laugh at it stupid. This episode was an insult to the audience's intelligence. I'm giving it one more episode, but if I can't laugh at it anymore, it's getting dropped. Watching Inaho triumph in the end will be some boring ass shit.
GDI, I just want a good mecha anime to watch. Is it too much to ask?
The first season was stupid, but I could laugh at it stupid. This episode was an insult to the audience's intelligence. I'm giving it one more episode, but if I can't laugh at it anymore, it's getting dropped. Watching Inaho triumph in the end will be some boring ass shit.
GDI, I just want a good mecha anime to watch. Is it too much to ask?
Pretty standard reintroduction to the series, but enjoyable nonetheless. Slaine is now a knight, they're using an impostor to rally the troops, Inaho is a cyborg, everyone else is still a scrub, and no one in this show can kill anyone with a headshot! Pretty much status quo. The effects when Inaho was charging the enemy mech were pretty cool, and I think it's hilarious how they actually did a non-CG mech again only to have it just stand around and not move at all. I guess that's why it wasn't CG!
The next episode is going to be much more interesting in terms of showing the direction of the rest of this series I think. Especially since most of that hinges on what the actual plan of the Earth forces are.
Hopefully the next episode starts with Inaho accidentally falling out of the airlock and dying. Then we never have to mention him again. #TeamSlaineForLife
Man, the writers of this show really don't give a shit. Convenient how blood splatter lets you activate Aldnoah Drives.
At least the robot fights are still cool, because I don't know how they can expect anyone to take anything seriously given the ridiculous reverses they pulled just over the span of the first season.
Man, the writers of this show really don't give a shit. Convenient how blood splatter lets you activate Aldnoah Drives.
At least the robot fights are still cool, because I don't know how they can expect anyone to take anything seriously given the ridiculous reverses they pulled just over the span of the first season.