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Aldnoah Zero Season 2 |OT| Inaho or Out, It's All The Slaine

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Heh, that was pretty tepid but I don't know what I was expecting at this point.

Slaine was just not a good villain and Mars Sandman II's arrival was kinda deus ex machina in the end. I didn't even care so much about the conflict between Earth and Mars at that point as much as the mysteries behind Aldnoah and hoping for Seylum and Inaho to end up back together. And for the rest of the Deucalion's team to do something cool but then
they cut away from the fight with Harklight and Count Choudenji Yo-Yo before it finished.

I didn't realize the Tharsis was the same size as the Sleipnir until this one. I was hoping for Inaho to have to pull some really cool last trick to get around its gimmick but then they just have a swordfight, yawn. Not to mention that Seylum going with Mars Sandman II kinda sucked a lot of the heat out of their rivalry.



Welp... At least it's relatively happy ending except for that random pairing that came out of no where.

Too bad the series ended with battle between two super pilots instead of brain-over-brawl david vs goliath premise in the first 4-6 episodes.
Awful ending. The show itself wasnt as terrible as everyone makes it out to be but this ending was just poorly directed and written. So anticlimactic.

Just have this huge feeling of disappointment.


Calling it now! Big bad Aldnoah aliens are going to come and attack humanity in an Aldnoah movie. Forcing Inaho and Slaine to join forces and save the human race. Inaho and Slaine will then have a child, and then their child will have a child with Asseylum's child. There will be a new season called Aldnoah One and it will follow the story of their grandchild.

...I was serious about the first sentence at least.


Calling it now! Big bad Aldnoah aliens are going to come and attack humanity in an Aldnoah movie. Forcing Inaho and Slaine to join forces and save the human race. Inaho and Slaine will then have a child, and then their child will have a child with Asseylum's child. There will be a new season called Aldnoah One and it will follow the story of their grandchild.

And the name of their grandchild is L-Elf.


Damn in the end Inaho wins and Slaine is in prison, and there is peace between Vers and Earth. I have to say though Princess Asseylum threw Slaine a curveball and ruined all his plans by announcing a ceasefire, all planned by Inaho btw.


Aldnoah Zero END

SLAINE SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darn that traitor hippy princess! NTR twice! Then destroyed Slaine plan to create a all loving world! THEN DENY HIS RIGHT TO DIE AS A WARRIOR!

Blame the whole princess assassination on him (wtf).



Don't fuck with the princess, she'll fuck you up.

Holy shit 10/10 would torture Slaine again.


No. It's worse that this.

Oh well, thnx.

One thing I did realize about this show is that it did a good job of making me sympathize with most of the main cast on both sides. I didnt feel like I down right hated anybody. But, the biggest problem with this show is that I didn't feel like there was anything truly at stake(It did have its tense moments when I didn't know how things were going to pan out). Of course, you don't need to wager death to make a good story, but when it comes to a story about war you need to do that as an author. Watchers are not going to be able to take any of this seriously(yeah its an anime where the mc is a teeanage god pilot). Even with unrealistic character archetypes in a war setting, there is some belivability that can be achieved.
No main character died in an Urobuchi anime, WAT?!
Has Urobuchi gone soft?
Didn't like the ending, some nobody with no character development marries the princess, Inaho is still a boss yet is not commander in chief of the world, Slaine cries like a little kid, and again, no one dies. Season 1 was a solid 8/10 but now it's a 6/10. At least we got some good OST.


But I guess Slaine is just going to give up. Dude should've never been a villain in the first place.

Slaine: When I was just a lad looking for my true vocation
My father said "Now son, this choice deserves deliberation
Though you could be a doctor or perhaps a financier
My boy why not consider a more challenging career"

Counts: Hey ho ho
You'll cruise to foreign shores
And you'll keep your mind and body sound
By working indoors

Slaine: True friendship and adventure are what we can't live without
All: And when you're a professional villain

Slaine: Now take Sir Francis Drake, the Spanish all despise him
But to the British he's a hero and they idolize him
It's how you look at villains that makes them bad or good
And I see us as members of a noble brotherhood

Counts: Hey ho ho
We're honorable men
And before we lose our tempers we will always count to ten

Slaine: On occasion there may be someone you have to execute
Counts: But when you're a professional villain

Slaine: You'll be honest brave and free
The soul of decency
You'll be loyal and fair and on the square
And most importantly

All: When you're a professional villain
You're always in the best of company
Then they should've at least made him somewhat compelling!

Gonna have to disagree with you here, as I mentioned earlier he felt like the only thing that kept this show watchable. Without him and the show would have been a monster of the week show where everyone's sole purpose is to demonstrate how op Inaho is.
Great concepts but this show really was a hollow chocolate egg of a thing. Loved the "science tip of the week!" style approach to defeating enemies, was more interesting than let me shoot at it with the main characters signature weapon/skill, though that's literally what it boiled down to since Inaho was the signature weapon/skill. Think they only showed the throw away characters beating one guy without him and it was a small clip scene. The explanations were nice though I guess.

I dunno I liked it enough but still there was something missing in a bunch of places. Good music timing and w/e though.


Ugh, I didn't like that ending for Slaine at all. Sucks that he was basically a good guy and went bad cos he got screwed over. Instead of dying in a blaze of glory, he's holed up like a rat? WTF

Hope we get another season somehow. Slane + Inaho clearing out the remaining landing castles? No official Inaho x Inko is also annoying (Yuki should have been at the ceremony and Inko should have been driving the truck at the end!)

All that said, I really enjoyed this series as a package and will be buying it on Blu Ray



What... was the point of this scene in the end?

I love that idaho was just like "meh I don't need this eye thing anymore... so I just took it off with no side effects or anything"



What... was the point of this scene in the end?

I love that idaho was just like "meh I don't need this eye thing anymore... so I just took it off with no side effects or anything"

I feel stupid for not noticing the similarities of that scene now holy crap > <


So, as you might recall, I was hoping everyone would die at the end of this show.

Instead nobody died. Not a single character died onscreen.

What the hell was the point of this show? Why are we watching these people do anything? The vast majority of the ending is devoted to this grand melee in space between all these robots, but it's an utterly pointless battle, since before it even begins, Slaine has conceded defeat. The UFE has won, and they will get a broken moonbase, no matter how well Slaine's doomed assault goes. So why am I even watching these ships fight?

Why have Harklight and Barouhcruz and that one other random pilot lady get out of the fight alive, and then go back in without dying onscreen? We already know what they resolved to do, so what's the point of denying us the satisfaction of showing one person dying?

The ending isn't aggressively terrible, it's just unbelievably bland. At the end of the show, it feels like none of the characters (except for Slaine?) have shown any growth. Everyone on the Deucalion besides Inaho is exactly where they were when Season 2 started. Inaho is able to remove the eye that was gradually killing him by taking over his brain without any significant consequences. The resource scarcity and political turmoil that were Slaine's entire reason for contravening Asseylum's wishes and engaging in war are handwaved with magical Zero Requiem political blaming and vague talk of trade and peace. This makes the vast majority of Season 2, which is largely about his rise through the Versian aristocracy and his attempts to shake up the political structure of the Orbital Knights, pretty much irrelevant. It's nice that Asseylum forgave him for what he did, but so what?

An ending hasn't soured me on a show this badly since Mine Fujiko, and even that at least was kind of brave. I feel like I wasted my time.


I'm curious to know what Gen Urobuchi thinks of this (or if he even cares and just wants to distance himself away from this).
If he wrote the first couple of episodes, I wonder if he had some kind of ending that he wanted to do,

Even the room was made of glass as well. Why? Were they afraid that Slaine was going to metalbend his way out?
Laughing so much at this xD


Hahaha, so Slaine got shitted on again. Gotta pity this guy. Abused and slandered, got the wrong princess to like him, the actual princess NTR'ed him, all the Saazbum plotting which started the whole war got blamed on him and he got locked up. Being Slaine is suffering.

Glad this shitty show is done.


How did they fuck this whole thing up so quickly. Wrapped up everything in like 2min after so much happened in the first half. Makes no sense at all.

So much of the plot was borrowed from other anime and tied together. Huge letdown.


Valvrave was super fun though, and people actually died in that. It was glorious. To this day I am convinced that was a parody. I mean, vampire aliens, space Nazis, romancuuu, and all in a high school setting? Come the fuck on.
I too noticed the X-Men chess scene pretty much instantly. Show was dumb, I unironically liked it until near the end of the first season. Wasn't as bad as Code Geass or even Cross Ange. Slaine did nothing wrong except fuck up everything for himself.


It's been kinda fascinating watching a lot of great anime directors strike out, and I mean strike the fuck out, because the scripts have been terrible. You could make a pretty long nowadays.

There needs to be a lot more care towards picking quality script writers. Urobuchi would have never let half of this shit happened. The Princess would have been dead in that shower and Inaho would have been left with a gaping hole in his head.


I too noticed the X-Men chess scene pretty much instantly. Show was dumb, I unironically liked it until near the end of the first season. Wasn't as bad as Code Geass or even Cross Ange. Slaine did nothing wrong except fuck up everything for himself.

Wut. Code Geass had a great ending that wrapped things up nicely. Nothing happened in this ending, anticlimactic fight scene plus the most offensive part is some random (character-development wise) married the princess.


I only saw S1 and it was bad enough if fans of the series say S2 is worse then it ain't worth my time. Saying that though I really enjoy Akito the Exiled.

That's fine if you haven't watched it, but please refrain from making sweeping judgments the ending of this versus that considering that you haven't even watched the second half of it.
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