So, as you might recall, I was hoping everyone would die at the end of this show.
Instead nobody died. Not a single character died onscreen.
What the hell was the point of this show? Why are we watching these people do anything? The vast majority of the ending is devoted to this grand melee in space between all these robots, but it's an utterly pointless battle, since before it even begins, Slaine has conceded defeat. The UFE has won, and they will get a broken moonbase, no matter how well Slaine's doomed assault goes. So why am I even watching these ships fight?
Why have Harklight and Barouhcruz and that one other random pilot lady get out of the fight alive, and then go back in without dying onscreen? We already know what they resolved to do, so what's the point of denying us the satisfaction of showing one person dying?
The ending isn't aggressively terrible, it's just unbelievably bland. At the end of the show, it feels like none of the characters (except for Slaine?) have shown any growth. Everyone on the Deucalion besides Inaho is exactly where they were when Season 2 started. Inaho is able to remove the eye that was gradually killing him by taking over his brain without any significant consequences. The resource scarcity and political turmoil that were Slaine's entire reason for contravening Asseylum's wishes and engaging in war are handwaved with magical Zero Requiem political blaming and vague talk of trade and peace. This makes the vast majority of Season 2, which is largely about his rise through the Versian aristocracy and his attempts to shake up the political structure of the Orbital Knights, pretty much irrelevant. It's nice that Asseylum forgave him for what he did, but so what?
An ending hasn't soured me on a show this badly since Mine Fujiko, and even that at least was kind of brave. I feel like I wasted my time.