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Alec Baldwin Kills Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins With Real Gun


Why even use guns that can be loaded with live rounds? Most mussel flashes are CGI anyway, just make it go poof like a toy gun and chi the rest later.

Just dump. Has anything like this happened on sets in Europe or Asia?
Turns out that some movies use gas guns so you get the action of the gun itself and some smoke, no mussle flash but they have some gas look like smoke.
The risk seems to be in adapting semiauto/auto for blank use, the think it's kinda finnicky it seems.
Single action guns seem to be pretty straight forward, no modifications needed so as long as you load a blank (why would there be real bullets on set anyway) its kinda foolproof.


Turns out that some movies use gas guns so you get the action of the gun itself and some smoke, no mussle flash but they have some gas look like smoke.
The risk seems to be in adapting semiauto/auto for blank use, the think it's kinda finnicky it seems.
Single action guns seem to be pretty straight forward, no modifications needed so as long as you load a blank (why would there be real bullets on set anyway) its kinda foolproof.
Well, its clearly not. If a real bullet fits in, its just a dump idea.


They might have needed some footage of him firing a gun? Remember it's a movie: not all shots show the shooter and the target at once. The people who got hit weren't necessarily being aimed at, they were just in the path of the bullets. Hell, she might have been behind a set piece, green screen, etc and still gotten hit. Bullets can go through props quite easily as they're made cheaply, especially on cheap (indie) film sets. I imagine that also explains why there was no proper gun control in place.
Even on an indie set this should never, ever happen. You aim at a solid target (and wait before the set is cleared), this is Firearm safety 101. Not even that, this is common sense.
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Bullet Club

The fact that people look to Twitter to find meaning in a tragic (and likely random) event is a travesty in and of itself.
It's a shitty situation for all involved. I feel bad for Baldwin, the woman and her family.

It's still interesting to see the reaction people have to the news on places like Twitter, FB etc. though.
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Gold Member
The armourer on that film set is in big shit.

whoops GIF


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
RIP to the victim. Tragic case. She had a long and prosperous career ahead of her.
Given Baldwin's history of impulsive actions and his position as producer on the movie I suspect there is serious blame to be put at his feet. One of the main reason you want to be a producer in a movie you're starring is to be free of people telling you what you cannot do. See: Tom Cruise producing M:I movies so he can do all the crazy stunts.
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What the fuck? How is it a "prop gun" if you can fire it and kill somebody?

Prop Guns in productions are modified guns more often than not (or simply filled with blanks). That's why you still need to follow firearm safety to the letter.

Baldwin deciding to cock the gun during rehearsal is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. He's an experienced actor, he's been around the block for a lot of firearm related accidents, he's probably had firearm training multiple times, he's a producer on the production and should know about it. And yet he STILL decided to pull this shit.

FUCK HIM (if it's true about him cocking the gun during rehearsal). Follow some goddamn firearm safety rules and use your brain when handling guns. Not that there ever should have been live ammunition in it, but even when not it's dangerous.
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I’m flabbergasted that real guns are used on film sets.

Props these days must be of such a high quality that real guns aren’t worth using


Tragic. It wasn't his fault because he was given a prop but he is a producer of the movie so he does have some responsibility.
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Wonder how this plays out legally?

Assuming Baldwin thought the gun was safe and fired the weapon thinking no harm would come of it, does this absolve him of any crime?


Wonder how this plays out legally?

Assuming Baldwin thought the gun was safe and fired the weapon thinking no harm would come of it, does this absolve him of any crime?
He was a producer, so he should have known about the nature of the guns. It apparently happened during rehearsal, so the gun should have never been triggered. He's an actor with decades of experience so he should have been aware of potential pitfalls (Yes, there have been multiple accidents, even if not as prominent as *The Crow*). There's a reason I'm so agitated about this.

He shouldn't get away Scott free (even if he is not the main reason), imo. Hopefully, at the very least, it will lead to him handling guns more carefully in the future (though in certain places, including mine, he wouldn't be touching another gun ever).
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That'll be a blanket ban on prop blank firing guns coming, then.

Awful situation. Stupid too. Proper gun safety would have prevented it.

Are they saying it was loaded with live rounds? If so... Why were there live rounds on a fucking film set???
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That'll be a blanket ban on prop blank firing guns coming, then.

Awful situation. Stupid too. Proper gun safety would have prevented it.

Are they saying it was loaded with live rounds? If so... Why were there live rounds on a fucking film set???
May have already been in there, may have been used when filming something else for the movie (not involving human actors).

There are probably multiple fuck-ups by multiple people involved as usual.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Hitting 2 people with a single shot is pretty fluky by itself, even if you were trying to do that with a real gun with real bullets it'd be a feat.
So quite how this could happen with a "prop" gun is going to require some explanation.

Little Mac

Gold Member
How is this Alec’s fault? He’s an actor. He pretends in front of a camera for a living. He was directed to point a “prop” gun at a camera, pull the trigger and look like a cowboy while doing it. If Alec is up for murder charges, Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Scarlett Johansson , and half of Hollywood should be arrested for attempted murder. There are people on set who’s sole job is to make sure shit like this doesn’t happen. This is negligence on their part.

Regardless, its a tragedy. My heart goes out to the woman’s family.


What a tragedy, poor lady had so much ahead of her and this happens.

I hope the sanctimonious bastard that is Alec Baldwin gets jail time and spends his years there doing Trump impressions there daily.
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How is this Alec’s fault? He’s an actor. He pretends in front of a camera for a living. He was directed to point a “prop” gun at a camera, pull the trigger and look like a cowboy while doing it. If Alec is up for murder charges, Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Scarlett Johansson , and half of Hollywood should be arrested for attempted murder. There are people on set who’s sole job is to make sure shit like this doesn’t happen. This is negligence on their part.

Regardless, its a tragedy. My heart goes out to the woman’s family.
I don't think it was his fault but he is also a producer of the movie so he could be blamed for the negligence.
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How is this Alec’s fault? He’s an actor. He pretends in front of a camera for a living. He was directed to point a “prop” gun at a camera, pull the trigger and look like a cowboy while doing it. If Alec is up for murder charges, Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Scarlett Johansson , and half of Hollywood should be arrested for attempted murder. There are people on set who’s sole job is to make sure shit like this doesn’t happen. This is negligence on their part.

Regardless, its a tragedy. My heart goes out to the woman’s family.
Actor's get proper safety training just as the rest of the crew does. (More than that, as he is one of the people handling the gun. They're not exempt from everything.) Safety, both in stunts and guns is everyone's job to the best of their abilities. Nor do they have to actually cock or remotely risk triggering during fucking rehearsal. Doing so is a massive safety hazard.

Furthermore he's a producer on the movie. That should only heighten your senses regarding responsiblity, not lessen it. Sure, there's multiple fuck-ups and others with more fuck-ups than Baldwin. It's still negligence. If you try to cock a gun outside of necessity in my local gun club, you get tackled by 4 dudes right afterwards and never touch another gun again. Fired or not.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
How can both the director and cinematographer get accidentally shot? Id expect the actors or extras to get shot first. Not the people behind the scenes.

Maybe they are really unlucky but something feels fishy.

Have you ever seen in a movie the guy with the gun pointed straight at the camera? It's a very common shot. Filmmakers often stand behind the camera so this could have happened in this style of shoot.
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Wonder how this plays out legally?

Assuming Baldwin thought the gun was safe and fired the weapon thinking no harm would come of it, does this absolve him of any crime?
Either way you look at it, it’s manslaughter. Someone will have to take responsibility for this and face the consequences.


Either way you look at it, it’s manslaughter. Someone will have to take responsibility for this and face the consequences.
Ideally, the entire line of people that handled the gun should be investigated and face consequences to varying degrees of responsibility + it leading to a higher focus on gun safety on film sets with multiple checks by multiple people (because mistakes happen) being performed (as it should be).
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Great Hair

Why does an actor point a prop-gun at the director, producer and pulls the trigger? Did Alex find that funny? "Gonna point the gun at her and scare the shit ..." "Oh fuck"

Was she part of the movie, having a cameo-role? Else this makes no sense.
This is Hollywood. You can crush two kids and Vic Marrow with a helicopter and get away with it. Just ask John Landis.
steven spielberg oscars 1994 GIF by The Academy Awards
steven spielberg oscars 1994 GIF by The Academy Awards
steven spielberg oscars 1994 GIF by The Academy Awards
steven spielberg oscars 1994 GIF by The Academy Awards


hide your water-based mammals
Man, it's all messed up.

I'm not gonna jump on the hate train and blame him but someone there should have check things.

The actors and everyone on set will yell you the same things, they yield to the experts who do all the prop work, lighting, or whatever else when it comes to those aspects of filming.

It's sad no matter what angle but as of now, it's a bad accident.

I also wish Brandon Lee was still around. Sucks.
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Why not? It was a prop gun and he wasn't told otherwise. I've pointed toy guns at people before even if I didn't have to. He could have been acting like he was shooting at someone and needed a target, and just chose her because of whatever. Why be careful where you point a harmless prop? Plus if they needed a shot of an actor firing towards the camera then a whole host of people would potentially be in the line of fire. It's a set, not a gun range.

I've seen behind the scenes shots of movies like the Matrix, where the actors where being shown how they should move in a scene and the person doing the instructing had 2 guns in his hands and wasn't particularly worried about where he was pointing them. Same deal.
It wasn't a harmless prop bro it killed someone. Even if it HAD been harmless, evidently there was a chance that it might not have been, so he should have been careful with it anyway. Ur dumb
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Why does an actor point a prop-gun at the director, producer and pulls the trigger? Did Alex find that funny? "Gonna point the gun at her and scare the shit ..." "Oh fuck"

Was she part of the movie, having a cameo-role? Else this makes no sense.
It could have been a test scene. It could have been shot from the perspective of someone or something. There’s a ton of possibilities. Ever see James Bond fire towards the camera? Happens at the beginning of each film. Shrapnel could have ricocheted, etc etc


Two things.

1. That Malice tweet is fire.

2. I can't imagine how Alec feels. That's a hard pain to push through knowing you murdered people on accident. That's a rough one.


It wasn't a harmless prop bro it killed someone. Even if it HAD been harmless, evidently there was a chance that it might not have been, so he should have been careful with it anyway. Ur dumb

Oh hey. Fuck off. Thanks.

They pay people to make sure it's a harmless prop before handing it to the actor, just like they pay people to make sure the actor knows basic gun safety, just like they pay someone to make sure that the right prop is used, just like they pay someone to buy the fake ammo. By the time Alec got the gun it should have already passed through several levels of safety checks, most of which are there to make sure that if the guy who's probably the dumbest mofo on set doesn't ventilate anyone with actual ordinance.

In order for this to have happened there needed to be a chain of incompetency by people way more knowledgeable than a Hollywood actor. They can barely dress themselves.


Actor's get proper safety training just as the rest of the crew does. (More than that, as he is one of the people handling the gun. They're not exempt from everything.) Safety, both in stunts and guns is everyone's job to the best of their abilities. Nor do they have to actually cock or remotely risk triggering during fucking rehearsal. Doing so is a massive safety hazard.

Furthermore he's a producer on the movie. That should only heighten your senses regarding responsiblity, not lessen it. Sure, there's multiple fuck-ups and others with more fuck-ups than Baldwin. It's still negligence. If you try to cock a gun outside of necessity in my local gun club, you get tackled by 4 dudes right afterwards and never touch another gun again. Fired or not.
Can you stop with this shit until we know more? You clearly have an agenda in this thread by your posts and I think it's pathetic. You're guessing on everything and none of us have any idea what actually happened. Why don't you just relax with the accusations until more information comes out. Jesus


If they just needed footage of him firing a gun it doesn't make sense that it was being pointed at somebody. She was a cinematographer. Isn't she supposed to be behind the cameras? Can't imagine her having to be in the path of the "bullet" even if it was supposed to be a blank.
She may have been behind the cameras and still got shot if the scene called for it. Most movies show people shooting off screen.


Oh hey. Fuck off. Thanks.

They pay people to make sure it's a harmless prop before handing it to the actor, just like they pay people to make sure the actor knows basic gun safety, just like they pay someone to make sure that the right prop is used, just like they pay someone to buy the fake ammo. By the time Alec got the gun it should have already passed through several levels of safety checks, most of which are there to make sure that if the guy who's probably the dumbest mofo on set doesn't ventilate anyone with actual ordinance.

In order for this to have happened there needed to be a chain of incompetency by people way more knowledgeable than a Hollywood actor. They can barely dress themselves.

Yeah but…don’t like Baldwin so Baldwin bad murder man.
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