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Alien: Isolation |OT| 1 Alien. 1 Ripley. No Jonesy.


So I don't mean that as an insult. The biggest plus of this game is the movie like presentation. No, that doesn't do it justice. You are IN the movie. It's so fucking immersive that I still can't believe it. The graphics, the sound design, the art. It's like ALIEN SIMULATOR. And not only does it sound and look great, it runs AMAZING. Something you can't stress enough this day and age, where so many shit games are thrown on the market.

For that alone it's worth to buy Alien: Isolation and experience it. I can only imagine how horrifying it must be in VR. I'll probably buy the Ripley DLC just for the nostalgia.

So, that was the good part. Now the bad part.

As a game it more or less completly fails. The hide and seek play is ok but only for so long. It got on my nerves far too fast and there were to many trial and error passages on the way. I probably pressed about 200 buttons, powered 80 systems on, shut 56 thingys off and hacked 178 systems. Not bad, eh? Game mechanics as basic as they can get.

The pacing of the ending was HORRIBLE and almost made me hate the game. Maybe the worst I've ever played. It drags on and on and on and on and on - oh shit is going down. Now more shit is going down. And more shit. Well, got some more shit. Yeaaah...and some more shit. And so on. The last sequences with the Alien are the most unfair, I probably died more than 50 times the last 1-2 hours. That was plain bad and I cursed at my TV screen, showing the middle finger to that fucking monster.

As you can see, I'm torn. I'm happy that I bought and played it. As a game, it didn't convince me (5-7/10 range). As an experience, it overwhelmed me (11/10).
What I did was
save before activating Beta (I'm assuming you have powered it up), then move to the keyboard and turn it on. The alien will drop down. Hide until it goes away (you hear the sound of it going into the vents). Go out, activate one lever, return to the keyboard, wait the alien out again. Activate the other lever, then save. Then you can just concentrate on getting out. You shouldn't have a problem with an alien following you but you'll have to take care of facehuggers in your path and aliens that are ahead of you.

Can I preemptively torch the
or do I need to wait for the game's scripting to occur? Also,
can one egg have multiple face huggers pop out?
. I Just can't seem to keep both threats in check, and something tells me I'm going to have to for the rest of the game.


Can I preemptively torch the
or do I need to wait for the game's scripting to occur? Also,
can one egg have multiple face huggers pop out?
. I Just can't seem to keep both threats in check, and something tells me I'm going to have to for the rest of the game.

1. I don't believe so, I think the noise will draw an alien

2. No.
but more than one egg can open at a time

If you can get both levers pulled and save the game you should be pretty good for getting out. It may take you a few tries, but the encounters from that point seemed pretty predictable. Often if you save the game while while there's an alien nearby it won't be there when you load. Kind of cheesy, but I was the beneficiary of it a few times during the game.


Can I preemptively torch the
or do I need to wait for the game's scripting to occur? Also,
can one egg have multiple face huggers pop out?
. I Just can't seem to keep both threats in check, and something tells me I'm going to have to for the rest of the game.

kill all the unopened eggs. I don't know if this stops every facehugger from appearing, but they definitely do come out of eggs if not destroyed.

you should be able to kill the eggs with any weapon, no need to waste fuel.


As you can see, I'm torn. I'm happy that I bought and played it. As a game, it didn't convince me (5-7/10 range). As an experience, it overwhelmed me (11/10).

I had a bit of different experience, but I totally understand what you're saying. Personally I didn't find the game scary at all until
the nest
and then again
after the station starts falling apart
. I thought the ending was some of the best parts of the game because it held the most tension for me.

I really like stealth games but I would not place this among the better stealth games. What the game did best for me was create a world with amazing art direction and sound, and then place in that world a character whose actions, reactions and abilities made perfect sense for who she was.

All that was done so well I could see putting this game somewhere in a top 10 list. But the "game" part - meh.


The last sequences with the Alien are the most unfair, I probably died more than 50 times the last 1-2 hours. That was plain bad and I cursed at my TV screen, showing the middle finger to that fucking monster.

As you can see, I'm torn. I'm happy that I bought and played it. As a game, it didn't convince me (5-7/10 range). As an experience, it overwhelmed me (11/10).

this is maybe the most immersive game I've ever played, and my GOTY for 2014. Regarding the late game, I didn't have that experience, I died a few times but generally it felt about right -- felt like I was right on the edge, barely getting by, but still getting by.

My main criticisms against the game are that it's a bit too long with a bit too many switches to throw and hack minigames to play, and I'd have liked to get a bit more character development -- but overall, it's still game of the year because of how effectively it does what it sets out to do and how utterly novel it is. It's the best, most intense horror game I've ever played, and the tension comes not just from the sublime visual and sound design, but from the dynamic alien. Scripted games like Outlast simply can't put my heart in my throat like this game did.
1. I don't believe so, I think the noise will draw an alien

2. No.
but more than one egg can open at a time

If you can get both levers pulled and save the game you should be pretty good for getting out. It may take you a few tries, but the encounters from that point seemed pretty predictable. Often if you save the game while while there's an alien nearby it won't be there when you load. Kind of cheesy, but I was the beneficiary of it a few times during the game.
i can't even get that far. On my way to the second one, the alien pops out, so I shoot it with fire, and it jumps into the vents only to then immediately come down the one behind me and kill me before I can even turn around. This is right at the second save spot.

EDIT: Oh my god I finally made it and got to the save station, but it won't let me save. it just keeps saying "please wait".

This game is against me.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Put about 4 hours into the game today for the first time and I'm loving it. The atmosphere, the graphics, and especially the sound design are just excellent. Damn the mission where you first encounter the Joe's though was tense as all hell especially the part
where the broken one grabs you and when you have to make your escape out of that sector

Even when this game gives you a weapon it's basically worthless and makes you feel weak. That's fantastic.


Put about 4 hours into the game today for the first time and I'm loving it. The atmosphere, the graphics, and especially the sound design are just excellent. Damn the mission where you first encounter the Joe's though was tense as all hell especially the part
where the broken one grabs you and when you have to make your escape out of that sector

Even when this game gives you a weapon it's basically worthless and makes you feel weak. That's fantastic.

well, it's not worthless, you can stand up to humans/androids in the game if you want/need to.

but yes, what I like about the game is that there are combat options, but they are limited. Rarely do we get that nice middle ground.


i can't even get that far. On my way to the second one, the alien pops out, so I shoot it with fire, and it jumps into the vents only to then immediately come down the one behind me and kill me before I can even turn around. This is right at the second save spot.

EDIT: Oh my god I finally made it and got to the save station, but it won't let me save. it just keeps saying "please wait".

This game is against me.
Remember there is no time limit so if needed stay hidden and wait until save point resets and allows you to save. Also check for smaller connecting tunnels. You need to be ready for face huggers but are safe from alien in them. Finally if you see only one face hugger melee it. Most times it counts as silent kill and alien wont investigate making things easier.


this is maybe the most immersive game I've ever played, and my GOTY for 2014. Regarding the late game, I didn't have that experience, I died a few times but generally it felt about right -- felt like I was right on the edge, barely getting by, but still getting by.

My main criticisms against the game are that it's a bit too long with a bit too many switches to throw and hack minigames to play, and I'd have liked to get a bit more character development -- but overall, it's still game of the year because of how effectively it does what it sets out to do and how utterly novel it is. It's the best, most intense horror game I've ever played, and the tension comes not just from the sublime visual and sound design, but from the dynamic alien. Scripted games like Outlast simply can't put my heart in my throat like this game did.

I found Outlast to be way scarier. I felt the opposite - the Alien felt quite dumb for the creature it was. Also, I agree on both, that the game was immensly immersive, but also way too many switches. At the end it reached slapstick character. Power this, power that, back up, back up. Personally I'm too lazy, but I'd love someone to count all the switches related to missions you had to press/hack.

I mean in the beginning you had different missions as well (bring medcar, meet rangers, explore the station) but towards the end they complelty relied on switches for their mission design. Most of the time I didn't even get why I had to press these, I just did.

One slapstick moment was the scene where you had to overeload the code followed by androids. It was almost like the game didn't take itself too serious there - was it self-ironic? I'm not sure. The second slapstick moment was towards the end where you had to run backk to activate power because it powers down the moment you tried to open the door. Because you were in the room with the generator before to get a keycard or something and you saw the engine and thought "great, it's running already, they don't make me do it" and then...well.


Wait, you guys seriously think this game is too long?


I heard people say it's too short...

I find it perfect. I doesn't drag or anything.


Wait, you guys seriously think this game is too long?


I heard people say it's too short...

I find it perfect. I doesn't drag or anything.

Way too long because the end is constant repetition of stuff I did do before. Feels like a punishment. I think it should've ended after
the nest or the first spacewalk. Going back into the station to do samey shit was underwhelming.The overall pacing was just off from there.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Wait, you guys seriously think this game is too long?


I heard people say it's too short...

I find it perfect. I doesn't drag or anything.

Agreed, it's the perfect length. Really made me feel like I had been through a meat grinder. It really played with my expectations to the point that everything that happened after chapter 10 was completely unpredictable.
Finally got around to upgrading my PC and I've played about 4 hours of the game so far.

My only complaint is that the Alien seems like a side character at this point.

Android: Isolation


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Finally got around to upgrading my PC and I've played about 4 hours of the game so far.

My only complaint is that the Alien seems like a side character at this point.

Android: Isolation

You shouldn't be here...

It's about 20 hours too long. 6-8 would have been perfect.

Both groups are kinda right.

You could make a 6h horror game that covers mostly the Alien gameplay part, as in, hide&seek in some open-ish environment.
Actually, they kinda did, it's called Last Survivor etc. That content could be almost a small PSN standalone game.

But a big part of Isolation is also to explore that large space station perfectly matching the Alien universe. At least for me, so it never felt too long :)


It's about 20 hours too long. 6-8 would have been perfect.

agreed, honestly (more like 8-10). my enjoyment for a game decreases exponentially once it passes the 10-hour mark (less is more, quality > quantity, etc.) this is why I almost almost enjoy the first half of a game more than the last. after 15 hours I end up rushing b/c of those "nearly there" blue balls. hate that feeling. even thought Bioshock 1 was too long.

this is still my GOTY though.

Android: Isolation

the androids were the coolest part of the game for me.
Finally finished it.

Some things I loved (mostly the atmosphere), some things I hated (the Alien, glitches, and small target windows for things). Overall, 2/5.

I had lots of bugs and glitches in this game that resulted in me playing certain sections over and over again. Near the end of the game, I still had no idea why some melee strikes would hit the androids and others would not. The targets for opening drawers, hiding in cabinets, and whatnot are finicky, and the biggest issue I had was the lag or delay in hiding in vents or crawling under tables; the table issue was so bad that I elected to never use them in the game because of how unreliable it became.

But, I did love the androids, and the inclusion of humans was fine with the exception of near the end
where they finally find riot gear. that was dumb.

Majorly, I grew to hate the alien, but for mechanical reasons. I had instances where two vents right next to each other were dripping. Several times the alien would jump into a vent in front of me and then I would be stabbed as if it decided to teleport behind me. One area I had to replay so many times that I saw the scripting occur the same exact way, meaning that the "intelligence" of the alien is completely empty. This wouldn't be an issue except it is a one hit kill enemy, that doesn't die, and, oh sometimes after three blasts of fire it still decides to charge at you... ok.

And, near the end, the
screwed me over in several big ways where I hadn't saved in a while (because the save stations just kept saying "please wait" for minutes at a time in sections where I couldn't just hang around and wait). If there was consistency to them, such as
truly having them appear only from unhatched eggs)
that would be fine, but after
torching all the eggs in one area
, I had them appear behind me, and kill me.

I could go on, about how the game feels way too long, but I feel that isn't a problem so much as showcasing the lack of engaging characters and story. I also wish the game ended stronger.

So, that's that. I think in a year's time I'll think back on the game more fondly than I do now. For that purpose, I'm going to hold off on playing Crew Expendable until a later date when I wish to revisit the ships and atmosphere of the game. It's amazing how they nailed all the little details in the world, especially when a major feature film (Prometheus) failed to do so.

One last odd note: this game sure likes to give you trophies. I ended up with like 71% completion in this game, but I guess a good chunk of that is the fact that I didn't kill any humans (the loading screen told me she wasn't violent so I tried to play in character).
This game can be repetitive in and of itself. But it's so atmospheric and fresh that it's easy to forgive. Just began playing with headphones too and its even better. It's so good.
I loved how the game
makes you think that it's winding down, when what it is really doing is giving you an extended break from the Alien just so it can ramp right up to 10 for the last couple of chapters of the game.

The pacing of the game is perfect, there's not a single section I would consider filler. This is quite an achievement in a 20+ hour game

Waiting to let the game set in for me, but I completely agree. Even the near the end/end
when you are running, captured, spacewalk, generators, facehuggers, three aliens, hive, etc...
I was having a blast. The actually ending cinematic was a bit of a letdown, but it did nothing to tarnish the game. And so many touchstones from Alien...


I'm worried that the game is starting to become tedious. Not sure what chapter I'm on, but I'm in
Gemini Exoplanet Solutions
and I'm trying to
reset some breakers.
It's starting to wear on me that
the alien is never more than 30 feet from me no matter where I seem to go on this station.
I was really liking it up until this part, do things get shaken up at all or am I in for a lot more of this?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I'm worried that the game is starting to become tedious. Not sure what chapter I'm on, but I'm in
Gemini Exoplanet Solutions
and I'm trying to
reset some breakers.
It's starting to wear on me that
the alien is never more than 30 feet from me no matter where I seem to go on this station.
I was really liking it up until this part, do things get shaken up at all or am I in for a lot more of this?

I'm at the exact same part and I share your sentiments.

The past few missions it's literally always above me crawling in the vents to the point where all the tension is gone and I'm just waiting for the sound of it's footsteps so I can shoo it away with a noisemaker or molotov.
I'm worried that the game is starting to become tedious. Not sure what chapter I'm on, but I'm in
Gemini Exoplanet Solutions
and I'm trying to
reset some breakers.
It's starting to wear on me that
the alien is never more than 30 feet from me no matter where I seem to go on this station.
I was really liking it up until this part, do things get shaken up at all or am I in for a lot more of this?
Yes, that is primarily the entire game. There are some fun set pieces in later missions, as well as some extremely tedious and frustrating missions, but after a few hours you've seen it all, basically.


I played a bit more through the end of mission 10 and it drew me back in with the
detaching science lab set piece.
I'll just have to make sure not to try to marathon it.

Also, I
shot an android in the face with a shotgun
and I got the
"kill an android with just the wrench"
trophy. Huh.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
One thing I just discovered that would have been so handy to have known earlier is that you can kill androids by stunning them with a stun baton and then mercilessly beat them with the wrench. I doubt this works on the hazmat suit androids, but in spots where you have one android standing between you and getting somewhere that tactic has come in handy. I'm playing the game on hard and it took a lot of bullets and/or pipe bomb to kill.
One thing I just discovered that would have been so handy to have known earlier is that you can kill androids by stunning them with a stun baton and then mercilessly beat them with the wrench. I doubt this works on the hazmat suit androids, but in spots where you have one android standing between you and getting somewhere that tactic has come in handy. I'm playing the game on hard and it took a lot of bullets and/or pipe bomb to kill.

Or the EMP grenade for groups. Those strategies don't work on hazmat androids, though. But a pipe bomb at their feet takes them out in one hit.


One thing I just discovered that would have been so handy to have known earlier is that you can kill androids by stunning them with a stun baton and then mercilessly beat them with the wrench. I doubt this works on the hazmat suit androids, but in spots where you have one android standing between you and getting somewhere that tactic has come in handy. I'm playing the game on hard and it took a lot of bullets and/or pipe bomb to kill.

How do you hit with the wrench?


I'm about 2 hours in and this game with the surround sound headset is terrifying, and the Alien is not even out and about yet, still just scripted.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Yeah, this game definitely could have ended a few chapters sooner. I am at the point where it absolutely will not end. Chapter 15.

Lets try this plan. Doesn't work until we flip this switch on the other side of the station.
Still doesn't work....work your way back to another part of the station.

That's all this is right now.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Also there is one little plothole I find confusing.

In mission 14 where you go to the reactor you discover that there is an entire Alien nest with multiple aliens. How is it that there was only one alien that was wrecking havoc during the portion of the game before that? Is it implied (or said) that there actually were multiple aliens, but they only appeared as one in the previous chapters?
Also there is one little plothole I find confusing.

In mission 14 where you go to the reactor you discover that there is an entire Alien nest with multiple aliens. How is it that there was only one alien that was wrecking havoc during the portion of the game before that? Is it implied (or said) that there actually were multiple aliens, but they only appeared as one in the previous chapters?

, that way the AI inconsistences are fixed. It's behind me, no in front!

I didn't mind the backtracking; I didn't want the game to end.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Also there is one little plothole I find confusing.

In mission 14 where you go to the reactor you discover that there is an entire Alien nest with multiple aliens. How is it that there was only one alien that was wrecking havoc during the portion of the game before that? Is it implied (or said) that there actually were multiple aliens, but they only appeared as one in the previous chapters?

It started with
one Alien chestbursting from the crewman of the Anesidora, it was never really made clear if there was only one chasing you the whole time or if it was multiple Aliens. My personal take on it is that there was only one Alien chasing you until you killed it in Ch 10, the rest were not mature enough until around the time you get to the reactor. (otherwise why would they leave you alone for 4-5 chapters of the game when you only killed 1 of many?)


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
It started with
one Alien chestbursting from the crewman of the Anesidora, it was never really made clear if there was only one chasing you the whole time or if it was multiple Aliens. My personal take on it is that there was only one Alien chasing you until you killed it in Ch 10, the rest were not mature enough until around the time you get to the reactor. (otherwise why would they leave you alone for 4-5 chapters of the game when you only killed 1 of many?)

I can't buy the
not mature enough until the reactor thought since the one in the Alien movie was killing mere hours after bursting from Kane


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I can't buy the
not mature enough until the reactor thought since the one in the Alien movie was killing mere hours after bursting from Kane

It's not the Aliens growth that takes the time. The process of creating an Egg from a cocooned person would take some time (judging by the deleted scene in Alien) and the gestation of the egg inside a hosttakes a while aswell. The original Alien on Sevastopol had gone through both of these phases before arriving on the station


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
the others stayed behind to guard the eggs? The one we meet was the scout?

We would need to know the exact timeline's to be sure, even then gestation and Alien growth times vary wildly throughout the franchise.
The main reason I considered it to be one Alien until Ch 10 is because there are no Aliens for almost 5 chapters after that. If it was multiple Aliens why would they stop chasing you after you only killed one, especially considering all the noise you are making after that.
We would need to know the exact timeline's to be sure, even then gestation and Alien growth times vary wildly throughout the franchise.
The main reason I considered it to be one Alien until Ch 10 is because there are no Aliens for almost 5 chapters after that. If it was multiple Aliens why would they stop chasing you after you only killed one, especially considering all the noise you are making after that.

Good point.

And fuck ya, PC Gamer!


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
It's not the Aliens growth that takes the time. The process of creating an Egg from a cocooned person would take some time (judging by the deleted scene in Alien) and the gestation of the egg inside a hosttakes a while aswell. The original Alien on Sevastopol had gone through both of these phases before arriving on the station

the aliens only send one to hunt at a time and the ones in the reactor weren't aware that the one you killed was dead. Of course the ones in the reactor could have been guarding an unseen queen, which makes sense to me.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Alien Isolation did a lot of nice things, but it's nowhere close to GotY for me.

I'll see if I still feel this way once I finish the game.
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