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Alien: Isolation |OT| 1 Alien. 1 Ripley. No Jonesy.



Okay, I honestly can't believe this game. As you guys can see, I have a fairly low post count on GAF. I rarely ever choose to post impressions after playing a game, and also don't usually choose to join in debates. But THIS game is different, and after just playing the first encounter with the Alien, I feel as if I have to tell you guys about this game.

First, I am a pretty big SURVIVAL horror fan. On the 360, my favourite horror game was easily the first Dead Space. I couldn't get enough of that game, however, the second and third one didn't quite do it for me (despite thoroughly enjoying both of them). I have played both Amnesia games as well as Outlast, and while I did enjoy them, I never really found them enticing enough to play all the way through. Now, I am a pretty big Aliens fan. Preference wise, I like "Alien" more than I like the sequel, however I do love both movies a ton. The more intense, horror like atmosphere of the first one is what makes me love it so much, and while Aliens is still a superb movie, the first one is just perfect in my eyes.

Now, prior to playing this game, like everybody else here I was definitely worried. Not worried enough that I wasn't going to buy this game if it turned out bad, but definitely still skeptical about how it was going to turn out. Because of this, I tried to keep myself away from as much of the media as possible. I didn't watch any gameplay of the Alien itself, and I stayed away from reading any of the reviews, which I still have not read yet (although I did glance at the scores). I wanted to make sure that going into this game I was going to have the purest experience possible. My Dad also is a pretty big Alien fan (he showed me the movies when I was younger), and when I told him about this game, even though he isn't a gamer, he agreed we would sit down and play through a portion of it tonight.

Fast forward to about two hours ago, me and my dad finally sat down and loaded the game up. I chose the Xbox One version over the PS4 version randomly because I feel like I have too many games on my PS4, and was interested in seeing how it played on the Xbox One. We have a pretty solid sound system in my basement, so we brought the Xbox One down there and cranked up the volume since everybody else was out of the house LOL. Now, if there is one thing that stood out to me from the beginning, it was the sound design. This game sounds incredible, and every single step and noise sounds like it is actually around you (we are playing in surround sound mind you). While the beginning of the game is slow for a while, it does a great job of letting you get used to the controls, and also introducing you to the setting of the game. While I feel like many people may be bored during some of this portion, my dad and I were absolutely blown away by the detail of every room that we went through. Even rooms that are simply meant to pass through, we took our time looking at everything, reading the posters and graffiti on the wall, and searching for the hidden audio logs and so on. The immersion was insane, and the atmosphere felt tense even though I had told him that the Alien wasn't supposed to appear for a bit. We re-watched both Alien and Aliens yesterday, and you can tell that the devs really care about the series.

Now in the essence of me saving time (because I would really like to get back to playing), let me just tell you guys about what made me come and write this post. I'm going to try and avoid direct spoilers, and instead describe how I felt playing the game. The first encounter with the Alien in this game is absolutely amazing, and is definitely one of those gaming memories that will stick with me for a very long time. You know those threads that you always see about best parts in gaming? Yeah...this is one of those times. It is these types of moments that define gaming, and actually really make me remember why I sit here and play these things to begin with. I can't even tell you the last time this really happened (although I'm probably sure it had to do with Dark Souls), but this part of the game just instantly gave me those feels). While you guys may think I am completely overdoing this, just remember, I wasn't going into this game expecting it to be the greatest thing ever...I just wanted it to be good.

Basically, this encounter is perfect for any fan of this franchise. The scariest part of the whole thing in my opinion was simply the footsteps. We cranked up the bass, and just hearing the Alien walking around was enough to blow me away. I'm not usually one to get scared of games, and while I wasn't completely shaken, I was definitely completely immersed and focused on trying to stay alive. While many people here are going to complain about the save/checkpoint system, I believe it was the best thing to do in this game. Dying at least has sort of a consequence, and it really does make you want to take your time and try to outwit this monster. What would be the point if you could just respawn halfway through and run to the end? In my opinion that defeats the purpose of the game, which is why I definitely enjoy how this has been handled. While I'm sure I was probably being a little bit too cautious, I was just having so much fun playing at such a slow pace. Peeking around every single corner and barely moving, listening to the Alien walking around was literally the greatest thing I could have asked for in this game. It may be the smallest thing, but just the sounds of the Alien make it seem so damn scary. My dad doesn't pay attention to any survival horror games, but I could tell that he was blown away watching this. I also replayed the encounter after with headphones on (I bought the headset adapter earlier today and was using Studio Beats by Dr.Dre), and it sounded just as good. The thumps from the footsteps felt really close through the headphones, making it just as tense the second time.

Something else that really blew me away was the integration of Kinect, which I really thought was quite cool despite it being rather gimmicky. For those of you that don't know, it is very similar to what was used in Forza 5. If you lean to the right (holding LB as you do this), your character will kind of peak out of cover, and then move back when you recenter yourself. You don't need to move very far, and it works perfectly, even playing in the dark. By straightening your body and kind of tilting your head up you are able to look above things, which is definitely my favourite part of the Kinect usage. As I was crouching behind a barricade, instead of just pressing the crouch button very quickly to look up and get back into cover, I chose to use the Kinect. The amount you move determines how much your character moves (like it isn't a predetermined distance), and just peeking enough to see the Alien on the other side of the barrier was so damn scary, but really really cool. It seems like such a small feature, and I'm sure many people won't want to play with it (I was going to turn it off at first), BUT IT IS SOMETHING I SO RECOMMEND. You need to at least try it. Combined with headphones, it was just asdjilhasdkjashdkljashdkasfa. To me, this is what makes the Xbox One version superior to everything else (except Oculus Rift support haha). I know some of you guys are going to want to go for the PS4 version because it looks better... but if that sort of thing doesn't really mean much to you, then get this version. There are a couple frame rate issues here and there (and I'm not sure how this is on the PS4), but I was able to stand it despite my hatred for anything lower than 30 FPS.

I don't want to overhype you guys, but in my personal opinion, this game is really damn good, and I have only done one single encounter. I can't speak towards the rest of the game, or how repetitive this may get, but right now, this is easily one of the best games I have played in a long time. I'm not saying there aren't any flaws, as there are a couple things I don't like. But, these are so tiny compared to everything that is good about this game, and I barely even notice them. I was so excited after playing the encounter, I literally just couldn't even believe that this game turned out the way it did. I know I might be going into way too much detail about some crazy tiny things, but to me, this is what makes the game. Honestly, this game was such a nice surprise. I'm surprised my Dad has stayed entertained as long as he has...usually he can't watch a game longer than thirty minutes.



^^ Kotaku mentioned you might be able to pull off the sound and leaning features with the PS4 camera, but couldn't say for sure. Either way, I'm gonna have to play it on PS4. I don't think those are enough to make me get it on X1 even though I have both.

And that's a crazy long write up. lol


Not sure if its been mentioned yet but the street date has been broken in Australia. K-mart sold a copy and considering that Nintendo now don't supply K-mart here anymore because of braking the street date on Mario Kart, I will assume they are in so much trouble they may pull out of gaming now.


The concept sounds interesting.
I have been preaching a proper Alien game needs only one, extremely deadly, xenomorph since alien trilogy. Which was a decent game but spammed aliens around every corner, which after a while made them a chore rather than something you would fear.
Now though, making something like this work requires some game designing skill and the result would be a love it or hate it kind of thing in any case.
Reviews for this game will be all over the place, I guess, they will be no help. I think this is a game one needs to try for himself.


Watched that IGN review, and the dude essentially said that 2/3's of the game is perfect (which seems to put that at 10-15 hours of playtime) and then the last stretch is a pacing killer, and somehow that means the entirety of the experience is 100% shit. Also, because he was too stubborn to not play on hard, he got his ass kicked. His tone resembled that of a Youtube rant.
Does the Derelict from the first film make an appearance in any way? I've always dreamed of a game like this taking place on it, it would be amazing.

Based on what I've read on the GameFAQS board (mind you, it could be fake, but multiple people are now confirming it):

There is a flashback to someone (not Amanda) exploring the Derelict, and showing the events that led up to what happened on the station.

Also, and this is a huge spoiler, so don't read it unless you want to know what happens later.

There's more than one xenomorph. You seemingly kill the first one off midway through the game, and it is replaced by androids for a long while. Then another one appears, and you discover facehuggers as well.

Either way, I'm on that hype train now. Going to pick it up as soon as I upgrade my rig.
Watched that IGN review, and the dude seemed to boil the whole review down to "I played on hard, and because I'm fucking garbage at the game, I'm going to give it a low review score and show them who the real boss is. How dare they make a game that is actually difficult." Aside from that he essentially said that 2/3's of the game is perfect (which seems to put that at 10-15 hours of playtime) and then the last stretch is a pacing killer, and somehow that means the entirety of the experience is 100% shit. This dude just seemed like an angry youtuber posting a rant video, and not a reviewer.

Bro! I'm sorry, but I totally did not get that feeling, at all. The reviewer voiced legitimate complaints about the game's cheap deaths, but more importantly about the game's monotony. The game seems to boil down to "hiding from the Alien over and over". I am sure its terrifying at first, but could get really tedious after a while. Plus, he is HARDLY the only reviewer expressing this sentiment.

The gameplay should be exhilarating, not exasperating.

I've had this game on preorder for a while now, but I think I may hold off. I'm going to wait and see if I can get this during one of those inevitable forthcoming "Buy 2, Get 1 Free" sales. I want more user impressions, before I take the plunge.


Bro! I'm sorry, but I totally did not get that feeling, at all. The reviewer voiced legitimate complaints about the game's cheap deaths, but more importantly about the game's monotony. The game seems to boil down to "hiding from the Alien over and over". I am sure its terrifying at first, but could get really tedious after a while. Plus, he is HARDLY the only reviewer expressing this sentiment.

The gameplay should be exhilarating, not exasperating.

I've had this game on preorder for a while now, but I think I may hold off. I'm going to wait and see if I can get this during one of those inevitable forthcoming "Buy 2, Get 1 Free" sales. I want more user impressions, before I take the plunge.

I meant to focus on the second half of my post, rather than my obviously snide "quote". I was really getting at the fact that if it was feeling cheap, he should have just played it on a lower difficulty, since that's not what he was looking to play. There goes at least 50% of his criticism. The other part was that he was saying that game was amazing for the majority of it, and then he subjectively didn't like the different pacing in the ending couple of hours, so that somehow negates the majority of hours he'd put into it previously.



I haven't even seen the xenomorph yet. D:

P. Fembot

Just picked up mine here in Australia. Street date decimated.

Watching Alien while the patch downloads.

This is gonna be epic.

I think the retailer that broke it is gonna be in some strife.


Thanks for the interesting post, 1337Sauce! I hope you'll post some further impressions.

I don't know if this has been posted yet but Adam Smith's review over at Rock, Paper, Shotgun makes the game sound quite fascinating: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2014/10/03/alien-isolation-review-pc/

He does speak of some lows, but I'd rather have a game with incredible highs and some lows than something without any edges.

I think I'm totally gonna buy this this on Friday the 10th.
The main complaints are ones that will make me hate this game. Cheap deaths, crappy FPS sections, fucking manual in game save points, rinse and repeat trial and error gameplay etc.

None of that sounds fun to me and are parts of games I hate the most. It just makes artificial challenges and padding.

Will wait for a sale.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
It just makes artificial challenges and padding.

I don't think "artificial" is the right word, for the examples you're using, so much as unforgiving. Which is very subjective. The impression I get from this game is that its fairly unique and committed to a certain execution, one that isn't going to be favourable to everyone, even those who love stealth and horror. Much of the design that makes it harder is also very intentional to convey the sense of dread and tension. Resident Evil deliberately scattered safe rooms as a place to, well, be safe. The blanket over your head. The intention with Isolation is to give you no blanket, so even the act of saving the game is a tense battle between risk and reward. While this might increase the game's difficulty and tedium for certain people, like yourself, for others it will enhance. Kind of like dying in ZombiU and how it flushed all of your character skill upgrades forcing you to "start again". Potentially frustrating, but went a very long way towards delivering the overall concept.

Based on the footage and response so far, my only major concern is how tedious the xeno AI will be in balancing puzzle-like avoidance with obvious manipulation from the designers while falsifying a sentient, intelligent being. I'm excited that this isn't a game of compartmentalised encounters, and instead a long burn of avoiding something that dynamically hunts you, but there still needs to be some consistency in its hunting methodology alongside your sneaking. Unpredictability is fine when behaviour variations are consistent and believable. Unpredictability is not when it feels like everything you do is a total gamble. The former is tense and rewarding, the latter is cheap and frustrating.

Something Jim noted, and evident in footage, is that the xeno AI is always nipping at your heels. You can't really escape and have it wander aimlessly halfway on the other side of the map. It will, ultimately, follow you. This is a deliberate design quirk that hopefully wont get too frustrating.


So guys, after all the reviews, Gies is an idiot and it's a buy right?
I had a busy week and only now I've seen the reviews were polarizing as hell.

Is the Nostromo edition worth it? What is that Pre-order DLC about?

Between this, Mordor and Evil Within I don't know what to invest in...

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
So guys, after all the reviews, Gies is an idiot and it's a buy right?
I had a busy week and only now I've seen the reviews were polarizing as hell.

Is the Nostromo edition worth it? What is that Pre-order DLC about?

Between this, Mordor and Evil Within I don't know what to invest in...

If you pre-order, you get a few mission where you can play as Ellen Ripley on the Nostromo.

You can buy a special edition from amazon but that is basically just a steelbook, with nothing special about it.
1337Sauce...you are my hero. Now I am torn between keeping my PS4 preorder and getting the XB1 Nostromo edition. this will literally be the 5th time I have switched either retail chains or versions of the game:

ps4 Nostromo at Amazon
Xbox One Version at Amazon because I heard graphical parity between the XB1 and PS4 (and dat green case)

realized they don't get Ripley

Xbox One Nostromo at gamestop
heard there are problems with XB1 version
PS4 Nostromo at gamestop

hear your impressions of the cool kinect implementation....

sigh :/


How about the level design guys? it's a linear game or is something like a metroid-castlevania-system shock 2?

I'm not sure. So far I've seen a few locked doors that seem to require I get different items to unlock them and the map is pretty large.


I watched Alien last night. One of my favorite movies of all time but obviously wanted to build some hype for Isolation too, as if I needed any more of that.

I get why people might be concerned that the "close" behaviour of the Alien AI might make it frustrating for them personally from a gameplay perspective, but it's not really out of the creatures character to behave like that is it? The Nostromo is an absolutely enourmous ship and yet the crew have absolutely no escape from it's proximity during the film, even down to the very last scenes. Any time any 1 or 2 of the crew venture out on their own, wherever on the ship they are, the Xeno is just "there" ready to pick them off and hunt them down.

Like I say, I appreciate that some people just don't like being stalked in that way during games, and I'll save judgement on that myself until I've played 15-20 hours of it too, but I think I'd be dissappinted if the Alien did just wander off aimlessly. You are essentially being stalked as prey by a relentless killing machine. Whenever it's even close, I'm glad it won't be easy to lose it completely just by hiding.


What thread?
Selling as Steamgift?

Here, it gets sent to your email and then you redeem it on Steam. Never used this guy before today but it worked fine and people here seem to trust the process. Regardless $37 for the GMG deal isn't bad either if you're more comfortable using that.


Here, it gets sent to your email and then you redeem it on Steam. Never used this guy before today but it worked fine and people here seem to trust the process. Regardless $37 for the GMG deal isn't bad either if you're more comfortable using that.

Just sent him a PM
If it doesn't come with the Nostromo DLC I might buy from GMG (With the bonus of starting to pre-load today)

But 26$ is an excellent price


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
If this turns out to be good I'd like to see CA tackle a Aliens game next, if they can.


If this turns out to be good I'd like to see CA tackle a Aliens game next, if they can.


Despite the consistent failures by the industry so far to do so I still think there's a chance of a great Aliens game. I absolutely love what Creative Assembly are doing here based on Alien, but I think you can still create a survival horror based on Aliens too. Surely you can increase the Alien count (although even then not go nuts), keep ammo limited, retain the tight, dark corridors and rooms.. to me you'd still be able to build fear, tension and horror into an experience like that.



Despite the consistent failures by the industry so far to do so I still think there's a chance of a great Aliens game. I absolutely love what Creative Assembly are doing here based on Alien, but I think you can still create a survival horror based on Aliens too. Surely you can increase the Alien count (although even then not go nuts), keep ammo limited, retain the tight, dark corridors and rooms.. to me you'd still be able to build fear, tension and horror into an experience like that.

I agree. One of the strong points in Isolation is the great detail in enviromnents and they could do the same with Aliens. And you can put multiple Aliens without them being just mere cannon fodder. (after all, people tend to forget that in Aliens, half the marines get wiped in mere seconds against the Aliens).



Despite the consistent failures by the industry so far to do so I still think there's a chance of a great Aliens game. I absolutely love what Creative Assembly are doing here based on Alien, but I think you can still create a survival horror based on Aliens too. Surely you can increase the Alien count (although even then not go nuts), keep ammo limited, retain the tight, dark corridors and rooms.. to me you'd still be able to build fear, tension and horror into an experience like that.

I'm just thinking back to playing BioShock on Survivor difficulty. Hiding from Big Daddies in vents trying to take them down, running away while they're coming after you with full force. Just turn that up a notch.

I also like the idea of two campaigns covering aliens and marines.
You're right, they did!

Still haven't been shipped for me. Check my orders and at the end of the description of the game it has the word "hold". It's not next to the order but part of the name of the game which seems weird. Still States pending dispatch underneath and has been like that since Thursday.
Can anyone that ordered this from SimplyGames check their own order to see if they have the same thing.
Won't be able to contact them til Monday about this.


Still haven't been shipped for me. Check my orders and at the end of the description of the game it has the word "hold". It's not next to the order but part of the name of the game which seems weird. Still States pending dispatch underneath and has been like that since Thursday.
Can anyone that ordered this from SimplyGames check their own order to see if they have the same thing.
Won't be able to contact them til Monday about this.

I saw in this thread that Simplygames was shipping early, so I did a quick cancel with Amazon while at work around 12pm, and put in an order which shipped about 3:30pm. I was probably just lucky, but if your order is getting held up there's a chance they may changed their mind about breaking release date, although Simply are usually pretty fearless about sending stuff out early.

Also, the game is pretty great so far. Really reminds me of WARP's Enemy Zero for some reason. Can't redeem my Nostromo code yet though, unsurprisingly.
Based on the footage and response so far, my only major concern is how tedious the xeno AI will be in balancing puzzle-like avoidance with obvious manipulation from the designers while falsifying a sentient, intelligent being. I'm excited that this isn't a game of compartmentalised encounters, and instead a long burn of avoiding something that dynamically hunts you, but there still needs to be some consistency in its hunting methodology alongside your sneaking. Unpredictability is fine when behaviour variations are consistent and believable. Unpredictability is not when it feels like everything you do is a total gamble. The former is tense and rewarding, the latter is cheap and frustrating.

From what I gather from reviews, they definitely highlighted your bolded statements. The difference, however, is how resistant they are to that particular detail. EscapistMag and Eurogamer clearly went for a more optimistic outlook while Ars Technica and IGN definitely used this aspect as the main contention of the game. For me, it's always about game design first so I kind of relate to the negative side of the reviews, if only they point out this glaring issue.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.

Despite the consistent failures by the industry so far to do so I still think there's a chance of a great Aliens game. I absolutely love what Creative Assembly are doing here based on Alien, but I think you can still create a survival horror based on Aliens too. Surely you can increase the Alien count (although even then not go nuts), keep ammo limited, retain the tight, dark corridors and rooms.. to me you'd still be able to build fear, tension and horror into an experience like that.
Yeah I'd like a good mixture, let you go in as if you are invincible and have it all out action and then strip you away of your team members and ammo with only a few resources and members left, have you scavenge for supplys and ammo and then venture into the hive, but keep it smart and don't make it a mindless shooter, the variation of it will help with the length of the game that reviews have complained about too.
If they can get this A.I to work as a team, my god!
it would be what Aliens was to Alien and that would be amazing.
I saw in this thread that Simplygames was shipping early, so I did a quick cancel with Amazon while at work around 12pm, and put in an order which shipped about 3:30pm. I was probably just lucky, but if your order is getting held up there's a chance they may changed their mind about breaking release date, although Simply are usually pretty fearless about sending stuff out early.

It's weird, never had an issue for them since I started using them a few years ago. Checked and the order shows as:

In Progress | Pending Despatch

When I view the order is shows this:

if I click anywhere on the name [or the hold word] it just links to the game listing. So know idea about the Hold text is all about, never seen it before and none of my others purchases have it. Can you check to see if you also have that in your order?


^^ Kotaku mentioned you might be able to pull off the sound and leaning features with the PS4 camera, but couldn't say for sure. Either way, I'm gonna have to play it on PS4. I don't think those are enough to make me get it on X1 even though I have both.

Someone tested this ?


Here, it gets sent to your email and then you redeem it on Steam. Never used this guy before today but it worked fine and people here seem to trust the process. Regardless $37 for the GMG deal isn't bad either if you're more comfortable using that.

I used him for another game and he delivered in minutes. No problems.

Unrelated note - I heard the Gamestop exclusive DLC will eventually be sold elsewhere?
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