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Alien: Isolation |OT| 1 Alien. 1 Ripley. No Jonesy.


It won't make any difference.


Seriously though, did you? How good would you say you are at stealth and being patient around the xeno?


Thanks, I was under the assumption it was going to be 60, I don't know why.

Either way it looks really good, can't wait to hear more impressions from you guys.

It seems like it should be 60 based on the PC benchmarks. If mid-range cards can get 90-100 FPS out of it maxed out I dont quite get why the consoles are stuck at 30.


Has there been any reviews mention the preorder bonus with the original cast?

How good is the mission? Almost want to play the game just for that and I know it isn't worth it just for that but just wondering how it turned out.


Stormy Grey
Has there been any reviews mention the preorder bonus with the original cast?

How good is the mission? Almost want to play the game just for that and I know it isn't worth it just for that but just wondering how it turned out.

Apparently the episode hasn't been uploaded to any servers and since it isn't on the disc, no one has been able to review it yet.


Going by the film the cheapness of the Alien sounds about right. The game isn't a day one purchase for me, but I will probably buy eventually.
Has there been any reviews mention the preorder bonus with the original cast?

How good is the mission? Almost want to play the game just for that and I know it isn't worth it just for that but just wondering how it turned out.

Same, especially after watching that egx video where they discussed the lengths they went to to make it a faithful recreation down to all the character models, referencing stock photos of the cast taken from different angles. I wonder who all they got to do voices (I know they got Weaver for some), how many "scenes" they recreated etc. I know it isn't supposed to be long but still really intrigued how it's set up.


Last Survivor is available now and is playable. Crew Expendable is locked (presumably until the game goes up). It's installed on my system, but is behaving like a locked pre-order. Xbox One.

Anyway, just finished up Mission 9 I think. Pretty fantastic and atmospheric missions. I took a few screenshots of it, I know a few people had questions about this. But it's also spoileriffic so don't click if you want to be truly surprised. I do know some people were hanging out to see this kind of stuff make an appearance, though.

DONT CLICK IF YOU DONT WANT TO BE SPOILED I WARNED YOU (although honestly it's not a huge part of the story)






By the way, I'd totally do a stream of Last Survivor for you guys but for some reason Twitch won't let me. But it will for other games.....is the Twitch app really that smart?

I also GIFfed my (and sped up, for effect) my scariest encounter with the Alien thus far. And funnily enough it's one of the randomised ones.

clicked that first image link. saw it. little upset I saw it. replaced upset feeling with hype. Is it Tuesday yet?

^ Amen to that! Just get hyped.


Oh man, those pictures! Hyped!

Is New Zealand the best region to set my Xbox One to for the earliest unlock?
Last Survivor is available now and is playable. Crew Expendable is locked (presumably until the game goes up). It's installed on my system, but is behaving like a locked pre-order. Xbox One.

Anyway, just finished up Mission 9 I think. Pretty fantastic and atmospheric missions. I took a few screenshots of it, I know a few people had questions about this. But it's also spoileriffic so don't click if you want to be truly surprised. I do know some people were hanging out to see this kind of stuff make an appearance, though.

DONT CLICK IF YOU DONT WANT TO BE SPOILED I WARNED YOU (although honestly it's not a huge part of the story)





By the way, I'd totally do a stream of Last Survivor for you guys but for some reason Twitch won't let me. But it will for other games.....is the Twitch app really that smart?

I also GIFfed my (and sped up, for effect) my scariest encounter with the Alien thus far. And funnily enough it's one of the randomised ones.


Blergh, I really, /really/ should have heeded that spoiler warning. Would have completely lost it if I had just experienced that for myself.


I'd say this is exactly right. The game is great except for the Alien himself who is just a massive, massive asshole. He looks awesome, moves great, makes all the right Alien-y noises, but for some reason the game abandons the movie's portrayal of an effortless, inconspicuous shadowy killer, instead making him a relentless, hyper-active marathon runner who has decided that you're his most favourite thing in the world and never leaves you alone.

I've played a few hours on normal, and the Alien is a little more pleasingly sedate and stupid than he is on hard, but the game is still choc-full of his seemingly random behaviour flits and sudden impossible appearances. Your first encounter is harrowing, thrilling, and a sweet relief when it's over. But it isn't over. It starts again. And again. You do get a chance to breathe and stretch your legs with a little Alien-free time eventually before he turns up again, but only after you've died about 20 times in one area. There's a very fragile balance to crafting a satisfying horror game, and Alien Isolation comes so close, but screws up its focal component, and forgets the most important element of a horror game- yes, it's supposed to be bleak, scary and intimidating, but it's also supposed to be fun. When the Alien is around, it's not, sadly.

I've uploaded some to the PS4/Bone/Wii U screenshot thread here.

So are you recommending normal over hard? Or is the game worse because of the more stuipd alien?


I honestly don't find the Alien to be unpredictable at all. Everytime he's run after me it's been pretty obvious why - I ran into him, I stepped out from cover too soon or I forgot to hold my breath in a locker while he smelt for me.

Now that I've got the flame thrower and Molotov blueprint, he's even more manageable. On the slight off chance that I do fuck up either of these items sends him back into the vents.

If anything I'd say it's a steep learning curve that I was very much over by the fourth mission. I've even learnt to use the Alien to my advantage and clear out rooms of enemies for me while I sneak around in the shadows.


I also think the game gives you enough tools between hiding, blueprint items and weapons to evade or at least push back the Alien during times of crisis.

I don't think the Alien is smart at all in some situations and I'm also playing on hard. There are times when I'd wish he'd just fuck off, but I think that's the point? I'm not sure. I just think it's easy, if you know what you're doing, to get the Alien to move somewhere else especially with items like the Noisemakers. Worst case scenario you can craft some smoke bombs and sneak out that way too if he's not leaving a certain area.

I actually made this video a while ago but didn't edit it until recently. It shows me attempting to throw a Noisemaker to lure the Aliena way from my location, but fucking it up and then feverishly attempting to get past him.

I think watching this video it's obvious the Alien AI isn't that smart nor is it unfair, you just need to know how to play with it.

Anyway, I'll let you guys decide, I guess.

I also think the game gives you enough tools between hiding, blueprint items and weapons to evade or at least push back the Alien during times of crisis.

I don't think the Alien is smart at all in some situations and I'm also playing on hard. There are times when I'd wish he'd just fuck off, but I think that's the point? I'm not sure. I just think it's easy, if you know what you're doing, to get the Alien to move somewhere else especially with items like the Noisemakers. Worst case scenario you can craft some smoke bombs and sneak out that way too if he's not leaving a certain area.

I actually made this video a while ago but didn't edit it until recently. It shows me attempting to throw a Noisemaker to lure the Aliena way from my location, but fucking it up and then feverishly attempting to get past him.

I think watching this video it's obvious the Alien AI isn't that smart nor is it unfair, you just need to know how to play with it.

Anyway, I'll let you guys decide, I guess.


So at the point you're at in the game now are you still able to get properly scared by its presence or anticipation thereof? Or more of a nuisance to be dealt with to continue progression?
So I'm assuming that if I buy a key from someone in the B/S/T thread, it won't come with the pre-order DLC? If this is the case I'll just jump on the GMG 20% off, which seems to be the best deal since the 25% code expired.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Any VPN to play this early on Steam?

So I'm assuming that if I buy a key from someone in the B/S/T thread, it won't come with the pre-order DLC? If this is the case I'll just jump on the GMG 20% off, which seems to be the best deal since the 25% code expired.

I'm not sure about buying keys from anyone, but I got mine as a Steam gift that counts as a preorder.
I also think the game gives you enough tools between hiding, blueprint items and weapons to evade or at least push back the Alien during times of crisis.

I don't think the Alien is smart at all in some situations and I'm also playing on hard. There are times when I'd wish he'd just fuck off, but I think that's the point? I'm not sure. I just think it's easy, if you know what you're doing, to get the Alien to move somewhere else especially with items like the Noisemakers. Worst case scenario you can craft some smoke bombs and sneak out that way too if he's not leaving a certain area.

I actually made this video a while ago but didn't edit it until recently. It shows me attempting to throw a Noisemaker to lure the Aliena way from my location, but fucking it up and then feverishly attempting to get past him.

I think watching this video it's obvious the Alien AI isn't that smart nor is it unfair, you just need to know how to play with it.

Anyway, I'll let you guys decide, I guess.


So far, what's your verdict so far, Day 1 buy or should we wait out on a discount?

I always thought these types of games were tricky to enjoy and even more tricky to design, I imagine. I'm a huge fan of the Alien franchise, but I can't see much replay value outside of the challenge missions.


So at the point you're at in the game now are you still able to get properly scared by its presence or anticipation thereof? Or more of a nuisance to be dealt with to continue progression?

I think there's a problem now where I am much more inclined to just "push it back" with a flamethrower burst or molotov rather than do what I was doing before and hide a lot. This is good because it means that I can get more done within a certain amount of time, but it's also bad because I'm relying on what will inevitably become finite resources.

For what it's worth, I found both the Alien and the Androids very frightening from the first to about the fifth mission. I wouldn't call my feelings fear anymore. It's more of a stressful/tension kind of feeling.

Neither the fear or the stress/tension of the game are bad things, mind you. I'm enjoying experimenting and finding the Alien's "limits" as to what I can get away with without actually getting killed or hunted down. I appreciate that when I'm found I have a short time to react with either a molotov or a flamethrower to get a "second chance" of sorts.

So far, what's your verdict so far, Day 1 buy or should we wait out on a discount?

I always thought these types of games were tricky to enjoy and even more tricky to design, I imagine. I'm a huge fan of the Alien franchise, but I can't see much replay value outside of the challenge missions.

I feel like I'm biased at this point since I've invested so much time into it and I'm really enjoying it. Everything about this game is absolutely top notch, barring the Alien AI itself which, as you can see from others, is polarising. I'm personally enjoying it and I think anyone who enjoys stealth games, horror games or even both will be able to pick this up right now and get their money's worth. But I will warn you I'm never one to wait out for discounts.

I agree this is a tricky kind of game to design and get right, and I appreciate that they've tried to mix things up by making some areas obviously Alien proof. I can run around and make as much noise as I want during some circumstances and the Alien won't make an appearance at all. Other times he will appear straight away (and this is audibly communicated to the player by banging noises in the vents and roof etc.)

I really just see this as a new generational re-imagining of stalker horror games like Clock Tower, Demento/Haunting Ground and Rule of Rose but with a much greater sense of atmosphere and art direction and budget.


A nice touch for fans of the original film - there are collectibles called
which seem to be found in areas that you wouldn't usually go to unless you were purposefully backtracking.

Opening them allows you to listen to thoughts and musings from
the crew of the NOSTROMO
although I'm not entirely sure if they
are the original voice actors

The spoilers I've tagged above are for collectibles only - not the story.


I also think the game gives you enough tools between hiding, blueprint items and weapons to evade or at least push back the Alien during times of crisis.

I don't think the Alien is smart at all in some situations and I'm also playing on hard. There are times when I'd wish he'd just fuck off, but I think that's the point? I'm not sure. I just think it's easy, if you know what you're doing, to get the Alien to move somewhere else especially with items like the Noisemakers. Worst case scenario you can craft some smoke bombs and sneak out that way too if he's not leaving a certain area.

I actually made this video a while ago but didn't edit it until recently. It shows me attempting to throw a Noisemaker to lure the Aliena way from my location, but fucking it up and then feverishly attempting to get past him.

I think watching this video it's obvious the Alien AI isn't that smart nor is it unfair, you just need to know how to play with it.

Anyway, I'll let you guys decide, I guess.


Aside from him somehow not spotting you when went to the other cover, that was actually very believable behavior. It was distracted by the noisemaker and so you sneaked by him to go into the other room. It seemed almost as if he heard that door open and went inside to check it out. He saw that it was nothing and so he left. Pretty awesome.


Aside from him somehow not spotting you when went to the other cover, that was actually very believable behavior. It was distracted by the noisemaker and so you sneaked by him to go into the other room. It seemed almost as if he heard that door open and went inside to check it out. He saw that it was nothing and so he left. Pretty awesome.

Honestly I'm still wondering whether the Alien can hear the doors or not. In that area in particular, there are cameras that follow the player and make noise when doing so. I destroyed them before the Alien appeared in this area and I swear it was easier to get around without being spotted.

But yeah, I think the Alien is pretty smart but by no means cheap. But I've never attempted to outrun him because I know that's going to be pretty pointless. :p


maybe tomorrow it rains
Watching Alien now...for the first time :p

Don't check GAF while you watch it. It deserves your full attention.

I got my girlfriend to watch it for the first time earlier this week. Loved seeing her reaction to the big moments. Wish I could go back and see it fresh again.


Honestly I'm still wondering whether the Alien can hear the doors or not. In that area in particular, there are cameras that follow the player and make noise when doing so. I destroyed them before the Alien appeared in this area and I swear it was easier to get around without being spotted.

But yeah, I think the Alien is pretty smart but by no means cheap. But I've never attempted to outrun him because I know that's going to be pretty pointless. :p

Is it possible to not outrun, but to lose the Alien once it spots you or is it youarealreadydead.jpg once that happens? Can you somehow run to another room with tons of different stuff to hide behind or maybe lose him at a turn?


Honestly I'm still wondering whether the Alien can hear the doors or not. In that area in particular, there are cameras that follow the player and make noise when doing so. I destroyed them before the Alien appeared in this area and I swear it was easier to get around without being spotted.

But yeah, I think the Alien is pretty smart but by no means cheap. But I've never attempted to outrun him because I know that's going to be pretty pointless. :p
That is actually pretty cool. Though I think it'd help a lot more if the game did clarify that the Alien can pick up all sounds that you make, or inadvertently make. That definitely puts its behavior a huge step above most typical NPC AI that probably the majority of gamers are accustomed to. Everyone knows that you are afforded a lot of "liberties" with the noise you can make with most typical in-game enemies.

It certainly would make sense that the Alien would be a master at tracking sounds and would therefore be drawn to any noise that you make.


Got my copy today,

Lip sync seems ok on mine.

But the Cut Scenes are shocking for frame rate,
and my Last Survivor and Crew Expandable codes aren't working yet...apart from that no problems.

Graphics are awesome, sound, music, attention to detail.
Haven't seen the Alien yet.
Getting totally immersed into this.
So I looked at those spoiler images from earlier, and my hunch that
You eventually go to LV426 and the Derelict and get to explore it in some capacity.
was in fact correct.
I'm sure this is old for most of you but new to me so thought I'd share this "mini doc" interviewing the original cast for their recording new dialogue for "Crew Expendable". Pretty wild seeing everybody as they are today after having rewatched the original recently. 35 years ago wow. Shame Ian Holm wasn't able to get onboard (unless he just wasn't in this video). This has me more pumped than ever.



Is it possible to not outrun, but to lose the Alien once it spots you or is it youarealreadydead.jpg once that happens? Can you somehow run to another room with tons of different stuff to hide behind or maybe lose him at a turn?

Definitely, there have been times where I've been like "fuck he's found me" but I'll be under a desk or in a locker and after holding my breath for ages and he'll just leave.

There's definitely times when I should've been found but I wasn't. I've definitely lost the Alien post chase, especially if there's a big distance between the moment where he sees me and the time that I hide. (ie. if it's not point blank)


I'm sure this is old for most of you but new to me so thought I'd share this "mini doc" interviewing the original cast for their recording new dialogue for "Crew Expendable". Pretty wild seeing everybody as they are today after having rewatched the original recently. 35 years ago wow. Shame Ian Holm wasn't able to get onboard (unless he just wasn't in this video). This has me more pumped than ever.


He's credit on IMDB with the game so he's probably in it. Or they just used audio clips.
So I looked at those spoiler images from earlier, and my hunch that
You eventually go to LV426 and the Derelict and get to explore it in some capacity.
was in fact correct.

Hate to break it to you, but it's not. Flashback only (as Marlow from the Anesidora).
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