My dad hasn't bought a game for himself in a very, very long time. Technically the last game he bought for himself was Gears of War, but he had been away from recent gaming so long before that even, so I don't think he enjoyed it. Well before Alien: Isolation it was gears.
Alien is one of his favorite movies and series', he even loved Prometheus. He bought a pretty nice tower about a week ago and yesterday his Gaming Headset came in the mail, so he was happy and surprised to see he was already able to download before work today.
When did the game become available? Is easy mode actually easy? It would be sad to see him turned off on this game due to the difficulty. Last game he was really into was Mario 64, his GOAT, so he's just not accustomed to 3D games and especially not FPS games. He tops me any day at a game of Street Fighter II or Magician Lord though.