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Aliens and UFOs

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That moon one is pretty insane. That is if it were real.

Although it looks real enough, I am however unconvinced that it is real. Surly, if you filmed that on camera, you'd take the raw footage to a news network for them to show that world. You wouldn't just paste in YouTube.

Very good special effects, especially with the shadows. I was almost convinced.
I remember seeing it on my local news.



Cutty Flam

Some of these stories dude holy fuck......After listening, if I am ever in a rural part of the world, and I see an odd, unfamiliar, bright light of any kind I am 100% not going to go a foot closer if it can be avoided. It's so simple, but the lights are the allure it's like a web to a fly except these 'aliens' simply use bright lights to catch ones' curiosity and then they do whatever they do in their experiments with human beings. That is, if you believe the stories or not. Personally I don't think they are lying. A very disturbing reality to have to face. Knowing that you were pretty much being treated like a lab rat to an entity that likely considers itself superior to you, performing experiments on you. Listening to these stories bring so much paranoia but I think they're worth checking out

In a way not related, but today I had a weird dream about UFOs. It was in a city, I have never been to. There were lights in the sky, lots of them. I knew they were aliens(I had the impression it was an invasion). I had a good phone, but I was scared that I would be hunted by them if I started to record, but at the same time it was too many for not others to record it, so not much point in a recording. Then there was an explosion like a volcano, I knew it was going to be bad, lava was going up, and I was near. Then a UFO dropped a big tube inside it, like trying to contain it. Something deep told me it is not for the right reasons, then there were tanks approaching it, the government says they were doing something. Then many other UFOs approached. I wake up.


A dream, great
I just started the first one, incredible so far if true. These guys don't seem like bullshit peddlers

Well bill made over $700,000 from it, just from MJ12 documents, thats a big reason to make up shit

They sound valid sure, only about 30mins into part 1, but the money is a big red flag in my head


A dream, great

Well bill made over $700,000 from it, just from MJ12 documents, thats a big reason to make up shit

They sound valid sure, only about 30mins into part 1, but the money is a big red flag in my head
Didn't know that but yes. I got to the point where he was talking about seeing reptilians being on the moon and that guy was like you actually he saw it and the way he said yeah sounded like he was lying for sure. I didn't listen anymore. I'm thinking there is for certain stuff on the moon or craft etc that nasa has covered up but this sounds like bs
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Didn't know that but yes. I got to the point where he was talking about seeing reptilian being in the moon and that guy was like you actually he saw it and the way he said yeah sounded like he was lying for sure

This is why I dont take eye witness 'stories' as anything but bullshit

I was with them with mj12 documents, lost me at i never seen a ufo, but we had alien children dig holes, and no-one could see them

I check out at that point, its useless and damaging to suppose legit information, no evidence, its nothing but a story, a story that sounds like utter nonsense
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What I find odd are these consistently described tall blond pilots throughout history in conjunction with ufos. Makes me wonder if humans were kidnapped at some point and have another population somewhere else, or, maybe we were transplanted here. Could be total bullshit of course but the consistency of the stories is puzzling.
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What I find odd are these consistently described tall blond pilots throughout history in conjunction with ufos. Makes me wonder if humans were kidnapped at some point and have another population somewhere else, or, maybe we were transplanted here. Could be total bullshit of course bit the consistency of the stories is puzzling.


They've heard that story before, and run with it, because if someone else has said it before, it add a small amount of credibility to it.



They've heard that story before, and run with it, because if someone else has said it before, it add a small amount of credibility to it.

That's true, but I watched one the other day were a woman 50 years later was retelling it side by side when she was young. Still freaked out about it near her death bed.
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Gold Member
Strongest signal since the wow signal... its almost definitely 100 percent technology because its a low band signal ...whats currently going on are tests to determine if its froma manmade source.

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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member

"A Harvard professor believes that we were visited by an alien object in 2017.

In his upcoming book, Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth, theoretical physicist Avi Loeb lays out his theory about a peculiar-shaped object that entered our solar system several years ago.

The interstellar object—named "Oumuamua"—was first observed through the Pan-STARRS telescope at Hawaii's Haleakala Observatory in 2017. Researchers determined that it had passed through the ecliptic plane on Sept. 6 from the direction of Vega, a star in the Lyra constellation that is about 25 light-years away from our planet. Just three days after later, Oumuamua—Hawaiian for "scout"—began accelerating toward the sun, before it eventually came closer to Earth on Oct. 7, "moving swiftly toward the constellation Pegasus and the blackness beyond," according to Loeb.

Some scientists claim Oumuamua, which is believed to be the first interstellar object detected in our solar system, was simply another comet; however Loeb—the chairman of Harvard University's astronomy department—dismisses that assumption, as it relies too much on the "familiar."

"What would happen if a caveman saw a cellphone?" he wondered while talking to the New York Post. "He’s seen rocks all his life, and he would have thought it was just a shiny rock."

Loeb says there are two big details that suggest Oumuamua wasn't just a comet, but rather a piece of alien technology. The first detail is the object's dimensions, as it was determined to be "five to 10 times longer than it was wide." Loeb argues the cigar-like shape isn't typical for a natural space object.

But the theoretical physicist says the biggest detail that supports his theory is Oumuamua's movement.

"The excess push away from the sun, that was the thing that broke the camel’s back," he said.

Loeb explains that the sun's gravitational force would cause a natural object to move faster as it approaches, and eventually push the object back, causing it to move slower as it moves away. Loeb points out that this didn't occur with Oumuamua, which accelerated "slightly, but to a highly statistically significant extent" as it moved further and further away.

"If we are not alone, are we the smartest kids on the block?" Loeb asked. "If there was a species that eliminated itself through war or changing the climate, we can get our act together and behave better. Instead, we are wasting a lot of resources on Earth fighting each other and other negative things that are a big waste."

Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth is set to hit shelves Jan. 26."


I do find it fascinating Aliens would travel light years upon lights and zillions of miles to shove a probe up your ass


I do find it fascinating Aliens would travel light years upon lights and zillions of miles to shove a probe up your ass

well to them, time isnt so much a factor they can go anywhere right in short time. so theyre just kinda coming here and checking on us every so often - like a cat being taken by a vet.

cool images from mars surface shows faces and pyramids that mirror the constellations


(stole from a few pages ago lmao get rekkt)
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I do find it fascinating Aliens would travel light years upon lights and zillions of miles to shove a probe up your ass

I've never seen any proof of the probing. Theres just been reports. Traveling light years to them could just be hours to us, or less.
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Can’t Git Gud
well to them, time isnt so much a factor they can go anywhere right in short time. so theyre just kinda coming here and checking on us every so often - like a cat being taken by a vet.

cool images from mars surface shows faces and pyramids that mirror the constellations


(stole from a few pages ago lmao get rekkt)
coincidence. choosing the rocks that fit the image and ignoring others.
There are unlimited number of stars and quite few rocks on marss. any pattern can be matched


well to them, time isnt so much a factor they can go anywhere right in short time. so theyre just kinda coming here and checking on us every so often - like a cat being taken by a vet.

cool images from mars surface shows faces and pyramids that mirror the constellations


(stole from a few pages ago lmao get rekkt
Dude come on! You can basically draw anything you want in some bunch of rocks.

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Some of these stories dude holy fuck......After listening, if I am ever in a rural part of the world, and I see an odd, unfamiliar, bright light of any kind I am 100% not going to go a foot closer if it can be avoided. It's so simple, but the lights are the allure it's like a web to a fly except these 'aliens' simply use bright lights to catch ones' curiosity and then they do whatever they do in their experiments with human beings. That is, if you believe the stories or not. Personally I don't think they are lying. A very disturbing reality to have to face. Knowing that you were pretty much being treated like a lab rat to an entity that likely considers itself superior to you, performing experiments on you. Listening to these stories bring so much paranoia but I think they're worth checking out

Pretty incredible claims.... Many researchers backing up these claims - they go into different species of alien - from the canadian minister of defense. government officials.

(ignore the thumbnail its actually just the conference video)
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Anyone heard of the conspiracy about how Mars was once lite earth, but they had some type of nuclear event, this is supposedly backed up, but the molten rock, turned to glass for hundreds of miles on the surface, which can only occur, due to a nuclear event.

Again its a conspiracy theory, but its a fun take.


This alien shit must be a con mans dream, I wonder how many gotten rich off it so far by doing seminars and selling books.


This alien shit must be a con mans dream, I wonder how many gotten rich off it so far by doing seminars and selling books.

Loads i imagine, why I find most of it laughable, like Steven greer

But its no different than mugs rocking up on a Sunday, to put money into a collections plate. There's plenty of con men evangelicals that are multimillionaire off a con, same as scientologist

And ufo are official, yes aerial phenomena has been recorded, and officially looked into, and video evidence and documentation has been declassified. Conclusion of that, its an unidentified flying object (and currently nothing more than that), but thats still official, no matter how u look at it

Now you could argue that it could just be secret black budget craft and what not, and im all for that too, ufo would be an excellent cover story for that, the more u deny it, the more they think its little green men, perfect lol

it still interests me none the less, doesn't mean I buy into every little thing. But I'll hear it out, if it has any evidence to put forward.


This alien shit must be a con mans dream, I wonder how many gotten rich off it so far by doing seminars and selling books.

what about the video i posted above from canadas ministry of defense; at a press conference. many officials are often risking alot - being labled as nutcases, thrown outside their profession, and for what - nothing, the risks far outweigh the benefits. then theres countless videos of military vets and ex-CIA guys recounting tales of UFO's - and to no gain one would think..

what is THAT guy getting from telling this story? he has nothing to gain; at the expense of possible riddicule from his friends, co-workers, peers and the public.. it also matches up with countless other tales, from bob lazar to officials to reporters..
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what about the video i posted above from canadas ministry of defense; at a press conference. many officials are often risking alot - being labled as nutcases, thrown outside their profession, and for what - nothing, the risks far outweigh the benefits. then theres countless videos of military vets and ex-CIA guys recounting tales of UFO's - and to no gain one would think..

what is THAT guy getting from telling this story? he has nothing to gain; at the expense of possible riddicule from his friends, co-workers, peers and the public..

He gains recognition forever, his legacy lives on, in 1 way or another


what about the video i posted above from canadas ministry of defense; at a press conference. many officials are often risking alot - being labled as nutcases, thrown outside their profession, and for what - nothing, the risks far outweigh the benefits. then theres countless videos of military vets and ex-CIA guys recounting tales of UFO's - and to no gain one would think..

what is THAT guy getting from telling this story? he has nothing to gain; at the expense of possible riddicule from his friends, co-workers, peers and the public.. it also matches up with countless other tales, from bob lazar to officials to reporters..

He might be convinced he saw something when he didn't. Or maybe he loves the day out as an old man, who knows ;)


Cant you at least watch it before judging, otherwise whats the point

Cool, and whats the name of this legend that will live on?

Ask the ufo community, thats who this is aimed at

Who knows what goes through a mind of someone near death

Does it make his story less credible, no. Only u said he has nothing to gain, im simply saying, gain doesn't always mean money.

I'll generally play devils advocate with a lot fo this stuff, because I think u have to, to be subjective, and see it from as many angles as possible.

Doesn't mean I'm calling u out on your opinion


Cant you at least watch it before judging, otherwise whats the point

Cool, and whats the name of this legend that will live on?

You're right, will do, but his voice is hard to listen to. :messenger_halo:

Okay watched most of it, so this was 3 years ago? If this was all true wouldn't this have blown up?

Too many people want aliens to be real, if there really was something there with actual proof, the world would know and every scientist would wet their panties over it.
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You're right, will do, but his voice is hard to listen to. :messenger_halo:

yeah he looks like if captain america went through the portal and instead just ate donuts and smoked a load until he came back through.

Ask the ufo community, thats who this is aimed at

Who knows what goes through a mind of someone near death

Does it make his story less credible, no. Only u said he has nothing to gain, im simply saying, gain doesn't always mean money.

I'll generally play devils advocate with a lot fo this stuff, because I think u have to, to be subjective, and see it from as many angles as possible.

Doesn't mean I'm calling u out on your opinion

I do consider posiblities like "oh theyre making money" or "they just want infamy" - but over the past 50 years no one has really got famous; everyones been labelled a kook. I know you dont JUST mean money. You should say what you specifically mean. Because I just see it as so many potential losses not gains when I weigh it up

It just seems so odd to me that after serving in CIA or military, and presumably having a lot of money and having a lot of respect and contacts; you're risking throwing it all away by making up some story about UFO's. everyone you worked with would think you were crazy, it would certainly cut off contact from government friendship if you bother to make up lies about them, and also yeah; that old captain america guy above whose wheezing probably just wants to drink some hot tea to soothe his throat.


Pretty interesting about the interstellar object that came into our solar system in 2017.

They estimate the density to be between ~0.1 kg/m3 and ~1 kg/m3, three to four orders of magnitude less than that of water or regular asteroid material. Think about this, a cubic meter is approx. 35 cubic feet. They think 35 cubic feet of this asteroid weights as little as 100 grams to 1 Kg (3 Oz to 30 Oz) ... So it's either a shell of some sort or it is a very thin but very large surface.

Either of these possibilities would be surprising to find coming from natural processes only and unique discovery by itself.

Then there is the fact that it is also about 10 times (IIRC) more bright than a normal asteroid.

Then there is the fact that it accelerated very slowly but very significantly out of the system beyond gravitational explanations.

Then combine that with several highly established scientists are putting their reputations on the line and outright confirming this object is not natural.

Honestly, I feel like if this object is alien, it comes from a civilization not much more advanced than ours, sub 5000 years. I feel like the craft the navy encountered is something on a different level, and they would not have the need for probes when they're already here.
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I watched that Bob Lazar documentary recently and it really surprised me how sincere he sounded. Surfing the web for information related to him I found this website: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2018/12/review-bob-lazar-area-51-and-flying-saucers/

There are a few articles there talking about disinformation campaigns and how Lazar could be a vessel to spread false information regarding the UFO topics.

I used to be a stench believer but over time I have cared less and less about the topic. I still believe it is a possibility but can't imagine any government on earth to be capable of keeping a secret this huge for such a long time.

Also, I saw a Jaime Maussan video posted in this thread. He used to be a respected researcher but he has fallen for a lot of scams or maybe he has been a willing participant. I wouldn't trust a word he says.
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