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Aliens and UFOs

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You could, of course, be entirely right. But it's where this tech came from, that I think most people would question. And things moving at documented speeds of 15,000MPH along with exhibited transmedium travel doesn't make you suspicious? I guess you're privy to stuff the rest of us aren't?

No, the other cases where the craft is accelerating from a dead stop to those crazy speeds are extremely suspicious. But those are other cases with insane speeds. This case, in particular, is just video correct? No radar?


I don't even know that specific case but oh man, imagine taking official reports at face value.. "bro it's the highest of the highest... it must be true!!!1. It said so right in the report! Why would they lie??"


My apologies, got carried away, nothing personal whatsoever.

Nvm Carry on
You are delusional.
If a captain crashes a ship he gets court marsheled.
Ask your self why in both accidents the captains were praised for saving their ships?
Thanks bro. I'll give it a listen.

Btw, let me ask you, did you listen to his experiences before or after hearing listings to these persons on this podcast you linked me to? Just curious..

You know how people in this field are, toxic AF. So much negativity and infights) the page you linked to was more about his agent and the way she made his experiences lead to a "cult" of believers which I'm sure he didn't mean to happen but as humans do decided to go with the flow (which I don't condone at all btw) so yeah. I saw that happening a long time ago and therefore took a step back. So if that podcast is just about that stuff I'll pass.

They've done other episodes on him, along with the people he associates with - Michael Salla, David Wilcock, etc. The field as a whole is a mess (in fairness, Gene Steinberg, one of the hosts of The Paracast, has a lot of personal issues, but they are disparate from the field) but there are certain standards I think we should abide by, and one of them is not to continue to fall for the "space brother"-esque bullcrap the IC planted early on in it. I'm not going to take anyone who talks about the blue bird bois wanting to save humanity seriously. It'd be like taking Steven Greer seriously.

Interesting stuff. But... where is the scientific evidence they gathered? "A team of experts which range from PhD in Physicis, Veterinarian, astrophisicists"... lots of state of the art equipment, they 'proved' the owners were right but they don't have any evidence to show.

As usual with this stuff.

It's in the Bigelow vault. A billionaire isn't going to buy an entire ranch to investigate it if he doesn't expect something interesting is there.
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They've done other episodes on him, along with the people he associates with - Michael Salla, David Wilcock, etc. The field as a whole is a mess (in fairness, Gene Steinberg, one of the hosts of The Paracast, has a lot of personal issues, but they are disparate from the field) but there are certain standards I think we should abide by, and one of them is not to continue to fall for the "space brother"-esque bullcrap the IC planted early on in it. I'm not going to take anyone who talks about the blue bird bois wanting to save humanity seriously. It'd be like taking Steven Greer seriously.

It's in the Bigelow vault. A billionaire isn't going to buy an entire ranch to investigate it if he doesn't expect something interesting is there.

Trump steak, trump air, trump university, billionaire will invest in even the dumbest ideas


Unconfirmed Member
It's difficult to tell where some posters ITT end and Mick West's anus begins.


Interesting how the Russians have such similar experiences to the US and for many decades.

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So Norwegian scientists set up a 24-hour observatory in the 1980s after a bunch of UFO sightings and its been recording all this time

Again, very similar to the same orb-like objects seen all over the world and going back to WW2. So why are18,000mph 'military drones' in a cozy, Norwegian village in the middle of nowhere? And why are they still coming there? Lots more evidence in that video and none it makes any sense to the explanations I've heard.
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So Norwegian scientists set up a 24-hour observatory in the 1980s after a bunch of UFO sightings and its been recording all this time

Again, very similar to the same orb-like objects seen all over the world and going back to WW2. So why are18,000mph 'military drones' in a cozy, Norwegian village in the middle of nowhere? And why are they still coming there? Lots more evidence in that video and none it makes any sense to the explanations I've heard.

Must be military drones or jumbo jets.....................lol


So Norwegian scientists set up a 24-hour observatory in the 1980s after a bunch of UFO sightings and its been recording all this time

Again, very similar to the same orb-like objects seen all over the world and going back to WW2. So why are18,000mph 'military drones' in a cozy, Norwegian village in the middle of nowhere? And why are they still coming there? Lots more evidence in that video and none it makes any sense to the explanations I've heard.

bruh, of course our American muscles would be on full display to remote villages in Norway.

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One month away from the truth or more fake news!



The "fake invasion" pushers are hilarious. Whatever is coming here has been doing so for decades, so how could the government push an invasion? Suddenly alien tech is good enough to conquer good ol' USA? lol


The "fake invasion" pushers are hilarious. Whatever is coming here has been doing so for decades, so how could the government push an invasion? Suddenly alien tech is good enough to conquer good ol' USA? lol
I don't see why any assumption would be better than another, though. There are a lot of plausible scenarios, and among those are possible takeover ones. Situations change with time. If we presume they have been visiting for decades, it could have taken them decades of visits to assess us and determine a plan for assimilating our planet into their possessions. If we think that they've been here for far longer, there is nothing guaranteeing that their situation is somehow static or secure.

We can't begin to know and understand the politics of an entity or society that we basically know nothing about. To not know the politics is to not know what drives them.


I don't see why any assumption would be better than another, though. There are a lot of plausible scenarios, and among those are possible takeover ones. Situations change with time. If we presume they have been visiting for decades, it could have taken them decades of visits to assess us and determine a plan for assimilating our planet into their possessions. If we think that they've been here for far longer, there is nothing guaranteeing that their situation is somehow static or secure.

We can't begin to know and understand the politics of an entity or society that we basically know nothing about. To not know the politics is to not know what drives them.

The logic behind it is dumb. Any government forecasting what an alien civilization may do is ridiculous.


Well pyramids were built almost everywhere around the world, coincidence?........yeh probably
Almost everywhere? Such an overstreched claim. As far as I know only South American cultures and Egyptians built such structures in bunches. Maybe some other pyramid like structures here and there. Besides, that was the best way to build high back then.There's hardly anything in North America above Mexico, Europe, most of Asia, most of Africa outside of Egypt, Australia & Oceania.
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Almost everywhere? As far as I know only South American cultures and Egyptians built such structures in bunches. Maybe some other pyramid like structures here and there. Besides, that was the best way to build high back then. And people weren't dumb either.

Pyramid structures have been found in China, Russia and on some of the islands around Australia if I remember correctly. They are a lot more "common" than I used to think of.

If I remember right isn't that structure that was found underwater near Japan pyramid shaped as well?


Almost everywhere? Such an overstreched claim. As far as I know only South American cultures and Egyptians built such structures in bunches. Maybe some other pyramid like structures here and there. Besides, that was the best way to build high back then.There's hardly anything in North America above Mexico, Europe, most of Asia, most of Africa outside of Egypt, Australia & Oceania.

Think you'll find you're slightly wrong about that


Pyramid structures have been found in China, Russia and on some of the islands around Australia if I remember correctly. They are a lot more "common" than I used to think of.

If I remember right isn't that structure that was found underwater near Japan pyramid shaped as well?
Point me to pyramids in Russia that would indicate a widespread building of pyramids in that region.

You can find round/rectangular houses which were built before B.C. almost everywhere. Isn't that also a grand mistery? All these different cultures but building same shaped houses.
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I have a friend who says these are demonic beings and that cern and quantum computing is trying to release the “veil” between “heaven” and “hell” and to get right with God. Talks about Gen 6. He believes we are being visited but this is them trying to take our realm? Almost like stranger things in a way.

Whatever they are or are not; I’m ready!


You can choose to engage deeper on this topic or not. Do you believe our visitors are benevolent or malevolent?

I'm gonna stay on the topic I was discussing.
Your question to me is precisely why it's a ridiculous assertion that any government would know about an invasion beforehand.


I have a friend who says these are demonic beings and that cern and quantum computing is trying to release the “veil” between “heaven” and “hell” and to get right with God. Talks about Gen 6. He believes we are being visited but this is them trying to take our realm? Almost like stranger things in a way.

Whatever they are or are not; I’m ready!
Another crazy thing is that people that take dmt believe there is another realm of existence beyond this reality.
Another crazy thing is that people that take dmt believe there is another realm of existence beyond this reality.
Funny thing is I’ve done dmt and I could see why this could be true. There’s also been government studies where they do dmt and try to understand the beings people see and see if they can interact with them and so forth.

When I did dmt, I saw a shiva styled person and gears and runes on the ceiling while laying on my back looking up. I could also control the motion of runes with my mind. It’s the only time I’ve done it and would probably do it again science and spiritual level. Who says they don’t see another realm. A lot of people see the same stuff when they trip when it comes to the machine elfs and other beings.

I’m not saying it is or isn’t but there is stuff we don’t see with our eyes like radio waves, Wi-Fi, particles that are known to exist but we don’t see it with our naked eyes. There’s still studies going on with this too.

Reality itself is a big mystery. We could all be living inside a greater being for all we know. If you compare the universe to a brain or the smallest known particles, they seem to act and look the same.

I’ve also thought about there is no meaning to life but to live it.

Maybe our bodies are just cacoons and when we die, we are rebirth into another realm, who knows.

I’m wanting to live a long life but I’m actually curious on death itself and how it factors in the mystery of the universe and these beings. If we are created by a being “God.”

Time is also interesting. I think that all time exists at the same time. The beings could be us from the future coming back in a prime directive to not interfere while they study the history but in turn gave us the history we already had not changing anything as the universe has already planned out what happens. Idk if I’m even explaining my thought right just because how crazy it is.

honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s everything. Beings being interdemensional and that’s what angels and demons are. Dmt opens a realm. There is life elsewhere too maybe. Time machine with prime directive and us from future. Who knows. I like the ideas of it all but just remember that is salt until you can prove it.

Let’s not even go into agenda 21, apocalypse and other ideas this is related to lol And the studies of esp that supposedly worked with the concave mirrors in Russia. I watched dreamscape the other night and thought maybe if esp really exists, maybe we could enter other people’s dreams.

It’s interesting how the many things from Star Trek came to life.

I think this is a fun thought exercise.

Burning Blade

Gold Member
Well triangular shaped craft have been used by us for decades, nazis had a flying wing design at the end of the war, stealth were mis identify for years. So its not unreasonable to presume these "could" be ours, in fact thats a more likely situation.
I have no dog in this fight, but lean towards believing we are in fact being visited. That said, I have an old friend who works within the military industrial complex on advanced non-piloted aircraft. My friend works with a few other guys one of which said he had been in Edwards/Groom Lake and had seen the triangle airship himself, and said it’s definitely “one of ours”. Said the size of the thing is fucking enormous. Now my friend I will 100% vouch for as I’ve known him for 28 years; he’s about as honest as they come. Can’t say for the other guy, but my buddy was convinced the story is true, and due to his work I’m inclined to believe him.
I have a friend who says these are demonic beings and that cern and quantum computing is trying to release the “veil” between “heaven” and “hell” and to get right with God. Talks about Gen 6. He believes we are being visited but this is them trying to take our realm? Almost like stranger things in a way.

Whatever they are or are not; I’m ready!

I'd look into the Collins Elite if I were you.


One thing of being a free person is believing in what you want. Another is not telling people the truth. The last one of being a free person is the ability to try to find the truth for yourself.
I have a family friend that was part of a drone team. Highly classified. Never seen the drones his crew were flying. Doesn't talk about it at all. He believes in aliens. Something tells me he couldn't explain what his team was able to do with the crafts they flew.


I'm gonna stay on the topic I was discussing.
Your question to me is precisely why it's a ridiculous assertion that any government would know about an invasion beforehand.
That you think it's so ridiculous is partly why I think the topic has so much promise and potential. There are so many avenues to explore. I don't do a whole lot of reading online on this topic, but I have encountered in person people who feel strongly that if the government revealed any evidence of aliens that it would be used to fuel some sort of invisible "fake" war while ushering in some dystopian society. I found it intriguing that friends I've never even talked to about extra terrestrials (who wouldn't even know about my interest in the topic) had been thinking about it. There's a lot of mistrust on the subject.

On the topic of knowing about an invasion beforehand: If they claimed such a thing, it raises a lot more questions. If there is a reason to feel threatened, which there is, then you would assume they have been watching the behavior and activity of these craft. You would try to discern their activities and figure out what it is they're doing. This isn't like Sunday school where every answer is "Aliens! We can't know anything about them!" Context clues could be sitting right in front of your nose about what is up.

Frankly, if most of what is posted in this thread is true, I find it harder to believe we're not under a constant state of high alert. I've seen enough to conclude that we need to reach a mutual understanding with these visitors. They could nuke us all to hell on a whim, so we know our immediate destruction is not their goal. Still, we need some answers.


That you think it's so ridiculous is partly why I think the topic has so much promise and potential. There are so many avenues to explore. I don't do a whole lot of reading online on this topic, but I have encountered in person people who feel strongly that if the government revealed any evidence of aliens that it would be used to fuel some sort of invisible "fake" war while ushering in some dystopian society. I found it intriguing that friends I've never even talked to about extra terrestrials (who wouldn't even know about my interest in the topic) had been thinking about it. There's a lot of mistrust on the subject.

On the topic of knowing about an invasion beforehand: If they claimed such a thing, it raises a lot more questions. If there is a reason to feel threatened, which there is, then you would assume they have been watching the behavior and activity of these craft. You would try to discern their activities and figure out what it is they're doing. This isn't like Sunday school where every answer is "Aliens! We can't know anything about them!" Context clues could be sitting right in front of your nose about what is up.

Frankly, if most of what is posted in this thread is true, I find it harder to believe we're not under a constant state of high alert. I've seen enough to conclude that we need to reach a mutual understanding with these visitors. They could nuke us all to hell on a whim, so we know our immediate destruction is not their goal. Still, we need some answers.

My feeling has always been, if theyre here now, they've been here all long in some capacity

And thats a very big IF, but its seems more and more likely

No doubt a lot are indeed mis-identified test craft, but that don't account for at least 5-10%, thats a pretty big margin for world governments all shrug their shoulders and have no idea

That in itself is mind boggle, even hard core skeptics seem to skip that.

The one thing I still don't get, is why are we all waiting on US to release data? When we have countries across the planet already confirm most of this, with data, videos and creditable eye witnesses.

This subject has so many branches to it and no doubt its made that way on purpose


My feeling has always been, if theyre here now, they've been here all long in some capacity

And thats a very big IF, but its seems more and more likely

No doubt a lot are indeed mis-identified test craft, but that don't account for at least 5-10%, thats a pretty big margin for world governments all shrug their shoulders and have no idea

That in itself is mind boggle, even hard core skeptics seem to skip that.

The one thing I still don't get, is why are we all waiting on US to release data? When we have countries across the planet already confirm most of this, with data, videos and creditable eye witnesses.

This subject has so many branches to it and no doubt its made that way on purpose
There may be a couple of reasons why we're waiting on the US. For one, at least half of us in this thread reside there and have a biased interest in hearing what our authorities have on the subject. Secondly, who else has been more active in space and around the world since WW2 than the US? There's also Russia, but I've even less reason to trust whatever they say. I feel like they would sooner go on official record talking about some ultra hostile lizard race just to spook the rest of the world for laughs.


There may be a couple of reasons why we're waiting on the US. For one, at least half of us in this thread reside there and have a biased interest in hearing what our authorities have on the subject. Secondly, who else has been more active in space and around the world since WW2 than the US? There's also Russia, but I've even less reason to trust whatever they say. I feel like they would sooner go on official record talking about some ultra hostile lizard race just to spook the rest of the world for laughs.

Surely we should be waiting on the Germans, since they're the ones that put the US in space after all ;)


Surely we should be waiting on the Germans, since they're the ones that put the US in space after all ;)
There's some grain of truth to there being more parties and outfits that we should be giving consideration to. The ones I'm thinking of aren't governments, though. Imagine these mega-corporations are consuming tons of data. Google and Amazon, if anyone outside the government knows anything, would be some of the most informed entities in the world. It would be interesting if either company could issue some official statement on unexplained phenomena they've come across with their cameras and other data feeds.

I'm referring to them as basically huge piles of data. Imagine what they could know.


Personally I don't believe there have been aliens coming here but I believe there are all kinds of extraterrestrial life forms in our universe. As for people taking psychedelics and talking about how they see gods and demons, I'm sorry I just can't buy into it that you are seeing into some great unity beyond mortal comprehension and are now a priest of Yog-Sothoth, it's just your fucking brain scrambling together imagery you've seen before like an AI algorithm.


Personally I don't believe there have been aliens coming here but I believe there are all kinds of extraterrestrial life forms in our universe. As for people taking psychedelics and talking about how they see gods and demons, I'm sorry I just can't buy into it that you are seeing into some great unity beyond mortal comprehension and are now a priest of Yog-Sothoth, it's just your fucking brain scrambling together imagery you've seen before like an AI algorithm.

Well, what is it then? Highly trained fighter pilots from all over the world consistently observing these objects going back to WW2 and before. Literally mountains of reports from different nations going back to propellor aircraft and even before the Wright Brothers with consistency, that's the other thing. Extremely credible individuals+consistency+volume+and over 100 years of reports.
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Personally I don't believe there have been aliens coming here but I believe there are all kinds of extraterrestrial life forms in our universe. As for people taking psychedelics and talking about how they see gods and demons, I'm sorry I just can't buy into it that you are seeing into some great unity beyond mortal comprehension and are now a priest of Yog-Sothoth, it's just your fucking brain scrambling together imagery you've seen before like an AI algorithm.
Have you tried dmt or any other psychedelics?


I'm not convinced by that pdf at all. It was interesting, but not in the way he intended. It's always funny to see how far people can reach to deny the obvious. It's cool, people were drawing weird stuff back then (way weirded than ufos).

So yeah, I don't know about it being a very good explanation.

Sure no doubt, they're just paintings. But you can't deny the similarly, but again, they're just paintings
Personally I don't believe there have been aliens coming here but I believe there are all kinds of extraterrestrial life forms in our universe. As for people taking psychedelics and talking about how they see gods and demons, I'm sorry I just can't buy into it that you are seeing into some great unity beyond mortal comprehension and are now a priest of Yog-Sothoth, it's just your fucking brain scrambling together imagery you've seen before like an AI algorithm.
What if the drugs actually scramble your brain's programming into the cheat coded needed to see the objective supernatural entities who live among us?

If you believe there are all kinds of extraterrestrial life forms in our universe, isn't it possible that some of them are not detectable to the naked eye on the usual visual spectrum?
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Sure no doubt, they're just paintings. But you can't deny the similarly, but again, they're just paintings
I think you read me wrong or maybe I wasn't clear enough : I 100% believe the artist were drawing the real deal, which means UFOS. I'm sure it was already a thing back then, except they didn't have the tool we have to separate real mysterious stuff from usual weird stuff in the sky.

I'm a believer myself, even if I'm not sure if it's human-tech or something weirder. I didn't care back then, but after some documentaries and the recent confirmation from the pentagon, you can't deny the phenomenon anymore. It's clear there are stuff that defy the law of physics as we know them. So either we found a way to go around current understand of physics or something else did.
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My feeling has always been, if theyre here now, they've been here all long in some capacity

And thats a very big IF, but its seems more and more likely

No doubt a lot are indeed mis-identified test craft, but that don't account for at least 5-10%, thats a pretty big margin for world governments all shrug their shoulders and have no idea

That in itself is mind boggle, even hard core skeptics seem to skip that.

The one thing I still don't get, is why are we all waiting on US to release data? When we have countries across the planet already confirm most of this, with data, videos and creditable eye witnesses.

This subject has so many branches to it and no doubt its made that way on purpose

This is my main point of skepticism too. I mean, even within a single country, governments change over time. I find it really surprising that no one has actually revealed it...

Either most countries don't know and the only ones that know are the ones that actually have the means to find out (technical and scientific prowess/good intelligence agencies) or somehow the world is way more coordinated than it seems (which would be surprising given that working together we could resolve most of the issues that affect humanity).

I'm a fence sitter. I think it is possible and even somewhat wish all that stuff of them being here forever and all the implications that it would mean but I also find it almost impossible that the whole world can keep a secret over centuries.

Fuck, it would really piss me off to find out that they all knew all along and they had access to the tech and decided to keep it to themselves. That would be the worst way to start a new age for humanity.


I signed up for this forum, just for this thread.

I'm very interested in developments in this topic and noticed that you guys have intelligent discussions, which is wonderful.


Several reasons from what I read and that they were all done on purpose. One was keeping the energy industry happy, like big oil so they keep raking in the money (to which the politicians had access to). Another was that they, the powers that be, purposely kept NASA from introducing better tech and let some come out at a slow pace and was far inferior to what "we" really have. Another related has to do with Project Paperclip and the remains of the Third Reich and that the film The Winter Soldier is an allegory when it comes to the infiltration that supposedly happened. That particular thread is a long one as Wernher von Braun knew much more than he let on publicly.

There is honestly a shit ton more and as I said in a previous post it gets really damn insane.

I do not believe that UFOs are alien but let's say they are.

The Spartans had a routine they would do in front of enemies. This is from Herodotus, the historian we know about Spartans from, he said they would basically "act gay" while in view of the enemy. The enemy would be astounded and think the Spartan rep was a joke. Once the battle started the real ruthless nature of the Spartans would come out.

This has been used in popular fiction with Zorro and Bruce Wayne having a vacuous cover hiding a very formidable man.

If I was in charge of the military and had working alien technology, I would build a fleet and hide it. Going to the moon is nonsense compared to defending the country. If another country ever seriously challenged or tried to invade the US, the fleet of 40,000 mph ships come out and annihilate everything in their path.

That would be a logical motivation for hiding super technology.

If we invented it, the same motivation would still apply.


Looking into the Skinwalker ranch thing, seems like alot of bullshit. I would not be surprised if something strange is going on but its also being exgerrated. Would like to see some hard evidence and scientific studies.
It seems like it has to be bullshit.

Any time business surrounds something amazing, it's not real. They are making money off of a phenomenon isn't possible, so if you are, it means it's not a phenomenon.

In addition, the lights always appear in certain distant areas, so why not go there?


Fuck, it would really piss me off to find out that they all knew all along and they had access to the tech and decided to keep it to themselves. That would be the worst way to start a new age for humanity.

And keep the tech under wraps for what reason is my question. Just spectate world wars, cruise around at hypersonic speeds and disable nuke silos only to reactivate them? Lol
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