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Aliens and UFOs

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Holy shit you guys really did a number on that guy. He sounded like you were personally attacking him lol. What a nerd.
discussing weird science GIF


Gold Member
What? Nasa doesnt go to mars just to find out if it once held life....nasa goes to Mars to find out more about Mars.

learning intricate details about each planet helps us understand so many things about the creation of the planets and our solar system as well as a better understanding about the planet itself which we know so very little about due to our distance.

Its the same reason geologist study the planet we already live on or oceanographers study the ocean floor ...finding new forms of life in the ocean is a bonus...its not the only drive or reason.



He actually gets a few close frames in this shot.

Heres more of his screen caps from other videos, he's the only one I've seen with such clear images, so again, makes me skeptical

All of these were taken fro his flat, leaning out a sky light.

This is him


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I'm sorry but you don't know what you're talking about.

The documents regarding Jesus are in Greek, developed hundreds of years after the supposed events, and are cult fantasy writings.

Christians included Christine stuff into Beowolf for instance, to make sure it wasn't destroyed by the cult. So, comments about Jesus from people in Italy are likely to not be real.

Jesus was not a magic human who lives in the mideast. Jesus is a name like "kevin" and lots of people were called that so he wasn't like some modern celeb with a name you never heard of before. He was Kevin, or was he the other Kevin, or did the cult use the name Kevin because it's an everyman name.

I used the point about Jesus to stir people up and prove about about believing nonsense.

In addition, Krishna and Buddha probably inspired the myth of Jesus. There's 10,000 year old drawings of Shiva and many of the Indian stories have been going on far longer than mideast stuff.

Judaism is supposed to by a hybrid of Zoroastrianism and other stuff. That religion is morphed from Indian ideas. Circumcision is an Indian practice for low caste members to take their mind off of sex, for instance. All of that migrated from India up into the mideast.

Getting back to the topic of UFOs, my point again is that if people believe all of this religious mythology and defend it, while casually rejecting outside religion, then it goes to show how poorly the human mind working in the majority of people. That then opens them up to manipulation by people who are smarter and more mentally organized.

I have a feeling that is going on with the UFO story now. In the 60s and 70s psychics were a HUGE thing and that was inspired by the CIA using counterintelligence against the soviets by spreading lies about psychics.

So, what is more likely, UFOs are being seen by mostly military/government agents or they are real and mostly being seen by government agents?

That's my point.
Few things:

1. UFOs are seen frequently by civilians and pilots of airliners. Thousands of documented cases per year. Even acknowledging the fact 95%+ have mundane explanations this still leaves a large chunk of truly inexplicable incidences. This is the same conclusion reached in the Condon report as well as Bluebook decades ago.

2. The individuals in control of the most sophisticated tracking technology (various forms of radar, satellites, sonar, sensors) are categorically the militaries of the world. Of which, the US is the most advanced and is one of the largest (depending upon your measure, there is China to consider).

3. Italy, Russia, UK, Iran and Canada are among the many nations/militaries on the record as having had interactions with these things.

4. The frequented locations of these entities also explains the disproportional sightings by militaries. To wit, they're the ones "knocking at the door" in that regard.

People act like this stuff only really started having serious incidences the past few years. This isn't true. SIGN > GRUDGE > BLUEBOOK, Magnet, Robertson panel, and dozens of other historical examples happened because the truly inexplicable was happening in the skies. Often in places that it shouldn't be.

There are oodles credible sightings happening all over the Manhattan Project and subsequent testing at a litany of sites for instance. The 50s had flying formations of these things buzz Washington D.C. and rattle people.

Empirical evidence from a multitude of credible sources (including FAA, AEC scientists, military personnel, pilots of all stripes, so on) is, frankly, overwhelming. This includes radar returns, radio emittance/interference, trace physical evidence on the ground, photos, etc.

It's neither a psyOp nor mass hysterics.

As for historical examples, Jacque Vallee and others make numerous arguments and examples. Here's one that's interesting though:

Edit: I guess I'm late to show regarding this guy. Nevermind, I guess he left.
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What? Nasa doesnt go to mars just to find out if it once held life....nasa goes to Mars to find out more about Mars.

learning intricate details about each planet helps us understand so many things about the creation of the planets and our solar system as well as a better understanding about the planet itself which we know so very little about due to our distance.

Its the same reason geologist study the planet we already live on or oceanographers study the ocean floor ...finding new forms of life in the ocean is a bonus...its not the only drive or reason.
In spite of its distance from Earth, I believe there is an increased interest to get to Mars because it likely won't be that difficult to set up habitable domes there. It's becoming increasingly likely that sustainable colonies can be established there within the next few decades. Recent revelations that as much as 90% of Mars's water is still inside the planet make it extremely promising for the near future. Then, this week there was the scientific observation of what appears to be mushrooms growing on the red planet. Tell me Mars is not very alive and potentially hospitable on both the surface and subsurface. I believe we have ourselves a second home.


Few things:

1. UFOs are seen frequently by civilians and pilots of airliners. Thousands of documented cases per year. Even acknowledging the fact 95%+ have mundane explanations this still leaves a large chunk of truly inexplicable incidences. This is the same conclusion reached in the Condon report as well as Bluebook decades ago.

2. The individuals in control of the most sophisticated tracking technology (various forms of radar, satellites, sonar, sensors) are categorically the militaries of the world. Of which, the US is the most advanced and is one of the largest (depending upon your measure, there is China to consider).

3. Italy, Russia, UK, Iran and Canada are among the many nations/militaries on the record as having had interactions with these things.

4. The frequented locations of these entities also explains the disproportional sightings by militaries. To wit, they're the ones "knocking at the door" in that regard.

People act like this stuff only really started having serious incidences the past few years. This isn't true. SIGN > GRUDGE > BLUEBOOK, Magnet, Robertson panel, and dozens of other historical examples happened because the truly inexplicable was happening in the skies. Often in places that it shouldn't be.

There are oodles credible sightings happening all over the Manhattan Project and subsequent testing at a litany of sites for instance. The 50s had flying formations of these things buzz Washington D.C. and rattle people.

Empirical evidence from a multitude of credible sources (including FAA, AEC scientists, military personnel, pilots of all stripes, so on) is, frankly, overwhelming. This includes radar returns, radio emittance/interference, trace physical evidence on the ground, photos, etc.

It's neither a psyOp nor mass hysterics.

As for historical examples, Jacque Vallee and others make numerous arguments and examples. Here's one that's interesting though:

Edit: I guess I'm late to show regarding this guy. Nevermind, I guess he left.
Yeah, it was late yesterday when I wrote my last post about him. In looking through everything I missed this morning it became obvious to me that he was using an alt account to piggyback in this conversation and got banned. If he could have just been more willing to entertain ideas, he would have been a good source of alternative view points on the subject.


In that case i dont believe its anything but a hoax. Good find

Jaime maussan did a documentary on him, talked to his family and friends, where they all confirm he's always seen ufos, and they've seen them too, with him.

You could say most of his videos are like 12+ years old, so decent cgi form a home pc wasn't really that decent

But yeh, they're too good to be true, but they're also filmed, from relatively close range

Even if theyre fake, they're extremely well done, so fair play for that.
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This is pretty well known because theres another angle apparently. The speed is mind numbing and instant

Super slowed down

I think that would be extremely hard to fake in 1993, especially when you consider the small details when its slowed down. It's almost invisible in normal speed.


This is pretty well known because theres another angle apparently. The speed is mind numbing and instant

Super slowed down

I think that would be extremely hard to fake in 1993, especially when you consider the small details when its slowed down. It's almost invisible in normal speed.

Couldn't the frames be counted, to estimate a speed? Is that a thing?

I'm not video or cgi expert, but sure I would guess 1993 it would be difficult, impossible tho.........?


Couldn't the frames be counted, to estimate a speed? Is that a thing?

I'm not video or cgi expert, but sure I would guess 1993 it would be difficult, impossible tho.........?

An estimate for speed I think so. My guess would be over well over 4000mph instantly. But I'm just trying to compare it to fighter jet flybys that look fast but slow motion by comparison to this.

Could it be cgi? Yeah 1993 camcorder footage is really difficult I think. Theres another angle I'm looking for that's not as good but clearly the same object. Apparently it was in the sky for a bit before this takeoff so another person captured it.

In this case. I would say it's in the upper 90% possibility of being real.
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It's basically a meme at this point about the blurry UFOs. The problem is most people don't understand how difficult it is to take videos or pics of objects moving high in the sky.
Yeah, focus and light sensitivity are not simple things for even today cameras that try to do everything automatic even more so for a small moving far away object in the sky.
By the same token, most footage could be anything without any testimony giving it some context.
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advanced basic bitch
Few things:

1. UFOs are seen frequently by civilians and pilots of airliners. Thousands of documented cases per year. Even acknowledging the fact 95%+ have mundane explanations this still leaves a large chunk of truly inexplicable incidences. This is the same conclusion reached in the Condon report as well as Bluebook decades ago.

2. The individuals in control of the most sophisticated tracking technology (various forms of radar, satellites, sonar, sensors) are categorically the militaries of the world. Of which, the US is the most advanced and is one of the largest (depending upon your measure, there is China to consider).

3. Italy, Russia, UK, Iran and Canada are among the many nations/militaries on the record as having had interactions with these things.

4. The frequented locations of these entities also explains the disproportional sightings by militaries. To wit, they're the ones "knocking at the door" in that regard.

People act like this stuff only really started having serious incidences the past few years. This isn't true. SIGN > GRUDGE > BLUEBOOK, Magnet, Robertson panel, and dozens of other historical examples happened because the truly inexplicable was happening in the skies. Often in places that it shouldn't be.

There are oodles credible sightings happening all over the Manhattan Project and subsequent testing at a litany of sites for instance. The 50s had flying formations of these things buzz Washington D.C. and rattle people.

Empirical evidence from a multitude of credible sources (including FAA, AEC scientists, military personnel, pilots of all stripes, so on) is, frankly, overwhelming. This includes radar returns, radio emittance/interference, trace physical evidence on the ground, photos, etc.

It's neither a psyOp nor mass hysterics.

As for historical examples, Jacque Vallee and others make numerous arguments and examples. Here's one that's interesting though:

Edit: I guess I'm late to show regarding this guy. Nevermind, I guess he left.
Good. He was an asshole.
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Not saying it is a fraud or anything but this explanation sounds plausible:

Personally, anything pushed by Maussan is most likely fake in my mind (I'm Mexican and have attended his conferences since I was a kid back in the 90's).

Plus he's part of gaia, case closed
Was just watching a random video about a guy talking about his neighbor being heavily drunk telling him he worked in Nevada.

He explained that Orion’s Belt hosts aliens. Saying the one that is slight adjacent is housing the bad aliens (brown aliens that look similar to the Greys) and the two other stars have the good aliens (Greys).

He went on saying that how the UFO operates is that it runs on some type of electricity produce by space. He had a hard time explaining it saying they use space and allow the UFO to fall within the space/electricity of some sort. And that’s how they travel.

Of course this is just a silly video found on my Facebook feed. But interesting tale indeed. True self comes out when drunk right lol.
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No this is how it works. Does the government deny dinosaurs existed? No because we have fossils. Proof. Now why would they hide the fact extraterrestrial life exists? They wouldn’t because they have no proof it ever existed.
What if dinosuars are dragons from the old legends?


loooooool i made a gif screencap of this in the spacex thread when it launched so people could enjoy the view and purposefully ended it just where that space debris flies off the bottom of the engine

As said if debris

how about this

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As said if debris

how about this

The perspective and the aperture of the camera are not enough to calculate the distance the object flew. For the bird the camera is above so it's much easier to calculate this. The UFO is almost straight ahead so it could probably be covering a much smaller area than it appears in the video.

Still obviously much faster than a bird, but not 3,200 Km/h

Edit - made this to show my point:

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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I've heard the videos released so far are the least credible and the Pentagon have some real insane videos, including one of a craft getting within 50ft of a pilots cockpit.

Maybe the reason they've only released a few tame videos so far is just to break us in? I would imagine world governments announcing out of the blue that aliens exist would still likely cause mass panic and a breakdown of society. Once you know for sure that we're not alone in the universe, but there are beings that have technology that makes our tech look stone age in comparison, then a majority of life and our very existence changes dramatically.

I've also seen people online keep mentioning June as a big month for UFOs. Anybody know what this is about?


I've heard the videos released so far are the least credible and the Pentagon have some real insane videos, including one of a craft getting within 50ft of a pilots cockpit.

Maybe the reason they've only released a few tame videos so far is just to break us in? I would imagine world governments announcing out of the blue that aliens exist would still likely cause mass panic and a breakdown of society. Once you know for sure that we're not alone in the universe, but there are beings that have technology that makes our tech look stone age in comparison, then a majority of life and our very existence changes dramatically.

I've also seen people online keep mentioning June as a big month for UFOs. Anybody know what this is about?

Isnt there a photo of the ufo 50ft from the fighter pilot cockpit?



I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Isnt there a photo of the ufo 50ft from the fighter pilot cockpit?


Haven't seen that before. Maybe that is the a still from the video?

Either way, it hasn't been confirmed (yet) to be the real deal yet, so I'll take that image with a pinch of salt. Maybe they'll release more videos in June and this the why people keep banging on about June being a big month for UFOs.


Haven't seen that before. Maybe that is the a still from the video?

Either way, it hasn't been confirmed (yet) to be the real deal yet, so I'll take that image with a pinch of salt. Maybe they'll release more videos in June and this the why people keep banging on about June being a big month for UFOs.

But yeh leaked could = bullshit still, we all know how leaks work

But its been said a few times this is a legit photo, not sure if its from a video, but that apparently the case
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Goes over a lot for the old tropes

But I think its important to listen to this dude, mainly because he's the one bringing a lot of this to the public, so i wanna see he's views on the subject, why is he leaking, is he making profit etc etc

Not just because I want it to be true, but what would be his motivations, could he be doing disinformation, or trying to leech of the ufo community.

Theres a lot of factors, so I think its best to digest what people like these are trying to push, and their background, and why now, why them

If that makes sense
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