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All Bow Down to Ernie...

I know there is a Halo 2 Gaming Age review thread, but this deserves something all on it's own..

Let's discuss this in terms with which we are all comfortable: Halle Berry. If you don't think she's your type and you enjoy telling everyone who will listen that she, "just doesn't do it for you," that's your business. I can't imagine anyone believes you, but go right ahead and try to convince them; Your lack of taste is its own punishment. If, on the other hand, you insist that Halle Berry is ugly or, to use the more common term of the time, "fugly," well, then you're kidding no one. Of course, Halle Berry is not perfect. She is human and has flaws, like her driving record. But she is also empirically beautiful, exciting, radiant, engrossing and wholeheartedly addictive.
These are undeniable laws of nature and they apply equally to Halo 2. If it was called Halo Berry they'd have the same initials and the universe would be that much more orderly. In fact, I believe I will from this point forward refer to the game as Halo Berry, because I don't think she'd change her name to Halle Two.

Score: A

Ernie >>>>> *

For a) Getting it
b) Explaining the 'Getting it' in the best layman's terms possible
c) Providing me with the best laugh I've had all day

:lol :lol :lol



Master Chief gives this review one huge cod piece up.


So do the reviewers at gaming age ever post in the forums? I've never really paid much attention to the main site, maybe I should do that.


ohamsie said:
So do the reviewers at gaming age ever post in the forums? I've never really paid much attention to the main site, maybe I should do that.
Some do.

Also gonna hop on the Ernie bandwagon here: not only was it a good laugh, but it was a lot more entertaining than seeing him restate the main review.
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