So, is Matt Murdochs identity still public known?
But he is back in New York?One would think so, but they haven't directly said this in the new series.
He's back in New York and is now working for the DA's office. He's got an obnoxious sidekick now and the main badguy is a dude with 10 fingers on each hand.
It's pretty awful so far.
It starts a bit slowly. It only started to really click with me during #4.Going to try some Avengers books next. Hopefully the Mark Waid book is at least decent.
It starts a bit slowly. It only started to really click with me during #4.
Going to try some Avengers books next. Hopefully the Mark Waid book is at least decent.
Avengers, New Avengers and Ultimates are all worth reading. Skip Uncanny Avengers.
Oh and you might want to take a look at Uncanny Inhumans, it's been excellent so far.
Uncanny Inhumans has probably been my most pleasant surprise to come out of ANAD. It's a terrific book.
You should read Vision, that book is mindblowing.
It is said that Daredevil has had this great run all the way from Bendis to Waid that was so great-Shadowland excluded-and now it's just really boring. No Kirsten, Foggy doesn't want anything to do with him, etc.
The thing with Waid is that he's a good enough writer to make a solid book when he's not at the top of his game, or just setting things up. That's kind of what happened with the first few issues of Avengers, but as of last issue, he's on the right track.
I always liken him to Busiek in that regard.
And yeah, I second Uncanny Inhumans.
Just got Marvel unlimited so here we go
Just got Marvel unlimited so here we go
Just FYI, Unlimited is 6 months behind at all times. It's not the best way to stay up on current comics.
As unbelievable as it sounds, it's a true story, bro.I read a rumor on another board that said Karnak #2 is out today. Can anyone confirm this book actually exists?
Miles actually pulled some pretty clever shit in ANAD 6.
The best part is the actual pounds of salt that line caused. People actually saying shit like "How can an editor let this happen?"."That's X-Men talk"
God damn Tony.
The best part is the actual pounds of salt that line caused. People actually saying shit like "How can an editor let this happen?".
Venom Space Knight continues to be a lot of fun.
This books seems like a dream for furrysVenom Space Knight continues to be a lot of fun.
So, is Matt Murdochs identity still public known?
Just an FYI, in last week's Daredevil Matt mentions that he made the entire world forget he was Daredevil. But obviously they haven't said how yet.
5 month delay for three pages with no words. I'll wait for a tradeback.Karnak is still amazing.
Ah, wonderful.Just an FYI, in last week's Daredevil Matt mentions that he made the entire world forget he was Daredevil. But obviously they haven't said how yet.
Angela Queen of Hel is sooooo good. I don't have enough praise for it as it is.
Unrelated but your favorite character showed up in the season of USM. I got a whole review ready of that shit.The Mutie Lover persecution complex that's risen up in the past few years is one of the most consistently entertaining things about reading Marvel these days. The rest of the Marvel Universe had to play second fiddle to the X-Men for years, they can take a seat for a little bit.
I remember seeing a bunch of people melt down over a panel of someone being ungrateful towards being saved by a Mutant when ANAD launched, because it was Marvel treating the X-Men like shit. You know, in that book that's supposed to feel bad in-universe, with a franchise of character's whose whole pitch is protecting a world that fears and hates them. Crazy.