Did someone else draw the iron man this week? Looked off, not bad but just not what I'm used to. I barely recognized Amara, she looked straight out of the 80ies and more tanned than exotic.
Pretty sure marvel has. Didn't deadpool kill the multiverse and even the original ideas for character so that new universe wouldn't pop up anymore with hero's or villians.All of the alt continuties were destroyed leading into secret wars, then restarted from zero with the 'prime' continuity.
THAT character claimed to have been responsible for "marvel time", aware of alternate worlds, and had been rewriting events for "a long time now."
Alternate earth or not, That's a hell of a monkey wrench.
The only way it works is if we assume that the story doesn't exist in *any* continuity and is totally invalid- which marvel has never actually done.
Did someone else draw the iron man this week? Looked off, not bad but just not what I'm used to. I barely recognized Amara, she looked straight out of the 80ies and more tanned than exotic.
It's gonna be Cassie, isn't it.
She's not doing anything but being mad at Scott though.
The identity of this Wasp is supposed to be a mystery or something.
You know who it is.
How do they even do that though? Hope was quite literally Jan with a bit of an attitude and a different relationship to Hank.
For months I was convinced she actually was Jan and the marketing was a long con because that casting would've just been so perfect.
Does Hope exist in 616.
Isn't Carol supposed to be incredibly durable?
What is the best Moon Knight comic? the 2006? or the All new Marvel now?
All-New All-Different Avengers is really great. I can't figure out what the hell is wrong with Vision.
3 Kangs already.
Most people seem to be betting on MC2 Hope Pym which, from aesthetic and marketing, seems likely. Her being evil might be a bit of an issue, though...
How could it be her? Would that mean other MC2/982 characters are alive too? Is Mayday still alive somehow? I haven't read the end of SW, but I figured they're all dead. Doesn't SW end with there only being a single universe?
Who's the 3rd? I only know this and Inhumans.
How could it be her?
Would that mean other MC2/982 characters are alive too? Is Mayday still alive somehow?
I haven't read the end of SW, but I figured they're all dead. Doesn't SW end with there only being a single universe?
weirdworld was the best thing this week
Better then Eternity putting out a mob hit on Black Panther?
Goddamn ANAD Avengers is heating up. So many reveals on those last three pages -is this the first time anyone's seen Jane underneath the mask?
ANAD Avengers feels completely disconnected from the team members' solo books. Vision is different, Cap isn't a wolf, Ms Marvel, etc.saw it coming
ANAD Avengers feels completely disconnected from the team members' solo books. Vision is different, Cap isn't a wolf, Ms Marvel, etc.saw it coming
And Iron Man really doesn't seem like he lost his entire fortune in his solo book.
Forgive me for not being completely up to date but isn't regular Janet Wasp(in the black and gold costume) in ANAD Wolverine like this week?ANAD Wasp
How could it be her?
Forgive me for not being completely up to date but isn't regular Janet Wasp(in the black and gold costume) in ANAD Wolverine like this week?
How could it be her? Would that mean other MC2/982 characters are alive too? Is Mayday still alive somehow? I haven't read the end of SW, but I figured they're all dead. Doesn't SW end with there only being a single universe?
I feel like there's some similar beats to Vision in ANAD and his own book (he's shut himself off from humanity and is willing to threaten the other Avengers to achieve his own ends), but there's a definite gap between "morally dubious" and "outright evil" that I'm hoping they bridge at some point. It feels kinda like it goes ANAD #1-3 -> Vision solo book -> ANAD #4+.
The timeline is definitely fucked regardless.
Reading the Ultimates, we still pretending she brings a lot to the team??
Spider-Man #1
I thought we could have at least one issue without Peter Parker. Jeez, I just want an all-Miles story. No Parker, no other heroes, and preferably a brand-new villain.
Incidentally, are Miles and Ganke older now? I'm guessing it's just the artstyle but they look a lot older than 14.
New Wasp is 16/17yo and a whiz kid biochemist:
Also not quite confirmed to be a hero or villain yet, which is interesting. I imagine Waid is going to take her around the way and back, calling back to Hanks, uh, colorful history.
Speaking of which, fucking SHIELD.
Honestly I found it hard to care much about Standoff... good job setting the stage, I guess, but "SHIELD doing shady shit" is a dry well at this point.
Power Man and Iron Fist lived up to expectations, though. SO stylish. Loving bearded Luke and tracksuit Danny.
Yep. one of the dudes that shows up in Standoff has also beenyet attacking starbrand in S&N for the past couple issues. Still ongoing.somewhat dead
This particular villain isn't all that high profile, so confusing how this one happened.
and yeahh..standoff is one of those things that couldn't POSSIBLY end up going horribly wrong ever no sir
Won't disagree- though that is a VERY "interesting" interpretation of Tombstone.
and wtf at digging upmarvel y u do disblack mariah
Reading the Ultimates, we still pretending she brings a lot to the team??