Karnak was always intended as a mini-series, wasn't it?
Anything written by Warren Ellis will be a mini-series, intended or not.
It's a bit sad looking at the list of cancelled or ending books now when Marvel Now! 2.0 is on the way and this thread will die and be reborn(or "rebirthed" if you go by what Bendis says).
- Hercules
- Starbrand & Nightmask
- All-New Inhumans
- Web Warriors
- Hyperion
- Red Wolf
- Hercules
- All-New Inhumans
- Vision
- Karnak
Contest of Champions ending is a bit of a shock... great writer, well received, tie-in for a game. We're the sales just not there? Or maybe Ewing is just done with it.
All new inhumans, not uncanny.
It bought back Night Thrasher. That justified the entire series.
Angela was extremely good. I don't see why it wasn't very well received...
I'm surprised that Web Warriors is getting the axe though.
People are guessing American Kaiju.Who is that Dinosaur?
While waiting for the Marvel Now! 2.0 thread, here's the final teaser for it:![]()
What are "mutants"?Where are the non cable mutants?
Where are the non cable mutants?
Surprisingly after the success of Captain America Civil War only two characters that were in that movie in this preview are BP and Cap.
Edit: Also no Luke Cage or Punisher.
True.They started to go away from MCU status quo with ANAD. I have no clue why people still bitch about "everything is going to be the same", they really emancipated themself from the movies and just make details the same now.
Hummmm.... I don't recognize like a quarter of those characters, and I thought I was up to date with Marvel stuff....
That green girl is Gamora, right? I was browsing with my phone and for a second I thought she was She-Hulk.
While waiting for the Marvel Now! 2.0 thread, here's the final teaser for it:![]()
So is Doctor Doom taking over as Iron Man after CW2?
If so, lol.
While waiting for the Marvel Now! 2.0 thread, here's the final teaser for it:![]()
Surprised Captain Marvel isn't front and center.
I don't know where Fisk gets off acting smug. Octavius nearly made him shit himself and forced him underground.
While waiting for the Marvel Now! 2.0 thread, here's the final teaser for it:![]()
No Parker? No Deadpool? no Sam Cap?
Not everything is included in that image, but those books probably are probably not a part of this. Peter Parker Spider-Man for example will be dealing with the Clone Conspiracy in his book around this time and the X-Books should be dealing with Death of X.
Moon Knight #4: This is an issue that's going to be remembered more for its ending twistthan it is for anything substantial that happens, mostly because it rushes through everything with little regard for the characters it involves. Thus far, Lemire's run of Moon Knight favors iconography of the character rather than characterization of Marc and his supporting cast. The people here have the names of people from Doug Moench's original run, but they lack the personality that they had as well as any of the chemistry they once shared. There's a moment where Marc and Marlene reminisce about their love for one another (well, her love for Grant, one of Marc's many identities) since they were romantically involved at one point, but it's a hollow reminder of a romance that the character has moved past/that the reader could see in the original run rather than see it done poorly here. Even Spector himself is not one to have their personality so easily pinned down beyond "he doubts himself sometimes", which doesn't make for the most compelling drama when said self-doubt is repeated more than it is explored in every issue with a slight variation to the dialogue. Maybe it's just me, but i'm not feeling this run of Moon Knight. I'll give the final of the five a shot but if it doesn't improve, i'm dropping it. The artwork is amazing but i'm simply not enjoying the story they're attached to.i.e. OMG it's Moon Knight, who's the real Specto-you know it's going to turn out to be an illusion created by Seth to stop Marc from foiling his plans, right?'
That being said, this issue is did give us the glorious image of Khonshu sitting on a toilet:![]()
Fucking hell, the new Punisher comic might be the worst thing I've ever read. I've given it 3 issues, but fuck this.
It's way better then the Edmondson run it replaced.
Waaaaaaay better.
While waiting for the Marvel Now! 2.0 thread, here's the final teaser for it:![]()
It's way better then the Edmondson run it replaced.
Waaaaaaay better.