This experience has red pilled me af. I've learned that many of the anti-sjw types (I used to consider myself in this group) are just as concerned about identity as the left.
Well, for soft SJW who try to appear as they are not SJW but they defend everything SJW like you and the rest of friends here like Clear, DForce, Strategize and the likes, the modus operandi is to claim that “anti-SJW” are the same as SJW but from the other side -which is funny, because a lot of people who critizice SJW are on the left, such as myself-.
But no, being critic against the identitarian politics doesn’t make you an identitarian. That’s just the typical fallacy anti anti-SJW fall for.
Why? Let's look at the complaints about tlou2
All the complaints are because there is an agenda. People don’t complain about a muscular woman (there are much more videogames with muscular women and nobody cared), people complain because that muscular woman is an obvious self masturbatory SJW trope the same way Nadine was.
The inmense majority of people don’t hate lesbians or women, people hate using lesbians or women and how they dress as a political weapon, as virtue signalling, as religious commandments in wich their way is the good one and the rest of ways are the evil and sexist ones.
Dude. You're critiquing Neil's work before it even comes out and you're a nobody. Neil's just offering his opinion. He isn't a king ordering dictates to the rest of the games development community
I haven’t critizice The Last Of Us 2 yet, actually I said it’s probably going to be one of the best games of this gen and that I can’t wait to play it.
I critiziced the agenda and not even that much, most of the time I just pointed out that Neil has an agenda while you and the rest of your friends started a shouting match claiming that there isn’t a political agenda, contradicting Neil himself.
And no, Neil it’s not just giving his opinion. He literally said that other characters designs are sexist. That’s not giving an opinion, that’s being a fanatic of a puritan religion called feminism and declaring as sin everything that doesn’t mold to the feminist worldview.
Funny. Cause I'm convinced the anti sjw types are hell bent on canceling tlou2
Funny. I’m probably one of the more excited to play the game in this thread.
By the way, choosing to not buy something isn’t cancelling.