Insane Metal

All X-Men Movies Ranked
From X-Men to Deadpool to Logan, all the best X-Men movies by Tomatometer (and the worst)!
Number 1 is absolutely undebatable.
I won't disagree with anyone's list for putting Logan at #1 its a good film. Personally I like Days of Future Past more, one of the best story lines in Xmen and they actually managed to execute it.
Also parts of the wolverine are really fucking good but then the ending is so fucking bad, its the most two faced movie ever.
I didn't like the portrayal of the Sentinels. Nothing like the comics at all.DOFP for me, Logan is great but it's very much Yet Another Wolverine Movie.
hell of an introX2 was fuckin crazy for the time. What a ride that was in the theatre.
First Class lovers had to have been like, 12 when that movie came out, right?
It's so corny.
All X-Men Movies Ranked
From X-Men to Deadpool to Logan, all the best X-Men movies by Tomatometer (and the worst)!
Number 1 is absolutely undebatable.
Top 5 is pretty spot on. Logan is terrific and I wish it wasn't the last wolverine film.
Best part of dark phoenix was the soundtrack. Han Zimmer is the best.Jesus....Dark Phoenix is even worse than Wolverine? That almost makes me want to check it out.
I liked the first 2, Logan and Deadpool 1/2 I guess even though I don't exactly think they are Xmen Movies.
All the other ones are somewhere between "meh" and just straight up bad
Yes.You think Frist Class is better than Deadpool and the OG X-men? Jesus.
I gotta say I don't understand the point of Days of Future Past. You spend the whole moving stopping a SINGLE assassination's because it shows mutants in a bad light, yet destroying half a city by dragging a sports stadium across it doesn't? That confused the hell out of me lol.