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Alpha Protocol |OT| Bourne, Avellone, Denton, and the Agency's Sagacious Secrets


sflufan said:
Jesus -- there is QUITE a bit of difference between the 80% range scores some of the European outlets are giving it and the savage mocking of Joystiq and Destructoid.

I mean a 2/10 versus 8+/10? How can such a wide variation exist?

Let me say this. I lost trust in alot of the German outlets a while ago, but they have also also been less hard on jnaky RPGs. To me the Joystiq and Destructoid reviews sound plausible. because they mention what I saw and apparently wasn't fixed for the most part. Why Obsidian has these problems with actually finishing their games is beyond me.

The Joystiq article actually mentions that htey were done 6 months ago. If that's the state of your game how can you look at it and say it's good to go? I'd like to think that it's all because of publisher pressure, but then why turns basically every Obsidian game out this way?
Destructoid said:
However, Alpha Protocol's story never gets very interesting, rendering all the clever narrative tricks rather worthless. The characters aren't compelling in the least, the narrative is convoluted and feels completely alienated from the overall experience, and Agent Thorton himself is a rather dull character who doesn't seem to change all that much regardless of your dialog choices. Frankly, he comes across as a moronic dick no matter how you "choose" to play him. Great news for moronic dicks everywhere, but bad news for anybody else. With a narrative and characters that have all the dimensions of a sheet of paper, the game really needs to rely on its thrilling spy action to remain interesting.

Ouch. This is not what I wanted to hear. I could endure a janky, mess of a game if it the story was worth it, but if the writing isn't exceptional, this game doesn't really have much going for it.


eznark said:
Sterling is, as a rule, a moron but if the technical issues are really as atrocious as both he and McElroy say...I'm going to have to wait for a bit to see if it gets patched.

They've had the full game sitting in their offices for six months and yet it's still released in its current state.

I've learnt to stop expecting patches from devs anymore, especially for less high-profile games.
eznark said:
Sterling is, as a rule, a moron but if the technical issues are really as atrocious as both he and McElroy say...I'm going to have to wait for a bit to see if it gets patched.

Too bad it's Sega. And Obsidian moved onto New Vegas a while ago. I have no confidence that this game will be supported with patches.


eznark said:

Man, sometimes the guy is funny, but oh boy can he be a troll.

So Alpha Protocol is 5 times worse than Deadly Premonition to him. I guess not every game can have the amazing technical polish of a game like Deadly Premonition.

Shake Appeal said:
Sounds like a great Steam sale purchase full price sale so one of the few developers still making games like this doesn't go out of business, to me!

ArjanN said:
Man, sometimes the guy is funny, but oh boy can he be a troll.

So Alpha Protocol is 5 times worse than Deadly Premonition to him. I guess not every game can have the amazing technical polish of a game like Deadly Premonition.

Deadly Premonition was also a $20 game. And in the review he harps a lot on how $60 is too much for AP. Either way, a score of 2 seems...a bit extreme.


Basileus777 said:
Deadly Premonition was also a $20 game. And in the review he harps a lot on how $60 is too much for AP.

I was half joking because he was complaining about technical problems, while Deadly premonition is at least as buggy.

Anyway, if the game is a good experience, the price is pretty irrelevant to me. A crap game at 1$ is still a crap game.

I was expecting love-it-or-hate-it reviews anyway, as it's really that type of game.


This game had so much potential, and it seems like the endless delays were spent twiddling their thumbs. I am sure there is some good stuff in there and the game isn't all awful, but goddamn it Obsidian, this should have been your AAA, breakout title.


Alpha Protocol is structurally flawed, but perhaps most damning -- considering the thing was apparently done six months ago -- it's a technical nightmare. Textures take forever to pop-in (and sometimes even pop back out!); enemies hover 10 feet above platforms; there are frequent, seemingly random load times that can range from 3 to 15 seconds, and even occur right in the middle of dialog. Trust me, I could go on.

even occur right in the middle of dialog.

The fuck? :lol


Sorry arjan, I'm not interested in paying full price for a broken game just so the developer can make more broken and unfinished games (assuming these reviews are accurate).


daoster said:
Were you using KB/M controls? I don't have a 360, so I might just pick up the PS3 version if the KB/M controls are bad...

I tested a bit earlier, the KB/M controls were horrible imo, had to plug in my PS3 controller to make it enjoyable to play.

Larsen B

I read on Qt3 that Chris Avellone said you don't need to buy the game in order to support them as their contract is structured so sales don't directly affect them.

Seems like this might be the right type of game to wait until it drops in price.
Larsen B said:
Seems like this might be the right type of game to wait until it drops in price.

I would say if anyone personally doesn't HAVE to buy the game right now, that just a little patience and it wont be long at all before this is below $30.

I'll buy it then, just because Ive followed this game for so long, and was looking forward to it, but while Im not one to put a lot of stock into reviews.... if this is as bad as everyone is saying it is.... I can definitely hold off.


Finished Saudi Arabia. It definitely has technical issues, but if you can overcome them, you have one of the most interesting RPGs out there. At least the first chapter.


Railer said:
I tested a bit earlier, the KB/M controls were horrible imo, had to plug in my PS3 controller to make it enjoyable to play.

Wait...we can use PS3 for the PC version too? sweet!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I forgot to preorder this! I'll make sure to grab it on Steam when I get home. The PC-centric reviews seem to be pretty good.



Never bought/rented a game because of good reviews before, not going to start now.

You guys have to remember that the review scores a game gets aren't a direct correlation to how much you'll enjoy it. I'm sure you enjoyed the hell out of some poorly received games.


However, Alpha Protocol's story never gets very interesting, rendering all the clever narrative tricks rather worthless. The characters aren't compelling in the least, the narrative is convoluted and feels completely alienated from the overall experience, and Agent Thorton himself is a rather dull character who doesn't seem to change all that much regardless of your dialog choices. Frankly, he comes across as a moronic dick no matter how you "choose" to play him. Great news for moronic dicks everywhere, but bad news for anybody else. With a narrative and characters that have all the dimensions of a sheet of paper, the game really needs to rely on its thrilling spy action to remain interesting.

Holy hell, what?! Avellone?!


This can't be right.


daoster said:
Were you using KB/M controls? I don't have a 360, so I might just pick up the PS3 version if the KB/M controls are bad...

KB/M yes, worked great, I had to adjust mouse sensibility at the .ini doc to 100% because in my version it was at 60% and was damn hard to turn using the mouse, but it was perfect after that. The hacking minigame is clearly designed for dual sticks, but I got used to it using KB/M (and if you find it annoying, raise a bit technical proficiency and use EM granades to go through it, think it worked like that).


Holy shit at the reviews. I mean, I wasn't expecting 9s, but I just read through the Joystiq review. If it had been mediocre, I wouldn't have cared because this type of game is right up my alley, but with it being so negative, I think I'm cancelling my pre-order and waiting for a steam sale on this baby.

Hopefully New Vegas turns out better.


eznark said:
Sorry arjan, I'm not interested in paying full price for a broken game just so the developer can make more broken and unfinished games (assuming these reviews are accurate).

Fair enough.

It's just the whole "I'll wait for the Steam sale" thing that bugs me a little. Especially when people then later complain everyone is developing generic safe stuff they know will sell.

coopolon said:
Holy shit at the reviews. I mean, I wasn't expecting 9s, but I just read through the Joystiq review. If it had been mediocre, I wouldn't have cared because this type of game is right up my alley, but with it being so negative, I think I'm cancelling my pre-order and waiting for a steam sale on this baby.

Hopefully New Vegas turns out better.

Um..you might want to look at some more reviews or people's impressions here.

Either way I'd probably avoid the console version.


coopolon said:
Holy shit at the reviews. I mean, I wasn't expecting 9s, but I just read through the Joystiq review. If it had been mediocre, I wouldn't have cared because this type of game is right up my alley, but with it being so negative, I think I'm cancelling my pre-order and waiting for a steam sale on this baby.

Hopefully New Vegas turns out better.

I'll probably wait till it's cheaper too. I think it'll go down in price fast pending a miracle. I hope they can do Fallout justice, but everything I've heard / seen I think they will. Don't let me down Obsidian.


coopolon said:
Holy shit at the reviews. I mean, I wasn't expecting 9s, but I just read through the Joystiq review. If it had been mediocre, I wouldn't have cared because this type of game is right up my alley, but with it being so negative, I think I'm cancelling my pre-order and waiting for a steam sale on this baby.
It's one negative review among many positive ones (and another negative one, but since it's been written by Jim Sterling you can ignore it). Most outlets agree it has its issues, but is pretty damn intresting. And I think GAF has drawn the same conclusion.


ArjanN said:
Fair enough.

It's just the whole "I'll wait for the Steam sale" thing that bugs me a little. Especially when people then later complain everyone is developing generic safe stuff they know will sell.

To be fair, 'generic safe stuff' tends to be more technically proficient. It's awesome when a studio comes out and tries to do something distinct, but if they struggle getting the core components of gameplay down, they're not going to get many rewards for thinking outside the box. Which is a damn shame.

My main confusion about this title stems from criticisms of its story. That.. that shouldn't happen. Obsidian is one thing, but Avellone?


Mouse smoothing fixed the controls alot but the main problem is that there are sometimes random loading points but during those 1 second loads if you move your mouse, you will also move the camera.
ArjanN said:
I have nothing but respect for Avellone and Obsidian. Planescape: Torment is my favourite game of all time. But I have plenty of games, great games, occupying my time, and I cannot and probably should not afford to "support" developers who aren't making games I feel are worth their full price.

If they can't deliver polished, coherent experiences that are strong on every level, then maybe they don't deserve that sale.


Jew Gamer
Vinci said:
To be fair, 'generic safe stuff' tends to be more technically proficient. It's awesome when a studio comes out and tries to do something distinct, but if they struggle getting the core components of gameplay down, they're not going to get many rewards for thinking outside the box. Which is a damn shame.

My main confusion about this title stems from criticisms of its story. That.. that shouldn't happen. Obsidian is one thing, but Avellone?

Hmm, maybe its because reviews mean shit to me but based on what I have read from people on GAF playing it isn't that the part that gets fawned the most?

(Seriously, I haven't read any of the reviews posted, I have read all the GAFfers who have said the flaws mean nothing when everything else about the game is awesome. Some have trashed it but some who have trashed it have the "played it to bash it" feeling going on whereas others just can't handle the flaws)

Obsidian is a B tier director, I accepted that a long time ago, but BioWare has released many "polished" games that are boring as sin, have terrible writing, and could use a few months of editing to make them not so drawn out and boring. Obsidian games may be flawed but damn if they aren't awesomely flawed.

Sometimes the B tier is more fun than AAA, you just can't expect the same quality in terms of polish. A B movie won't have the same special effects as a AAA blockbuster but there are some of those I'd definitely watch first.


To be fair, I'm pretty shocked at how short it is as well. I won't pay $50 for a 12 hour game (I'm blown away that someone in this thread was able to beat this game in a day).

But pre-ordering it on Amazon means like ~25% off already (already 46.99, plus you get a $10 credit).

Combined with being such a short game, and how buggy some people in this thread have described it (admittedly someone else said they didn't experience a single bug the entire game, but with it being an Obsidian game I find this comment immediately suspect), I think it's best waiting till it's under $30, preferably $19.99, before picking it up. Plus, hopefully by that time either Obsidian/Sega will patch it or user base will find ways to mod it.


Basileus777 said:
I can see how finishing this in 20 seconds with a controller might not be much fun.

It´s not very hard and I found it fun (I really liked the hacking minigame, it was challenging) But again, there are EM grenades you can buy, you don't need to go through it if you don't want.

(admittedly someone else said they didn't experience a single bug the entire game, but with it being an Obsidian game I find this comment immediately suspect

Suspect of what? I have no personal interest on the success of this game. I played the PC version and that's what I found, maybe the console versions have more problems, I don't know. I posted things I liked and things I didn't, so it´s not like I was blindly praising him. If I had found bugs I would have said it.

I really enjoyed it and I made the effort to post my view on it because I think there are people here that will enjoy it for the same reasons I did. Don't believe me? pass on it, or wait for a sale. It´s not my concern.
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