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Alpha Protocol |OT| Bourne, Avellone, Denton, and the Agency's Sagacious Secrets


Bebpo said:
I've got a few questions:

-Does your starting type effect anything at all besides initial stat/weapon loadout? Because since you can remove initial stats and rearrange them anyhow...it'd seem like a waste if that's all they affected and not make replaying it as a different class interesting.

I think some people mention your background, but it's mainly for pre-set stats, yes.

Suave - being a dick
Agressive - being a jerk
Professional - being normal

Because I thought Suave would be like smooth talking/charm but everytime I pick it he just says something like a conceited prick and pisses everyone off. It seems like anything besides professional pisses people off.

Basically, but after you finish Saudi you'll start to meet people who demand more varied answers. For the most part professional allows you to play it safe, but it won't make you gain more points either. Later on there are people who like men with an attitude, especially the bosses you spare. Also, as duckroll said a few pages back, the dialogue system is more of how severely you want the next to sound rather than having complete control over it. Mikey is quite the douche sometimes :lol

-Is there no stat for conversation? It's all just based on what the person likes and your responding attitude.

As in "you can't convince this person unless you have put points in Persuade"? Nope, it's all about your own capacity to judge people.

-Here's the big thing: is it just me or is the game too easy? You're given all these great skills and there seems to be zero penalty for setting alerts so even if you do set one off, you can just beat up the guards and turn the alarm off. Even if you die, the game checkpoints all the time and you just restart a few mins back. It basically seems like there is zero incentive to be super awesome and perfectly stealth everything besides personal satisfaction (which is always good). I wish at the end of a mission you got extra xp or something for no alerts or few alerts. no kills or few kills. Maybe it's just because I've come from playing MGS Peace Walker where at the end of the mission it does exactly that (bonus points for few or no alerts, minus points for each kill). I like being rewarded for taking the time to play well and not just being clumsy and setting off all the alarms and ko-ing all the guards.

Some people had problems with Hard/Recruit, but yeah, the game just isn't very hard. As for the stealth bonus, I don't think there is, sadly. There are trophies/achievements and I think a perk or two, which are always useful, but nothing consistent as far as I know.

Also it seems at first glance like there aren't a whole lot of things to put skill points into? Because I'm only a few missions in and I feel like I have 20%+ of my skills filled already (especially if you're not planning on using weapons, it seems like you'll max everything non-weapons right away). It seems at this rate like before rank 5-10 of the skills opens up I'll probably get almost every category to rank 5, which seems kind of lame since on replays instead of going a different path with my skill points I'll just end up good at everything each time. I hope I'm wrong and there are more skills that open up later.

Hm, I wouldn't worry. For example, I finished the game with level 20. That gave me enough points to completely fill my three specializations (and that happened during the course of the final mission), but I had about half of the possible skills completely empty. I didn't put a single point towards pistols, SMGs, shotguns and the others had very few points (three in melee, two for Sabotage...). The game gives you enough points and equipment to make a versatile character, but I think it'll be fun to replay focusing on a different thing.

I mean I think this game is amaaaazing, but I'd like to play a tougher, more realistic and more rewarding version if I could. Maybe a community mod will do that.

I certainly hope so!
Basileus777 said:
So is the Embassy mission in Moscow just bugged? No matter what I do it
says I killed Marines
, even though I clearly never did that. I didn't kill anyone, I only used fists and tranq bullets and was never detected. The post-mission combat stats support this.

I was wondering about this also. Sometimes my post mission briefing would say things that never happened. Either it was a bug or I just did something and not realised it.


mujun said:
Really? I found that putting your first points into assault rifle (and maybe some toughness or sabotage) gets you through no problems. The assault rifles are really powerful.
The more points the faster the crit crosshair zeros in. You can take out a group of guys across the room in no time when you use the ability with it.


jim-jam bongs said:
Hard, Recruit. Problems solved :D

Hardly. Still pretty easy.

A better one would be: Hard, Recruit, Non-lethal, minimal alarms (seems like you cannot avoid setting them off at all).

BTW, anyone know if it is possible not to set off the alarm in the
part after the bridge
of the last Taiwan mission?

I am allied with
G22 and Hong-Shi,
and it does not seem possible to take out the snipers and reach the gates without the alarms going off.
jim-jam bongs said:
I think that the idea is:

Suave = James Bond
Aggressive = Jack Bauer
Professional = Jason Bourne

I feel dumb for just noticing the JB trend....

Wait a minute.

jim-jam bongs

You're one of them!
Cep said:
Hardly. Still pretty easy.

A better one would be: Hard, Recruit, Non-lethal, minimal alarms (seems like you cannot avoid setting them off at all).
Wait, people play it another way?!?

Ever since NOLF I've always tried to get perfect stealth ratings in every game that allows it. It's one of the reasons I love the Hitman games so much, there are a wide range of conditions that need to be satisfied for your run to be perfect.

AP is good for that too. Trying to complete every mission with no alarms but the story ones, no kills, no spottings and 100% accuracy if you're using tranqs is a decent challenge.

And Fimbuveltr, I didn't want to have to kill anyone but you've really left me no choice.


jim-jam bongs said:
Wait, people play it another way?!?

Ever since NOLF I've always tried to get perfect stealth ratings in every game that allows it. It's one of the reasons I love the Hitman games so much, there are a wide range of conditions that need to be satisfied for your run to be perfect.

AP is good for that too. Trying to complete every mission with no alarms but the story ones, no kills, no spottings and 100% accuracy if you're using tranqs is a decent challenge.

And Fimbuveltr, I didn't want to have to kill anyone but you've really left me no choice.

You are a bit more hardcore than I am (I do not care about accuracy, though I almost never miss).


Jew Gamer
This game has not let me down at all. I can see the flaws, I won't deny them, I don't care.

To anyone on the fence about this game let me put it to you this way:

I can't even consider touching another Bethesda/Bioware game until they add in some of the elements this game has. The story/development is just that good and the characters are amazing. Oh, and the fact the game changes, that shit isn't exaggerated, I have put 2 hours into it and am already seeing the game change based on what I do!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Seem to have hit a major bug in the PC version, or I'm missing something. In Moscow,
train weapons mission, I get to the long two floor open area with a bunch of guards and the optional sniper rifle drop, after the section where you use the crane and go through that load screen dual gate.
....but it's showing my objective to be where I just came from, the beginning, and I can't go back. And the door to the next area on the map doesn't open. So I'm stuck unless I load a previous save, it looks like, unless I'm missing something. Anyone else experience this or have an explanation?


EviLore said:
Seem to have hit a major bug in the PC version, or I'm missing something. In Moscow,
train weapons mission, I get to the long two floor open area with a bunch of guards and the optional sniper rifle drop, after the section where you use the crane and go through that load screen dual gate.
....but it's showing my objective to be where I just came from, the beginning, and I can't go back. And the door to the next area on the map doesn't open. So I'm stuck unless I load a previous save, it looks like, unless I'm missing something. Anyone else experience this or have an explanation?
I think you need to find the
cargo in one of the trains, might need to open a train door
. I might have had the same issue.

Really enjoying the game so far. No time for more details!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Llyranor said:
I think you need to find the
cargo in one of the trains, might need to open a train door
. I might have had the same issue.

Really enjoying the game so far. No time for more details!

I'll try that, thanks.

Edit: Yeah, that was it.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Cep said:
Hardly. Still pretty easy.

A better one would be: Hard, Recruit, Non-lethal, minimal alarms (seems like you cannot avoid setting them off at all).

I switched to this after going through the first few parts of normal recruit.

It's much more fun this way, though I have reloaded more checkpoints than I feel I should have. :lol

But it was all worth it to see
The first boss go flying off into the windshield of the convoy after him somehow spotting me from super far away so many times.

TBH, so far, it's MUCH better than I would have believed given the reviews alone. The conversation system is pro, and the gameplay isn't THAT janky.

The shooting is the only thing holding this back, at least from what I've played. (Ignoring the graphics, of course)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Random visual question...

In some of the 360 footage I swear I've seen actual motion blur on characters rather than simply on camera motion. Is this true? That effect seems to be absent on the PC (motion blur option only enables camera blur) and I'm wondering if anyone has any clue if it is possible to enable.

Also, I'd love a first person view here. The character model is ugly as hell in motion (reminds me of Hitman 2 or something).

Other than that, it's a nifty game thus far.


Yeah the motion blur in the PC version is shocking. Even when you adjust the camera slightly you get the stupid blur. First thing I turned off.
duckroll said:
Yay! The Americans finally have their game! Now the party REALLY begins! :D

Duckroll in a WRPG thread? :O

This game looks good, I'll probably wait for a bugfix patch though.. I'm sure a patch tweaking the AI, fixing bugs, and a little balance here and there will make the game play a lot smoother.


So going into this game expecting something as bad as Mass Effect 1, I was surprised of what it offered.

The shooting mechanic is as terrible, but because it's an espionage game, I could almost ignore shooting entirely. Stealth killing is a bit clunky, but the overpowered invisibility magic makes the hard parts doable.

I was in it mainly to score with some chicks and cougars, so the story driven part was pretty good.

So... bad gameplay + good story = I don't care because I like playing dating sims.


Unlimited Capacity
duckroll said:
Look, let's not count out chickens before they're hatched. Remember what happened last year?

I don't wanna remember. :(

I assume you mean AP getting pushed back 8 months one week before it released. That was not a good day for me.


_tetsuo_ said:
I assume you mean AP getting pushed back 8 months one week before it released. That was not a good day for me.

Well, that, and the more painful thing that we shouldn't even mention again... :(
I don't know what is wrong with reviewers. Jaded, maybe? I have yet to see any of the complaints brought up in reviews that "warranted" the mediocre/low reviews. I haven't felt like anything is broken. The graphics are gorgeous (PC, highest settings). The shooting feels just as "solid" as ME2. Why should I jump on the hate train when I haven't had one frustration or complaint with the game so far (about 4 hours in, wrapped up Moscow).

For shame, Arthur Gies, for telling people to "not buy" this game. (Again, i can't speak for the console version)


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Should I be playing this initially on "Recruit" to get the most out of the game?

I picked the stealth base career... not realizing that picking recruit would add more depth to the game?


Yeah, I'd steeled myself for the worst on the bits between conversations, but am digging the methodically Tenchu 1-esque routine of duckwalking slowly around, judo chopping the shit out of people with the occasional TRANQ FACE.
FlyinJ said:
Should I be playing this initially on "Recruit" to get the most out of the game?

I picked the stealth base career... not realizing that picking recruit would add more depth to the game?

You just start off with no skill points and can unlock veteran when you beat it. It's slightly harder, but I wouldn't say it adds any depth.

weekendCONFIRMED said:
The graphics are gorgeous (PC, highest settings). The shooting feels just as "solid" as ME2.

I've really enjoyed AP, but this is crazy talk.

duckroll said:
The casual/suave/flirting/etc response locked to the X button is basically the dick response, The Y button response is the angry response, and the B button is the by the books response. In many of these cases, they are not something that James Bond, Jack Bauer, or Jason Bourne would ever say. It's not really about character type so much as an emotional response based on Thornton's personality.

This is my take on it as well. The suave option in particular doesn't match what Bond would say, it's way more smarmy.


jim-jam bongs said:
I think that the idea is:

Suave = James Bond
Aggressive = Jack Bauer
Professional = Jason Bourne

It's less about the type of reply and more about the type of character.

I do not believe this to be accurate to be honest. I know they used that as a selling point early in the game (actually I think Chris Parker did), but Avellone later clarified that it was not really their intention for each stance to be a specific character type. Instead, there is only one "character type" in Alpha Protocol - Mike Thornton.

The casual/suave/flirting/etc response locked to the X button is basically the dick response, The Y button response is the angry response, and the B button is the by the books response. In many of these cases, they are not something that James Bond, Jack Bauer, or Jason Bourne would ever say. It's not really about character type so much as an emotional response based on Thornton's personality.

The personality that Avellone has given Thornton is obviously that of a generally sarcastic dick who is pretty confident of himself. Most of the professional responses are written such that even the voice direction seems to indicate he is only tolerating the situation for the sake of the mission. Thornton is most natural when he has the upper hand and is sounding all confident and in control. I think it would not be fair to say the character was simply written to present 3 different other character outlets for players, because it's clearly not the case.


Jew Gamer
duckroll said:
I would happen even more often if Obsidian wasn't so fucking butt slow. :lol

I like your thinking!

Seriously, Bioware was my first foray into WRPGs, my first serious venture into them (not fiddling) was Bethesda, but Obsidian is definitely my favorite of WRPGs and the only company Western side that compares to my top JRPGs.

Basically, Avellone is my western Sakaguchi!


Man, this game stutters on my PC every once in awhile, and it kinda scares me! ME2 and DA:O ran fine though...

I'm also getting confused at times because I've switched over to the 360 Gamepad controls, but I'm using my PS3 controls, so what I'm seeing on the screen and what I'm used to aren't one and the same

Otherwise, I just did my first mission in Saudi Arabia, and while the shooting kinda sucks (I'm playing guns blazing right now, haha), I see a lot of potential.

Quick question though, once you choose a dialog choice, is there anyway to just end the timer, or do I have to wait till the dialog timer is done?


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I didn't find the game too easy, I died a lot in the earlier sections and there were some hard parts later too.


Jew Gamer
daoster said:
Man, this game stutters on my PC every once in awhile, and it kinda scares me! ME2 and DA:O ran fine though...

I'm also getting confused at times because I've switched over to the 360 Gamepad controls, but I'm using my PS3 controls, so what I'm seeing on the screen and what I'm used to aren't one and the same

Otherwise, I just did my first mission in Saudi Arabia, and while the shooting kinda sucks (I'm playing guns blazing right now, haha), I see a lot of potential.

Quick question though, once you choose a dialog choice, is there anyway to just end the timer, or do I have to wait till the dialog timer is done?

Well, one thing I've noticed with the dialogue bar is that it seems to end just as they stop talking. Is it not like that on PC?

Oh and for PS3 people, there are some typical Unreal 3 stutters but otherwise it runs great on PS3. I've had very little problems and nothing that even comes close to game breaking. Oh, and the game is so awesome the little ones don't matter!


Zeliard said:
Get the Enhanced Edition when you do. And you will.
I think it's impossible to not get the enhanced version. Even if you get the standard edition, the enhanced version is a free download.


Well I couldn't hold out any longer. Just bought this bitch on steam.

What do I have to look forward to as far as controls on PC? Would it be worth my time to hook up a controller?


Lafiel said:
I think it's impossible to not get the enhanced version. Even if you get the standard edition, the enhanced version is a free download.

I did the download since I had the original version. I was under the impression that the Enhanced version had even more stuff, but maybe not.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Concept17 said:
Well I couldn't hold out any longer. Just bought this bitch on steam.

What do I have to look forward to as far as controls on PC? Would it be worth my time to hook up a controller?
Yeah definitely.


Unlimited Capacity
Concept17 said:
Well I couldn't hold out any longer. Just bought this bitch on steam.

What do I have to look forward to as far as controls on PC? Would it be worth my time to hook up a controller?

360 controller is the way to go
duckroll said:
I do not believe this to be accurate to be honest. I know they used that as a selling point early in the game (actually I think Chris Parker did), but Avellone later clarified that it was not really their intention for each stance to be a specific character type. Instead, there is only one "character type" in Alpha Protocol - Mike Thornton.

The casual/suave/flirting/etc response locked to the X button is basically the dick response, The Y button response is the angry response, and the B button is the by the books response. In many of these cases, they are not something that James Bond, Jack Bauer, or Jason Bourne would ever say. It's not really about character type so much as an emotional response based on Thornton's personality.

The personality that Avellone has given Thornton is obviously that of a generally sarcastic dick who is pretty confident of himself. Most of the professional responses are written such that even the voice direction seems to indicate he is only tolerating the situation for the sake of the mission. Thornton is most natural when he has the upper hand and is sounding all confident and in control. I think it would not be fair to say the character was simply written to present 3 different other character outlets for players, because it's clearly not the case.

I'd agree with that, my reply was an attempt to simplify it a bit. It's more like a response with the attitude of the 'JB', but with the character of Mike Thornton if that makes sense. So the replies aren't really something that the particular movie agent would say necessarily, they're what Mike Thornton would say if he was behaving in the way that those characters would usually act.

The only exception to this is the recruit options in my experience so far. They actually present quite a different character than the suave, aggressive and professional options do to the point where his replies in cut-scenes sometimes seem really out of whack.


Zeliard said:
I did the download since I had the original version. I was under the impression that the Enhanced version had even more stuff, but maybe not.
Actually it does have more stuff, it comes with the soundtrack and some other extras.
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