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Alpha Protocol |OT| Bourne, Avellone, Denton, and the Agency's Sagacious Secrets


^Good post.

One thing I want to add is that of you are going for a small-footprint run (Story-Alarms, Non-lethal), you need to invest in pistols and not melee.

A stealthy melee character may seem like a fun idea at first, but you will have lots of reloads and frustration in your future (especially if you went recruit+Hard Mode).


I'm finding Stealth/Pistol/Sabotage really useful. I use melee a lot, but haven't put a single point in it, and don't really like I'd need to, since it's often a last resort.

Sneaking around doing stealth takedowns, take out enemies from afar with a silenced pistol or chainshot, stalking baddies and placing traps along their patrol routes, or setting up some safezones rigged with explosives you can fall back to when your cover is blown. They work together pretty well.


I think one thing that attracts people to the "stealthy melee" character concept is the idea of something like Big Boss from MGS3. The reality of the gameplay in AP is quite different however. When you use stealth and use stealth takedowns, those are auto one-hit kill/stun moves. That doesn't require any points into melee. Putting more points into melee does not let you do those any better since they're already instant kill/stun moves.

The only thing that melee will help you in, is the ability to withstand more blows from enemies using melee against you, as well as getting more attacks when using actual hand to hand fighting, and more damage. The problem with this is that it goes against the stealth build completely. If you run up to a guy and start punching him, you're not being stealthy, you're being Bruce Lee. So consider that carefully. :)

One day, I think I will play a Bruce Lee build, focused on melee and tech, using Fury and Brilliance to just beat the fuck out of everyone before I turn alarms off. That should be fun. :lol


TTP said:
So I just passed the part where I'm asked to select a specialization. Does the game get better from now on? Cos up to this point I'd file it into the "piece of crap" category. The camera, the AI, the engine, the animations, the stealth gameplay... it's all very very bad. Or perhaps I'm not getting it.

You are not getting it.

You are right, all those things you listed are clunky or in the case of stealth gameplay not as straightforward as in a more traditional stealth game (it is an RPG after all).

That being said (and I'm sounding like a broken record) the other stuff which you didn't list, the dialog stuff, the character interaction stuff, the RPG depth, etc. That stuff more than makes up for the game's shortcomings for some people. Myself included.


mujun said:
You are not getting it.

You are right, all those things you listed are clunky or in the case of stealth gameplay not as straightforward as in a more traditional stealth game (it is an RPG after all).

That being said (and I'm sounding like a broken record) the other stuff which you didn't list, the dialog stuff, the character interaction stuff, the RPG depth, etc. That stuff more than makes up for the game's shortcomings for some people. Myself included.

You really don't see how awesome that is until you get out of Saudi though. Then everything starts to come together and you realise how it works.

My favourite part of the game so far has been "that" email from Heck. I thought Alex Jones had infiltrated the game or something.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
So I went for complete opposite builds and character types in my 2nd playthrough.

Angry and aggressive mofo who shoots first and doesn't like questions! :D

Specialized in tech, sabotage, AR. I wish the game was MASSIVELY different when you go opposite routes, but you do get widely fluctuating story points that change things up a bit (I pissed EVERYONE off that was my ally on my first playthrough).

So far, I think guns a-blazing is a bit easier than Solid Snaking around, but it could be that I'm more familiar with the game and know what to expect.

Protips for stealth players: GET THAT DIGITAL CAMO! And get the enhanced version as well! I had strong sound dampening, but the enemies seem to have x-ray vision when you don't have that camo on. Also be sure to specialize in at least ONE weapon and not just focus on melee. Bosses don't take kindly nor go down easily when you run up to them and melee them since it's difficult to sneak around.

Protips for Bruce Willis players: Focus on one weapon and just use the silencer for 'stealth'. However, that sabotage skill comes in handy for all the alarms you're inevitably going to set off. I'd say get armour with at least SOME sound dampening to give you the choice to kill the dumbasses strolling around to save ammo.


pilonv1 said:
My favourite part of the game so far has been "that" email from Heck. I thought Alex Jones had infiltrated the game or something.
Heck is great. Him
framing Wen
at the end of Taipei was hilarious.
Poor Wen.


Jew Gamer
I'm here to correct people on the stealth aspect of the game.

You do NOT need to go pistols. Trust me on this.

I am a Stealth/Assault Rifle/Gadget focused character with my recruit playthrough, taking the AR with subsonic rounds lets you not only play stealth but to take people out from a distance.

It is a very powerful playthrough (though by far not the cheapest, the rounds aren't cheap at all) and if you are good at stealth you can sneak your way into a good hiding spot and then clear an entire room.

Pistols are overrated, I assure anyone who experiments with their loadouts that you don't need to feel like there is a hard-cap loadout for this game. Playing with an experimental build has allowed me to find an incredibly powerful AND fun build :D

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
lsslave said:
I'm here to correct people on the stealth aspect of the game.

You do NOT need to go pistols. Trust me on this.

I am a Stealth/Assault Rifle/Gadget focused character with my recruit playthrough, taking the AR with subsonic rounds lets you not only play stealth but to take people out from a distance.

It is a very powerful playthrough (though by far not the cheapest, the rounds aren't cheap at all) and if you are good at stealth you can sneak your way into a good hiding spot and then clear an entire room.

Pistols are overrated, I assure anyone who experiments with their loadouts that you don't need to feel like there is a hard-cap loadout for this game. Playing with an experimental build has allowed me to find an incredibly powerful AND fun build :D

b..b...b...b...but pistols and chain shots make bosses easier and faster to kill?!

"He didn't have a medal in shooting"


Jew Gamer
Kuro Madoushi said:
b..b...b...b...but pistols and chain shots make bosses easier and faster to kill?!

"He didn't have a medal in shooting"

I am sure chain shots might help but if you try and state there is 1 build that is the best you will take the fun out from people who really want to experiment.

For example, for an added challenge in my recruit run, I use gadgets/weapons but only the innate abilities! The only ability I ever used was the one you start with (awareness)

Try using pistols in the run I'm doing and the game will chew you up and spit you out :lol

Nah, anyone can do whatever they want, I am just pointing out that pistols are overrated (I am kicking ass in my build and just as stealth based as any pistol user)


lsslave said:
I'm here to correct people on the stealth aspect of the game.

You do NOT need to go pistols. Trust me on this.

I am a Stealth/Assault Rifle/Gadget focused character with my recruit playthrough, taking the AR with subsonic rounds lets you not only play stealth but to take people out from a distance.

It is a very powerful playthrough (though by far not the cheapest, the rounds aren't cheap at all) and if you are good at stealth you can sneak your way into a good hiding spot and then clear an entire room.

Pistols are overrated, I assure anyone who experiments with their loadouts that you don't need to feel like there is a hard-cap loadout for this game. Playing with an experimental build has allowed me to find an incredibly powerful AND fun build :D

Sounds like a pretty solid rapid-fire assassin build. The reason many people who play stealth pick pistols though, is to limit the number of kills. Non-lethal play definitely favors pistols over any other weapon, for obvious reasons.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Woutst said:
Try making a "Fire" build: Incineration Grenades (with Overclock) and Phosphorous Ammo (Shotgun). Also, add Tech :)

Anyone get success with shotgun and SMG builds? I just found them horribly inaccurate or lacking in range...


Jew Gamer
duckroll said:
Sounds like a pretty solid rapid-fire assassin build. The reason many people who play stealth pick pistols though, is to limit the number of kills. Non-lethal play definitely favors pistols over any other weapon, for obvious reasons.

Yeah, if I ever do a non lethal run I would be forced into the tranq.

I always have my pistol in my loadout but I have a grand total of maybe 5 actual KILLS with pistol :lol

I am definitely playing an assassin right now though, the second I saw that there were subsonic rounds I haven't looked back and it is a very good build. The only problem is I have fucked up a few times because I have balanced all 3 and as such I have maybe 9 or 10 in each so my stealth isn't as good as it could be
the bugging mission in Taipei that you can't be alerted once in to do properly I got spotted a grand total of one time and it ruined that run for me >.<

It is definitely a great loadout though. I figured since I am actually role playing a character for once (which is probably the first time I've ever gone from "what I want to do" to actually roleplaying a character) I would do what a recruit would do and my choices led me to this loadout :D

If you ever try an assassin build I recommend you give this one a shot, it is so much fun just sneaking into position and then wiping out an entire room without them ever knowing you are there. It is a bit slow (hiding while you make a mental map of the cameras/enemies/hiding spots) and then getting to the perfect position but I think that is half the fun of the game.

My "Trophy Run" (eg: Veteran loadout on Hard just to unlock all trophies that I miss) if I do it will be a gun blazing screw the alarms I don't need friends orphan making time!


Kuro Madoushi said:
Anyone get success with shotgun and SMG builds? I just found them horribly inaccurate or lacking in range...

With a shotgun build (if I attempted) I'd also place a lot of traps and focus on extra health.

A shotgun works quite well with a trap build just because half (or more) will die getting to you.

SMGs would be great for an assault build. Secondary weapon assault rifle for long range, SMGs if they get close as a primary, and your third being... well whatever you want for a third.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I just finished Rome last night and moved on to Taipei. I must say I really like this game. It's too bad that the environments have been so bland so far. It seriously seems like they just slopped a lot of these levels together and that is the main factor in reducing my enjoyment of the game so far. Otherwise I'm having a blast.

I also found an interesting bug (PC version). Whenever I go into my inventory and exit back out my shields instantly regenerate to 100%. It really boggles the mind how something like that made it through testing.


Jew Gamer
Zefah said:
I just finished Rome last night and moved on to Taipei. I must say I really like this game. It's too bad that the environments have been so bland so far. It seriously seems like they just slopped a lot of these levels together and that is the main factor in reducing my enjoyment of the game so far. Otherwise I'm having a blast.

I also found an interesting bug (PC version). Whenever I go into my inventory and exit back out my shields instantly regenerate to 100%. It really boggles the mind how something like that made it through testing.

I think that might largely be because they don't expect you to really touch your inventory in missions :lol

The game even ignores your levels until right before a safe-save point!


Sooo...there I was...completing one of the missions in Saudi Arabia when suddenly my screen goes black. I try to alt tab into this weird blue haziness, but nothing seems to work, so I reboot my computer.

Now all the sudden my PC won't properly recognize my monitor or allow me to set the proper resolution. Not sure wtf is going on.


Jew Gamer
Interfectum said:
You guys sold me on this game. Grats. Will purchase after RDR is finished.

Awesome! It is definitely not as bad as the reviewers stated. It isn't the prettiest or bug free game in the world, but once you get past that you are in for a complete blast!

Also, don't touch walkthroughs/spoilers/etc. and play the game your own way. The changes that occur based on how you play are actually really awesome and make for an incredibly fun game!


People called Romanes they go the house?
Cep said:
Holy shit, my respect for the writers just went through the fucking roof!!!!

Now I know why my ending sucked so badly: I was too busy playing good cop (and trying to get everyone to like me).

Just finished hard recruit, now it's time for a nice relaxing normal veteran playthrough of general dickery and being "suave".

Should be for fun times, just gunning everyone down with assault rifles. :D

It kind of sucks that there won't be any sequel or probably even DLC, since while the story itself isn't the greatest, I find myself caring more about what happens to the characters than I have in any other rpg in a while.

/crosses fingers for a miracle.
Need help with a part in Taipei for a stealth player

I need to
take out Eric Chung in this room with two gun turrets and a bunch of other enemies. My main problem here are the turrets because they sound the alarms if they spot me. If I hack them, it sounds the alarms and they start killing people. I don't get how I'm supposed to take out Chung quietly without the alarm going off.
Linkzg said:
Need help with a part in Taipei for a stealth player

I need to
take out Eric Chung in this room with two gun turrets and a bunch of other enemies. My main problem here are the turrets because they sound the alarms if they spot me. If I hack them, it sounds the alarms and they start killing people. I don't get how I'm supposed to take out Chung quietly without the alarm going off.

Try disabling the turrets with an EMP.


syllogism said:
Spoilers, don't watch unless you've finished the game


HOOOOLY SHIT! I don't think I can EVER bring myself to play a character in a way to get an outcome like that. I was laughing.... and crying at the same time watching that.

I may have killed Sis too in my first playthrough, but there was NO fucking way I would ever go on to bait Albatross like that. I just cut the connection instead. Holy shit the dialogue. Omg. WTF! :lol


Spookie said:
Leylands execution is fucking brutal.

Yes it was.

I am currently asking myself why I did not do the same (Probably because I thought that I would get a chance to go after the
government goons responsible)


Spookie said:
I thought the opening two dialogues were fan-tas-tic. :D

Leylands execution is fucking brutal.

I wonder if the brutal death is a homage to the end of the original Bionic Commando...


Zefah said:
I just finished Rome last night and moved on to Taipei. I must say I really like this game. It's too bad that the environments have been so bland so far. It seriously seems like they just slopped a lot of these levels together and that is the main factor in reducing my enjoyment of the game so far. Otherwise I'm having a blast.

I also found an interesting bug (PC version). Whenever I go into my inventory and exit back out my shields instantly regenerate to 100%. It really boggles the mind how something like that made it through testing.

Did you check out the "beautiful" sky box in Taipei (the mission with a sat dish on a roof). Hoo-boy, that is some PS1 level stuff :lol
lsslave said:
I'm here to correct people on the stealth aspect of the game.

You do NOT need to go pistols. Trust me on this.

I am a Stealth/Assault Rifle/Gadget focused character with my recruit playthrough, taking the AR with subsonic rounds lets you not only play stealth but to take people out from a distance.

It is a very powerful playthrough (though by far not the cheapest, the rounds aren't cheap at all) and if you are good at stealth you can sneak your way into a good hiding spot and then clear an entire room.

Pistols are overrated, I assure anyone who experiments with their loadouts that you don't need to feel like there is a hard-cap loadout for this game. Playing with an experimental build has allowed me to find an incredibly powerful AND fun build :D

do you actually need to worry about ranged combat later in the game? so far I only needed to shoot my tranq pistol three times for enemies out of range. All my points have been pumped into stealth and hacking. I chose melee as one of my skills too, just haven't upgraded it yet.
Linkzg said:
do you actually need to worry about ranged combat later in the game? so far I only needed to shoot my tranq pistol three times for enemies out of range. All my points have been pumped into stealth and hacking. I chose melee as one of my skills too, just haven't upgraded it yet.

Yes. There are bosses that need to be fought from long range.

You get more skill points than you really need, it's a bad idea not to put some of them into one weapon.


Jew Gamer
Linkzg said:
do you actually need to worry about ranged combat later in the game? so far I only needed to shoot my tranq pistol three times for enemies out of range. All my points have been pumped into stealth and hacking. I chose melee as one of my skills too, just haven't upgraded it yet.

Depends on how you play, over 300 kills already (orphan count goes up a bit slower after Saudi Arabia >.>)

Such a blast :D .

I am playing as an Assassin, I get in place and I pick my targets off 1 by 1. That is just how I do it.
Y2Kev said:
Do guards ever leave alert status?
As long as they can't see you and there's no alarm active they'll go back to normal after a while. Though there are a few very rare occasions (scripted fights and whatnot) where enemies might stay alert at all times.
Linkzg said:
do you actually need to worry about ranged combat later in the game? so far I only needed to shoot my tranq pistol three times for enemies out of range. All my points have been pumped into stealth and hacking. I chose melee as one of my skills too, just haven't upgraded it yet.
There was one boss and two regular guys that I needed to take down with ranged weapons/gadgets in my playthrough, and for that boss you get a sniper rifle as backup anyway (not sure if it counted as a kill or not). So you're pretty safe with melee only.


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
Linkzg said:
do you actually need to worry about ranged combat later in the game?

You do, in a sense. If you are properly prepared, then you ought to be fine. The game provides you with alternatives if you're put into a situation where you think you can't reach someone.

Except one incident.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
mujun said:
Did you check out the "beautiful" sky box in Taipei (the mission with a sat dish on a roof). Hoo-boy, that is some PS1 level stuff :lol

I haven't had a chance yet, but I will tonight. The one in Rome was pretty terrible too. The character models in this game are passable and some of the faces are actually pretty good, but the environments, for the most part, are simply terrible. They seriously feel like they are straight out of some early PS2 games (albeit with higher detail textures) and make the game feel a lot more "video gamey" (ie. break the immersion) than a game like this should.
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