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Alpha Protocol |OT| Bourne, Avellone, Denton, and the Agency's Sagacious Secrets


Unlimited Capacity
Rahxephon91 said:
I'm sure this has been asked ,but how is the PS3 version? Is there any specific reason to chose xbox over it?

It is the worst version, from a technical standpoint, from what I've seen of the three versions running.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
For me, this game is way more fun than ME2. ME2 is my GOTY so far.

What does this mean?!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
What's the technical problem called that makes everything look swimmy? Is it texture ailiasing? Poor texture filtering? WTF, it's so ugly. The animation in this game is so bad :lol

Almost done with Saudi Arabia, I think I really like it. I can't tell.

Where can you see cooldown on evasion?
Y2Kev said:
What's the technical problem called that makes everything look swimmy? Is it texture ailiasing? Poor texture filtering? WTF, it's so ugly. The animation in this game is so bad :lol

Do you mean the motion blur and depth of field effect? They are both terrible in this game. Thankfully you can turn them off on the PC.

Y2Kev said:
Where can you see cooldown on evasion?

I don't think you can.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Y2Kev said:
What's the technical problem called that makes everything look swimmy? Is it texture ailiasing? Poor texture filtering? WTF, it's so ugly. The animation in this game is so bad :lol

Almost done with Saudi Arabia, I think I really like it. I can't tell.

Where can you see cooldown on evasion?

Haha, I know that feeling. The game is totally awesome, but completely shitty at the same time. It's really strange. I wasn't sure if I really liked it or not until I finished Rome (I really like it).


Man, this game really makes it evil for stealth players sometimes.

I hate the turrets. They are so hard to see! I'm all sneaking along no alerts doing fine and then I walk into a room cloaked and alarm goes off because of turret >_< Then if I throw an EMP it alerts the guards in the room. I'm guessing the trick is to throw an EMP and then immediate use invisbility cloaking and run through the room before the turret activates again? I should try that next time.

Also game is SO GLITCHY. I've probably had like 10-15 bugs in my 10-15 hours so far. Today I ran into two:
1. The markers over objects you can interact with DISAPPEARED. Which is sucks a lot. But when I quit and reloaded it was ok.
2. The report at the end of a mission LIED. It said I KILLED PEOPLE and my mission record says 0 kills :( I have one stupid kill in total kills to my name 13 hours in because some guy got COLLATERAL DAMAGE KILLED by the truck in saudi. >_<

Also got my first hate mail :( I set off 3 alarms total in a mission and I get chewed out because of it.

So for my next run I'm doing guns blazing, but on my 3rd run I really want a perfect no alert, no kill run (will be close but not perfect this time). At certain parts in the story it seems like you can't avoid alerts. Is this true? Or is there a way to avoid all alerts in the game? For instance in Moscow, boat mission
when Sis shows up the alert went off right away and I end the mission with 1 alert.
Bebpo said:
Man, this game really makes it evil for stealth players sometimes.

I hate the turrets. They are so hard to see! I'm all sneaking along no alerts doing fine and then I walk into a room cloaked and alarm goes off because of turret >_< Then if I throw an EMP it alerts the guards in the room. I'm guessing the trick is to throw an EMP and then immediate use invisbility cloaking and run through the room before the turret activates again? I should try that next time.
I exploited the lightbulb armor thingy and the Sabotage “electronic stealth” passive ability. It's not ideal, but it can let you slip past some of those peskier turrets. Remote hack works well once you get it, as I don't think kills made by the turrets count as your kills. It really, really sucks that you can't simply deactivate them through hacking though (via computers or remote), only turn them against your enemies.


I just read that you can re-configure your weapons in the middle of a mission. MIND BLOWN.

I love the emails you send blackmailing people or releasing info to the press. Everything in this game story/character wise is so in depth and perfectly integrated.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Wow. This game has jank flowing from every orifice but Michael is written so well. I was going into the game thinking he was a dick! He's really quite personable, intelligent, and witty. He comes off as resourceful and independent but trusting. I feel like there will be no "I AM FIGHTING FOR THE LOST!!!" line here.

I wonder if it was a mistake to start the player off with such poor gun skills. Just a few points in pistols makes the game so much more enjoyable.


Ok, at some point can we make an AP bugs thread. Because if everyone is having experiences like me and what I've heard of duckroll's playthrough then we should get hundreds of hilarious bugs within 48 hours of the thread starting. :lol

Two more that I just encountered in the last hour

1. Fighting
. Boss leaps down and becomes FROZEN. He just sits there. Awesome except it's impossible to do any damage so I have to restart the battle.

2. Teleportation. I was crawling across a wall with a window above (crawling below the window), I start crawling (back against wall) from the right side, take a step and a radio message comes in and I TELEPORT TO THE OTHER SIDE of the window. wtfff


Do the initial difficulty levels (easy/normal/hard) affect anything? Would I miss out on anything should I choose to play on easy?


Aeana said:
Do the initial difficulty levels (easy/normal/hard) affect anything? Would I miss out on anything should I choose to play on easy?

Normal isn't that difficult beyond a few points, as long as you have one competent gun skill.


I have absolutely no idea what kind of character to make. I'm still sitting at the agent history screen. I usually don't care for stealth, but from what duckroll has told me, it works a little differently in this game from games like MGS because of the skill levels, so maybe I'd enjoy that. Ho hum. :\
Aeana said:
I have absolutely no idea what kind of character to make. I'm still sitting at the agent history screen. I usually don't care for stealth, but from what duckroll has told me, it works a little differently in this game from games like MGS because of the skill levels, so maybe I'd enjoy that. Ho hum. :\

Pick the last "class" and drop points into shit that looks fun. There's no right or wrong way. I will say that you might want to put 2 points into sabotage at the beginning just to make some of the minigames easier (esp. on PC).


Don't play on Hard if you want to be a stealth character. The boss fights are impossible. :(

Managed to eventually get through
but I'm completely stuck fighting
Marburg in the museum. Just have pistol/stealth/melee. He kills me in one round of fire if I'm not in cover, so I can't get close to him. His guards respawn infinitely, and if I don't use chain shot on them they tear me apart; but that just leaves me infinitely spawning guards with no chance at hurting Marburg himself.


Ventrue said:
Don't play on Hard if you want to be a stealth character. The boss fights are impossible. :(

Managed to eventually get through
but I'm completely stuck fighting
Marburg in the museum. Just have pistol/stealth/melee. He kills me in one round of fire if I'm not in cover, so I can't get close to him. His guards respawn infinitely, and if I don't use chain shot on them they tear me apart; but that just leaves me infinitely spawning guards with no chance at hurting Marburg himself.

There were some strategies posted a couple of pages back.
Aright, went into this game knowing nothing about it and got really sucked in pretty fast. Everything about the tone of the game feels fresh to me for whatever reason and I really got into the early conversations and e-mails. Not sure why everyone is complaining on the graphics to be honest, it's really not terrible looking at all. I enjoyed the crap out of Deadly Premonition though so I might not have the best opinion on that.

The only thing that bothers me is the combat, I have about 8 points into pistols yet my aiming reticule is still as wide as a bus and so I still have to wait for a critical shot to load up rather than relying on a quick burst of fire to take someone out quickly. It's not bad at all just kind of annoying when I get caught and I can't rely on that weapon. Also, this game has the weirdest bugs ever.

I decided to start my game up and every time I tried to make a selection in the main menu I would hear someone getting hit in CQC combat, like people actually getting punched and then they would moan and groan. I go on to start a new game and see if it still stays and for whatever reason every piece of dialog is once again replaced by grunting hand to hand combat noises.:lol

Overall, really great game and with this and many games that have come out around this time it feels like a good time to have this hobby. I just hope this sells well enough. I didn't even know the IGN score till 10 hours into the game, pretty sad that so many people take them seriously even here on GAF.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered

Alrighty, so I finished up Alpha Protocol and had a blast with it. I played it on PC with a 360 pad. I chose recruit as my starting class and
set it to easy difficulty (I had watched a bit of a boss fight on a live stream where the person died 15+ times and had no desire to do that
myself). My playthrough took about 15 hours total and I did every mission that was available to me. I tried to ally with everyone I could
and was rarely a dick. I tried to keep killing to an absolute minimum (ended with around 20 from an early mission where I wasn't sure how
I wanted to play). I ran into less than five glitches glitches, none game breaking, and the game only crashed once on me.

Things I loved:
  • Thorton. I loved his VA and his lines can be hilarious. He also delievers serious lines with proper weight too.
  • Characters. I loved the different characters you encounter. Each one has their own agenda, visual design, and great VA's all around.
  • How the decisions effected so much. Stuff I did in Taipei had an effect on a mission in Moscow. Characters were always referencing
    the decisions I made in other missions, based on how they appeared in the news. It made everything feel much more realized.
  • The stealth. I never got tired of sneaking around knocking guards out. It was really satisfying watching their patrols and then taking
    them out one by one. It got pretty awesome with stealth maxed out, I felt incredibly powerful.
  • The locations. Each location has it's own distinct feel. They also include a rather nice variety within each location as well. Highlights
    were a yacht, a character's mansion, a museum and an airfield/base.
  • The skills. It was really difficult passing up on some of the skills you can pick when leveling up. They all looked incredibly useful and
    powerful. The ones I ended up using really delievered.
  • The perks. Fantastic idea with a lovely implementation. I got a ton of these in my first playthrough and they add handy bonuses.
  • The story. I found it really satisfying and all the pieces fall together really nicely. The ending I got left me feeling quite happy.

Things I liked:
  • The art design. I liked how almost every character looked. They kept them looking unique and the same goes for the environments.
  • The textures. The textures looked pretty great for the most part, especially on Thorton. I was really impressed by the textures in
    Saudi Arabia as well. Some later areas are lacking though :(
  • The combat. I rolled with melee and pistols. I didn't find either of these quite as satisfying as the stealth takedowns, but they were
    still a lot of fun.

Things I disliked:
  • The animation was really lacking. Thortons crouch-walking animation grew on me, but it was pretty disappointing all around. I knew
    this going in however.
  • The turrets. Fuck those turrets. I ran by a couple because shooting them out was annoying and I didn't always have enough grenades.
    My build wasn't really geared towards non-human enemies so they were pretty frustrating.
  • The bosses. While I liked the characters a lot, the fights seemed to have a rather steep difficulty spike. I ended up leaving the bigger
    ones till I had maxed out hand-to-hand as the first one I encountered really kicked my ass.
  • The minigames. I didn't mind these too much, but they happened a bit too often (they did make sense where they were though).

I can't wait to replay the game using a more gung-ho approach, complete with being a tool to characters. I also want to do a 0 kills, 0 alerts
run at some point as well. While I know it isn't likely, I really hope we get a sequel to the game or at the very minimum, a hub w/ missions
in DLC. I feel really spoiled having gotten both this game and Mass Effect 2 in the same year. I love the third person action RPG genre and
they both really delivered for me. I can't wait for Obsidian's Fallout: New Vegas this fall as well.



Stallion Free said:
[*]How the decisions effected so much. Stuff I did in Taipei had an effect on a mission in Moscow. Characters were always referencing
the decisions I made in other missions, based on how they appeared in the news. It made everything feel much more realized.

That's awesome. I did those missions in a different order, so I can't wait to play through again and see what changes.


Y2Kev said:
The boss fights seem really crap.
Tell me about it, i just fought moscow mission spoilers
. And the boss fight was completely broken, i did manage to beat her easily by using flashbangs though.:lol

Cool thing about this game, i'm only a few hours in the game. And i already want to replay it and do things differently. Just aligned myself with the
in moscow.:D i think next play through i'm going be a complete asshole that kills anyone on sight.:lol


Y2Kev said:
The boss fights seem really crap.

I suppose they are, but I really love them (Especially the one at the end of Moscow).

The only one that I would beg as being truly putrid would be the one at the end of Teipei.
Y2Kev said:
What's the technical problem called that makes everything look swimmy? Is it texture ailiasing? Poor texture filtering? WTF, it's so ugly. The animation in this game is so bad :lol

Almost done with Saudi Arabia, I think I really like it. I can't tell.

Where can you see cooldown on evasion?

I expected that if anyone would understand this game it would be you! It's just the BEST kusoge to come out in the last decade!! :D

Honestly the stealth in the game is so ridiculous. It goes from completely frustrating to the most boring shit in the world. In the Rome missions I repeatedly used a combination of Evasion/Shadow operative/stealth kills/chain shot to take out entire rooms of like 6-7 guys without anyone knowing what is going on.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
BudokaiMR2 said:
I expected that if anyone would understand this game it would be you! It's just the BEST kusoge to come out in the last decade!! :D

Honestly the stealth in the game is so ridiculous. It goes from completely frustrating to the most boring shit in the world. In the Rome missions I repeatedly used a combination of Evasion/Shadow operative/stealth kills/chain shot to take out entire rooms of like 6-7 guys without anyone knowing what is going on.
I'm experiencing that now in Moscow. I just can't get a good read on this game. I was like OMG I am finally getting it! but now it's wave after wave of enemies and the combat is really truly horrible. The shotgun, which I have no points in at all, is mowing the bad guys down and the the pistol, where I have four points, is like, I don't know, having someone stick needles up my dick.

The glitches and gameplay inconsistencies are getting pretty funny though. I had a guy glitch out of his animation reel and flip 180 degrees vertically and start warping around the level :lol

I think I love this game when I'm not....playing it. Like, talking. And reading. And listening. But playing....ouch. Also I think there might be some sequencing problems. The first time I the player had seen
, Mike said "you again?" I actually feel like there are a number of oddities here...not sure.


I completed my first mission. It was pretty enjoyable, although Mina told me to keep from being seen, and that was blown only a minute into the mission. I'm terrible at stealth. I decided to go ahead and make a combat-oriented character, so I chose assault rifles as my primary skill. It went pretty well in that mission, even with my crappy aiming skills.
Y2Kev said:
Also I think there might be some sequencing problems. The first time I the player had seen
, Mike said "you again?" I actually feel like there are a number of oddities here...not sure.

This happens in a bunch of places. It's really noticeable on replays through the game because you realize what incident that it's referencing that hasn't actually happened yet in this game.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Basileus777 said:
This happens in a bunch of places. It's really noticeable on replays through the game because you realize what incident that it's referencing that hasn't actually happened yet in this game.

Kind of expected given the complexity of the C&C system. Its the first try. Possibly also the last try...


Basileus777 said:
This happens in a bunch of places. It's really noticeable on replays through the game because you realize what incident that it's referencing that hasn't actually happened yet in this game.


I thought it was a fuck-ton more noticeable my first time through.

I am pretty sure that at some point the community will find an 'Optimal' sequence though, so I will keep abstain from a third playthrough until then..
HK-47 said:
Kind of expected given the complexity of the C&C system. Its the first try. Possibly also the last try...

The first try that took how many years? There are certain times when that excuse works but I don't think it does in this case.

I ran into a couple of weird spots like that and at least one of them probably could have been fixed by omitting a couple of lines.
HK-47 said:
Kind of expected given the complexity of the C&C system. Its the first try. Possibly also the last try...

It's not glaring issue. I'll gladly deal with it if it gets me a game with choices like this. Sadly, you are probably right in that we won't be seeing many of them.

Cep said:

I thought it was a fuck-ton more noticeable my first time through.

I am pretty sure that at some point the community will find an 'Optimal' sequence though, so I will keep abstain from a third playthrough until then..

Maybe it was just the order I played through it the first time or I just assumed I was missing something, but I noticed these things more on my 2nd and 3rd times through the game.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I feel like there have been a number of encounters where stuff happens and I have to check the dossier because Mike knows stuff I don't, and that's just weird. My introduction to
is one example of that and another is


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
BudokaiMR2 said:
The first try that took how many years? There are certain times when that excuse works but I don't think it does in this case.

I ran into a couple of weird spots like that and at least one of them probably could have been fixed by omitting a couple of lines.

You realize how complex and convoluted the choice tree they made is? Hell thats probably why we wont see it often. It fucking tough to test for.


Y2Kev said:
I feel like there have been a number of encounters where stuff happens and I have to check the dossier because Mike knows stuff I don't, and that's just weird. My introduction to
is one example of that and another is

I was about to mention this.

Reading the dossiers fully every update is a must if you wish to keep up with Mike.

The game assumes that you read them, and truth be told, you should.

The game is not passive, it assumes that the player does his research, analyzes the situation and reads the characters to know the best choices during dialogue.

This I feel is the true triumph of this system.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Y2Kev said:
I feel like there have been a number of encounters where stuff happens and I have to check the dossier because Mike knows stuff I don't, and that's just weird. My introduction to
is one example of that and another is

Could it because he checked the dossier? I mean if you have info it probably assumes you'll look at it and remember right? The job of a spy demands he stay up to date. Info is the most important commodity.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Cep said:
I was about to mention this.

Reading the dossiers fully every update is a must if you wish to keep up with Mike.

The game assumes that you read them, and truth be told, you should.

The game is not passive, it assumes that the player does his research, analyzes the situation and reads the characters to know the best choices during dialogue.

This I feel is the true triumph of this system.
HK-47 said:
Could it because he checked the dossier? I mean if you have info it probably assumes you'll look at it and remember right?

I have no problem reading the dossier. I have no problem with any reading at all in the game, actually-- it's all very delightful. The emails are great! But when Mike actually says something implying he's interacted with the character during the game before I have even seen the character...well there's a sequencing problem. That's what I believe Basileus is talking about as well.

Frankly, it makes the story feel very disjointed and amateurish. I appreciate the branches and I understand why their complexity makes it difficult to test for, but I am not talking about deep individual decisions here-- the game should know when I met a character and where. That's high level stuff. I would be embarrassed as a writer of the game if that happened and it was not caught. You mean to tell me no one in testing went to Moscow first?


Unlimited Capacity
Y2Kev said:
I feel like there have been a number of encounters where stuff happens and I have to check the dossier because Mike knows stuff I don't, and that's just weird. My introduction to
is one example of that and another is

I read every dossier update I get as soon as I get it.

edit: Hmm I haven't run into any sequence problems yet, but it is kinda weird that something like that slipped past.
Y2Kev said:
But when Mike actually says something implying he's interacted with the character during the game before I have even seen the character...well there's a sequencing problem. That's what I believe Basileus is talking about as well.

It is. The game seems to assume that you play through the 3 hubs in a certain order. You can meet some of the characters and organizations in several places, and sometimes the game will give you lines of dialogue that don't make any sense in the context you've actually played the game.


Y2Kev said:
I have no problem reading the dossier. I have no problem with any reading at all in the game, actually-- it's all very delightful. The emails are great! But when Mike actually says something implying he's interacted with the character during the game before I have even seen the character...well there's a sequencing problem. That's what I believe Basileus is talking about as well.

Frankly, it makes the story feel very disjointed and amateurish. I appreciate the branches and I understand why their complexity makes it difficult to test for, but I am not talking about deep individual decisions here-- the game should know when I met a character and where. That's high level stuff. I would be embarrassed as a writer of the game if that happened and it was not caught.

I was specifically addressing the dossier stuff because it reminded me of something I meant to say.

I completely agree with the sequencing problem.

By my second run through the game was more or less incident-free because I seem to have somehow followed a path closer to what I assume to be the ideal sequence.

I really wish that I had written it down.
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