So I just finished my first mission, should be able to answer a few of these questions now...
miladesn said:
^ How do the guns feel? from the videos it didn't look very promising.
OK so after killing some dudes with a pistol and an assault rifle, have a bit of a better idea of the guns... To me, I'm getting a strong Mass Effect feel, especially with the assault rifle. Whether or not that is a good thing is up to you I guess, but it feels pretty good to me.
Concept17 said:
Any impressions on stealth gameplay would be greatly appreciated.
I tried to go into this mission with stealth in mind, which didn't last long, and in the end I killed pretty much everyone. But that might just be me doing it wrong. You can put points into stealth skills which would probably improve things though.
Edgeward said:
Run into any bugs/glitches yet? And do the characters seem generic/zany/good/etc?
I had one glitch during the first tutorial where I got stuck in a wall for a few seconds, but mashed the buttons and managed to come unstuck. The characters seem decent enough, but I have only met a few. No one zany yet.
K.Jack said:
Framerate seems pretty solid, though I'm not an expert on these things. Seems good to me. I have encountered a little bit of tearing though, and that good old Unreal Engine 3 texture pop-in is still there (but mostly when looking at weapons in menus etc)
A couple more impressions from my play today...
- I really like the email system
- Weapon customization is pretty impressive, the weapon store is a bit daunting, so many options
- Interesting intel system
- Voice acting varies... Most of the supporting cast seems good so far but the main character delivers some lines horribly
- using martial arts to kill is pretty satisfying