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Alpha Protocol |OT| Bourne, Avellone, Denton, and the Agency's Sagacious Secrets


koshunter said:
Alright so I bought this game on the basis that it's a stealth RPG type game. I like the dialog system so far, but not much else. I've been skimming over this thread and a lot of people seem to be saying that the enjoyment comes from understanding the mechanics. Is there anywhere I can read up on said mechanics, because so far, I've been trying to play it as I would other stealth game and it's clearly not working. I've put points into stealth and martial arts and I haven't even gotten past the first Saudi mission (
the bug one
), I just face too many problems.

Some problems I have so far:
-Horrendous use of DOF, it blurs the person I'm trying to aim at, namely the dude in the tower with the machine gun
-I'm guessing the range on the pistol sucks without putting points into it?
-Silenced pistol + shooting a guy all day long where only some of my shots are hitting doesn't alert him or anyone else
-Leaving cover to move into cover closer to the enemy I'm trying to take down alerts them even when they are walking away from me and I'm crouching towards the cover very slowly
-If I take down someone using martial arts (aka quietly), other enemies get alerted sometimes

Despite all of this, I really want to like this game. I just have this urge to play it and hope something clicks but it doesn't. So I guess my question is:

What do I put points in so that I can play this game as a stealth game and how do I play it so? Taking down enemies without alerting others, bypassing enemies and all of that other good stealthy stuff.
At least play a few missions after Saudi Arabia, the game really opens up and the mechanics aren't as frustrating as you will have a decent amount of points in a few skills by that time, and there are many more story points in the next three missions than in Saudi and you care about the characters alot more.


_tetsuo_ said:
And the bad AI is making it very difficult to pass this mission. In Moscow and
I'm trying to escape with Surkov and G22 is outside in force. Surkov goes to one cover spot anddoes not move, and never drop back into cover. SOhe just runs out, goes to cover, gets in a shooting posistion behind cover and gets riddled with bullets everytime.
Terrible that I forgot to stack up on items before I left for the mission :(

Played that for the first time on Recruit Hard, points in Toughness, Assault Rifle, and Martial Arts...

Trouble was, I was low on health at the checkpoint; I could use some first aid kits, but even with two of them (and lots of waiting), I wasn't nearly full on HP.

So, if I ran down and fought aggressively / drew fire, I got gunned down. If I stayed up top, the guy I was protecting got slaughtered. If I tried to take my time and snipe the first few guys before closing to melee (this guy's combat style of choice), then the ally drew all the fire and died.

I retried this about 15 times, I think. The guy can GET slaughtered (i.e. the game will continue), but of course, that's bad. You miss out on not only the experience points you get for saving him, but later missions as well.

I was up top, ally down below, bad guys storming from near the little ice fountain area, across from where the ally was. When they die, more trickled in from the door behind me, from the rooftop across from me, and from the garage door down the ladder from where I was.


Shit-tons of incendiary grenades for the 5 gentlemen below.

Follow-up? Getting down the ladder before the 5 guys down below burned to death and the garage door opened. Then, taking cover and sniping the guys on the rooftop, then quickly taking out the 2 guys from the garage and the 2 guys that come down the ladder; this puts them all clustered pretty close, so if I had more grenades, that would have been ace. Instead, lots and lots and lots of ammo.

Honestly, I'm liking these spikes of difficulty. I liked the fight with Brayko (only survived thanks to Hard to Kill - got him nearly down in melee, "died," got back up, and gave him the last few punches).

The fight with
was unfortunately underwhelming because he wouldn't follow me down the stairs... I just shot him repeatedly and then ran up stairs and punched him. The game also gave me bonus experience points for defeating him twice, once for beating him with fists, and once for beating him with guns... I'm guessing that area was more likely to have bugs since it was entirely optional -
if Surkov dies at the embassy (see above), you'd never go there. If you cut a deal with Surkov up front, you'd never fight Championchik (at least, not in Moscow).


I don't know if it counts, but I did get Scarlet killed without knowing she was the Assassin (I went with Parker over the PDA, but I assume it would work if you killed Deng too) by having Heck as my handler, sparing Layland then having Scarlet shoot me, kill Layland then get shotgunned in the face by Heck. However, on this path I never got a stab at Westridge

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Seda said:
You can only kill Westridge AND Leland if you

a) Get enough reputation with Leland to "join" him, kill Westridge (This also gives you an opportunity to kill Mina) and betray him at the very end.

b) Let Shaheed live, meet him before endgame, speak to and kill him and follow the NMNC route.

In my first play-through I was able to kill both
Westridge and Leland and I didn't join Halbech or kill Shaheed at the end of the game. I had a battle with Westridge near the end of the game where stood in a tower-like structure shooting at me with turrets. I ran up to him and shot him in the face with my pistol a bunch and chose to execute him. I later caught up with Leland and proceeded to execute him to (after making sure to humiliate him a bit).


koshunter said:
Alright so I bought this game on the basis that it's a stealth RPG type game. I like the dialog system so far, but not much else. I've been skimming over this thread and a lot of people seem to be saying that the enjoyment comes from understanding the mechanics. Is there anywhere I can read up on said mechanics, because so far, I've been trying to play it as I would other stealth game and it's clearly not working. I've put points into stealth and martial arts and I haven't even gotten past the first Saudi mission (
the bug one
), I just face too many problems.

Ok, I'll try to help.

Some problems I have so far:
-Horrendous use of DOF, it blurs the person I'm trying to aim at, namely the dude in the tower with the machine gun

I'm guessing you're talking about the console version, since the PC version doesn't have DoF as far as I can tell. Still, if someone is that far away you can't shoot them unless you use an assault rifle with points in it and are willing to sound off an alert from the noise of the shots. For people in towers, your best bet is to sneak around them when they're not looking and either avoid them or climb the tower when their back is turned and take them out.

-I'm guessing the range on the pistol sucks without putting points into it?

Sort of. It gets faster to critical hit and you get hit from further away as you put more points in. But it's still useful.

-Silenced pistol + shooting a guy all day long where only some of my shots are hitting doesn't alert him or anyone else

You're supposed to let the critical aim crosshairs line up on their head before taking a shot. This will take out every non-boss enemy in the game in 1 hit. You will never miss a shot. You only miss shots when you fire without aiming. Hold L from close range, wait for the red crosshairs to get as small as possible, then hit R.

-Leaving cover to move into cover closer to the enemy I'm trying to take down alerts them even when they are walking away from me and I'm crouching towards the cover very slowly

This goes by your sound dampening stat. If it's below 4 or 5 they will hear you as you get close to them and turn and spot you. Until you get better equipment/perks to raise this stat use silent running (one of the first skills you get in the stealth branch) to run up behind them and take them out. Or run up behind them and when they turn and see you punch them out quick before they alert anyone else or sound off an alarm.

Also your walking speed doesn't make a difference. If you're crouched you can walk as fast as it will let you.

-If I take down someone using martial arts (aka quietly), other enemies get alerted sometimes

Just depends if anyone can see what you're doing or hear what you're doing. If there are other guards close by, it's best to take them all out at once when using martial arts. Also silent running will help lower sounds in this case too.

Despite all of this, I really want to like this game. I just have this urge to play it and hope something clicks but it doesn't. So I guess my question is:

What do I put points in so that I can play this game as a stealth game and how do I play it so? Taking down enemies without alerting others, bypassing enemies and all of that other good stealthy stuff.

Put points into stealth, buy armor there raises your sound dampening. This will give you the means to sneak undetected. Then put points into pistol to let you snipe guys with a silenced pistol shot from around the corner and kill bosses using chain shot. Then put some into sabotage (put one in right away so you can use EMP to skip hacking when needed) to hacking cameras/turrets from a distance.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Bebpo said:
I'm guessing you're talking about the console version, since the PC version doesn't have DoF as far as I can tell. Still, if someone is that far away you can't shoot them unless you use an assault rifle with points in it and are willing to sound off an alert from the noise of the shots. For people in towers, your best bet is to sneak around them when they're not looking and either avoid them or climb the tower when their back is turned and take them out.

The PC version definitely has motion blur and depth of field, but I made sure to turn them off. Thank god for options!

Also, regarding stealth play, unless you don't want to kill anyone, I would recommend going with assault rifles and subsonic rounds (works like a silencer) over a pistol. The subsonic rounds can be expensive, but the assault rifle is far more deadly than the pistol. Of course you won't ever have the option to simply tranquilize enemies this way...


Can someone PLEASE please please please make me a Chris Avellone "Deal with it" gif with an Obsidian logo thrown in there? (avatar size preferably)

There's a bunch of haters on my other forum.

I'll pay $2,000 in gold bullion to the person responsible for it's creation.



Having this song :


As ambience music for a boss fight
against a coked out Russian straight out of a music video from the 80's in a concert hall with strobing disco lights and pyro
was just :lol awesome
even moreso considering I had Heck send him a mountain of cocaine.

What's weird/awesome about this game is some of the characters in game look like they were modeled after their VA's
First thing that came to my mind when I saw/heard Hong Shi was James Hong and IMDB has him listed in the credits :lol

Darcy has his VA's chin :lol (look at the picture of him without the beard)

Also just finished the game on Freelancer/Hard.
I tried to spare Leiland, Scarlet shot me which caught me by surprise. She started to complain that Leiland hasn't paid her yet for Sung's attempted assassination so I tried to bribe her to kill Leiland instead :lol

Then I saw Mina sneak up in the background and line up a shot on Scarlet with a sniper rifle and shoots Scarlet dead when I gave the prompt. Though I'm now left wondering what would've happend if I told her to wait.

Going to do a rack up the bodycount jackass run later just to see how different the game plays out later.

Loved the characters in the game. The interactivity of the conversations really made for some hilariously entertaining moments.


oh wow at the figth with the boss on
what a piece of shit.
endless waves of enemies, shitty guns, scarce ammo, the boss is a sponge of bullets, shitty cover mechanics, the boss can shoot me from 300kms away when I'm behind cover and the awesome movement when he chases you around and beats the crap out of you with his punches.

Fuck that.

Boss figths are a crapfest in this game. Can you fucking respec on the game? Because I am gonna put all the points on the weapons and just forget about anything else. Seems the only way to beat some of the bosses without trying 6 times or trying to study teh stupid scripted fights.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
itxaka said:
oh wow at the figth with the boss on
what a piece of shit.
endless waves of enemies, shitty guns, scarce ammo, the boss is a sponge of bullets, shitty cover mechanics, the boss can shoot me from 300kms away when I'm behind cover and the awesome movement when he chases you around and beats the crap out of you with his punches.

Fuck that.

Boss figths are a crapfest in this game. Can you fucking respec on the game? Because I am gonna put all the points on the weapons and just forget about anything else. Seems the only way to beat some of the bosses without trying 6 times or trying to study teh stupid scripted fights.


I had the same problem on my stealth run with that boss in particular. I then discovered an interesting bug/cheat and abused it. Press "I" to go into the inventory. Exit it and your Endurance will be back at 100%.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
"An Alpha Alpha Protocol!" The ending with
is good stuff!

I just finished my Recruit asshole / murder run. I ended up only having relations with Madison and rescued her as well. Other than her and Heck I was pretty much hated by everyone else and killed most of them! Needless to story played out quite a bit differently than my nice guy / stealth run.

I am probably going to take a break and finish Red Dead Redemption now, but I will definitely be back for another playthrough as a Veteran. I need to decide how I will play my character and in what order I will go through the hubs first...

I love this game!


itxaka said:
oh wow at the figth with the boss on
what a piece of shit.
endless waves of enemies, shitty guns, scarce ammo, the boss is a sponge of bullets, shitty cover mechanics, the boss can shoot me from 300kms away when I'm behind cover and the awesome movement when he chases you around and beats the crap out of you with his punches.

Fuck that.

Boss figths are a crapfest in this game. Can you fucking respec on the game? Because I am gonna put all the points on the weapons and just forget about anything else. Seems the only way to beat some of the bosses without trying 6 times or trying to study teh stupid scripted fights.


hardest boss in the game for sure

Easiest way is with pistol skills. Chain shots to his face = dead

Next easiest way is GRENADES. Fire ones especially. Just keep chucking them when he's behind cover. If you have overclock, use it and do even more damage.

The worst is with shotgun/CQC, you need first aids and Iron Will helps because you need to shoot him in the face at point blank range about 30-40 times while he's hitting you non-stop for hard damage

I haven't tried with AR but it's probably possible to take him out from a distance until he starts rushing you. At that point...I dunno.

You can kind of repeat this strategy for every boss in the game. Pistol >>>> Explosives >>>> everything else which is a pain (although CQC works really well on the Taipei final boss).


Zefah said:
"An Alpha Alpha Protocol!" The ending with
is good stuff!

I just finished my Recruit asshole / murder run. I ended up only having relations with Madison and rescued her as well. Other than her and Heck I was pretty much hated by everyone else and killed most of them! Needless to story played out quite a bit differently than my nice guy / stealth run.

I am probably going to take a break and finish Red Dead Redemption now, but I will definitely be back for another playthrough as a Veteran. I need to decide how I will play my character and in what order I will go through the hubs first...

I love this game!

For my asshole run I got Madison to hate me as much as humanly possible and then I saved her so she could live tormented by the guilt for the rest of her life. It also confused everyone because they were like...why did you save this person who hates you and you hate her ^^;

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Bebpo said:
hardest boss in the game for sure

Easiest way is with pistol skills. Chain shots to his face = dead

Next easiest way is GRENADES. Fire ones especially. Just keep chucking them when he's behind cover. If you have overclock, use it and do even more damage.

The worst is with shotgun/CQC, you need first aids and Iron Will helps because you need to shoot him in the face at point blank range about 30-40 times while he's hitting you non-stop for hard damage

I haven't tried with AR but it's probably possible to take him out from a distance until he starts rushing you. At that point...I dunno.

You can kind of repeat this strategy for every boss in the game. Pistol >>>> Explosives >>>> everything else which is a pain (although CQC works really well on the Taipei final boss).

I murdered every boss and enemy in the game with AR. It wasn't even a challenge. Maxed out AR with maximum accuracy through better guns / modifications makes you a killing machine. Seriously, the game almost becomes a competent shooter when you focus on assault rifles. Of course the enemies are still dumb as shit so you are like a god among men when you do this. It's horribly unbalanced.


Yeah, after I finish run #2 I'm going to take a break for a few months, but if I come back and do a veteran run #3 I'll finally try out the AR and do spy AR/Sabotage build.
Alright, I'm getting my ass kicked in this game.
I'm in Moscow on the boat fighting Sis, and I can take out the two guys with her, but no matter what I do I can't seem to damage her at all. What am I doing wrong?


Jew Gamer
Bebpo said:
Yeah, after I finish run #2 I'm going to take a break for a few months, but if I come back and do a veteran run #3 I'll finally try out the AR and do spy AR/Sabotage build.

Yay my build! Its a lot of fun :D


Jew Gamer
Cep said:
I tried this for a while, but I just got no joy from killing people.

I think all my runs are probably going to be Non-lethal.

I have ALWAYS played the most hyper "paladin-good" characters in RPGs until Dragon Age. I based my Mage in that game off of Raistlin Majere.

Ever since then its been "Play a character role" and when I saw subsonic rounds I went with assassin!

I will be doing a non-lethal run though. I intend to have 0 kills by the end of the game (Is it possible? I imagine some of the forced fights will be stupid hard)


Jew Gamer
Alright, so my "hype" is over (I tend to wait a few days after finishing/giving up to pass final judgement on a game. Let the rose tinting / rage at some shit wear off and give my best opinion)

AP is probably my favorite WRPG that I have personally had the pleasure of playing. I am trying to get into Darksiders / get back into MAG and I keep feeling drawn to playing it again.

I don't mind that it isn't stupidly long, I actually feel like replaying it knowing I can get through it in about a week or so.

You can pick apart the flaws, but the entire package as a whole is one fantastic game. All three games that Obsidian has in the pipeline (New Vegas, Dungeon Siege 3, WOT game) are day 1 purchases because of this title.

To anyone who is set off by the reviewers: This title is most likely the most divisive game you'll find. I can also assure you that I am fucking PICKY when it comes to games. I have a grand total of 2 GBA games left in my collection, I only keep/replay games I truly love, and AP is going to be in my yearly rotation for years to come!


I will note right quick that the whole pistol critical hit to the head on non-boss = down thing is a bit inaccurate.

Maybe it's level-scaling on the part of the guards, or what have you... but in Taipei I've tried to takedown a G22 operative and a hotel guard with my pistol with critical hits to the head, and nothing.

I try to stay quiet and disable so I can search freely for money, items, locked things, and computers whilst not wasting ammo or health - so I keep the pistol because it's quiet, and use the AR when I need to be loud (or the thing I need to silent takedown is really far away - thanks subsonic rounds).

Of course, this is a starter pistol with a basic silencer that reduces damage, and I'm playing on Hard, as a Recruit, with no points in Pistol. Still, I'm just putting that out there - that the pistol does eventually become unreliable for these purposes unless you invest AP or $$$.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
JayDubya said:
I will note right quick that the whole pistol critical hit to the head on non-boss = down thing is a bit inaccurate.

Maybe it's level-scaling on the part of the guards, or what have you... but in Taipei I've tried to takedown a G22 operative and a hotel guard with my pistol with critical hits to the head, and nothing.

I try to stay quiet and disable so I can search freely for money, items, locked things, and computers whilst not wasting ammo or health - so I keep the pistol because it's quiet, and use the AR when I need to be loud (or the thing I need to silent takedown is really far away - thanks subsonic rounds).

Of course, this is a starter pistol with a basic silencer that reduces damage, and I'm playing on Hard, as a Recruit, with no points in Pistol. Still, I'm just putting that out there - that the pistol does eventually become unreliable for these purposes unless you invest AP or $$$.

Again, people, this is an RPG. If you're using starting equipment with no skill points put into something, of course it's not going to be fuckawesome.


Just thought I'd throw in my anti-hater vote.

I've really enjoyed AP so far (completed Rome and almost done with Shanghai). There's an obvious jank level that I fully expected going into the game and I think that kept my expectations in check. I've been playing the game as a stealth/pistol/MA build and I love it.

Fun stuff:
-Crit headshots
-Mad loot
-Saying pervy shit to Mina

Not so fun:
-Jank visuals
-Somewhat jank animations
-Some conversation responses are totally unpredicable

Sad to see the game getting panned so damn hard when there's still so much to like.


Done with Rome and Moscow. I have a love/hate relationship with Alpha Protocol ... to put it simple, IMO for Beta Protocol Obsidian needs to copy/paste MGS gameplay, with the graphics engine of ME2, and keep the History and dialogs quality of AP.


lsslave said:
I have ALWAYS played the most hyper "paladin-good" characters in RPGs until Dragon Age. I based my Mage in that game off of Raistlin Majere.

Ever since then its been "Play a character role" and when I saw subsonic rounds I went with assassin!

I will be doing a non-lethal run though. I intend to have 0 kills by the end of the game (Is it possible? I imagine some of the forced fights will be stupid hard)

It is pretty easy to not kill anything, even on Recruit/Hard.

And I personally never role-play, I just wanted the extra challenge of a non-lethal.


rainking187 said:
Alright, I'm getting my ass kicked in this game.
I'm in Moscow on the boat fighting Sis, and I can take out the two guys with her, but no matter what I do I can't seem to damage her at all. What am I doing wrong?

I got up close behind the bar near her,when she had like 1/4 of health left and barely managed to kill her with my assault rifle

this was after 2 deaths though and I think the game kinda adjusts the difficulty if you struggle and die a few times,not sure on that though...


JayDubya said:
I will note right quick that the whole pistol critical hit to the head on non-boss = down thing is a bit inaccurate.

Maybe it's level-scaling on the part of the guards, or what have you... but in Taipei I've tried to takedown a G22 operative and a hotel guard with my pistol with critical hits to the head, and nothing.

I try to stay quiet and disable so I can search freely for money, items, locked things, and computers whilst not wasting ammo or health - so I keep the pistol because it's quiet, and use the AR when I need to be loud (or the thing I need to silent takedown is really far away - thanks subsonic rounds).

Of course, this is a starter pistol with a basic silencer that reduces damage, and I'm playing on Hard, as a Recruit, with no points in Pistol. Still, I'm just putting that out there - that the pistol does eventually become unreliable for these purposes unless you invest AP or $$$.

Must be because you're on hard. On normal, I can assure you that a pistol with almost no points in it will take down any enemy in 1 hit with a critical shot to the head with tranqs. Even if they have more life they'll get hit, run around while their life is draining and then fall down asleep.


Bebpo said:
Must be because you're on hard. On normal, I can assure you that a pistol with almost no points in it will take down any enemy in 1 hit with a critical shot to the head with tranqs. Even if they have more life they'll get hit, run around while their life is draining and then fall down asleep.

This is more or less the case on hard as well (and I used the starter pistol up until the very last mission).


Bebpo said:
hardest boss in the game for sure

Easiest way is with pistol skills. Chain shots to his face = dead

Next easiest way is GRENADES. Fire ones especially. Just keep chucking them when he's behind cover. If you have overclock, use it and do even more damage.

The worst is with shotgun/CQC, you need first aids and Iron Will helps because you need to shoot him in the face at point blank range about 30-40 times while he's hitting you non-stop for hard damage

I haven't tried with AR but it's probably possible to take him out from a distance until he starts rushing you. At that point...I dunno.

You can kind of repeat this strategy for every boss in the game. Pistol >>>> Explosives >>>> everything else which is a pain (although CQC works really well on the Taipei final boss).

Thanks. Still I got 0 points on pistol or granades. I focused on a gun's blazing dudebro type for my first run and I think that unless you max out the Submachines or the AR it's impossible to kill a boss without having a lot of pain.

Seriously, is there any way of avoiding him hitting you? I run like a madman when he came and still he gets me every time.

Oh also, if you move to the part where the enemies came out, they go past you and don't shoot you until they arrive at their start-to-shoot position. I think you can even take them out while they are moving :lol
Ricker said:
I got up close behind the bar near her,when she had like 1/4 of health left and barely managed to kill her with my assault rifle

this was after 2 deaths though and I think the game kinda adjusts the difficulty if you struggle and die a few times,not sure on that though...

I actually ended up reloading my last save and doing another mission to try and level up (but it ended up being the mission where you just talk to the guy so it was pointless) and bought some stuff from the shop to help me out before trying it again. Ended up taking her out with like two chain shots to the head.

But now I'm getting my ass kicked by
Bebpo said:
The worst is with shotgun/CQC, you need first aids and Iron Will helps because you need to shoot him in the face at point blank range about 30-40 times while he's hitting you non-stop for hard damage
Flashbangs are extremely helpful in bossfights for a CQC character, and I imagine it's the same for a shotty character. Stun and pummel, they also let you do frontal "stealth" takedowns (fast punch) on the minions.

I didn't have any trouble with that fight.


Danne-Danger said:
Flashbangs are extremely helpful in bossfights for a CQC character, and I imagine it's the same for a shotty character. Stun and pummel, they also let you do frontal "stealth" takedowns (fast punch) on the minions.

I didn't have any trouble with that fight.

Cool. I never tried flashbangs, but will bring some with me for the next boss and see how it goes.


WanderingWind said:
Again, people, this is an RPG. If you're using starting equipment with no skill points put into something, of course it's not going to be fuckawesome.

Yes, of course.

I was just trying to clarify the point that a basic pistol critical hit tranq dart to the head does not always suffice for a silent takedown, which is what I needed it for and used it for successfully for the first half of the game.

In the example Bepbo provides, the dart draining their remaining health, they'll usually scream for backup or pop off a few shots and then alarms are going off and if you had a stealth mission objective, gg.

I fully intend to Stealth / Pistol it up on one of my likely-multiple future Veteran runs, and I doubt I'll ever play on anything other than Hard.

Since the pistol has been become somewhat fail (and why wouldn't it, it's the basic pistol with a basic silencer), I've been silent takedowning followed with standing in the way of the alarm and brawling with Iron Will and Fury.


D2M15 said:
"Anyone else want to negotiate?"

Indeed! :lol

Hopefully I will get enough money for a decent pistol, but the best rifle came first, and best armor is next.

I think I'd like to play a civvie clothes-only run. That's how I did most of Saudi Arabia - no armor, no skill points spent on anything. :D

Just quietly sneaking up on folks with heavy weapons and armor and doing silent takedowns unassisted with Stealth skill - good fun, good challenge.


JayDubya said:
Yes, of course.

I was just trying to clarify the point that a basic pistol critical hit tranq dart to the head does not always suffice for a silent takedown, which is what I needed it for and used it for successfully for the first half of the game.

In the example Bepbo provides, the dart draining their remaining health, they'll usually scream for backup or pop off a few shots and then alarms are going off and if you had a stealth mission objective, gg.

I fully intend to Stealth / Pistol it up on one of my likely-multiple future Veteran runs, and I doubt I'll ever play on anything other than Hard.

Since the pistol has been become somewhat fail (and why wouldn't it, it's the basic pistol with a basic silencer), I've been silent takedowning followed with standing in the way of the alarm and brawling with Iron Will and Fury.

In my experience, it is pretty awesome, right until the very end.

And yeah, a civvie run is fun. It is actually made pretty easy due to the fact that civilian clothes get a pretty substantial sound dampening boost.


Glad people are digging this game. It's been disheartening to see this game get chewed up by critics, but so long as the intended audience (actual gamers!) are enjoying it, that's what really matters!

I was an artist on this game and I still haven't seen the final version. Please tell me if they left the Herzog Zwei arcade machine in there!! Do me a favor & post a screenshot :)

Also, a programmer from AP and I teamed up to make an iPhone puzzle game called 180, it's free right now (only for Today) so check it out! (YouTube)
(and yes I did use one single asset from AP in this game :)
wondermega said:
Glad people are digging this game. It's been disheartening to see this game get chewed up by critics, but so long as the intended audience (actual gamers!) are enjoying it, that's what really matters!

I was an artist on this game and I still haven't seen the final version. Please tell me if they left the Herzog Zwei arcade machine in there!! Do me a favor & post a screenshot :)

Also, a programmer from AP and I teamed up to make an iPhone puzzle game called 180, it's free right now (only for Today) so check it out! (YouTube)
(and yes I did use one single asset from AP in this game :)

Just downloaded the game. Its pretty awesome. Its like a mix of space invaders and bust-a-move. Nice work!


Rollo Tomasi said:
Just downloaded the game. Its pretty awesome. Its like a mix of space invaders and bust-a-move. Nice work!

Space Invaders and Bust-a-move... the latter I have always heard, but not the former.. awesome, gives me some ideas :)

Thanks for checking it out!


Well I think I've hit an impassable wall.

Fighting Darcy on the last level. He's in a tower hurling grenades and sniping and spawning endless waves of badies. I see a tower with a locked door. I have no EMPs left.

Which shouldn't be a problem since I've maxed the lock picking/hacking skill. Only I get 12 seconds to pick a six tumbler lock. Even using a fully maxed 20 second cloak I get 2 attempts tops before I am visible and then shot to death. Is that it? Am I fucked? Because there's no way I'm going to be able to pick that lock.


rainking187 said:
Alright, I'm getting my ass kicked in this game.
I'm in Moscow on the boat fighting Sis, and I can take out the two guys with her, but no matter what I do I can't seem to damage her at all. What am I doing wrong?

I think the secret to this, and pretty much most, of the bosses in the game, is
to use Chain Shot. As long as you've put some points in Pistols and have Chain Shot up to 5 or 6 shots, you can take out bosses with one or two applications of said skill.


squicken said:
Well I think I've hit an impassable wall.

Fighting Darcy on the last level. He's in a tower hurling grenades and sniping and spawning endless waves of badies. I see a tower with a locked door. I have no EMPs left.

Which shouldn't be a problem since I've maxed the lock picking/hacking skill. Only I get 12 seconds to pick a six tumbler lock. Even using a fully maxed 20 second cloak I get 2 attempts tops before I am visible and then shot to death. Is that it? Am I fucked? Because there's no way I'm going to be able to pick that lock.

I had trouble with that bit too. Here's how to do it:
There are some big metal shipping containers to the left of the tower. Get in the gap between them and the wall, attract Darcy's attention with a gunshot and when he comes to the side of the tower you should just be able to see the top of his head, but he can't hit you with the grenades. Then just apply Chain Shot a couple of times and bingo.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
squicken said:
Well I think I've hit an impassable wall.

Fighting Darcy on the last level. He's in a tower hurling grenades and sniping and spawning endless waves of badies. I see a tower with a locked door. I have no EMPs left.

Which shouldn't be a problem since I've maxed the lock picking/hacking skill. Only I get 12 seconds to pick a six tumbler lock. Even using a fully maxed 20 second cloak I get 2 attempts tops before I am visible and then shot to death. Is that it? Am I fucked? Because there's no way I'm going to be able to pick that lock.
Can you fight
at all?

otherwise 1/10
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