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Alpha Protocol |OT| Bourne, Avellone, Denton, and the Agency's Sagacious Secrets


Finished my first mission. Bug on the airport, zero alarms, 55 orphans, all kills with my hands. Feels good. I tried some pistol shots in the beginning and though the sight was perfectly on their head I would miss every single time. Is there some kind of a roll-dice kind of thing going on or I just have to upgrade pistol handling?


BigJiantRobut said:
Am I screwing myself over or setting myself up for disappointment if I just shoot him in the head to get past this?
Well, the game's technically beateable without killing anyone (using the dart gun for bosses) so if you were aiming for that, you get the idea. Other than that, i don't think killing any of the random terrorists has far reaching consequences. At most you don't get progress for a ghost perk or bonus experience for sneaking or something. Can't proper remember.

If i were you and am getting pissed, i'd just shoot the guy.


Can I play this game with more guns and less stealth without missing out on the RPG stuff? I could see talking to people is a bit less interesting if they're dead.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
BigJiantRobut said:
Am I screwing myself over or setting myself up for disappointment if I just shoot him in the head to get past this?

Why would you be screwing yourself over? Shoot him in the face.
jim-jam bongs said:
Oh fuck me, I remember exactly where you mean now. That bit sucks if you don't have Chain Shot already.

What I tend to do if I don't have it is to wait until the closest guy is behind the truck out of sight of the other two then take him down. Then you can sneak around the left side of the truck and take cover behind the concrete barrier there without the two guards seeing you. Wait for the one on the ground to go around the left side of the guard tower then sprint at him and kung-fu his ass.

This will make the guy in the turret really mad, and possibly lead to another guy coming out from a door next to the guard tower who you'll need to kung-fu too, but it's the only way I've found to get past it without Chain Shot tranquilising him. Once you've dealt with the guy who rushes out, you can just wait for the turret guy to forget about you or move on, he can't trigger an alarm from up there anyway.

Yep, that's exactly the part! I'll try this later.


BigJiantRobut said:
This game feels busted

I want to love it so bad, I love spy stuff and I love old RPGs but this just feels broken and stupid and just not fun at the moment. I'm only at Al Samad airfield and I'm facing a truly keyboard-smashing situation.

The game checkpoints before I hack the security system, so I have to play the stupid hacking game every time I reload. Once I hack the system I exit a hangar into a courtyard with two dudes in it, and one dude in a turret at the end of the yard. I can dispatch the two guys on the ground, but the guy on the turret is apparently an omniscient being who cannot be distracted. I can use the sound generator thing and make him turn away, but the instant I get out of cover he pops around 180 degrees and smokes me with his stupid turret. I'm not making any noise, I'm not in line of sight - he just knows that I'm there and then I have to reload and play the stupid goddamn hacking game again. Popping a bullet between his eyes is a no go because I don't have any silenced weapons, and my pistol skill isn't high enough to tranq him from the ground. If he sees me, I die, plain and simple.

What's more, for whatever reason my cover mechanics seem to work about 50% of the time. Sometimes it'll give me the icon to do a "run between cover" thing and the other 50% of the time it acts like that isn't even a feature. This can happen in the exact same place between the same two pieces of cover.


Always move in a crouched stance. Go from cover to cover moving like that but without using the cover button. Use cover button only if you need some time to recover an ability or just need some time to think.

Take out the first guy from the back on the right of the first truck, then take the left of the second truck and wait behind the concrete until the second guy gives you his back. Move after him always crouched, kill him, ignore the tower guy and proceed to the door.
jim-jam bongs said:
Different objective. This is the "Get past the checkpoint" one I'm pretty sure, there is only way through it.

Wait, so is it the guy on the machine gun in the tower then? I think I had the first stealth ability put up for that.

Corto said:
Finished my first mission. Bug on the airport, zero alarms, 55 orphans, all kills with my hands. Feels good. I tried some pistol shots in the beginning and though the sight was perfectly on their head I would miss every single time. Is there some kind of a roll-dice kind of thing going on or I just have to upgrade pistol handling?

There is a roll of the dice for sure, but it changes to way better the more you upgrade. If you let your crosshairs zero in, you'll never miss either. (I think that's unlocked at like, level 3 of the pistol, it's really early on, and you can even use it from behind cover)
KnightAttack said:
Wait, so is it the guy on the machine gun in the tower then? I think I had the first stealth ability put up for that.

Yup, that's the guy. If you have the first level of Chameleon and the Oh-Fuck skill which makes you invisible for a few seconds if you're spotted you can get past him okay but I normally just use the old Chain Shot on him.


erotic butter maelstrom
Playing aggressive is a lot of fun. I tried to ghost my way through the game in my first playthrough, but now I'm kicking in doors and blasting dudes with a shotgun.

Also, this game is very easy the second time through. I've been breezing through Moscow.
It's all in the timing. Hide behind the boxes near where you start and wait for the guard who is walking past to stop and turn around. Then when his back is turned and the lieutenant is changing positions sneak across to the other side of the canyon to where the little building is. If you get the timing right you should be able to take each of the guards down non-lethally then creep up on the boss.

I have played way too much Alpha Protocol.


Tallshortman said:
Surprisingly good so far after reading all the average to mediocre reviews.

jim-jam bongs said:
It's all in the timing. Hide behind the boxes near where you start and wait for the guard who is walking past to stop and turn around. Then when his back is turned and the lieutenant is changing positions sneak across to the other side of the canyon to where the little building is. If you get the timing right you should be able to take each of the guards down non-lethally then creep up on the boss.

I have played way too much Alpha Protocol.
I'm marveled at your memory. I had forgotten all about that guy.

I love this necessity Obsidian fans have of helping other people enjoy Obs' games.
Ok so I beat the lieutenant guy

And then Thorton threw him off a bridge into a truck and then grinned a big stupid grin

and then Halliburton fired missiles at me I guess

Currently I'm in Moscow and I'm getting my ass kicked by a scene kid for some reason EDIT - oh wait was she the girl with the dragon tattoo

What the hell is this game?

i dunno guys my brain is breaking

+1 Laser Spy


The game is actually quite fun. The stealth mechanics are completely busted and the AI is completely inconsistent, but it's still fun.


Damn, 2 dollars... I've tried to cut down on my steam buying, but 2 dollars... I can find that kind of money under my couch cushions.


So far I completed the Saudi Arabia and Taipei missions and am almost done with Rome and I am really enjoying it. Aside from the few bugs here and there this game is great. And really, for $2 can you really complain? Buy this game people.

L0st Id3ntity said:
Can I replay the missions? I missed buying the secondary objectives for the first mission.

The game is not bad at all.
Whoa, you can buy secondary objectives? Is it under the "Intel" tab at Westinghouse? Oh man, I thought those were just information you can buy to learn more of the game's story so I didn't even bother checking it out. I guess I missed out on two chapter's side missions. Guess I'll start with Rome then.

BigJiantRobut said:
First lieutenant encounter.

Is it the one in Saudi Arabia? I just used one of the pistol perks to kill him with one shot to the head. It's the one with the target icon.


I'm probably going to end up breaking down and buying this game by the time the sale ends and not play it for a few months with Steam backlogs piling up. Nice to see all the positive reviews after the press pretty much panned the game.


Le-mo said:
So far I completed the Saudi Arabia and Taipei missions and am almost done with Rome and I am really enjoying it. Aside from the few bugs here and there this game is great. And really, for $2 can you really complain? Buy this game people.

Whoa, you can buy secondary objectives? Is it under the "Intel" tab at Westinghouse? Oh man, I thought those were just information you can buy to learn more of the game's story so I didn't even bother checking it out. I guess I missed out on two chapter's side missions. Guess I'll start with Rome then.

Is it the one in Saudi Arabia? I just used one of the pistol perks to kill him with one shot to the head. It's the one with the target icon.

No, it's additional objectives, the ability to make missions easier, additional weapons placed on the stage, maps of the stages, etc, etc.

Also: If you have a complete dossier on a group/individual, you do increased damage against that person.


BigJiantRobut said:

+1 Laser Spy
Get that heresy out of this thread. The true Michael Thorton has the Castro beard.

I'm really glad people are discovering this game through Steam sales. It's unfortunate that the game got killed in reviews because of all the technical jank. It's really an enjoyable game when you get past that stuff.

I'm about 4 hours in, and I'm absolutely loving this game.

I finished Deus Ex about a week ago, and nothing has been fun since... until this.

It runs fantastic on my PC hooked up to a TV with a 360 controller.

It's a shame that this game did so poorly, and I feel bad that I've ignored it until now.

Was it just a buggy mess when it came out?


Patryn said:
No, it's additional objectives, the ability to make missions easier, additional weapons placed on the stage, maps of the stages, etc, etc.

Also: If you have a complete dossier on a group/individual, you do increased damage against that person.
Ah, I see. Thanks for the heads up. Will try it out when I play it in a few minutes.


evilernLeGG said:
I'm about 4 hours in, and I'm absolutely loving this game.

I finished Deus Ex about a week ago, and nothing has been fun since... until this.

It runs fantastic on my PC hooked up to a TV with a 360 controller.

It's a shame that this game did so poorly, and I feel bad that I've ignored it until now.

Was it just a buggy mess when it came out?

I only got the 360 version, but it was mostly glitch free for me on two playthroughs. The only bug/glitch was enemies not respawning on one level when I loaded up the game.

I don't remember if the PC version was in a bad shape on release, will have to let one of the PC guys anwser.


Deadstar said:
I hope this game is worth $2. I really don't want to waste my money.
You gotta be kidding me. Joke post, I hope. $2 is hobo money.

I really love this game. I think the slight jank just adds to the existing humor of the game. Definitely more fun my 2nd time around, too.


evilernLeGG said:
I'm about 4 hours in, and I'm absolutely loving this game.

I finished Deus Ex about a week ago, and nothing has been fun since... until this.

It runs fantastic on my PC hooked up to a TV with a 360 controller.

It's a shame that this game did so poorly, and I feel bad that I've ignored it until now.

Was it just a buggy mess when it came out?

No, they just didn't like the gameplay of it, as the AI is pretty dumb, the shooting is so reliant on stats or focusing on someone for a long time to get a good shot, and movement and animations being of mediocre quality such as Thorton's sneaking animation.

But that isn't the main draw to the game anyway, I went with the easiest build in order to get to the dialogues and choices as it is really the draw of the game for me.
Edgeward said:
No, they just didn't like the gameplay of it, as the AI is pretty dumb, the shooting is so reliant on stats or focusing on someone for a long time to get a good shot, and movement and animations being of mediocre quality such as Thorton's sneaking animation.

But that isn't the main draw to the game anyway, I went with the easiest build in order to get to the dialogues and choices as it is really the draw of the game for me.

The AI was pretty dumb in Deus Ex too, it's a necessity of the genre, and if I'm honest I prefer the shooting in this game to the stop and pop 100% accuracy in Deus Ex which makes everything too easy. The production values obviously show in the difference but it makes up for it in the quality of the writing and choices that it offers the player.

I'm not saying it's better than Deus Ex, but the game certainly deserved better than it got.


erotic butter maelstrom
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
For some reason the dialogue choices aren't displaying, the boxes come up, but it's blank with no dialogue written. Any ideas what is wrong?

Are you playing on PC? Are you trying to force AA?
evilernLeGG said:
I'm about 4 hours in, and I'm absolutely loving this game.

I finished Deus Ex about a week ago, and nothing has been fun since... until this.

It runs fantastic on my PC hooked up to a TV with a 360 controller.

It's a shame that this game did so poorly, and I feel bad that I've ignored it until now.

Was it just a buggy mess when it came out?

I can't say for sure on PC, but I've played, Platinum'd, and loved the PS3 version. I never ran into any bugs, lots of graphic glitches, but nothing incredibly bad. As far as I know, the games never been patched (at least on consoles), mostly thanks to Sega pulling support from it after a lacklustre first month of sales.

It's a great game, and you just need to take the bugs are really just part of the humor as well. There's still hope for Alpha Protocol 2.......



ctrayne said:
You gotta be kidding me. Joke post, I hope. $2 is hobo money.

I really love this game. I think the slight jank just adds to the existing humor of the game. Definitely more fun my 2nd time around, too.

Lol yeah, anything below $5 is an insta buy for me if I have any slight interest in the game. I'll be checking this out later.


Wow. Yeah. Haha.
I was like "No Deal" to Surkov, but then after I shot him, I was able to do a quick 180 and work out a deal. Ridiculous!


I just finished the game. Steam said I clocked in at 5.8 hours, but it is less than that since I had the game on idle for quite a few times. Overall it is a good game though I felt that it was too short for a RPG shooter.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Le-mo said:
I just finished the game. Steam said I clocked in at 5.8 hours, but it is less than that since I had the game on idle for quite a few times. Overall it is a good game though I felt that it was too short for a RPG shooter.
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