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Alpha Protocol |OT| Bourne, Avellone, Denton, and the Agency's Sagacious Secrets


sweetvar26 said:
Alright guys, I'm finally going to start my game now. I want to go or an easy run first, preferably stealth, I like playing that way.

So what's the best build I can start off with, as for the class, should I go for Field Agent or Recruit?


If you play and complete the game as a Recruit, you unlock Veteran wich is awesome for your next playthrough.

On my stealth build I focused on Guns, Stealth, Hacking and some Melee and Tech. This was my Veteran, no kills playthrough.


sweetvar26 said:
Other than playing on Veteran, any advantages for going Recruit over Free Agent?

I'm playing the 360 version by the way.

Recruit is the most challenging option. Starts fresh with zero skill points. Every other "class" starts with some skill points. Veteran is a beast from the get go.
Alright, I'm a Field Agent, level 3, when I'm trying to unlock the Shadow operative skill, it oesnt let me do it. It is greyed out.

Any clue why?

Edit: Nevermind, after I leveled up again, towards the end of Saudi mission, I get to go the advanced Stealth line.

On another note, any good gear that I should be buying on the way through? I'm still using the basic Armor and Pistol.


Sonic handles my blue balls
How is this game so poorly reviewed? Sure, it lacks the polish and presentation of "AAA" games, but it is just such a hoot to play. I picked it up for $5 and I'm having more fun with it than most games this gen. This is essentially what I wanted MGS 4 to be, for the cutscenes to be brief and the game to just let me play.

The graphics look like puke sometimes and the main character's voice actor couldn't be less charismatic, but I'm still having so much fun with it. The Brayko boss fight has so much charm to it, I don't know how anyone could play that part and not fall in love with the game afterwards.


sweetvar26 said:
Alright, I'm a Field Agent, level 3, when I'm trying to unlock the Shadow operative skill, it oesnt let me do it. It is greyed out.

Any clue why?

Edit: Nevermind, after I leveled up again, towards the end of Saudi mission, I get to go the advanced Stealth line.

On another note, any good gear that I should be buying on the way through? I'm still using the basic Armor and Pistol.

if you're playing as a stealth character, the armor/weapon choices are very obvious in-game. Focus on armor with sound dampering.
IPoopStandingUp said:
How is this game so poorly reviewed? Sure, it lacks the polish and presentation of "AAA" games, but it is just such a hoot to play. I picked it up for $5 and I'm having more fun with it than most games this gen. This is essentially what I wanted MGS 4 to be, for the cutscenes to be brief and the game to just let me play.

The graphics look like puke sometimes and the main character's voice actor couldn't be less charismatic, but I'm still having so much fun with it. The Brayko boss fight has so much charm to it, I don't know how anyone could play that part and not fall in love with the game afterwards.
I couldnt agree more, I just finished Saudi Arabia and im anxious of what is about to happen. I haven't had such a feeling since a while, last I can recall was COD4.


Labadal said:
if you're playing as a stealth character, the armor/weapon choices are very obvious in-game. Focus on armor with sound dampering.
I've been playing the game (2nd time) as a stealth character, and I wear street clothes. :) They are quieter than any armor in the game.


Every time this thread pops up I feel like installing the game again for a second playthrough. And it's only been 6 months.


Easily the best true 'rpg' this generation. One of the few if only games where your choices directly impact how the game carries out. I also got all the achievements the hardest one is

Trying to kill Malburg in Rome, you have to get him to hate you enough so that he sticks around at the boss fight so you can finish him off. The trick is to answer all suave answers to everybody in the beginning of the game. Play Rome and then be suave again.
If it wasn't for GAF, I would have truly missed the gem of a game this is.

I have to say that I haven't been so involved in a game in a long time, not since COD4. This game just got me hooked up and I couldn't resist the temptation of finishing it. I for one would love a sequel to it and will be a day 1 customer.

On another note, I want more Stealth/Spy/RPG, so is the new Deus Ex a good way for me to have another experience on a similar note? What can I expect from it?


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
sweetvar26 said:
On another note, I want more Stealth/Spy/RPG, so is the new Deus Ex a good way for me to have another experience on a similar note? What can I expect from it?

do it! it's exactly what you want.


Buy it: you really won't regret it. The slightly clumsy gameplay elements certainly do not detract from the fantastic writing and wealth of options. This has been one of the few games where your choices really have an impact. It takes a second play-through for you to appreciate just how different the outcomes are when you take a different approach.


I enjoyed the game and will pick it up for 2 dollars but I definitely don't agree with the others saying that this is the best WRPG of the generation or a great game, it's okay at best.


fresquito said:
Any mod/unofficial patch that I need to install?
Nope, unfortunately.

Just double dipped and got it for Steam. Even if it's just 2 bucks, i wanted to do my minuscule share to boost the sales number a little more.


Happy to see people enjoying this game. As I said in the "best v.o." thread a few weeks ago, this game's acting is bloody great! Want to borrow buddy's copy for achievements. Such a shame it didn't sell better. Personally I went more action than stealth as I loathe stealth games. But, ironically, this game does stealth and hacking very well. The more you put into stealth trees, the better you are. Plus the different factions. And the character of Heck took over as my favorite "odd" companion. He made me wish I went to his area first. Plus add in an ADULT storyline? Someone needs to get the rights and make a sequel.
seeing this thread pop up every so often makes me happy. i like that people are eventually getting around to this game that i really enjoyed.
Got this on the 360 after reading about it. Completed it 3 times in a week. Really enjoyed the various ways the game's narrative played out.

Thinking of picking it up for PC as it'll prolly run on my laptop.

Are there no mods or any downloads for it at all?
Can someone give a proper synopsis on the gameplay mechanics? Why was it panned? And as a perspective player, what's the best way to enjoy the game's plot?


Gully State said:
Can someone give a proper synopsis on the gameplay mechanics? Why was it panned? And as a perspective player, what's the best way to enjoy the game's plot?

Stealth + Pistols. The problem with the game is it's just incredibly unpolished in every area save the storytelling parts (Dialog, etc)


erotic butter maelstrom
Since I feel personally obligated to post this everytime AP goes on sale, I bring you Michael Thorton, psychopath.

Gully State said:
Can someone give a proper synopsis on the gameplay mechanics? Why was it panned? And as a perspective player, what's the best way to enjoy the game's plot?

I think the biggest turn off for most people was the stat-based shooting (much like Bloodlines or Deus Ex). If you're early in the game or if your shootin' abilities are underleveled, you'll have to deal with a large and unreliable reticle. Personally I didn't hate it since I focused on melee takedowns and stealth, but I can see why someone expecting a 'modern' third person shooter wouldn't enjoy it.


Snuggler said:
Since I feel personally obligated to post this everytime AP goes on sale, I bring you Michael Thorton, psychopath.

I think the biggest turn off for most people was the stat-based shooting (much like Bloodlines or Deus Ex). If you're early in the game or if your shootin' abilities are underleveled, you'll have to deal with a large and unreliable reticle. Personally I didn't hate it since I focused on melee takedowns and stealth, but I can see why someone expecting a 'modern' third person shooter wouldn't enjoy it.
God I want to be a complete dick now
What in the world? 90% off? I am incapable of resisting. I don't even know what this is but the power is too strong.

*Passes out clicking purchase*


VivaciousSoul said:
What in the world? 90% off? I am incapable of resisting. I don't even know what this is but the power is too strong.

*Passes out clicking purchase*
best 2 bucks you've ever spent


Game felt kind of clunky and lifeless in the training area. Clicked immediately during the first mission. Loving this game on the 360 (had it collecting dust in plastic for over a year now :/). Going for stealth on my playthrough.


I bought this at the last xmas sale and meanwhile I did plenty of hardware changes and fresh Win7 installs - not only once did this game run. Crashing right at the beginning with Win7 (64bit).
Gully State said:
Can someone give a proper synopsis on the gameplay mechanics? Why was it panned? And as a perspective player, what's the best way to enjoy the game's plot?

It was mainly panned because the shooting mechanics are too RPG. No matter how many points you put into weapon skills, pointing your crosshair at a guy's head will never be a guaranteed kill. That might sound awful, and it is if you try to play it as a shooter, but there's more to it than just that.

Each firearm is capable of a critical hit if you leave the reticule on an enemy for a few seconds (brought down by talents in the weapon's tree), and critical hits are also close to 100% accuracy which makes them mandatory. Thankfully there is also an endurance stat, which is essentially how much damage you can take before you start losing health, so you can take advantage of that and take a few hits when you pop out of cover, then let it regenerate while you hide.

Talents are a little bit odd. You are given 10 advancement points each level, and there are a range of skill lines to invest in, such as Stealth, Pistols, Sabotage etc. However, it's important to note than the skills have different AP costs which more or less indicate their overall usefulness. Stealth costs 6 AP per upgrade, for example, because Stealth at high level is completely broken and overpowered. In contrast, Martial Arts only costs 3 points per upgrade because it never quite reaches the same levels of brokenness the Stealth tree does.

In addition to the skill system there is an extensive perk list, all of which are earned through your choices in the game. For example, take enough damage in the field and you get a perk which boosts your endurance permanently, use a lot of a particular type of gadget and you'll get bonuses associated with it. My personal favourite is the one you get for using incendiary grenades, Plan B: Kill it with Fire. I laugh, because that's my Plan A.

Also, you get temporary perks which differ depending on who is in your ear feeding you intel during a mission, and how they feel about you. The best thing about this is that they will give you a perk whether they like you or not. For example, one character gives you Constant Encouragement when she likes you, which gives you bonus endurance. If she hates you though, you get an ability called No Time to Play Nice which greatly reduces the cooldowns on active abilities.

If you want to enjoy your first run I'd strongly recommend doing a Stealth, Pistols and Sabotage build. However if you're not interested in being sneaky you can replace Stealth with Toughness (survivability tree) and Martial Arts for some kung-fu fun. Without spoiling anything, I'd recommend that you invest in Pistols because boss fights go from frustrating horribleness to instant-win thanks to the main ability in that tree. You can still get things done without it, but it really makes things a lot easier.

As far as the story, there is no wrong way to experience it. I recently finished a run where I either personally killed or let die nearly every character I met, I had exactly 2 friends by the end and one of them was sociopathic. Just keep in mind that the conversation system is about manipulating people, there is no binary right or wrong. Sometimes you might want an NPC to hate you, and not every NPC wants to be treated the same way. Get aggressive with Mina and she will despise you, get aggressive with Steve-O and he will follow you to the ends of the earth because he's a fucking psychotic.

There are a lot more things I could say but I think that's a pretty good introduction. Enjoy!

kai3345 said:
God I want to be a complete dick now

Some parts of doing a douche run are amazing. The part in Rome where you go and bug the CIA listening post is hilariously awkward if you start wasting CIA guys.


jim-jam bongs said:
No matter how many points you put into weapon skills, pointing your crosshair at a guy's head will never be a guaranteed kill.
If you aim long enough with the pistol though, aimed headshots do become guaranteed kills. I've never seen a pistol crit ever miss (assuming nothing gets in the way).

There's also a pistol skill that lets you pull it off while behind cover.
XiaNaphryz said:
If you aim long enough with the pistol though, aimed headshots do become guaranteed kills. There's even a skill that lets you pull it off while behind cover.

Considering that I went on to explain how that works, it's safe to assume I already realised that ;) The point was that you don't ever get 100% accuracy in the sense that people expect from a shooter, where bullets always go where you aim instantly.
Bought this for two dollars, downloading now. I fucking hated the first segment of this game when I played it when it came out, but I had it on Xbox. Someone comfort me and tell me why I made a good choice here, haha.


BigJiantRobut said:
Bought this for two dollars, downloading now. I fucking hated the first segment of this game when I played it when it came out, but I had it on Xbox. Someone comfort me and tell me why I made a good choice here, haha.
Like many RPGs, you have to develop your character further to truly grasp the gameplay. I'd describe the gameplay as Deus Ex lite, although the boss battles are better.

The real thing the game has going for it is the player's involvement in the story. You can literally change the outcome of the game in a myriad of ways, and Obsidian did a great job constructing the game to remind you how you've effected the gameworld. Mass Effect did good at keeping your game choices over seperate discs, but even then, I'd say Alpha Protocol's work is much more impressive. In seperate run throughs, you could have different friends, enemies, characters alive, scenarios played through, and it's all channeled through the slickest dialogue system I've encountered in a video game.

It's not the best game I've played, not by far, but I had a damn good time playing it.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
SteelAttack said:
Bought it, downloaded it, and started tinkering with it. Is there a recommended class for a newcomer?

If you want the path of least resistance go with Stealth + Pistols. Just about anything is viable though as long as you have some kind of combat tree for the bosses.
BigJiantRobut said:
Bought this for two dollars, downloading now. I fucking hated the first segment of this game when I played it when it came out, but I had it on Xbox. Someone comfort me and tell me why I made a good choice here, haha.

Because it's a brilliantly conceived/written RPG. And when I or anyone else says "RPG," we mean RPG. The early parts of the game can be exceedingly frustrating because your character's skills are complete shit, and you don't quite "get" the various components of the game, and the dialogue system is extremely off-putting at first.

But after a level or two, it all starts clicking, and it quickly becomes one of the best games you'll play all year.

Trust me, though. There absolutely is jank all the way through. The animation for a lot of the movement remains janky. The controls and aiming will feel janky. In fact, most of the game has that weird Obsidian-Jank. But all of that really ends up being completely superficial, because AP will win you over, hard.

Plus the PC version is absolutely the way to go.

ALSO, don't let any a-hole tell you that stealth/pistols is the only way to play; it's exceedingly possible to run n gun with assault rifles/toughness/armor perks. And it's surprisingly fun.

I think AP is best summed up as Mass Effect and True Lies having dirty, raunchy, unprotected sex in a gigantic pool of post-modern story-telling sensibilities. And it's a very good combination.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Just picked this up, no clue if it'll even run on this PC (run well, at least).

Here's hoping it does.
The Blue Jihad said:
ALSO, don't let any a-hole tell you that stealth/pistols is the only way to play; it's exceedingly possible to run n gun with assault rifles/toughness/armor perks. And it's surprisingly fun.

I definitely had a lot of fun with a shotguns and martial arts build, mixing it up with sabotage and toughness. Depends on the person though, so I always recommend the pistols and stealth angle because it's the path of least resistance. It's the type of game you should play a few times to really appreciate it anyway, a combat heavy Thorton goes well with
SIE and Heck
, stealth and tranquilisers are best for keeping
Mina and Albatross
Posted this in the Steam thread but didn't get any help:

Computer hacking: I can't get past the first one. The controls are stupid for it. I'll move my mouse once I find the section but it keeps moving around after I stop moving. The real problem I am having is that I can lock in the first one with left click, but when I try to lock the second with right click, I get booted with a big red exclamation mark.

Help please!


Mouse control for hacking is a MAJOR pain. Basically it follows your mouse, but not the pointer, the actual movement of your mouse. Dunno who thought that was a good idea.

And be careful left clicking and mistakenly moving the mouse.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
gdt5016 said:
Mouse control for hacking is a MAJOR pain. Basically it follows your mouse, but not the pointer, the actual movement of your mouse. Dunno who thought that was a good idea.

And be careful left clicking and mistakenly moving the mouse.
Does this game have gamepad support?
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