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Am I an old style gamer? What about you? here's the reason


Since the last few years, I only buy games with local multiplayer opitions as Crash Team Racing, Mortal Kombat, Dragon Ball Z, Hot Wheels Unleashed, and more...
I'm not specifically an old gamer, cause I don't like to emulate old games on PCs... But my usual choices are getting for simple casual and local multiplayer games...
The stories from linear and open world games are boring... Nintendo Switch seems an amazing option, cause 99% of those games have the Local MP option and controls...

PS5 and Xbox are not the best platform for people like me, but I've surviving anyway... I just can't wait for the next Nintendo console...

Yes, I am the guy that play LOCAL MP, with a friend and two controllers on screen, eating popcorn and coke.
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Maybe. Maybe you're just sick of the bullshit like a lot of us are. Fucking basic features like local multiplayer are things that we now cherish developers for including. I really don't care about the PS5 or Xbox either. Really, I don't care about the Switch either, but it's definitely a fun console. I find myself playing older games because the new ones suck ass.


I mainly play single player racers and FPS games. I think I’m an anomaly in the eyes of many AAA publishers who think everyone just wants a big online multiplayer party every time they want to game.
Not sure about that personally - I don't play a lot of multiplayer but if I did I'd like it to be local. I play a lot of LAN old school PC with my daughter (UO, AoE, Diablo/Diablo II, etc) but we don't play a lot of console games together, but she's getting there.

I prefer single player experiences, JRPG, adventure etc, but also like shooters. I love old games. I'm just as likely to be playing original Doom as I am Doom Eternal. Just recently played through Dark Forces II, so I love my classic games. I'll dabble in modern from time to time but not a lot gets me as excited as some retro games can. Right now dabbling with Spiderman 2 fresh off TotK which I'm still very happily playing. Ran through Ocarina on 64 and Morrowind vanilla on PC late last year, I love all sorts of games, but especially the older ones.
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Been gaming since the 80s and I mostly play competitive games online. I get bored of most single player games quickly.
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Y'all running in survival mode when it comes to picking games, I could relate that to some extent but it's just an unhealthy practice to experience contents, 1st, who told you older games are fun just for the genres you care about, just try different genres and you'll find they are fun regardless of your preferences, they're well made and that's what matters, 2nd, you play games, not history, games shouldn't define your age or make you feel old, I get some folks from tournaments acting weirdly but that's the exception , they are not the only entitled domain for xyz game, that's what kids actually do in the grand scheme of things, 3rd, PC is great for playing older games and as you mentioned, you don't care about xbox or Playstation, that's fair enough to make the decision.


I simply like offline single players games, I dont know what category I fall in to.
In the winmer one , singleplayer games are the best...why waste yourr time on online games filled of cronnuss max aim bots cheaters, angry kids and adults ,pay to win options where you jave to sell your soul to ger that epic horse armor.


Been gaming since the 80s and I mostly play competitive games online. I get bored of most single player games quickly.
Ford Motor Company Reaction GIF by Ford

Just ended a 9 hour session with a couple of friends. Single player games can only get a hold on me for 3-4 hours max and I'm getting bored.


Y'all running in survival mode when it comes to picking games, I could relate that to some extent but it's just an unhealthy practice to experience contents, 1st, who told you older games are fun just for the genres you care about, just try different genres and you'll find they are fun regardless of your preferences, they're well made and that's what matters, 2nd, you play games, not history, games shouldn't define your age or make you feel old, I get some folks from tournaments acting weirdly but that's the exception , they are not the only entitled domain for xyz game, that's what kids actually do in the grand scheme of things, 3rd, PC is great for playing older games and as you mentioned, you don't care about xbox or Playstation, that's fair enough to make the decision.
yes, it seems like I'm more interested in local multiplayer for fun, than being an old gamer...
But we need to consider the fact that old games were made specially for local mp, or at least with local mp in mind.
Conker, Donkey Kong, Tekken, Street Fighter, Metal Slug, Mario Kart and more...
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not tag worthy
Since the last few years, I only buy games with local multiplayer opitions as Crash Team Racing, Mortal Kombat, Dragon Ball Z, Hot Wheels Unleashed, and more...
I'm not specifically an old gamer, cause I don't like to emulate old games on PCs... But my usual choices are getting for simple casual and local multiplayer games...
The stories from linear and open world games are boring... Nintendo Switch seems an amazing option, cause 99% of those games have the Local MP option and controls...

PS5 and Xbox are not the best platform for people like me, but I've surviving anyway... I just can't wait for the next Nintendo console...

Yes, I am the guy that play LOCAL MP, with a friend and two controllers on screen, eating popcorn and coke.
Also played MP local when younger. Can’t beat it. A group of mates around having a laugh winner stays on, chatting shit to each other. Laughing at random things Having some food and drinks (not even beer. Just cola or whatever)… yeah I’m old lol

Breath of the wild so far is my longest played game.

Love me some old school FPS games.

Arcade games

Also enjoyed returnal and resogun on my bros PlayStation.
What resogun like game is there for the switch ?
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Also played MP local when younger. Can’t beat it. A group of mates around having a laugh winner stays on, chatting shit to each other. Laughing at random things Having some food and drinks (not even beer. Just cola or whatever)… yeah I’m old lol

Breath of the wild so far is my longest played game.

Love me some old school FPS games.

Arcade games

Also enjoyed returnal and resogun on my bros PlayStation.
What resogun like game is there for the switch ?
Yeah! Resogun is amazing!
This is a cool thing Bethesda uses to do, DOOM 2016/Eternal and Wolfenstein are totally old school games


I don't like much of what I see in gaming these days. stale to me. too focused on cutting edge photo realistic graphics. not a fan of narrative in games. not a fan of all the busy work in games these days. and as for online, not a fan of how the competitive experience is managed online either. last have little to no interest in playing games released half finished and half ass thought out. probably why I am only left playing the occasional Nintendo game these days. although feels like I've been in the Wii U generation for 11 years now.

golden age for me was 95-2005.

Iced Arcade

friends over snacking, playing games... sounds young to me.

me and my friends all have jobs and kids so sneaking in a few hours connecting and playing online co-op is perfect.
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I'm an old school computer/console gamer since the 80's. Online gaming is nothing new and has been around since the late 80's and early 90's.


Favorite time period in this hobby was a C64 meet up group. We met at a community center probably 20 of us.

Shared and played games, copied each others floppy 5.25 disks using "xcopy" I think. Talked about tech, hardware, etc.

Absolutely amazing and went on a couple years.


Yes, I am the guy that play LOCAL MP, with a friend and two controllers on screen, eating popcorn and coke.

You are fuckin your controllers up. I make anyone wash their hands before touchin my shit, especially after eating.
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99 percent of what I play are single player offline games because I'm an antisocial overnight worker.
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Single player only for me, used to play offline and online MP when I was younger but not anymore because life and priorities. And for now I'm 100% retrogaming, no desire to get a PS5 for the time being - I've just played through classic RE1-3 and Legacy of Kain series, and also playing classic '90 point&click adventures, what a blast.
I’ve been considering changing my style of games I like as I get more into hardcore modes in games.

For context, hardcore mode is where you only get one life throughout the game you’re playing, and if you lose you have to start the entire game over. To separate it from roguelikes, on hardcore mode you normally don’t keep anything when trying again. It’s a 100% gamble. It’s quite the adrenaline rush for a single player experience and I only recommend it after a first playthrough.

The game is usually better when it’s built around this feature rather than it being tacked on, but there are rare exceptions. For example I did it recently with Resident Evil 4(unofficially). Exhilarating stuff.


Gold Member
This is something that is not discussed enough.

So many AAA games get praise for their "cinematic" storytelling, but it's always fanfic levels of quality.

Worse, journos promote games based on money and their agenda, which is why they always prioritize "story" over gameplay in their reviews.

Used to be consistantly called a troll for brining this up because it annoyed me immensely that the last of us kept getting praised for its story telling, I will admit for a linear title its pretty solid, but it's not the greatest tale gaming has to tell, its just a not half bad movie script divided by combat encounters.

But thats the issue, video games are in a unique position compared to other forms of media to tell story's in a none linear fashion. Not many games get this, the closest you get are optional side quests but they normally make little impact narratively if at all.

This is why Baldurs Gate III excites me so much, the level of detail to the choices and paths you can go down, the consequences and how characters react to those consequences are something that I wish more games did.

Games should embrace their ability to hand control of a story to the player, for them to make their own choices. I believe Bioware said that when they checked the stats only 12% of people went Renegade. The issue with that is the choices often had no prior emotional attachment to the player. For example if at the end of the Last of Us Part 2 you gave control of Ellie at the last moments and it was up to the player to decide the outcome of not just Abby but Lev too. The last of Us part 2 kept banging on about how you end the cycle of violence, taking out Abby would seem natural, but then as players you would need to decide the end of Lev who is only a "potential" threat in the future. See that's something only gaming can do or put in a player's brain, making a hard choice. Instead you just have to watch as the movie game lectures you about the values of being a hack writer and soy decaf lattes.
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