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Am I doing good in Tales of Symphonia?

I just came out of Meltokio (the first city you visit in tethe'alla) and my lloyd is on level 34. I just can seem to find any battles that get me more thatn 120 experience. Is my level good for where I'm upto and are there any areas coming up that will get me good experience?


Not that I've played the game yet, but is there any point in wanting to level up just for the sake of it? It usually makes RPGs too easy and drawn out. I only ever level if I'm really, really, really getting my arse kicked (and after trying all the new strategy I can think of). Also, do you need a hug?


Level 34 coming out of Meltokio for the first time? That sounds about right, actually. A little higher than my party was, but not that much higher (say 2-3 levels tops)

On a slight tangent, did anyone else think the game got too easy once you got to Tethe'alla? It's like all the bosses just gave up after the Sylvarant Summon Spirits...


I think after you get past the first fire temple gaurdian (which was too powerful for the level average that players usually battle him with) the game is kinda a breeze. There aren't really anymore overly challenging boss battles after that that I recall.

Anyway, you're about half-way through now.
Tritroid said:
I think after you get past the first fire temple gaurdian (which was too powerful for the level average that players usually battle him with) the game is kinda a breeze. There aren't really anymore overly challenging boss battles after that that I recall.

Anyway, you're about half-way through now.

So with you saying that, what did you get from beating
Remiel, Kratos and Yggdrasill?
I found my guys too weak to beat all three.


ManDudeChild said:
So with you saying that, what did you get from beating
Remiel, Kratos and Yggdrasill?
I found my guys too weak to beat all three.
You can only beat
Remiel and Kratos
, the game won't let you beat
Yggdrasil (Until later on of course)
. I don't think you get anything for beating
the first time through though, just a different line during that scene. The story probably stays the same with Lloyd claiming that he was holding back the first time they fought.
Thanks. I was curious if it was possible for him. I mean
gives you an EX Gem lv 3, but i figured if it was possible then maybe a 4th level one would be available. Saves me a lot of, "I wonder what would have happened" questions :D
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