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Amazon Kindle |OT| of eInk superiority

There's just no Menu button here unfortunately. And I have to factory reset it before tomorrow where I'll have to send it to my buyer. =(

I erased all my books in the Document folder but it still doesn't feel like it's brand new, which a factory reset would make me feel, also so that I'm sure I would get rid of everything.
Are you sure there is no "reset device" option in the settings contextual menu? This is from the Touch user guide:
The Settings contextual menu
When you’re on the Settings page, tapping the Menu button displays additional options
Turn On/Off Wireless: Tap to turn wireless on and off.
Shop in Kindle Store: Takes you to the Kindle Store.
Update Your Kindle: Installs the latest software for your Kindle. This option is dimmed if
there are currently no software updates available on your Kindle.
Restart: Restarts your Kindle. You will not lose the books, clippings, or other files stored
on the device. In the event your Kindle freezes up, you can do a hard reset by pressing the
power button for 20 seconds.
Reset Device: Resets your Kindle to its original factory settings and restarts it. You should
select this action only if instructed to do so by Kindle Customer Service. Before you reset
your Kindle to factory defaults, you must back up any personal documents as well as older
issues of periodicals that you’d like to keep. Once your Kindle restarts, you will need to
download your items from Archived Items on Amazon’s servers. If you want to continue to
passcode-protect your Kindle, you must also set up a passcode again.

Device Info: Displays your device’s Wi-Fi MAC address, serial number, network capability,
firmware version, and free space available.
Legal: Provides trademark, copyright, and other notices about the software installed on your
Sync & check for Items: Tap to sync your device with your online content.

If not, you could try the ;urst command:
Search Bar Shortcuts
Just like the older models, the KT supports shortcuts / commands entered via the search bar. Tap on the search bar, enter the command, followed by the return "key". The following commands have been identified (source post):

;dm - Dump messages to /documents
;dh - Dump cvm heap
;dt - Dump cvm stack
;shpm - set device to shipping mode
;urst - Reset user partition, deletes content of hidden System folder, Audible folder, Documents and tts folder.
Before using do a complete backup of your device
;debugOn - verbose logging
;debugPaint - log painting functions
;debugOff - non-verbose logging
;debugPref - pref level logging
;dP - alias of ;debugPref
;311 - change carrier settings
;411 - server information
;611 - wan information
;711 - wifi information
;setTime - sets kindle time to unix clock
;st - alias of ;setTime (format: yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM – e.g.: ;st 2012-07-22 17:59)
~ds - Never show screen saver (then you cannot lock the kindle till next reboot.
Rebooting the Kindle will restore the screen saver lock
and, hopefully, everything goes fine!)
Sorry, I just quickly looked at the Favicon. No it's Reset-Kindle.info.

I'll try your suggestion sir.

In Settings, there are:

- Registration (I unregistered it already)
- Wi-Fi Networks (I disconnected it from my network)
- Device Options (Passcode, Time, Language and Dictionaries)
- Reading Options


Can you turn the page on that screen? On the Keyboard, there's like three pages of settings.

EDIT: Nope, see this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwEx4dTj5Dw


Waiting patiently for the UPS guy to arrive. Its days like this I love working from home.

Perfect timing too, as I'm nearing the end of a Dance with Dragons.


I just did it! Clicked the Menu within Settings as suggested.
Thanks a lot guys for your kindness. =)

Now I can send it to my buyer tomorrow and wait patiently for Kindle Paperwhite to hit Europe, probably sometime early next year.


What I really want was Kindle White Keyboard 3G. I'd rather not smudge up the screen. All the glory of Kindle Keyboard and that glorious screen. :\


What I really want was Kindle White Keyboard 3G. I'd rather not smudge up the screen. All the glory of Kindle Keyboard and that glorious screen. :\

I'd like to see a Kindle that has both page turn buttons and a Touch Screen for navigation. I'll miss my Kindle Keyboard for the physical buttons, but after using my Galaxy S3 and Nexus 7 as my main reading devices these past few weeks, I've now grown accustomed to using the screen for page turning.


What I really want was Kindle White Keyboard 3G. I'd rather not smudge up the screen. All the glory of Kindle Keyboard and that glorious screen. :\

I'm wondering if it's possible to hack and transplant a paperwhite screen into a kindle keyboard. :)

Probably not though.
What I really want was Kindle White Keyboard 3G. I'd rather not smudge up the screen.

I man-handled the shit out of my Keyboard screen, and it never scratched, smudged, flexed or broke, with nary a fingerprint to be found. I'm hoping the new Kindles are using that same material - but maybe not with the touch.


I gave up on the paperwhite for now. I think I'll wait for a new device with page turn buttons. They're that important. Plus the keyboard kindle has been good to me so far. No need to replace it yet.
I gave up on the paperwhite for now. I think I'll wait for a new device with page turn buttons. They're that important. Plus the keyboard kindle has been good to me so far. No need to replace it yet.

I'd probably be right there with you, but I neeeeed that light. I must have it. I hope the touch screen is serviceable enough.


I'd probably be right there with you, but I neeeeed that light. I must have it. I hope the touch screen is serviceable enough.

I am not entirely sure why they "copied" many of the Nook with Glow Light features but then left off the physical page turning buttons as well. That seems like a terrible oversight to me.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Anyone getting their delivery today via Ontrac? Their tracking is TERRIBLE, it gives no information at all.

I only like Ontrac because they usually deliver my packages first before Fedex or UPS, like at this time in the morning. Also, Ontrac looks like a regular van driving around with a small Ontrac logo on it, looks incredibly shady lol. And they never knock on my door from my experience
Have any of you been met anti-ereader rants by your friends? The second I told a couple buddies I had ordered a Paperwhite, they quickly went on the attack. And it seems the line that gets thrown around the most is "You gotta feel the paper and smell it".

But seriously, how many people pickup a book to read and spend more time caressing the pages and nuzzling their noses in the book?

It's fairly annoying.

Throw a Stephen King hardback book at their head. Then throw a Kindle at their head. Ask them which they preferred. Then point at them, laugh, call them an idiot, and go eat a slice of pizza. You earned it.


I'm wondering if it's possible to hack and transplant a paperwhite screen into a kindle keyboard. :)

Probably not though.

They revamped the Kindle UI starting with this generation to be a lot more Tablet-esque. Basically the same UI as the Kindle Fire's reading app. From what I seen it would be likely very hard to navigate it without it being touch screen controls.


I read The Stand unabridged in hardback. Fucking A. Now when I fly I have 40+ books in my backback at all times, and they barely register as any extra weight. People that claim e-readers are a bad thing are hilarious to me.
Even my grandparents have transitioned over to e-readers. Got my mom a kindle (who is "computer illiterate" as she likes to put it) and she loved it so much she got her parents each one. My grandpa now reads almost exclusively with it.


Got my Paperwhite today. Looks fantastic and I love the texture of the screen. Only problem is a pinhole leak in the light layer.


They revamped the Kindle UI starting with this generation to be a lot more Tablet-esque. Basically the same UI as the Kindle Fire's reading app. From what I seen it would be likely very hard to navigate it without it being touch screen controls.

Oh, I know. What I meant was just transplanting the screen... everything else would work like a normal kindle keyboard.

It's unlikely to work anyway, the connectors are likely different, and from research all the new kindles have nearly all the components glued in.


Oh, I know. What I meant was just transplanting the screen... everything else would work like a normal kindle keyboard.

It's unlikely to work anyway, the connectors are likely different, and from research all the new kindles have nearly all the components glued in.

the kindle keyboard OS would also need to be hacked to support the higher resolution and light control.
Anybody that got theres today be kind enough to take some pics of the light in action from all angles?

And comic readers, I know it supports comics from amazon, but if you drop a cbz file or zip file with images, would the kindle be able to recognize it?

that works fine with my kindle 4, but apparently it doesn't for the Touch.


Took a late lunch so I could go home and have a few minutes with my Paperwhite today before coming back to work. So here are some very quick, fifteen minute impressions from using it.

I have one "pinhole" light leak in the lower right quadrant, which was really noticable in the setup screen when you first power it on because of the graphic they use (with the person under the try reading the book and the hill is nothing but black). Not sure how noticeable it will be in regular use yet.

There is definitely some "spotlighting" near the bottom of the screen when you have the light on bright. I doubt this behavior is much different from unit to unit since it's simply a result of the light being brighter where the LEDs are at the bottom before the light refracts enough to even out over the rest of the display. At least the LEDs are on the bottom on the PW though. The light really does improve the contrast and it's a nice neutral "paper tone" to the light that's nice - I hear the Nook light is sort of green (or blue?), so that may be an improvement, I can't say. However, even with my Kindle Keyboard I rarely used the built-in book light in my case, I prefer to just turn on a lamp or something to read because I really like the look of a standard e-ink screen (lower contrast and all), so I'll probably tend to leave the light off or very low. Even having the light on the lower settings noticeably increases the contrast without it obviously being a light (if that makes any sense), which I found an interesting thing to see. So I'm likely to leave it on the lower setting all the time - the spotlighting is also less noticeable at lower settings. It may be my eyes fooling me though, but it seems like the PW's screen is lower contrast when the light is completely off than the old Pearl E-Ink screen. Perhaps the higher resolution e-ink displays just aren't as high contrast yet. This could be my imagination though, so don't take it as gospel.

The resolution upgrade of the screen is very nice. I'll check tonight with the comic sample I downloaded yesterday and see if there's obvious visual improvements reading a comic on the PW versus the lower resolution Kindle Keyboard. However, the latest software upgrade to the Kindle Keyboard noticeably improved the font rendering on that device (to my eyes anyway) so I'm not sure the text rendering is all that much more impressive at larger font sizes. If you tend to use one of the very small font size options the resolution improvements will probably be more noticeable.

The UI is very responsive and impressive IMO. I've not used any other touchscreen e-readers so I'm only able to compre it to my Kindle Keyboard and it's night and day above that. I really fell in love with it - and that's just my impression of the responsiveness and rendering of the homescreen. I haven't even tried looking up definitions in a book or doing the X-ray stuff yet. The on-screen keyboard, in particular, is very impressive. It's actually more responsive than the screen itself, so if you go really fast you may not see the keys blink while the device will still register the key press. This seems like it could be disconcerting until you get used to it, but I really don't see how anyone could prefer to use the older physical keyboard to this, it's definitely faster using the on-screen keyboard than the physical one from the Kindle Keyboard.

All in all I really like it, though I'll probably give it a day or two to hear more impressions and see if I want to try and get a replacement free of pinhole light leaks - I only have one, so I'm going to wait and see the quality in that regard with the shipping units to see if its worth bothering since right now it's not very noticeable.


The lack of pics disgust me

There's plenty of video and pics at the regular tech blogs, but I don't think e-ink frontlights photograph well, or at least photograph in such a way that shows the "quirks" of it. I know I hadn't noticed any spotlighting in the footage on the tech blogs, for example, and a pic will either not show a pinhole light leak or make it look worse than it actually is and exaggerate it. So I really think seeing one in person is the way to go.

If I have time tonight I'll try to get some pics.


Shipping estimate: October 18th - October 22nd, with the cover two weeks later :( Wish they would have sent them out Day 1 for those who ordered the day it was announced.
Shipping estimate: October 18th - October 22nd, with the cover two weeks later :( Wish they would have sent them out Day 1 for those who ordered the day it was announced.

Weird, i did that and mine's coming wednesday.

And for y'all folks with issues. Amazon service is quite good. They overnight you a new kindle and you stick the old one in the box and send it back with prepaid.

You get to keep the usb cable too!


Some photos I just took of mine. A few notes about the photos:
Taken with my D90 35mm @ f1.8 no flash and matrix metering with the focus point on the Paperwhite so that it metered mainly to the PW (otherwise the PW got blown out since it mainly tried to get a proper exposure for the darker Kindle Keyboard). This is also why the max setting looks brighter in the side-by-side than it does in the last close-up shot.

For some reason in alot of the side-by-side shots the left side of the Paperwhite is out of focus or looks like the text gets dimmer on the left. This is certainly not the case in actuality as the close-up shots show. I must have been leaning to the side or something (and the main light in the living room is to the right of the camera throwing more light on the Kindle Keyboard which also could have been an issue). In any event, on to the photos:

Teiresias said:
Side-by-side with PW Light OFF

Setting Paperwhite Light to 10

Side-by-side with PW Light @ 10

Setting Paperwhite Light to 18

Side-by-side with PW Light @ 18

Side-by-side with PW Light @ MAX

Close-up of PW Light @ MAX
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