In that future scenario, even if Sony/MS attempt non-Nvidia SoC for next console, Nvidia will sue them for major patent infringement.
Imagine if a Sony/MS/Ninty or a hypothetical Amazon console is powered by an ARM processor in the future.
But it's likely that will only occur the gen after the successor to this one, as no doubt all companies are already quite a way into planning for the PS5/XB2 with Intel CPUs or possibly a secret, custom next-gen AMD APU.
I just want to ask one question;
I have a friend who is trying to buy a new GPU (mid-high range). He is not the biggest PC gamer, and doesn't really want to spend a ton of money.
I personally have always been an ATi/AMD fan, and on Windows have never had issues with the drivers and have always found RadeonPro to meet all my needs that CCC doesn't.
But is it not ok to recommend an AMD card any more? Is the 9xx series a better "bang for your buck" at this point?
Just looking for a concise answer, if one is possible. Sorry if this isn't an appropriate place to ask.
Ha ha this should be the crux of the back and forth on here really.
The best bang for your buck is definitely an R9 290 if your budget can stretch to it. And I think it's common knowledge that the price/performance offered by the 290X is better than anything Nvidia offers, as it's close to a 980 in general and definitely when gaming in 2k/4k whilst being hugely cheaper. When the 290/290x get reduced in price after the release of the new 3XX series, they will be my next cards.
The R9 270X and 280 also offer great bang for your buck. Don't believe the hype - I personally own a 270X ITX and it runs near silent and cool. No issues with drivers either.
EDIT: Read through the I Need a New PC! thread where you'll find the 9XX series, especially the 290/290x, recommended as the best for price/performance, no question. It's whether you are willing to pay a significant premium for better software on the Nvidia side.