Why would Sony not invest a good amount into their next console? The PS4 sales are Wii status right now.
Because they didn't with the ps4 and it's still selling well.
They were given a finger, now they will be taking an arm.
Hell I think to avoid huge money loss we might end up getting one of those Nvidia SoC, aka Tegra for PS5. lol.
When that happens try to tell if PS4 has shitty CPU =P.
A part of me wants to see this happen just in a 'want to watch the world burn' kind of way

But mostly I shuddered
While that may be true that there isn't one way to judge a graphics card, it's the way that matters for the great majority of consumers. Most people that buy a videocard just want it to play games well on Windows PC. For all of those people, AMD is just as good of a choice as Nvidia - yet this chart shows that doesn't equate to reality.
You didn't read his post at all.
He just told you that on lower end cpus (and there's a lot of people with amd fx cpus or older core2quads or i3s or pentiums) the amd drivers will cause a bigger cpu bottleneck than nvidia ones.
That's why he also said that
-benchmarks only measuring average fps (by which he is probably alluding to the fact that any respectable benchmark measures performance in frametimes and not a meaningless metric like average fps , and there are not many respectable benchmarks out there)
-and only testing a select few AAA games (these are usually the ones that get most attention on the driver side and will not tell you about the other 99 percent of games and the problems they have)
Does not tell you what your actual experience using a certain gpu will be.
For a while when amds drivers REALLY were in the gutter there was not a single review that would warn you about the issues with games like prototype 1-2, from dust, red orchestra 2, homefront etc that had hopelessly broken performance at launch and for months after before finally being fixed.
People who are pissed at amd drivers will generally have a good reason based on their experience with the gpus, especially if they happened to own a 4-5-6000 series amd gpu.
And as much as things have improved recently, people are not going to forget about them so fast and will not trust amd to provide solid drivers and solid performance on launch day for new games. (and it's going to take time and consistency from amd for people to forget about it)
Personally if you asked me in 2013 if I'd ever buy another amd gpu I'd ve said HELL NO
Now that they did the frametime improvement drivers, added downsampling support and now that I haven't had any real issues for a while with my 6870 I've come around a bit (as someone who hasn't bought anything intel or nvidia since 2002, they still managed to alienate me) . Nvidia's recent false advertising with the 970 sure evened things out a lot as well...
But seeing people like you dismiss people's issues (including mine) with amd as some kind of fanboy loyalty to nvidia driven FUD really annoys me.
This kind of stifling criticism or silencing feedback brand wars shit is not good for anyone. I see it in console wars threads and I see it in all the equally pathetic team green vs team red threads. For shame.