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American Horror Story: ? |OT| We know nothing about this season


I've found something to like in regards to each season, but this season, I don't know. Better be a big turn at episode 6, as has been mentioned, because this is getting boring. Not good at all.


I don't really see where else this will go after the next episode. They have what they want, they just need to survive the night.

I'm guessing episode 6 will switch to the feral family.
Seems like Evan Peters is one of them if that naked person in episode 1 was him and if he really did dye his hair for this season.


There better be a twist that explains why Shelby is such an idiot.

Gets attacked by a horrific pig monster (not to mention EVERYTHING ELSE)

Gets saved by the tape guy who explains everything

"Here's a guy who admits to losing the house, maybe he wants it back"

You dumb bitch

Edit: Yoooo the uber driver is hot AF
My prediction for the twist next episode:

We'll see the conclusion to this storyline, but it'll end with the cameraman saying something to the effect that they know they're lying and show some kind of proof it's all bunk (maybe they are part of some kind of hoax investigation), and they break down and start to tell the real story (which is the remaining season) which still has supernatural elements but is radically different from the story so far and the main characters are actually killers and have used this story to cover up their crimes.
I like the focused nature of the season, but I already think that the main storyline is played out. We got some real good creepy moments in the first and second episodes, but now it seems like traditional American Horror Story with its gratuitous gore and dumb characters.

I've really lost interest with this episode. Hopefully it picks up or changes gears soon, because watching these characters stay in this house after everything they've been through and learned is ridiculous.
Yes, leave the door open with the sleeping wife.

It seemed like he was under a spell. Cricket made that deal with her and she came to collect. The lost in the woods easily trope is getting real old though.

"What's that noise"

"Don't listen to that, stay close"

Proceed to stop and listen.

They got the girl back at the end, and the ghosts are coming so it seems like we're reaching a turning point. Which is good because I can only take so much resistance to leaving such an environment for so long.

All of the backstory has been really good IMO. The disembowlment was pretty rad lol

Hopefully there will be some shake up next episode. I feel like nothing is really happening. :/
Not sure where the negativity is coming from - I think the season has been very solid thus far.


I know it's anecdotal evidence but a good deal of people I talk to about the season offline are interested in where the show is going and aren't showing signs of disillusionment or fatigue.
Got a question about this show.

We have an exchange student living with us this year. She mentioned that she wanted to watch this show. Apparently she's seen all the rest of the seasons and likes it.

So I decided to watch it with her, as she said she's too scared to watch it alone. So I'm watching it with no prior knowledge of past seasons. It seems okay, whatever. The people are all idiots but it's entertaining enough when DVRed and able to skip through commercials.

ANYWAY, since she's from another country I was explaining to her about Roanoke since we did learn about it in school. I think it's a pretty cool idea to build a show around.

But last night, she said something the blew my mind. I can't remember her exact words but she said something that made me think that she thinks that the people being interviewed in the show are real people and that this show is something that really happened. I didn't even know what to say. My question: Exchange student said that some of these characters have been in prior seasons. Which confuses me even more - why would she believe this is all real?

I get that the whole angle of the show is that this is based on "real events" and it's all a "dramatic re-enactment." But apparently this girl is totally fooled.


My question: Exchange student said that some of these characters have been in prior seasons. Which confuses me even more - why would she believe this is all real?

I get that the whole angle of the show is that this is based on "real events" and it's all a "dramatic re-enactment." But apparently this girl is totally fooled.

Quite a bunch of actors were in the past seasons. That's one thing with this show. Every year, a lot of the same actors appear in other roles.

Hopefully there will be some shake up next episode. I feel like nothing is really happening. :/

Did we watch the same show? We got an immense info dump - back story to both the Roanoke colony and Gaga's witch character, two important "savior" characters were killed off, and they finally got their niece back. How on earth can anyone say nothing really happened.

I agree with that picture though jfc


Hunky Nostradamus
Did we watch the same show? We got an immense info dump - back story to both the Roanoke colony and Gaga's witch character, two important "savior" characters were killed off, and they finally got their niece back. How on earth can anyone say nothing really happened.

Yeah, a ton of stuff happened this week. Very eventful episode.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Did we watch the same show? We got an immense info dump - back story to both the Roanoke colony and Gaga's witch character, two important "savior" characters were killed off, and they finally got their niece back. How on earth can anyone say nothing really happened.

I agree with that picture though jfc
Does it change Shelby's character, though?


I'm ready for the rumored mid-season change in direction. This has played itself out, for me.

The "gay for pay" line made me laugh. Was not expecting that.
Does it change Shelby's character, though?

Not yet but that isn't what I was responding to. That poster wasn't saying "There's no character growth" they were saying "It feels like nothing really happened" and that's just not the case at all. Plot-wise a shit load happened in this episode.

I mean I even agreed with the image they posted but the image and what they actually said in their post are two separate thoughts.


I relate to and approve of the whole hot Uber driver thing. More of him pls.

Glad Gaga's character went somewhere interesting and didn't turn out to be some random forest waif who was part of the butcher lady's band.

This season has become passably entertaining. Still lower-tier AHS so far, but enjoyable enough to look forward to every week. I've resigned myself to the fact that nothing can touch the radiant excellence of Hotel.


This has been the best season yet. It actually feels like horror instead of a goofy parody. But I honestly expect them to fuck up like they do every season.


Two episodes in and I was really enjoying it and thought it was kind of scary. A little amateurish with some overtones of AHS's brand of schlock but I could suspend disbelief.

Half-way into episode 3 and all through episode 4 and it's American Horror Story trash again back in full. It just becomes a schocky, tonal mess. Which isn't to say it's not entertaining because it is entertaining, but I do feel disappointed after the set up.
I relate to and approve of the whole hot Uber driver thing. More of him pls.

Glad Gaga's character went somewhere interesting and didn't turn out to be some random forest waif who was part of the butcher lady's band.

This season has become passably entertaining. Still lower-tier AHS so far, but enjoyable enough to look forward to every week. I've resigned myself to the fact that nothing can touch the radiant excellence of Hotel.

It's a step up from the last couple, but not a big one. (But we always disagree here, lol)
Pure madness. Makes no sense at all to think this season is anywhere close to as good as Hotel. The characters alone...

Hotel was like a soap opera, which had little to no intrigue. It all blended together and became a melodramatic bore.

At least this one has intriguing questions, even if it's silly. Last season was really dry, and was all about Gaga seducing people. It wasn't fun.


Hotel was like a soap opera, which had little to no intrigue. It all blended together and became a melodramatic bore.

At least this one has intriguing questions, even if it's silly. Last season was really dry, and was all about Gaga seducing people. It wasn't fun.
I was totally taken by the characters, style, and setting. Not to mention the way everything was woven together in a way that was more coherent and engaging than anything the show has done before. And the ending was immensely satisfying to me.

The melodrama was almost beside the point. A pretext to watch those larger than life characters do their thing. I guess if the whole tone and style of the thing doesn't appeal to you, the season could fall flat. But I found almost everything about it to be totally delightful.

Also, Denis O'Hare's performance as Liz Taylor is one of the best in the show's history, easily.


Honestly this has been dreadful so far. From the only reason the kidnapping being there was to stop the (stupid) main characters from getting out of there episodes ago to the fake looking beards on the colonists and the extremely boring setting.

In all for this rumoured mid season twist but it won't make any of the first 5 episodes retroactively better.


Really enjoying this series, it has some genuinely scary moments too which contrary to the name of the programme, is a first for the series as far as im concerned.
I was totally taken by the characters, style, and setting. Not to mention the way everything was woven together in a way that was more coherent and engaging than anything the show has done before. And the ending was immensely satisfying to me.

The melodrama was almost beside the point. A pretext to watch those larger than life characters do their thing. I guess if the whole tone and style of the thing doesn't appeal to you, the season could fall flat. But I found almost everything about it to be totally delightful.

Also, Denis O'Hare's performance as Liz Taylor is one of the best in the show's history, easily.

That's fair. To each their own. I politely disagree, but that's just my opinion. I enjoyed the first few episodes, then it went downhill and got boring.

I didn't have FX until when Freak Show aired. FX Canada had just been added. So that's the only season I got to watch live up until that point.

I got a copy of the first season on Blu-ray through work, and absolutely loved it. My friend torrented the second season, but I only saw a couple of episodes and liked it a lot. Then it aired in marathon form on FX, so I watched it over a week.

I liked that a lot at first, too, then it got crazy.

I still want to see Coven. I know that if I don't like any of the seasons other than the first, why bother watching. I don't want to seem like a complainer.

Something compels me to keep watching. I guess it's the completionist inside of me. I honestly want to love each and every season, and don't just hate on it so that I can complain here.
I know I'm in the minority in liking the interview format, but I can't help but hope that maybe this will inspire a show like this to return somewhere, because I think A Haunting is dead, and others like Paranormal Survivor and Ghostly Encounters are pretty infrequent and are mostly getting replaced by, I assume, cheaper ghost shows that are rip-offs of Ghost Hunters.
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