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American hunter illegally killed Cecil the Lion

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But when the lion has a name it's fucking personal.

From the author of the first source:
“It’s not many months ago that I watched Cecil, with my hand on my heart as he strayed toward a hunting concession,” said professor David Macdonald, founding director of Oxford’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit. “On that occasion he turned back into the protection of the park, but this time he made a fatal mistake and I feel deeply sad, personally.”

Macdonald said it was important to realize that lions live in complicated societies. Research has shown, he said, that if one male is killed, “the resulting perturbation” can lead to the deaths of other males and to the deaths of his cubs.
My point is that there are roughly 600 Lions killed a every year for trophies and 60% of those by Americans. People here are making this personal and hoping this guy gets quite a lot of bad karma his way, but in reality it's much much larger than just Cecil or some dentist. But there's a name and a face to target anger and death threats at so there we go.
...I'm not sure where you're going with this, but logically any story that gains attention in the public will receive more backlash simply for that fact, it's now widely public. I very highly doubt the people expressing anger here or elsewhere about this would have any different tune for the other 600 lions killed every year.


From the author of the first source:

also from that source:

Concluding remarks
The preferences of hunting clients highlight the potential for
trophy hunting to create incentives for wildlife conservation
and community development in Africa, in multiple countries,
including those where ecotourism may not be viable,
and in areas within well-visited countries that are off the
tourist circuit. Given the ability to select among operators in
terms of commitment to conservation and community
development, client preferences could drive positive change
in the hunting industry. However, the attitudes of a minority
of clients likely cause several problems currently associated
with trophy hunting, stressing the importance of effective
regulation of hunting operators and clients.

A small amount of guys like the one in the OP give the rest of the industry a bad name.
also from that source:

A small amount of guys like the one in the OP give the rest of the industry a bad name.

And after reading that source from google, with pages missing, I don't see the author supporting sport hunting at all. Specifically related to lions, he mentions that sport hunting can be absolutely catastrophic to the species. And saying that it can benefit a species, in an environment rife with corruption, is basically saying it doesn't.


Can a hunter explain to me the appeal of hunting other than bullshit pretexts? You're blending in to the foliage and headshotting a thing from far away. Where's the sport in that?


Just read about this and posted a thread on it (my searching obviously leaves much to be desired), horrible story, such a beautiful animal :(


Can a hunter explain to me the appeal of hunting other than bullshit pretexts? You're blending in to the foliage and headshotting a thing from far away. Where's the sport in that?

Venison sausage is really, really tasty.

Like, 100x better than bacon tasty.


And after reading that source from google, with pages missing, I don't see the author supporting sport hunting at all. Specifically related to lions, he mentions that sport hunting can be absolutely catastrophic to the species. And saying that it can benefit a species, in an environment rife with corruption, is basically saying it doesn't.

"can be catastrophic" if not well regulated. Regulation is important to the conservation effort with poor regulation being an outlier.

Here's an article from NatGeo referencing a study by the same guy (who is a conservation biologist with the University of Zimbabwe) in the first article I posted: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/03/070315-hunting-africa.html

The southern white rhinoceros grew from just 50 animals a century ago to over 11,000 wild individuals today, because hunts gave game ranchers a financial incentive to reintroduce the animal, the authors write.

Trophy hunting has also driven the reintroduction of cape mountain zebra and black wildebeest in South Africa, Lindsey said.

Hunters typically take just 2 to 5 percent of males annually from hunted animal populations, he added, which has a negligible effect on the populations' reproductive health.
A sad story, but with many African governments willing to allow this kind of hunting, and a huge market for it in places like the States, a lot more lions will share this one's fate. And a lot already have.

Between the East and their shitty medicines, the West and its thirst for killing, and Africa and its history of poor governance, African animals are fucked. It's not a matter of if they disappear, but when.


Well that seems completely unnecessary, I'm not sure what's worse, the fact it was a named and known Lion or the fact the guy paid such an insane amount of money just to kill it.


People have been banned, a mod has even spoken, and yet people continue on with all of the "I hope he dies/gets his/gets hunted down" business.


Aftershock LA
What a disgusting human being. Amazing. I really hope he gets prosecuted for this. It's one thing to hunt big game, it's another to lure a protected animal out of its preserve and then kill it. What a bastard.



Interesting studies. That first study also expresses some of the key issues at hand here.

The preferences of most clients emphasize the potential
for trophy hunting to benefit conservation. However, the
attitudes of some clients are likely responsible for problems
associated with the hunting industry. For example, half of
the clients consider guaranteed quality trophies as being
important when selecting hunts, creating a large market for
canned and put-and-take hunts. In South Africa, for example,
an estimated 95% of lions hunted are ‘canned’ (Damm,
2005; Patterson & Khosa, 2005). Likewise, more than half of
the clients are willing to hunt exotic species, creating market
pressure for introductions, which can result in various
negative veterinary, ecological and genetic consequences
(Hamman et al., 2003). In Namibia and South Africa, 95
and 54% of operators advertise exotic species (P. A. Lindsey,
unpubl. data). Perhaps most disturbingly, a significant
minority of clients would willingly accept illegal persecution
of ‘non-huntable’ predators, carried out in the belief that
this would improve trophy stocks
. Reliance on market
pressure to ensure ‘conservation-friendly’ hunting is thus
clearly not enough. Effective legislation to control the
hunting industry and to regulate the activities of both
hunting operators and clients is also required.
I hope the internet lynch mob actually targets the right guy.
I'm usually against mob justice, and I'm still very uncomfortable this time, but in cases like this I think it could have a deterring effect.
I doubt this man will face justice in front of a court, so it would be cool if his business goes to shit at least.

Sure, the crime he commited wasn't against a humand beeing, but he showed extreme lack of empathy and basic decency in this purely egoistic act. I hope this has negative consequences for him.


Interesting studies. That first study also expresses some of the key issues at hand here.

Yep, it's a serious issue, but the issue isn't inherent in trophy hunting as a conservation method. It's a insidious side effect of poor regulation. Shitty people will always try to skirt the law, but that doesn't mean the enterprise as a whole should be thrown out because of a few scummy people.


The Birthday Skeleton
Even if he is covered from legal point of view (assuming that he had all the documents for the money and for the trophy and skin import - going around with $55000 might raise some questions in regards with money laundering laws) he is still a scumbag for hunting this kind of animal. I understand hunting as a sport up to a point. But to kill an animal like this is way beyond "sport".


Yep, it's a serious issue, but the issue isn't inherent in trophy hunting as a conservation method. It's a insidious side effect of poor regulation. Shitty people will always try to skirt the law, but that doesn't mean the enterprise as a whole should be thrown out because of a few scummy people.

The problem is poor regulation goes hand in hand with corruption, which goes hand and hand with financial incentive. Trophy hunting as a conservation method is solely based on financial incentive. I'm not saying that it's not a viable option for conservation, but without strong government regulation and persecution of illegal activity you will always have those shitty people or shitty hunting groups because they're willing to pay/get paid to do whatever the fuck they want. Hopefully these guys get what's coming to them for what they did, and Palmer deserves whatever social media backlash he's receiving considering it's very doubtful he'll face any legal recourse. Even when he did this shit in the U.S. he avoided jail time.

Back in 2008, WEAU reported that Palmer was pleading guilty to facing up to five years in prison for illegally hunting a bear in Wisconsin. According to the report, Palmer and other members of the hunting group agreed to lie to authorities about where the animal was killed in order to avoid charges.

Basically, fuck anyone involved in this.


Yeah, it is gamey, but not that much better than bacon. Not that much different from beef than bison is.

Who the fuck would make sausage from a predator? Lions don't even eat other predators.

P.S. that would actually be a not bad punishment, make the guy eat every fucking bite.


Can a hunter explain to me the appeal of hunting other than bullshit pretexts? You're blending in to the foliage and headshotting a thing from far away. Where's the sport in that?

There isn't any. I grew up hunting and box stand hunting (often with baiting) is just plain boring. Sit in a box and wait. But it would be "heartshotting", not "headshotting" btw.

On the other hand, ground level slipping and trailing is certainly much more sporting and involved.

Who the fuck would make sausage from a predator? Lions don't even eat other predators.

Venison is almost exclusively used to refer to deer meat now. I'm guessing that was the context.
If I was one of the researchers studying this lion, I'd be so fucking pissed right now. I mean, I am anyways, but I'd be way more so if a decade of research got ruined because some dipshit wanted a lion head on his wall.


Venison is almost exclusively used to refer to deer meat now. I'm guessing that was the context.

I get that but hunting a deer has virtually nothing in common with hunting a predator, my point was it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

he is the asshole on the left. Apparently he has a history of illegal hunting all across the world. UNGHH

unnngghhhh what a piece of useless human scum. Fucking found him in front of me I'da punched his arrogant ass face across the room

I'm not an emotional person but this picture makes me sad. I find it disturbing that people accept hunting as some sort of normalcy when there's nothing healthy or normal with the need to kill innocent life, especially this obscure. I think it's even a bit disgraceful that for thousands of not millions of years there had been people who occupied the land known as Zimbabwe that actually hunted animals in the truest form of the word. I fail to see how hunting any animal with a gun, gps, bait, and the garunteed safety of a vehicle is even considered sporting , it's the equivalent of sucker punching someone hen they don't have any idea you were even there.
Mass extinction is going to happen and humans are going to be solely responsible. What a legacy we're leaving behind.

It's ok , we don't discriminate , humans love genocide and attempting to extinct each other for the same dumbass reasons this poacher feels it necessary to kill animals for "sport".


Stinks. Seriously hope there's a strong prosecution angle. I have no beef with controlled hunting and hunting for food but this is simply unacceptable behavior and should carry a suitably weighty penalty.
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