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American hunter illegally killed Cecil the Lion

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The pic makes their guilt all the more obvious, trying to tell me that they didn't notice the research collar when they posed for this pic? I'm sure they went after this specific lion.


The pic makes their guilt all the more obvious, trying to tell me that they didn't notice the research collar when they posed for this pic? I'm sure they went after this specific lion.

I'm sure they did. I doubt you'd pay out 50 grand to help lure a random wild lion.


This is fucking sad, just all around. I don't see the appeal in hunting when it's not for food, seems like a dark and creepy thing to me to want to hunt just for the thrill of killing something.


Hunting is such a cowardly sport. The fact that he illegally did this should put him in jail or destroy is wallet hopefully.
His rapid eye blinking is a sign of trust and non-aggression.

My cat does that too. She'll just look at me and blink blink blink.

That looked like a beautiful lion, though. I love when he walks by in that video and his look gives off a "sup" vibe. It's a shame he had to be killed like that. Poor thing....
Attacking his business is a dangerous road, you are potentially ruining every employees financial situation aswell. And don't give me the bullshit they should have known. Should you shame this man sure, but don't attack his business and hurt people that have no involvement.


Attacking his business is a dangerous road, you are potentially ruining every employees financial situation aswell. And don't give me the bullshit they should have known. Should you shame this man sure, but don't attack his business and hurt people that have no involvement.
Collateral damage.


Attacking his business is a dangerous road, you are potentially ruining every employees financial situation aswell. And don't give me the bullshit they should have known. Should you shame this man sure, but don't attack his business and hurt people that have no involvement.

podunk dentist: too big to fail


And you think its acceptable to ruin up to dozens of peoples lives because a lion got shot? Get a reality check. Hunting is shit, ruining peoples lives who are innocent is shittier.

Who's lives are going to be ruined, the guy may lose his business but his clients and employees should be able to easily find other practices. He fucked up his own business, people are not going to want to give the guy money and that is his own fault. I'm sure some people won't care and still go to him.


He measures in centimeters
And you think its acceptable to ruin up to dozens of peoples lives because a lion got shot? Get a reality check. Hunting is shit, ruining peoples lives who are innocent is shittier.

Eh. He can just sell his practice and everyone can go on working there. Happens in the dental industry for many reasons. If he goes to jail (which I am in favor of if the allegations are true and hold up in court) that will also happen to his business. Are you suggesting we don't jail people because it can hurt people that depend on them?
Normally the reaction to these things make my eyes roll but in this case with it being an illegal, unauthorized hunt on a still actively reproducing non-problematic lion and basically condemning his cubs to death, fuck this guy.

And some people defend this shit saying the money goes to locals.

He literally is a poacher. They dragged food behind a truck to get the lion out of the national park where he could be shot, tortured and skinned.

The man is a psychopath and should be in prison

Except the money probably isn't going to the locals in this case the hunt being illegal and all.

Hopefully he'll have a stay in Chikurubi Prison.


And you think its acceptable to ruin up to dozens of peoples lives because a lion got shot? Get a reality check. Hunting is shit, ruining peoples lives who are innocent is shittier.

Pretty sure dental hygienists and medical office assistants aren't hurting for jobs.


Attacking his business is a dangerous road, you are potentially ruining every employees financial situation aswell. And don't give me the bullshit they should have known. Should you shame this man sure, but don't attack his business and hurt people that have no involvement.

Yes please keep the poacher/hunter in business so he can resume his illegal activities.
This was a well known. Well loved creature. What's worse is that Cecil's cubs will probably all also die because that's how Lions roll.

Cecil the lion's killer said to be an American dentist who paid $55,000

The guy has a history of killing beautiful creatures.


Seriously, fuck this guy and his macho ego. I hope we ship him off to Africa for prosecution.

Edit: And here comes the internet revenge. His Yelp page.

Edit edit: Don't call for the killing of fellow humans. The guy is scum and he deserves justice, not death.

And in case you weren't sad enough a video of beautiful Cecil. His rapid eye blinking is a sign of trust and non-aggression.

I won't call for his killing but I will wish on him a miserable rest of his life. Don't be naive, just because it's a human being means that I have to automatically care for him.

Venison sausage is really, really tasty.

Like, 100x better than bacon tasty.

But could you live without it?

"can be catastrophic" if not well regulated. Regulation is important to the conservation effort with poor regulation being an outlier.

Here's an article from NatGeo referencing a study by the same guy (who is a conservation biologist with the University of Zimbabwe) in the first article I posted: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/03/070315-hunting-africa.html

Regulation. And how do you go on about guaranteeing that?

Attacking his business is a dangerous road, you are potentially ruining every employees financial situation aswell. And don't give me the bullshit they should have known. Should you shame this man sure, but don't attack his business and hurt people that have no involvement.

The country is doing fine economically, they can find other jobs. This guy won't get any jail time and taking away his monetary means is the only way to stop him from doing this.


Attacking his business is a dangerous road, you are potentially ruining every employees financial situation aswell. And don't give me the bullshit they should have known. Should you shame this man sure, but don't attack his business and hurt people that have no involvement.



Attacking his business is a dangerous road, you are potentially ruining every employees financial situation aswell. And don't give me the bullshit they should have known. Should you shame this man sure, but don't attack his business and hurt people that have no involvement.

This is a bullshit argument that essentially means anyone who employs other people should be immune to any kind of recourse for fear of hurting their employees in the process.


Hunting is fine but this....not sure how this was a thrill or an ego booster. I might as well have a 100m race with a crippled kid and show off my gold medal.

reminds me of the King of the HIll Episode: Good Hill Hunting.


So I was under the impression it was legal to hunt lions. Why were these lions protected? For study?

Sucks he went after the wrong game. Seeing as he is cooperating is it possible he didn't know it was illegal?

Or am I completely wrong and it is entirely illegal to hunt lions?
are lions endangered?

No, the problem is that this particular lion was famous, it was collared and part of a research.

They will be extinct by 2050. The US fish and wildlife will soon list them as endangered. Their numbers are currently at 34,000 and dropping. 30 years ago their numbers were double. But the problem is that they are increasingly in only a few strongholds. Sub Sahara population is growing and that will mean big problems for lions. They will lose habitat, prey and come into conflict with more humans.


I won't call for his killing but I will wish on him a miserable rest of his life. Don't be naive, just because it's a human being means that I have to automatically care for him.

But could you live without it?

Regulation. And how do you go on about guaranteeing that?

The country is doing fine economically, they can find other jobs. This guy won't get any jail time and taking away his monetary means is the only way to stop him from doing this.

Deer or venison are so overpopulated that fawns or baby deer tend to face starvation due to lack of edible vegetation that can be consumed by other deer in their crowded ecospheres.

It's a really big problem.

Not to mention the huge amounts of car accidents, sometimes lethal, they cause.

I have no issues with people hunting deer as we killed off their natural predators--wolves and mountain lions.

I can't stand endangered trophy hunting, though.

I'd say hunting overpopulated animals is more ethical than factoring farming.


So I was under the impression it was legal to hunt lions. Why were these lions protected? For study?

Sucks he went after the wrong game. Seeing as he is cooperating is it possible he didn't know it was illegal?

Or am I completely wrong and it is entirely illegal to hunt lions?

Its legal in countries that enough tourist are willing to dump shit loads of money to grease the local governments into making it legal or keeping it legal. To me its the same as some pedo going to Thailand and crying that he thought this dirty seedy disgusting place made sure the girly boy was at least 15. It may be legal but its still disgusting.


And you think its acceptable to ruin up to dozens of peoples lives because a lion got shot? Get a reality check. Hunting is shit, ruining peoples lives who are innocent is shittier.

Perhaps that guy should have considered that his illegal actions could affect his family and employees, then.
Perhaps that guy should have considered that his illegal actions could affect his family and employees, then.

Thats just an excuse to validate harm and harassment that may come to people around this guy. Sure he painted a target on their back but that doesn't give people a free pass to do harm onto them either.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


Thats just an excuse to validate harm and harassment that may come to people around this guy. Sure he painted a target on their back but that doesn't give people a free pass to do harm onto them either.

Am I harassing the guy? Is anybody in this thread? Who are you lecturing?

Regardless of whether or not the harassment is "valid" or not, you would have to be a drooling moron not to see it coming. So maybe instead of scolding a bunch of people on a message board for actions they aren't involved with because "wont someone think of the children," you should point your ire at this jackass who brought all this upon them.
And you think its acceptable to ruin up to dozens of peoples lives because a lion got shot? Get a reality check. Hunting is shit, ruining peoples lives who are innocent is shittier.

The possibility that a handful of people will have to find new jobs is shittier than illegally killing an animal that's already borderline endangered?

That's some fucked up logic.


And you think its acceptable to ruin up to dozens of peoples lives because a lion got shot? Get a reality check. Hunting is shit, ruining peoples lives who are innocent is shittier.
As pointed out multiple times upthread, this jerk's status as a business owner does not protect him from the wrath of the market place. He'll never see justice in a criminal courtroom, so this is the best we can get.


Thats just an excuse to validate harm and harassment that may come to people around this guy. Sure he painted a target on their back but that doesn't give people a free pass to do harm onto them either.

That's what happens when you do something to embarass or shame your family -- people need to think before they act, because it affects everyone around them. We can't give someone a pass on crappy behavior because other people get hurt by it. A man may be a great father, but if he rapes or murders someone he'll be taken from his child and the stigma will stick over his family ... but that doesn't mean we should limit the negativity directed towards him.

There is a massive impact to the killing of this lion -- from his cubs most likely being killed by other lions to the drop in tourists that help support the conservation efforts. The act he engaged in isn't victimless.

Now, direct harassment of people just simply associated with him is wrong -- but he deserves the public shaming he is receiving.
And you think its acceptable to ruin up to dozens of peoples lives because a lion got shot? Get a reality check. Hunting is shit, ruining peoples lives who are innocent is shittier.

Employers need to be aware their decisions will affect those who work for them. It is shitty, but it is not the first case, or last either, that something like this happens.
People who commit criminal acts should always be judged based on their contribution to wealth creation. Bill Gates should be able to get away with murder literally.
Deer or venison are so overpopulated that fawns or baby deer tend to face starvation due to lack of edible vegetation that can be consumed by other deer in their crowded ecospheres.

It's a really big problem.

Not to mention the huge amounts of car accidents, sometimes lethal, they cause.

I have no issues with people hunting deer as we killed off their natural predators--wolves and mountain lions.

I can't stand endangered trophy hunting, though.

I'd say hunting overpopulated animals is more ethical than factoring farming.

I understand that it is a problem but instead of the easy solution, why not look into he long term solution. Investing in bringing wolves back, expanding habitat and maybe even doing a but of introspection and asking if we as people aren't needlessly expanding too much.

Thats just an excuse to validate harm and harassment that may come to people around this guy. Sure he painted a target on their back but that doesn't give people a free pass to do harm onto them either.

Nobody is calling for his employees to be harmed. Quit make no stuff up to validate your argument. The guy is scum and deserves no sympathy.
For those worried for his livelihood, ya'll should know he's just going to create a GoFundMe account that's going to get over a million dollars in donations from the NRA and Sportsman club and right wingers*. Dude will retire happy and still hunting. Sucks, but that's life these days.

*I'm not saying he's a right winger, I have no idea, but this is the kind of shit right wingers will blindly donate to as a "fuck you".


I understand that it is a problem but instead of the easy solution, why not look into he long term solution. Investing in bringing wolves back, expanding habitat and maybe even doing a but of introspection and asking if we as people aren't needlessly expanding too much.

Nobody is calling for his employees to be harmed. Quit make no stuff up to validate your argument. The guy is scum and deserves no sympathy.
Actually both are happening. At least I the national parks.

The issue with Wolves are townships and communities don't really want them back. But deer overpopulation is such a huge problem that there are not enough hunters. Hunting is still niche.


I'll just never understand what goes through peoples heads that would make someone want to kill an animal that is Threatened or on any type of conservation list.

If you thought the lion was bad, the tiger is even worse.

The tiger is an endangered species.[119] Poaching for fur and body parts and destruction of habitat have simultaneously greatly reduced tiger populations in the wild. At the start of the 20th century, it is estimated there were over 100,000 tigers in the wild, but the population has dwindled outside of captivity to between 1,500 and 3,500.

While the lion may not be endangered is only on its way based on trends and numbers. Its conservation status is still Threatened
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