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American hunter illegally killed Cecil the Lion

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I have nothing but disdain for hunters in general, but trophy hunters? Trophy hunters are some of the lowest, slimeball, scumbags I can imagine. You're like one notch better in my eyes than people who rob the elderly or beat their children.

Also, good to see the idiotic "are you a vegetarian?" retort represented in this thread. That, and "use the meat" are my favorite full on bullshit rationalizations hunters use to defend their putrid hobby.


I have nothing but disdain for hunters in general, but trophy hunters? Trophy hunters are some of the lowest, slimeball, scumbags I can imagine. You're like one notch better in my eyes than people who rob the elderly or beat their children.

Also, good to see the idiotic "are you a vegetarian?" retort represented in this thread. That, and "use the meat" are my favorite full on bullshit rationalizations hunters use to defend their putrid hobby.

Pray tell what the difference is between the meat you buy in a grocery store vs the hunters that go and kill a non endangered animal for meat? Besides the fact that the Hunter put a lot more effort into getting that meat than you did

I agree trophy hunting is for douchebags but hunting in general is not evil by any means and is a great conservation tool


Pray tell what the difference is between the meat you buy in a grocery store vs the hunters that go and kill a non endangered animal for meat? Besides the fact that the Hunter put a lot more effort into getting that meat than you did

You're about 20 pages too late with this song and dance.


Every day about 23 million chickens are killed for food. About 90k cows a day are killed for food. This doesn't include pig or sheep or the myriad of other meats we enjoy.

Besides that this particular lion shouldn't have been killed because it's anti conservation and the hunter obviously did it for the trophy since he didn't eat the meat, we can all agree that it was wrong, but anyone who eats meat is a hypocrite for being anti hunting in general

While I am not against hunting or culling over populous animals your comparison is flawed. All the animals you mentioned are bred for a sole purpose, and that is to be eaten. If we didn't eat meat there wouldn't be 23 million chickens, 90k cows bred to be killed. They simply wouldn't exist.

Your statement "I think unless people are vegan they have no say in what hunters do." is a poor comparison for that exact reason. You can eat meat and be anti-hunting without being a hypocrite. Its animals living in nature, seeing the circle of life as they should and seeing how the eco system works. People don't want to see animals hunted for no reason what so ever.

Unfortunately though we, as humans, have fucked up the eco system in many ways, so hunting is needed to keep population in control or culls are needed to get rid of animals that shouldn't exist in the area.

You can still be against hunting and eat meat though. As the animal bred has a sole purpose. I'd actually think you'd be a hypocrite if you ate fish though, unless you only ate farmed.....


Why are people comparing this to hunting for food?

Hunting for sport and Hunting for food are so drastically different it's asinine to compare. The former is a form of hunting that shouldn't exist.


I have no problem with hunting when it is for food and population control of the animals (deer in some areas, for example). Sport hunting is ridiculous though.

I have a huge problem with hunters who do not ensure quick kills. I really don't agree with bow hunting in any format and I'm sure many of these idiots don't care about shot placement either. Hunters should strive to use the most effective rifle for the task, as opposed to trying to prove something with a bow.


White House Petition to Extradite Cecil the Lion Killer Surpasses 100,000 Signature Goal

Following PETA's demand for justice in the wake of Cecil the Lion's death, a White House petition demanding Cecil's killer — a Minnesota dentist named Walter Palmer — be extradited to Zimbabwe has accrued 100,000 signatures and reached its signature goal in just one day.

Opened on Tuesday, the petition asks for the Secretary of State and Attorney General to take action and have Palmer "face justice" for his actions.

"We urge the Secretary Of State John Kerry and the Attorney General Loretta Lynch to fully cooperate with the Zimbabwe authorities and to extradite Walter Palmer promptly at the Zimbabwe government's request."

Over the course of one day, the petition amassed over 100,000 signatures, reaching its goal originally targeted for Aug. 27. Currently, petitioners are still continuing to sign.

According to WhiteHouse.gov, when a petition surpasses 100,000 signatures via this official petitioning platform, the White House is required to respond.



The Minnesota dentist who authorities say killed a beloved Zimbabwe lion named Cecil donated to Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign.

Federal Elections Commission (FEC) forms show Walter James Palmer, a dentist in Eden Prairie, Minn., donated $5,000 to the Romney campaign in 2012.

Palmer also donated $250 to former Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-Minn.) in 1990 and $250 to Ramstad in 1992.


I feel like we got the point across that what he did wasn't "okay" a while ago when his livelihood and reputation were completely destroyed.

Why are we still going further?


The Everyman
No shit. Put the animal's head into the aiming reticule of your modern device and hit the trigger. Show everyone the great picture you just took.

damn, well said.

when you put it that way, i don't understand why photography doesn't offer the same thrill as hunting to some. it's way harder and it can be even more dangerous if you want it to be.
i bet this guy regrets killing all those animals now that his life is in complete shit and he cant sleep at night. He deserves nothing less and im actually glad this blew up in his face.
Not gonna lie, when I saw him posed with endangared beautiful animals he just killed...I wanted to see him skinned alive

Made my blood boil through the roof
when you put it that way, i don't understand why photography doesn't offer the same thrill as hunting to some. it's way harder and it can be even more dangerous if you want it to be.

Photographer safaris drive out to see healthy exotic animals. Trophy hunters shoot old/lame animals that are baited to them.
I don't expect a lot of people here to understand but one can enjoy hunting without actually enjoying the act of taking a life. And there is a difference when saying you enjoyed killing something and enjoyed taking a life. Besides the obvious benefits of hunting that aren't directly the kill (like being in nature, stalking, scouting etc.), there is a feeling of harvesting from nature, providing food for yourself and others, being self sufficient and sustaining, getting your food from the pure outdoors rather than meat markets. So there are these satisfying feelings because you killed this animal, but at the same time you can feel the weight of what you did and don't have to derive joy from the fact that you took away a life from something else. But you also know it's okay because we are all animals as part of the ecology of the earth and you are only doing what is the natural order of things.

This does not apply to cutting heads off and leaving carcasses or poaching however. These things are disgusting. But hunting is not all black and white.

To be a good hunter you should consider...
Conservation status of species
Place where animal is killed
What is going to be done with the body
Humanity of killing method (no undue suffering to animal)
Legality of your actions (the laws are there to protect the species and ecology)

He seems to have failed quite a few of these.
jimmy kimmel died a segment on this story. he handled it very well and mad some great points and jabs. he even gets a bit chocked up at the end. i think he felt the way a lot of us do about this story. i dont think most people have to be passionate for animals to at least feel sickened by such a senseless killing.



I don't expect a lot of people here to understand but one can enjoy hunting without actually enjoying the act of taking a life. And there is a difference when saying you enjoyed killing something and enjoyed taking a life. Besides the obvious benefits of hunting that aren't directly the kill (like being in nature, stalking, scouting etc.), there is a feeling of harvesting from nature, providing food for yourself and others, being self sufficient and sustaining, getting your food from the pure outdoors rather than meat markets. So there are these satisfying feelings because you killed this animal, but at the same time you can feel the weight of what you did and don't have to derive joy from the fact that you took away a life from something else. But you also know it's okay because we are all animals as part of the ecology of the earth and you are only doing what is the natural order of things.

This does not apply to cutting heads off and leaving carcasses or poaching however. These things are disgusting. But hunting is not all black and white.

To be a good hunter you should consider...
Conservation status of species
Place where animal is killed
What is going to be done with the body
Humanity of killing method (no undue suffering to animal)
Legality of your actions (the laws are there to protect the species and ecology)

He seems to have failed quite a few of these.

This is a great post, and I agree wholeheartedly.
I don't expect a lot of people here to understand but one can enjoy hunting without actually enjoying the act of taking a life. And there is a difference when saying you enjoyed killing something and enjoyed taking a life. Besides the obvious benefits of hunting that aren't directly the kill (like being in nature, stalking, scouting etc.), there is a feeling of harvesting from nature, providing food for yourself and others, being self sufficient and sustaining, getting your food from the pure outdoors rather than meat markets. So there are these satisfying feelings because you killed this animal, but at the same time you can feel the weight of what you did and don't have to derive joy from the fact that you took away a life from something else. But you also know it's okay because we are all animals as part of the ecology of earth and you are only doing what is the natural order of things.

This does not apply to cutting heads off and leaving carcasses or poaching however. These things are disgusting. But hunting is not all black and white.

To be a good hunter you should consider...
Conservation status of species
Place where animal is killed
What is going to be done with the body
Humanity of killing method (no undue suffering to animal)
Legality of your actions (the laws are there to protect the species and ecology)

He seems to have failed quite a few of these.

Thanks for the post. I'm a little confused by a couple of things though.

I think most people in this thread are OK with hunting animals for conservation purposes or for food. My struggle is to understand big game hunting (or any kind of hunting for sport) where the animal is killed. If the thrill is in the hunting part and being out in nature and tracking a wild animal through its own territory, then I can understand that part. I don't get why the animal needs to be killed at the end of that if it is not for conservation or food.

I don't agree with the "natural order" argument because we as humans are not animals. We have the power of choice and are not slaves to instinct.

I think I'm asking what the argument is in favour of big game hunting or trophy hunting or hunting for sport when the animal is killed at the end.
Maybe someone should hunt his ass so he can feel what it's like.


Yes, Lets kills the hunter because that makes sense.

Its a sad thing to kill such a wonderful creature but the blood-thirst is getting abit out of hand now. This reminds me of the video about social media witch hunting the the psychology behind it. If you feel that a humans life is just as equivalent to the life of a animal then i guess each to their own. But if you're a meat eater then i hope you understand the hypocrisy


if you enjoy killing animals, you have mental issues. there is literally nothing you can say to make me think otherwise. case closed brotha

Man, reading comprehension would really suit you well. It has been explained numerous times that most hunters do not enjoy the act of killing animals, they enjoy the overall experience that hunting provides as well as a sense of accomplishment when the hours or even days you spend tracking something yields results. That's not the same as getting joy from death, and I really don't see how that's worse than someone slitting a pig's throat so you can have bacon on your burger, especially when you consider that hunting has positive environmental implications, unlike farming.

But whatever. I don't expect you to understand any of that since you obviously have no experience with it and have never asked any real hunters why they enjoy hunting. At the end of the day hunters are doing more for conservation than you.
Other animals do a lot of things that we don't condone in modern society, so I don't think the wild animal violence line of reasoning holds too much weight... Unless you also dismiss some pretty horrible crimes under the guise of accepting "nature."

Yes, because the things we don't condone are things that are bad for our own society and species or things we see as unnatural. Animals don't really have to worry about that. Eating animals is something we have always done. It's a natural part of being human. If people don't want to participate in that, that's their choice and I respect that. But that respect needs to go both ways. Animals are food and can also be companions. There isn't really anything "wrong" with that.
This hunter is now apart of the greatest hunting game on earth. Hunting humans....on social media.

For a few days, until something else starts #trending and going viral. Maybe someone will find a sock and nobody will be really sure if it's yellow or green. #thesock2015
Thanks for the post. I'm a little confused by a couple of things though.

I think most people in this thread are OK with hunting animals for conservation purposes or for food. My struggle is to understand big game hunting (or any kind of hunting for sport) where the animal is killed. If the thrill is in the hunting part and being out in nature and tracking a wild animal through its own territory, then I can understand that part. I don't get why the animal needs to be killed at the end of that if it is not for conservation or food.

I don't agree with the "natural order" argument because we as humans are not animals. We have the power of choice and are not slaves to instinct.

I think I'm asking what the argument is in favour of big game hunting or trophy hunting or hunting for sport when the animal is killed at the end.

Well the term "big game" hunting doesn't mean you are hunting for sport necessarily (it kind of used to, and maybe it still does somewhere?), but in general it just means you are hunting large animals and that can include very useful and good to eat things like elk or antelope.

But I agree, I don't like the killing of animals for trophy or sport. It's one thing to target the big bull elk because you want the mount, and then use his meat responsibly by feeding people. It's another to kill a lion, cut it's head off and leave it's body to rot. These people tend to kill things because it makes them feel powerful. I'm not saying all hunters are good or that there aren't people out there who just want to kill things. That certainly exists. But most hunters aren't like that.

Also like I said, there is thrill in more than just the tracking, scouting, being in nature part. There is also the satisfaction of harvesting from nature and providing for yourself or others, which requires the kill. We all know that most hunters don't need to kill anything to eat, but for some people there are those benefits of hunting. We aren't slave to instinct and we have a choice but how is that choice wrong when compared to a butcher slicing a pig's throat for you and dunking it into a vat of boiling water after it's wallowed in it's own poop for it's whole life and can barely walk because they made it get so fat. Sure you have a choice to eat meat but like it or not but we are animals, born with incisors, designed to eat meat. It is our natural way, not that you have to follow it.


Washington Post: As the world mourned Cecil the lion, five of Kenya’s endangered elephants were slain

While the world mourned Cecil, the 13-year-old lion that was allegedly shot by an American hunter in Zimbabwe, an even more devastating poaching incident was quietly carried out in Kenya.

Poachers killed five elephants in Tsavo West National Park on Monday night. The carcasses were recovered by rangers on Tuesday morning — what appeared to be an adult female and her four offspring, their tusks hacked off.

While the killing of the lion in Zimbabwe has attracted the world’s attention, the death of the five elephants has received almost no coverage, even though elephants are under a far greater threat from poachers than lions. Their tusks can be sold in Asia for more than $1,000 per pound.

In recent years, the poaching of elephants has increased exponentially because of the demand for ivory in Asia, where it's used for unproven medicinal purposes. Between 2010 and 2012, poachers killed more than 100,000 African elephants — a level of destruction that put the species on the road to extinction. Unlike many other animals, elephants mourn the death of their brethren, wrapping their trunks around the bones or carcasses of the deceased.

While the African lion population is also under threat, it is largely because their habitats are being destroyed by farmers and developers, not because the animals are hunted.

Humans are a cancer on this planet...


The American is gonna either:

a) get away with it.


b) get an small pat on the wrist.

How many times have we seen this movie? We know how this ends.
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