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Amiibo Thread 6 | We're up all night to get salty

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I still have plenty of the hard-to-find amiibo NIB. They were purchased just for this occasion. If I cannot secure an exclusive, I'll just put them up for trade. I'm sure somebody will still need a Falcon, Pit and Lucario. SIgh, I hate resorting to drastic measures calling out of work just to stand by the web page slamming to refresh button just won't cut it, especially since I won't be guaranteed a preorder anyway.


They have cards sitting in the video game section. You take one up to the counter and give them $1 and they take your email. That's it. It seems very sketchy (to me anyway), but they give you a receipt and the card. Once you get the email on release day, take the receipt and the card to the store, pay the rest, and get your amiibo.

I though it was sketchy because they would not take more than $1 (I wanted to pay for the whole thing) and they only took my e-mail. No phone number... not even my name! But, on release day, I got an email, walked into the store, and walked out with Lucario.
It's like a no compromise deal for them. Which is why I went the earliest I could, and snatched him up.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Yes, the charge you $1, and when the miibo releases you bring the card with the receipt, and pay for the rest.
They have cards sitting in the video game section. You take one up to the counter and give them $1 and they take your email. That's it. It seems very sketchy (to me anyway), but they give you a receipt and the card. Once you get the email on release day, take the receipt and the card to the store, pay the rest, and get your amiibo.

I though it was sketchy because they would not take more than $1 (I wanted to pay for the whole thing) and they only took my e-mail. No phone number... not even my name! But, on release day, I got an email, walked into the store, and walked out with Lucario.
yeah they usaully give out a physical card that should theoritically guarentee you your order.

When i went for lucario everything was smooth hopefully its the same again.
Thanks ya'll. I wonder what's going to happen today at the brick and mortar.
I truthfully feel bad for all of the kids who can't get any of these things. When push comes to shove they aren't collectors pieces for grown men and women, but they objects that have physical applications for titles and are toys for children to enjoy.

Same. But I don't feel bad for wanting to own a Ness figure, or a Mr. Game & Watch figure, or a Captain Falcon figure when 99.9% of kids have no idea who those characters are aside from their appearance in Smash.

But for characters like Greninja, Jigglypuff, Lucario and Rosalina? Kids should absolutely be able to have those figures if they want them, but NoA insists on making them in limited quantities and getting into these exclusive retailer deals. There's no thought put into it and it's honestly a bit embarrassing.
Anyone who missed GN today... or JP yesterday... I just want to say I'm right there with ya. Know you're not alone!
Yup, we're all in this together!

Can anyone tell me if Gamestop is putting up Wave 4 orders online or are they really just taking in-store orders only (which are all gone)?
When I left GameStop, they only had Pac-Man, Charizard and Wario left. Don't know if they set aside stock for online orders.

Commander Kook

Neo Member
Since I'm now awake, I might as well go to my local TRU at 10:00 and try my luck there. That store is in shambles though, like it went out of business years ago and nobody told the staff.


At this point I think I'd be happier if Nintendo just had their own retail site and sold them all through there, allowing them to manage buyer limitations and put up preorders in waves.

Sad thing is Nintendo does have an online store so they have the website and infrastructure in place to sell amiibos online. Of course they would probably have to expand the staff they have for the online store since I'm sure amiibos would sell better anything else on the online store, but I'm sure it could be done.
TRU PR to Polygon: "up between 7 and 9am EST"

*puts them up at 3am*

Wow :(

It feels as if Polygon's source knew they were going up earlier and lied about the time just to throw some of us off. The only ones that got to preorder Greninja were the ones obsessed enough to keep refreshing all through the night/early morning.



I wonder how much of this is due to production problems. Can Nintendo not produce fast enough?

I think this is clearly the case and it's important to realize demand isn't static, it's increasing as well. But at this rate there'll be rereleases of Wave 4. I can't imagine they'll leave it at people being unable to preorder.
Is it going to be hard to get as well?


Look at it, then ask yourself that question again.


It WAS Polygon, the site that has a history of bashing Nintendo.


Just so people know, you don't have to have the cards for a TRU preorder. There's a list with the SKNs for preorder somewhere on store intranet. But, when I left last night nothing was updated so the SKNs for w4 aren't there yet.

Commander Kook

Neo Member
It feels as if Polygon's source knew they were going up earlier and lied about the time just to throw some of us off. The only ones that got to preorder Greninja were the ones obsessed enough to keep refreshing all through the night/early morning.

I'll tell you what, if this was a way to throw off the scalpers, it probably worked pretty damn well!


Since I'm now awake, I might as well go to my local TRU at 10:00 and try my luck there. That store is in shambles though, like it went out of business years ago and nobody told the staff.
Not sure if mine will open today. Guess I'll call later.
Complete opposite from last wave. My Amiibo luck seems to be over.


Holy shit, so Greninja went up for sale at 4 AM eastern time? Fuck that! First waiting online all day yesterday for Gamestop to get their shit together for nothing and now this? I'm out. I'm done with amiibos. Nintendo obviously doesn't care who gets the amiibos as long as they sell them all.
To all who are upset over not being awake for the Toys R Us listings don't beat yourself up. I was one of the first on the web site and I'm pretty sure my order didn't go through (Lucina and Robin). I'm guessing they take priority over customers who have actual accounts as opposed to those who're just guest. Guess I'll have to rely on Amazon now.

I'm gonna have to tap out for now though. Get at least 5 hours sleep. Hope the Amazon listing doesn't come up then. Night all.

These figures are ruing my life.
Are there wool yoshi pre orders anywhere?
Is it going to be hard to get as well?

I saw that on amazon.de they had considerably more stock of Yarn Yoshis than Splatoon Amiibo. So I'm thinking either Splatoon Amiibo will be more rare than Yarn Yoshi, or they just know that they'll have more time to make Yarn Yoshi than Splatoon Amiibo.

via Reddit

This is how it's been for me since the last Nintendo Direct when they announced Wave 4. EU sites have them up! *checks site* GONE... JP site have them up! *checks site* GONE... Your local stores have them up! *checks site* GONE... Too bad, thanks for playing.

This gif is so literal it's not even funny.
It was a little funny.


I feel bad for the people thinking they'll actually have access to Marth once he hits shelves again. It's not going to be much different than before.

But instead of being bummed, my biggest trumphs so far are:

Villager (day 1)
WFT (Day 1)
Captain Falcon (Day 1, my main!)
lil Mac
Gold Mario

So it's not like I am hurting for rare Amiibo, but I would have loved a Ness & Lucina.


Brian★;158687506 said:
Yes, go there earlier if you want to secure a Greninja.
There isn't anything in the system we're doing it yet. East coast peeps haven't seen cards or anything related to preorders.
Good thing I got up at 6:00 AM CDT to this TRU news. Now I've just spent the last 20 minutes reading everyone's trials and tribulations about the preorders going up in the middle of the night :/
I feel bad for the people thinking they'll actually have access to Marth once he hits shelves again. It's not going to be much different than before.

Each store that carries the restock of Marth will likely only have a total of 4 Marths. And we won't even know they've been restocked until it's too late.


Each store that carries the restock of Marth will likely only have a total of 4 Marths. And we won't even know they've been restocked until it's too late.

So glad I got mine day 1 :/

At least many of us can say we have complete OG wave 1 sets? That's gotta mean something when we're all like 70 talking about our Amiibo adventures.


I feel bad for the people thinking they'll actually have access to Marth once he hits shelves again. It's not going to be much different than before.
Dude, just stay in the loop for your chance at him!

That part of the direct just sounds more and more ridiculous.


Are there wool yoshi pre orders anywhere?
Is it going to be hard to get as well?

I really hope not. I would prefer green but will take any color I can get my hands on.

Same. But I don't feel bad for wanting to own a Ness figure, or a Mr. Game & Watch figure, or a Captain Falcon figure when 99.9% of kids have no idea who those characters are aside from their appearance in Smash.

But for characters like Greninja, Jigglypuff and Rosalina? Kids should absolutely be able to have those figures if they want them, but NoA insists on making them in limited quantities and getting into these exclusive retailer deals. There's no thought put into it and it's honestly a bit embarrassing.

Now I feel bad, I forget about the kids in all this. At least there's a good supply of the most popular characters. And as for playing with the games, I think Nintendo should make more compatibility. The current compatibility just seems like cool little bonuses for having the figure. As a kid I don't think I'd have felt the need to buy more characters because they don't really do much, at least compared to the Skylanders / Disney Infinity games.
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