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Amiibo Thread 6 | We're up all night to get salty

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I hope Nintendo has a Yoshi's Woolly World bundle with one of those amiibos. Otherwise they'll sell out in 15 minutes and I won't be able to get one :(


Ha, mine has been in my cart since 430am so over 5 hours now. After about 1000 attempts to check out, still no luck. But I will not surrender.

I like how he is angry that people are boycotting Nintendo over toys when Nintendo is a...video game company, lol.

But that's all I'll say about it. Will report him.

Doesn't Nintendo fashion themselves as a toy company though?

But on a serious note. The US is getting shafted and I doubt that will change anytime soon.

Thank God the only Amiibo's I wanted I lucked out and got. This entire situation is madness.


Unconfirmed Member
I just sold a Rosalina amiibo for $45 on Ebay; it sold in 5 minutes. I'm not helping the situation.

Please note that I sold my first two to Gafers at cost and was going to do the same for the third, but he didn't need it.
Wish I'd known this. I've been looking for a second for not absurd prices for MONTHS! Someone sold one here for $20 and got 3 PMs within a matter of minutes. lol. :(
One can hope that after the Smash line there will not be as big of an availability problem.
Of course that is because there will no longer be unique side series figures and just 10 versions of Mario and Peach.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Same. I can easily picture a scenario where a mom has a kid that wants all the Pokemon Amiibo, but instead of being able to just buy all five of them at MSRP for a total of about $65, they only end up getting a Pikachu and one other at some outrageous aftermarket price. They spent the same amount of money, and Nintendo only saw profit from one unit.

Two units

Unless the scalper stole the Amiibo he sold to the mom
Same. I can easily picture a scenario where a mom has a kid that wants all the Pokemon Amiibo, but instead of being able to just buy all five of them at MSRP for a total of about $65, they only end up getting a Pikachu and one other at some outrageous aftermarket price. They spent the same amount of money, and Nintendo only saw profit from one unit.

Absolutely this. Folks only have so much to spend.
Well they certainly can. Toad had a limit of 2 as I recall. They also tend to cancel orders if you go over a limit with multiple orders.

Well I'm glad to be told I'm wrong on that. Saw people getting a ton on orders from early phases and just thought the worst. Thanks.


Damn I had my first Amiibo dream in awhile. Walked into a TRU and they had a flood of Marth and Ike. Weird, cause I already own them but maybe my dream was hinting at Robin and Lucina :( please Amazon.
Walmart too. :D

Target as well right? Didn't only Puff go up there?

Damn I had my first Amiibo dream in awhile. Walked into a TRU and they had a flood of Marth and Ike. Weird, cause I already own them but maybe my dream was hinting at Robin and Lucina :( please Amazon.

My dreams never go well. It's always being too late or too slow to get what I want, or everything is damaged.


Neo Member
GAH! First I miss Lucina and Robin at Best Buy while adding them to my cart (Gone in 5 minutes was it?) Then you can guess what happened at the ol' GS. And somehow I was awake for TRU, had Robin, Lucina, and Greninja in my cart and SUBMITTED! But Robin and Lucina were taken out of after I made the order. And this happened in the span of 3 minutes.

The gods truly do not want me to have Robin and Lucina.

Please, Amazon...


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I just sold a Rosalina amiibo for $45 on Ebay; it sold in 5 minutes. I'm not helping the situation.

Please note that I sold my first two to Gafers at cost and was going to do the same for the third, but he didn't need it.


That's the only one I don't have and really want :/

If anyone has a Rosalina and wants to sell it or wants a sealed Ike in return, let me know.
All I need is that Splatoon 3 pack, come on, Amazon.

I'd take a Wario, too. Wahaha.

Though I still need a Rosalina. I had given up on her, but now the mario kart costumes....
Refreshing these 3 Amiibo in my TRU cart is starting to feel like a tense hostage situation.

... I'm just not sure anymore who's being held hostage, them or me ;_;


If anyone has an additional Ness preordered could they let me know? :( will pay or trade, Ike dedede and sheik available in box.


Only waiting for Robin from Amazon. Don't even want him, but my friend got Ness from gamestop and she'll trade me if I snag Robin. Here's hoping I luck out
I'm starting to wonder if i should keep my UK order of Pac/Charizard/Wario and try to trade all 3 in a bundle for Jiggly/Greninja, since i will likely be flying during release day D=


Wave 6 is in September with Olimar, ZSS, Bowser Jr., Ganondorf and Dr. Mario.

That's 5, right? Or are we counting Jigglypuff and Greninja as Wave 5 or something? Or Dark Pit and Paultena? I would just say those are later/earlier parts of Wave 4 and 5, respectively, myself.


I see the insanity is still going on sorta.:p

Man I so hope the Woolly Yoshis at least won't be very painful to get. I might live without ZSS even through I will still aim for it, but I must have at least that green yoshi!D: Those are going to be fun times I sure.
I see the insanity is still going on sorta.:p

Man I so hope the Woolly Yoshis at least won't be very painful to get. I might live without ZSS even through I will still aim for it, but I must have at least that green yoshi!D: Those are going to be fun times I sure.

They better bundle it with the game like MP.

I NEED a green and blue one. I wouldn't mind all 3 though.


Man, if anyone scores an extra Ness I've got a US Lucina waiting for you. (I ordered an import months ago and just remembered, so the US one is yours)
I am convinced that NOA either has no sway in the decision making process and/or does jack shit that NOJ doesn't specifically tell them to do. It's like talking to a deaf and blind person when trying to get NOA to listen to it's fans.

Look at the situation with EarthBound. For years and years, fans cried and pleaded with NOA for something to be done in regards to Mother 3, or just any recognition to it's fans. It wasn't until fans started spamming the Japanese miiverse forums that NOJ actually saw that there was some demand, and shit finally got done and EB was put on virtual console for other territories. NOA spent years ignoring those same fans, but it only took a few months for NOJ to take notice of it.

Preach. Look at Bravely Second as example, Square Enix didn't know there was/is an interest in the West, as well as games like Xenoblade, Last Story and Pandora Tower. Its like Nintendo/NOA are happy living in Mario Land, on a Galaxy far away and are so distant from their customers, they haven't a clue.

On another note, regarding what all you can or can't do with FE amiibos, my son plays those characters in Smash. Its nice for him to have those little characters decorate his room too. Its like having that Mario Kart beach towel he got from Walmart and being so excited to have. Here in the states, we don't get all these Nintendo merchandise like other countries do. Still salty about that Yarn Yoshi with apple that US never got, unless it was sold at World of Nintendo.
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