You can get free shipping on if you add $35 worth of stuff in your cart. Ship the item(s) you want and select in store pick up for the items you don't want and you'll get free shipping. Someone in the GCU thread mentioned this and it works. I've done it before.
FINALLY, my first taste of amiibo success! Got my Splatoon 3-Pack Preordered from Best Buy, and I'm a GCU member, so that pretty much nullified the shipping cost!
I'll take my chances with amazon.
Seriously, would Target again.
I looked up a random item, some K-cups, and plugged the SKU into the SKU identifier field in the address. Just hit enter and it brought it up. Lucky guessGlad everybody is getting them!
Lucina went up? Thought it was just Splatoon.
I highly doubt the Splatoon stuff will be hard to come by at launch. They only have 3 Amiibo for the game.
Amazon hasn't put up robin or lucina yet right? Anyone still got the links to their pages?
Link to Splatoon triple pack:
Nah, it's all about the context.
Take yesterday fro example. GameStop did one per SKU per person per transaction and a one per SKU address limit period; this allowed me to go to the back of the line twice after purchase one so I could get 9 squids.
It's fair, gives them money, doesn't impose limits that get in the way of lack of demand; everybody wins.
Imposing a one limit period when that one thing isn't selling rapidly at that point in time is foolish. It's all about the context; limit of one looks good on paper, but why be so stringent with low demand at order time IRL?
Link to Splatoon triple pack:
So, who is buying the Splatoon 3 pack actually plan to get the game?
No, it really isn't foolish. If we are talking week 2 of pre-orders, okay maybe. Day 1? No way in hell. I had to work yesterday and by the time I got to a GS late last night, everything was gone. There is no excuse for not letting as many individual people get their hands on them as possible before letting people order 3 copies.
Gahhhhhh...must hold off...I want to buy through Amazon for prime shipping...
5.51 for shipping is crap.
So, who is buying the Splatoon 3 pack actually plan to get the game?
Fine. I ordered Splatoon. What am I doing!?
So, who is buying the Splatoon 3 pack actually plan to get the game?
You haven't ordered Lucina yet? O_O
Bestbuy doesn't charge until it ships right?
Bestbuy doesn't charge until it ships right?
Calm and less salinated, but also laughing at people. Thanks but I'm ok with not being that. Again I have to ask, do you work for somebody in that you know exactly how this situation is playing out behind the scenes because you sure act like you have the facts? Seems to me you are just making a lot of assumptions and keep apologizing for Nintendo and the retailers when clearly they could have handled the situation better.
Edtt: And it took me this long to notice your tag. Guess there is a trend. I'll let you have the last word if you want it but let's agree to disagree.
To get free shipping on Best Buy, may I suggest an $8.99 copy of Zone of the Enders: HD Collection?
XBox 360:
So, who is buying the Splatoon 3 pack actually plan to get the game?
The 3 pack is sold out on BB.