So, who is buying the Splatoon 3 pack actually plan to get the game?
Preordered at Gamestop along with everything from Wave 4 there. Odd enough, this is what pushed me towards wanting the game.
So, who is buying the Splatoon 3 pack actually plan to get the game?
They're in-store pick-up only, and generally not available around me. I tried before.
I have been flip flopping, but I'll probably get it, it's starting to look real.So, who is buying the Splatoon 3 pack actually plan to get the game?
To get free shipping on Best Buy, may I suggest an $8.99 copy of Zone of the Enders: HD Collection?
XBox 360:
The Slatoon amiibos will be readily available everywhere as they are things that go directly with a new Nintendo IP.
The Slatoon amiibos will be readily available everywhere as they are things that go directly with a new Nintendo IP.
Guys I don't know which one to choose. Inkling girl or boy?
the three pack sold out and my OCD wants all Amiibo skus.So now I have seperate orders for each ARRRRRRRRHHHHH
Maybe. But considering how huge a flop the wii u is, I expect splatoon to bomb as well. I'll buy it though, and the 3 pack.
New IP = Less sales
They don't even know how popular it's gonna be yet.
The 3 pack is sold out on BB.
Glad I pre-ordered when I did.the three pack sold out and my OCD wants all Amiibo skus.So now I have seperate orders for each ARRRRRRRRHHHHH
Then again they're pushing the game or at least trying to. Let's think positive instead of negative lol.Yeah, this and the fact that you can never say such a thing with Amiibo lol
Funny, I wasn't planning on getting the amiibos, just the game. Oh well lolSo, who is buying the Splatoon 3 pack actually plan to get the game?
To get free shipping on Best Buy, may I suggest an $8.99 copy of Zone of the Enders: HD Collection?
XBox 360:
The 3 pack is sold out on BB.
Ordered Splatoon with it and I have GCU
Splatoon $48.53 + Splatoon amiibo $28.31
- $5 Certificate
- $20 Paypal
I'll let others who want the splatoon amiibo have these. Still hoping for Robin and Lucina somehow.
Dude Salva, what's with you setting off the LINE alerts? Shakes fists.
Then again I was woken up at midnight just because somebody entered the room so guess it's not a big deal.
So I didn't think I'd be back in this forum so soon, I thought I could take a nice break and focus on studies while buying Amiibo casually since the strikers were over and Nintendo knows the demand for Amiibo as well as the scalper situation. Surely they would make it easier on NOPE!
So I got Ness, Pac-Man and Inkling Girl yesterday at Gamestop but Lucina and Robin became sold out (AS I WAS IN LINE AT 2). So you guys got any info on when BB and Target preorders open?
Yea seriously, if LINE'rs could please slow down before they hit the "send" button - I've had too many heartattacks from these erroneous alerts, and they make me not pay as much attention to the real alerts...
April 27th.What happened to TRU in person?
Inkling Girl/Boy separate and 3-pack available on Bestbuy's website now.
It keeps going up and coming down, I just got both of the girl and boy.