But they're inpossible to get now without having to try and import or buy from scalpers, and not everyone has been into them since day one.
Sorry to be salty, but it gets really god damn tiring to read people excusing stock issues by saying "oh if you wre on top of it and preordered at the beginning you were fine" because it's just a giant middle finger to people like me who didn't get into them until later. I had no idea stock issues would be a thing until I found myself without any way of getting a Lucario until I lucked out at a random store months later.
Oh I'm not making excuses at all, you misunderstand. I was replying to somebody as to why it might have been easy for somebody to get metaknight and Pit. If they had preordered way ahead of time then it would not have been a problem for them. But as you said, who knew that would even be a requirement, to preorder well ahead of time or you are SOL.
And the situation has become progressively worse that even preordering is near impossible unless you get lucky and are online in the middle of the night or for a 7 minute window, if preorders even go up at all. Looking at you gamestop, holder of perhaps the most sought after exclusive.