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Amiibo Thread 6 | We're up all night to get salty

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But they're inpossible to get now without having to try and import or buy from scalpers, and not everyone has been into them since day one.

Sorry to be salty, but it gets really god damn tiring to read people excusing stock issues by saying "oh if you wre on top of it and preordered at the beginning you were fine" because it's just a giant middle finger to people like me who didn't get into them until later. I had no idea stock issues would be a thing until I found myself without any way of getting a Lucario until I lucked out at a random store months later.

Oh I'm not making excuses at all, you misunderstand. I was replying to somebody as to why it might have been easy for somebody to get metaknight and Pit. If they had preordered way ahead of time then it would not have been a problem for them. But as you said, who knew that would even be a requirement, to preorder well ahead of time or you are SOL.

And the situation has become progressively worse that even preordering is near impossible unless you get lucky and are online in the middle of the night or for a 7 minute window, if preorders even go up at all. Looking at you gamestop, holder of perhaps the most sought after exclusive.



Thanks for the heads-up! I placed an order using PayPal, but I don't know if it went through. I don't see anything on my PayPal account and the order page says that it is waiting for payment and to click a box to confirm that payment has been made. Am I just supposed to wait at this point?

They sent me an email with payment instructions, but it doesn't really say anything about paying with PayPal, like who to send the payment to or anything.
Yikes, a few Amiibo's I ordered from Target.com arrived in flimsy plastic packets without any protection whatsoever, unsurprisingly they were mangled. Another order for two were smashed together into a small box so they would fit. They were commons at least and I planned on opening those, but yeesh. :|

Just a heads up for those who got in on Jigglypuff, hopefully they're more careful. Was Rosalina much of an issue there?

God damn it, another thing to worry about. Maybe we should all send an e-mail to their customer service stating that we want these packaged better in the future. Honestly, we shouldn't even have to ask; it's ridiculous. I already sent one to TRU about my Greninja order, but they pretty much told me there wasn't any way to add notes to specific orders. Maybe Target knows better for the exclusive figures to push better packaging habits and that's why Rosalina wasn't much of an issue for anyone.


Got a nowinstock notification for the boy inkling. Was just bestbuy though, almost had a heart attack that it went up on amazon.

Still mad I missed it but whatever, was probably just a cancel restock.
I got the same and logged in within seconds... There was no way it was up

Fox Mulder

New page, more rage.

I'm so disheartened that I got screwed on wave 4 preorders across the board. The only one I was able to get was a Ness at GS and maybe a Wario through a friend. It's so bullshit that the retailers doing online preorders tossed them up at some ungodly hour and GS clearly wasn't allotted enough to handle preorder demand in-store. My wife said she was in line for almost an hour and a half with the objective of preordering them all; at one point they were down to Charizard, Ness and Wario. All were gone but Ness by the time she got to the counter.

They gave her and others a $5 gift card for the wait/inconvenience, but that's not good enough given the 15-30 dollar markup scalping assholes are charging.

i figure retailers putting up preorders at like 3 am is to keep their sites from getting fucked during regular hours.

I'm glad I only wanted and was able to get ness this wave since it seems more fucked than any before. I got jigglypuff by being in here when it went up, but wouldn't have sought after it or anything. I'm only slightly interested in a few more going forward and nothing is a must have.


Thanks for the heads-up! I placed an order using PayPal, but I don't know if it went through. I don't see anything on my PayPal account and the order page says that it is waiting for payment and to click a box to confirm that payment has been made. Am I just supposed to wait at this point?

They sent me an email with payment instructions, but it doesn't really say anything about paying with PayPal, like who to send the payment to or anything.
Had the same issue... Were you on mobile? Never got a confirmation from PayPal that it went through


But they're inpossible to get now without having to try and import or buy from scalpers, and not everyone has been into them since day one.

Sorry to be salty, but it gets really god damn tiring to read people excusing stock issues by saying "oh if you wre on top of it and preordered at the beginning you were fine" because it's just a giant middle finger to people like me who didn't get into them until later. I had no idea stock issues would be a thing until I found myself without any way of getting a Lucario until I lucked out at a random store months later.

This, encouraging pre-ordering is cool, but "you should have pre-ordered" is a stinky response to venting, especially since there was a time where multiple sites were dropping preorders left and right


Neo Member
Did I miss something, did preorders go up somewhere recently for Wave 4?

I also think its kind of funny that I got my $200 55' HD TV on Black Friday easier than it was to pick up some of these amiibo haha.


You know I love the LINE system we have but I'm going to have to shut my phone down at night or turn down the volume. I was awoken at least twice last night, midnight and 4 am, just from people entering the dang room. Seems like it's been happening more and more in the middle of the night that I have been awoken by LINE. I hate to have another greninja situation but it's not worth losing sleep over. Took me at least an hour to fall back alseep at midnight.

LOL! I'm so disorinated when a alert wakes me up. It takes me at least 45 seconds to figure out what is going on or what happened, But, once I figure out its a Line alert I go from dead asleep to wide awake!!!!....and then figuring out it was nothing, it takes forever to go back to sleep.
Another site that's basically "The Onion: Gaming Edition"
I've actually never heard of them before, but my friend sent me the link and I thought I'd post it here. I hope this isn't true, because if it is, I don't think McDonalds knows what they are getting into.


I can't tell which of you is joking, but no, of course that's not real.

Unfortunately I wasn't joking. I havent had my coffe, so when I read the article I had flashbacks to McDonald's joining the Beanie Baby craze and realized that it *could* be feasible. They wouldn't delay Zelda U for it though.


Neo Member
I didn't get to read the article but seems the consensus is that its fake. With all the store exclusives I wouldn't have been surprised if this was true xD


Batteries the CRISIS!
Nintendo did work with McDonalds for Happy Meal MK8 toys, but an amiibo would be expensive.

Yeah, I think it would cost too much. Happy Meal toys cost like 25 cents to make tops. That's probably how much an NFC chip alone costs (tales from my ass; I don't actually know). Even if they made very small Zelda figures and put NFC chips in them, I don't know if it would be cheap enough.

[edit] Wikipedia says 10 cents! Well maybe they could pull it off. The figures wouldn't be nearly, nearly as good as the ones they sell in stores right now, though.

[edit 2] This blog says McDonald's reported its toys (for the reporting period) cost 43 cents, so they probably try to keep their toys under 50 cents. If they can make a figure that costs 40 cents to make, it would be possible for McDonald's to put little Amiibos in Happy Meals.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Uh, did Jigglypuff actually go up at target or did nowinstock just freak out for no reason?

Fox Mulder

I've actually never heard of them before, but my friend sent me the link and I thought I'd post it here. I hope this isn't true, because if it is, I don't think McDonalds knows what they are getting into.

it's not real, but mcdonalds had beanie babies when those were huge. They've also dealt with nintendo before. The current amiibos are probably too expensive to be a happy meal toy, and I wouldn't be interested in cheap ass one anyways.

The Finest Brew

Neo Member
Uh, did Jigglypuff actually go up at target or did nowinstock just freak out for no reason?

To make your life easier with Nowinstock, it seems to be better to have them only notify you when the product is only up for preorder. It seems to glitch out randomly when it comes to showing when something's actually available for order.

PS: For the record, no. Jiggles doesn't seem to be up. :p


Nintendo did work with McDonalds for Happy Meal MK8 toys, but an amiibo would be expensive.

I wonder how much it costs to add NFC chips to the equivalence of cheap happy meal toys?

I sort of can see this happening, but it'd have to basically be functional and not great looking. You're not gonna see something like the Smash amiibo we have now- you're going to see super cheap ass hollow plastic and the ability to add costumes like to MK8 that is already available w/ actual amiibo.

McDs foots the bill for the NFC to get people to buy meals, I can totally see this happening. I've thought about it for a few days, and we're reaching Beanie Baby levels of insanity. Imagine if the BBs were around these days...


Uh, did Jigglypuff actually go up at target or did nowinstock just freak out for no reason?

Well, crap.....I got one......pre-order button was greyed out, but I clicked a few times on it anyways.....was not paying attention the last click and when I switched tabs in my browser like ten seconds later, there was Jiggs sitting in my cart as I raced to finish the transaction.....whoa!!
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