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Amiibo Thread 6 | We're up all night to get salty

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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Wanted to pick up a Rosalina and but not wanting to spend $26 on a small plastic figure. Bah.

If Rosalina is getting a reprint there, it will probably get one here as well.

For the difference, it's not like you're paying for the figure, more like you're paying for the piece of mind that you won't have to worry about not being able to get that figure later.


Membero Americo
What can Nintendo do, though? If they do manage to increase production, scalpers will just buy more, since only a few shops enforce a limit per customer.


What can Nintendo do, though? If they do manage to increase production, scalpers will just buy more, since only a few shops enforce a limit per customer.

Considering how "hot" the products are they could tell retailers they need to limit purchases at least online where the problem is the biggest. Also there should be far more time to set things up. If nintendo allowed preorders far earlier like we had with Wave 3 so that they can get numbers to use and then add a cut off date later it would be better. Wave 3 was a pain to get in store but outside the exclusives, if you preordered them for the most part you got them.
What can Nintendo do, though? If they do manage to increase production, scalpers will just buy more, since only a few shops enforce a limit per customer.
Do preorders through the online store system they already have in place, enforcing limits there?


Wave 4 went back up? Cause Play Asia usually puts up when pre order allocations are filled, and Ness just says Pre Orders coming soon.
That's what people were saying and that's what Rosalina's amiibo page said as well. Now it says it's gone so maybe they haven't opened it up just yet for him.

Managed to get Ike, Marth, Metaknight and Lucario, I'm one happy camper today.
What can Nintendo do, though? If they do manage to increase production, scalpers will just buy more, since only a few shops enforce a limit per customer.

Not into this amiibo thing but what's so difficult to just sell them in the eshop or on amazon?


Considering how "hot" the products are they could tell retailers they need to limit purchases at least online where the problem is the biggest. Also there should be far more time to set things up. If nintendo allowed preorders far earlier like we had with Wave 3 so that they can get numbers to use and then add a cut off date later it would be better. Wave 3 was a pain to get in store but outside the exclusives, if you preordered them for the most part you got them.

Well, that sounds like a good idea and all, but I'm pretty sure that's a retailer decision, not Nintendo's. They can say/suggest/demand, but it doesn't really mean they have to listen. I mean, it's not like they don't know the situation.


Not into this amiibo thing but what's so difficult to just sell them in the eshop or on amazon?

The eShop is their digital storefront. They don't sell physical items there. And they are sold on Amazon. You can buy them there now. The pre-orders still sold out pretty quick for this wave, though.


Well, that sounds like a good idea and all, but I'm pretty sure that's a retailer decision, not Nintendo's. They can say/suggest/demand, but it doesn't really mean they have to listen. I mean, it's not like they don't know the situation.

True since by now it's something that should have gone into affect.


Raku married Onodera


Raku can screw off then.
What can Nintendo do, though? If they do manage to increase production, scalpers will just buy more, since only a few shops enforce a limit per customer.

Super easy. Unlimited preorders. They can realistically make like 10k per month? 1mil orders? Okay, yeah, a lot of them will be backordered, fill them as they can. Guess what? You can ramp up production once you know and in 3-4 months have enough made to meet that supply. That's how things work. You just produce more. Maybe they have to be made in different factories or you have to wait longer, but you can always make more.

The issue is that either Nintendo doesn't know what they are doing, or they aren't being transparent about what they are doing... or both. If Nintendo straight up said if preorders sell out they will make a second production of anything that presold out, I wouldn't worry and I wouldn't consider paying over retail... because I always have that second chance. And if that second run presells out? a third... then a fourth... then a fifth... and so on.


Super easy. Unlimited preorders. They can realistically make like 10k per month? 1mil orders? Okay, yeah, a lot of them will be backordered, fill them as they can. Guess what? You can ramp up production once you know and in 3-4 months have enough made to meet that supply. That's how things work. You just produce more. Maybe they have to be made in different factories or you have to wait longer, but you can always make more.

The issue is that either Nintendo doesn't know what they are doing, or they aren't being transparent about what they are doing... or both. If Nintendo straight up said if preorders sell out they will make a second production of anything that presold out, I wouldn't worry and I wouldn't consider paying over retail... because I always have that second chance. And if that second run presells out? a third... then a fourth... then a fifth... and so on.

While this sounds perfect in theory, and I completely agree, retailers would lose their shit at Nintendo for direct sales. Nintendo need their retailers as much as they need their products.

Nintendo have an incredibly difficult task ahead of them: work with local and online retailers to satisfy 90% of the existing demand for 40 odd amiibos (each with their own demand levels), but also ensure that nothing is overstocked and made surplus; challenging to gauge when the market is skewed by resellers.
While this sounds perfect in theory, and I completely agree, retailers would lose their shit at Nintendo for direct sales. Nintendo need their retailers as much as they need their products.

Nintendo have an incredibly difficult task ahead of them: work with local and online retailers to satisfy 90% of the existing demand for 40 odd amiibos (each with their own demand levels), but also ensure that nothing is overstocked and made surplus; challenging when the market is skewed by resellers.

There was a misunderstanding there. I wasn't saying for Nintendo to directly take the orders. All of these websites have systems in place for backorders. They just are less commonly used nowadays. Nintendo and the retailers just need to communicate and be more transparent about the whole operation.


Yikes, a few Amiibo's I ordered from Target.com arrived in flimsy plastic packets without any protection whatsoever, unsurprisingly they were mangled. Another order for two were smashed together into a small box so they would fit. They were commons at least and I planned on opening those, but yeesh. :|

Just a heads up for those who got in on Jigglypuff, hopefully they're more careful. Was Rosalina much of an issue there?


Yikes, a few Amiibo's I ordered from Target.com arrived in flimsy plastic packets without any protection whatsoever, unsurprisingly they were mangled. Another order for two were smashed together into a small box so they would fit. They were commons at least and I planned on opening those, but yeesh. :|

Just a heads up for those who got in on Jigglypuff, hopefully they're more careful. Was Rosalina much of an issue there?

My Rosalina was very nicely packaged with plenty of cushioning, no problems at all. Kind of sad to hear they went backwards.

Fox Mulder

Yikes, a few Amiibo's I ordered from Target.com arrived in flimsy plastic packets without any protection whatsoever, unsurprisingly they were mangled. Another order for two were smashed together into a small box so they would fit. They were commons at least and I planned on opening those, but yeesh. :|

Just a heads up for those who got in on Jigglypuff, hopefully they're more careful. Was Rosalina much of an issue there?

Seems like no one cares about packing anything properly anymore.


You know Francis is just a character that Boogie does right? No one should rage that much over amiibo ;)

What really??? Lol yeah man, I know that. He still makes really good points in the video and it's also a good summary, even while it is satire. And even though taken to the extreme, it does echo some of my own sentiments about how ridiculous the whole situation is. PRINT THE PRODUCTS SO WE CAN BUY THE PRODUCTS!!!


Yikes, a few Amiibo's I ordered from Target.com arrived in flimsy plastic packets without any protection whatsoever, unsurprisingly they were mangled. Another order for two were smashed together into a small box so they would fit. They were commons at least and I planned on opening those, but yeesh. :|

Just a heads up for those who got in on Jigglypuff, hopefully they're more careful. Was Rosalina much of an issue there?

Dang, my Rosa and every other amiibo from target has come packed wonderfully...until now. Just checked the packing on my Zelda and Sheik that were on sale and both boxes are crushed, Sheik box is badly bent. Ugh.


New page, more rage.

I'm so disheartened that I got screwed on wave 4 preorders across the board. The only one I was able to get was a Ness at GS and maybe a Wario through a friend. It's so bullshit that the retailers doing online preorders tossed them up at some ungodly hour and GS clearly wasn't allotted enough to handle preorder demand in-store. My wife said she was in line for almost an hour and a half with the objective of preordering them all; at one point they were down to Charizard, Ness and Wario. All were gone but Ness by the time she got to the counter.

They gave her and others a $5 gift card for the wait/inconvenience, but that's not good enough given the 15-30 dollar markup scalping assholes are charging.


Dang, my Rosa and every other amiibo from target has come packed wonderfully...until now. Just checked the packing on my Zelda and Sheik that were on sale and both boxes are crushed, Sheik box is badly bent. Ugh.

I think its just a case by case basis. Received a Fox from Best Buy that was more or less thrashed whereas when they sent 2 Meta Knights, they were pristine. Luck of the draw I guess.


You know I love the LINE system we have but I'm going to have to shut my phone down at night or turn down the volume. I was awoken at least twice last night, midnight and 4 am, just from people entering the dang room. Seems like it's been happening more and more in the middle of the night that I have been awoken by LINE. I hate to have another greninja situation but it's not worth losing sleep over. Took me at least an hour to fall back alseep at midnight.


nods at old men
You know I love the LINE system we have but I'm going to have to shut my phone down at night or turn down the volume. I was awoken at least twice last night, midnight and 4 am, just from people entering the dang room. Seems like it's been happening more and more in the middle of the night that I have been awoken by LINE. I hate to have another greninja situation but it's not worth losing sleep over. Took me at least an hour to fall back alseep at midnight.

You can turn those notifications off.
I only get actual chat alerts, but don't remember what the setting was.
You know I love the LINE system we have but I'm going to have to shut my phone down at night or turn down the volume. I was awoken at least twice last night, midnight and 4 am, just from people entering the dang room. Seems like it's been happening more and more in the middle of the night that I have been awoken by LINE. I hate to have another greninja situation but it's not worth losing sleep over. Took me at least an hour to fall back alseep at midnight.
You can turn those notifications off. It happened to all of us in the beginning but someone posted how to stop it on both Android and ios. Maybe just ask in the chat. The only notifications I get is alert channel comments. But then again I have been awoken by people accidentally chatting in there.


You can turn those notifications off.
I only get actual chat alerts, but don't remember what the setting was.

Well this would certainly be better. There are I think two options for turning off notifications but I didn't want to miss out on actual alerts. No idea what to turn off.


So how do I get into this Line room? I just downloaded the app because I confused it for the amiibo Pushbullet sub I'm already a part of.


Good to hear Target has been a positive experience with the last exclusive, I'll keep trying to get a pre-order in for Jigglypuff but I'll be wary of commons. Kirby was the only one packaged alone in a small box and arrived in great shape.


What really??? Lol yeah man, I know that. He still makes really good points in the video and it's also a good summary, even while it is satire. And even though taken to the extreme, it does echo some of my own sentiments about how ridiculous the whole situation is. PRINT THE PRODUCTS SO WE CAN BUY THE PRODUCTS!!!

I know you knew ;)

I just thought it was ironic in the video that he is complaining about the amiibo shortage, yet he had a Meta Knight and Pit. Seemed like he was doing pretty well for himself!


I know you knew ;)

I just thought it was ironic in the video that he is complaining about the amiibo shortage, yet he had a Meta Knight and Pit. Seemed like he was doing pretty well for himself!

Lol oh ok sorry. That kind of hurt honestly to see them being thrown. And that is a good point but those two weren't hard to get if you preordered. The situation now though is insanely worse. I can't even get a Ness because they only did in store only while I was at work. Ridiculous.


Got a nowinstock notification for the boy inkling. Was just bestbuy though, almost had a heart attack that it went up on amazon.

Still mad I missed it but whatever, was probably just a cancel restock.
Lol oh ok sorry. That kind of hurt honestly to see them being thrown. And that is a good point but those two weren't hard to get if you preordered. The situation now though is insanely worse. I can't even get a Ness because they only did in store only while I was at work. Ridiculous.
But they're inpossible to get now without having to try and import or buy from scalpers, and not everyone has been into them since day one.

Sorry to be salty, but it gets really god damn tiring to read people excusing stock issues by saying "oh if you wre on top of it and preordered at the beginning you were fine" because it's just a giant middle finger to people like me who didn't get into them until later. I had no idea stock issues would be a thing until I found myself without any way of getting a Lucario until I lucked out at a random store months later.
Will Amazon open their Inkling orders today? I don't know. I can't say. I don't like but I guess things happen this way.
Triple pack please!
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