Add to cart is clickable, but not currently working.
Its grayed out for me
Add to cart is clickable, but not currently working.
Its grayed out for me
Why does this thread no longer show up for me in the main forum? I have to specifically click on my bookmarked version of it to find it.
Its grayed out for me
Same here.
It is still showing red for me... but it's not letting me do anything, so it just as well be grey. Sorry to get excited... I'd never seen it red before!
EDIT: Now that I think about it, I should have known something was up. It says "add to cart" and not "pre-order".
I have a feeling I will have to wait til May 29th and hope for the best. Only gotten hold of two wave 4's so far and those are coming from amazon UK, I prefer the US versions but I lucked out and got Charizard and Wario..if Im lucky enough to get the US ones I can always resell the UK ones, or just send them back
Yeah I know what you mean. I'm glad I got the Ness amiibo from YesAsia earlier today since I don't care about region. And the Greninja amiibo I'm going to Toys R Us on April 27th to preorder. So with the Jigglypuff amiibo I should be fine if I go to Target on May 29th. But preordering everything at once would just make it all so much less of a hassle.
Why does this thread no longer show up for me in the main forum? I have to specifically click on my bookmarked version of it to find it.
I dont know if there is any difference between UK release and US one(except the UK one is releasing at the end of the month) does that mean I cant use it here til its actually released here(Like playing a game early you can get banned?) I had no idea these little guys would be so hard to get. Called two gamestops in my area the day they were available for pre order, usually these two particular stores are dead, not a sole in sight, but I Called and was told that there were 20 people in line waiting so I said screw it its not worth it
There are no differences between the amiibo. They are all region free. You won't be able to unlock anything if you get one early though since Nintendo needs to release an update for the game that the amiibo are compatible with. So it won't ban or lock you out, it'll just give you an error message.
Do people just not know to go to the Nintendo World Store for amiibo compared to other stores or do they just have a literal warehouse full of them at the store?
Good at least I know it will work I just wont use it til its released, or maybe I will be lucky and get the US versions of them on release date, either way I cant use them til May 29th so that's cool I don't mind, was just worried that they would not work at all.I assume even the US release ones need some sort of patch to use them on release day or are the patches only for other region amiibos? I refresh amazon UK's site all the time in hopes of getting a Ness but all they do is keep on having Charizard and Wario for preorder.
Add to cart is clickable, but not currently working.
Random thing on the BestBuy page for Lucina
I don't know which person is weirder....
anywho, Amazon pre-orders still haven't gone live? This constant wait/fear is beyond irritating for a god damn toy :\
I think so? I'm not really sure.
most have been on pins and needles since pre-orders started popping up in general >.>So is everyone on pins and needles right now with Target's website listings?
It's been particularly rough for me because I have a lot of anxiety issues as it is, but this Amiibo situation has only made it that much worse. I will complete the Smash series mind you, but I may have reached my breaking point when comes to my refusal to buy from scalpers. I've actually been scoping eBay a lot in the past week for prices I'm willing to pay and I kick that number up a bit every time I look.most have been on pins and needles since pre-orders started popping up in general >.>
It's been particularly rough for me because I have a lot of anxiety issues as it is, but this Amiibo situation has only made it that much worse. I will complete the Smash series mind you, but I may have reached my breaking point when comes to my refusal to buy from scalpers. I've actually been scoping eBay a lot in the past week for prices I'm willing to pay and I kick that number up a bit every time I look.
Lucina, Robin, and Wario. Though I do have potential means to obtain both, it still hasn't done much to set my mind at ease.what are you still missing?
Lucina, Robin, and Wario. Though I do have potential means to obtain both, it still hasn't done much to set my mind at ease.
I wouldn't pay scalper prices until they've come out. Give yourself a punchers chance on release day. I understand that you are trying to eliminate stress but maybe you can still get them at retail.
Yep, Gold Mario was at $100 when it came out, now you can find it for $50.I second this. Who knows what will happen, and maybe by then things will calm down and even scalper prices will lower, due to the stock being out. It sure happened with Rosalina.
I wouldn't pay scalper prices until they've come out. Give yourself a punchers chance on release day. I understand that you are trying to eliminate stress but maybe you can still get them at retail.
Well yeah, I'll wait till sellers at least have them in hand before I do that. After release though, if I haven't preordered, I'll really have no choice but to get what I need off of eBay because while I don't mind giving up sleep to wait in line for them, I'd have to give up hours at work to do so. So I could either lose a small amount of money to a scalper, or a larger sum of money taking the day off to get these characters. Rosalina was fine because that was a Sunday. At least I was able to get three and half waves without resorting to the aftermarket, and that in and of itself is a pretty big victory I feel.I wouldn't pay scalper prices until they've come out. Give yourself a punchers chance on release day. I understand that you are trying to eliminate stress but maybe you can still get them at retail.
Yep, Gold Mario was at $100 when it came out, now you can find it for $50.
I laugh at all who paid 100$
I saw some auctions go well-over $200... :/
So did I miss online Target orders or are they just placeholders?
Can you cancel yesasia orders?
Do they charge right away?
They charge when the item is ready to ship. They are generally ok with canceling of preorders. If you cannot do it online, then you can contact CS and try to work it out with them.
"Not best FE girl?"
Those be fighting words!
How reliable is yes asia?
first, damn right! (I'm not a FE fan but Lucina is awesome)
Second, the other guy wants to show how loving he can be... to a toy ._. I feel like I should be concerned >.>
super reliable for preorders and things in stock.
Apparently some stuff went up on playasia (not sure if they're still available, they were mostly reprints like Marth and Pit and Shulk etc) but yesasia still has them up last I checked a couple minutes ago. Also yesasia still has most of wave 4 up for preorder like Ness and Lucina. Though that may or may not have changed.Hey AmiiboGAF! I've been very busy this last week moving and stuff. Please tell me I haven't missed much besides us getting moved over to Community side.