I'm not jealous of the UK at all.
Is that on the nintendo store?
I'm jealous I want to secure DP, ZSS, Ganondorf, and Palutena Asap.
Those 4 and I'd be done. I think.
Just what another rep said. Can't hurt to check it out on that day.So is there any legitimacy to the talk of Amazon pre-orders going up sometime before the 17th, or was that date just pulled out of someone's ass? I have the character pages open everyday, just waiting for something to happen... it never does.
So is there any legitimacy to the talk of Amazon pre-orders going up sometime before the 17th, or was that date just pulled out of someone's ass? I have the character pages open everyday, just waiting for something to happen... it never does.
thats what they all say horizon.
youll come back. they ALWAYS come back.
Wave 4 Exclusives and Wave 4/6 Pre-orders with Nintendo UK Tomorrow
Get ready UKers!
Anyone have any experience with Forward2Me? I really want a lot of those Wave "6" amiibo, and don't want to miss out like I missed out on Ness (who I still really want).
Any word on Amazon, Walmart, or Target in the States?
Nintendo UK store have been cancelling a lot of forwarded orders lately, just FYI.
Amazon: Ask Esteban the cock.
Walmart: Already gone
Target: Jigglypuff gone, others no word yet.
So after seeing how well UK Nintendo is doing compared to NoA, it's pretty obvious that this is NoA's fault.
Amazon: Ask Esteban the cock.
Walmart: Already gone
Target: Jigglypuff gone, others no word yet.
Wait what? When did that happen?
Do not spread these lies sandalphon!
Wait what? When did that happen?
Apparently at least one person was able to preorder the moment Target put up the placeholders, but it was probably a fluke/one off.
Ike, Meta Knight and Marth - March 2015 Production Runs Confirmed for NA
Ike, Meta Knight and Marth - March 2015 Production Runs Confirmed for NA
Ike, Meta Knight and Marth - March 2015 Production Runs Confirmed for NA
Ike, Meta Knight and Marth - March 2015 Production Runs Confirmed for NA
This makes me think the ones used in multiple games will be more common or get multiple runs as they sell out. Not to say that these won't sell out anyway.
Rosalina has GOT to be next then, considering she works in Mario Party and all the promo stuff they put in Target after being sold out. Unless Target was all "Lol yeah we don't want any more" and Best Buy was all "Yeah, more Meta Knight would be nice. As many as you can give us."
Which bodes poorly for Lucario since he doesn't work in another game.
So with Meta Knight getting a reprint...will he still be exclusive to Best Buy?
Almost surely. He brought them a ton of business. In fact, it's increasingly my theory that the reason for no online pre-orders from target is their old mentality of getting people into the store to spend more than they otherwise would have, though that's entirely speculation from working there a long time ago.
I hope this is true, 2 of the 3 I need for a complete collection are in that list.
Almost surely. He brought them a ton of business. In fact, it's increasingly my theory that the reason for no online pre-orders from target is their old mentality of getting people into the store to spend more than they otherwise would have, though that's entirely speculation from working there a long time ago.
Rosalina will come back as a SMB series amiibo, the SSB one will never be produced again. I am sure SSB Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser and Yoshi won't be reproduced either, and their SMB series ones will take over.
Initially thought the same thing, but then questioned it. Why would they create a new line with only Wario, Rosie and DK for the SMB line? The 6 they made are the focus of SMB, and Wario is releasing next month in Smash form. If they were going to release 3 new ones for the SMB line, they would do it when Dark Pit & Palutena were launching since it's only those 2.
Seems way too close to Wario's Smash model launching, unless they are going to launch multiple SKUs of Wario at the same time or do a short run on Wario to get it sold out.
Would make more sense that reprints are coming, but like I said- Target may not have tried to get more Rosalina in and Best Buy did with MK.
Well, they did release two Bowsers in pretty quick succession (I think the theoretical timing would be the same for the two?), so I wouldn't take the release of Smash Wario as an indication of no SMB Wario.
Well, they did release two Bowsers in pretty quick succession (I think the theoretical timing would be the same for the two?), so I wouldn't take the release of Smash Wario as an indication of no SMB Wario.
So I received a care package from my friend in Europe and now, I finally have my WFT and Marth. Pardon the candies and treats in this pic.
Upon inspecting Marth, his face is actually like on the packaging art, which amused me as I know in the beginning, people were paranoid about his face.