3 of my 5 orders are sticking.
At least someone's honest. I get the feeling there's more multiple order stuff going on in this thread (just in general, not just now) than is usually said out loud.
For my part, I put in two orders. 2/2 and 2/2. One on one of my email addresses, one on the other.
Am I a "scalper"? No. Have I had the Amazon Lucina page sitting on reload for the past two weeks straight on my second monitor (not kidding, every 5 seconds for two weeks) with notification gizmos and sound effects to try and make sure I don't miss it? Yes. The situation has turned us into animals.
The fact that there are shortages for whatever reason turns me into a ravenous angry purchaser who just isn't content to buy one. Do I buy copies for the purpose of putting right on ebay? No. For the purpose of my own SECURITY? Yes.
I could potentially trade this for another one I need, like Jigglypuff or Ness. Or maybe for whatever reason an order gets cancelled arbitrarily after they realize they oversold. Two orders is security against this.
I don't quite have the nerve to go full in 5 orders, but two orders of 2 each, after all this shit and after being burned on Jigglypuff and Ness -- you better believe it. You carve out your place in the world or GET CARVED.